

  • bumping to stay in touch with all your wonderful ladies
  • bump to stay in touch....way too much going to keep track....good luck to the people spending a lot of time with the sticks. Drink up (water that is) :drinker:
  • wow look at all you ladies go.... It's so great to see all the new people, welcome! For those trying to lose weight before TTC, we have a Fit for Future families forum that is a sister forum to this one. Jalara has the link on page 4. Yessie -- what an inspiring story, you are really one tough cookie. Angela -- I'm sorry…
  • awww such a sweet story, congratulations again Angela.
  • congratulations Angela, what a babe! I'm sure he was worth the wait.
  • NOBODY MOVE!!!! :smokin: (probably not very appropriate for this site) :flowerforyou: Jalara's intention wasn't to kick anyone out, or to stop any particular conversation. I think it's great when you guys talk about your experiences with Oing, Temping, etc. However, we should all still be reminded that we need to maintain…
  • Thanks for this jalara, it's so great to hear what everyone else is experiencing with their attempts at TTC, but, I didn't have much to say on the topic, so I became a silent observer. It is important to discuss temping, BDing, etc., however, it wasn't necessarily helping me with the weight loss aspect....…
  • I thought for sure, that someone else would put this article up by now...I'm not sure if it helps any, but just thought you'd be interested in the "Natural Ways to Enhance Your Fertility"
  • How is Angela doing this fine Monday....anything exciting happen over the weekend?
  • OMG! So, much talk over the weekend. I'm actually worried about going off BCP now, if I'm going to so aware of my body soon after. I guess some of it is in the head too though, when you want something so bad, everything seems like a sign....just like seeing all those preggo people on the streets now-a-days. I swear every…
  • This is such an inspiring's so great to see one group almost done and another just starting....your experience is really valuable. Keep it up until I can join!
  • Alisa, I say just concentrate on taking care of yourself and getting those eggs nice and toasty, you know stress causes your body to do strange stuff right? :wink: anyway, this is a great support group, and it is so nice to see some BFP every now and then. Good luck to all of you and your fast approching "deadlines".
  • Kiffypooh, your pee comment made me laugh out loud, of course, I'm sure I looked strange doing that at work. anywho.... Ericaroo, I guess you don't have comcast? Pretty much everything on is free for comcast on-demand customers. I just wasn't using it as much as I probably should have, so we just got rid of…
  • holy cow! look at this place! it just keeps getting bigger everyday. Welcome to our wonderful community ladies! This really is a great place, as everyone can probably tell from the amount of knowledge passed around. It's so great to hear everyone's stories....good luck to all of you losing weight and those TTC. Mellie, I…
  • sorry to hear that Angela...hope you are feeling better today. I guess the days are just starting to get longer as you get closer. Don't worry, your little bundle of joy will be here before you know it.
  • Hey everyone! sorry I've been MIA all weekend, went out of town and didn't have access to a computer. anyway, back to my BCP thingy....sorry I know we've moved on to other topics.....I've been on BCP for close to 3 years now, and when I take a multi-vit with iron, I break thru. (I only figured this out when I stopped…
  • I wondered why the other post wasn't updated in 23 hours.... omg people, slow down! it's so hard to keep up after a couple of days. :wink: it's soo great to see everyone doing well. And congratulations everyone on the weight loss and success stories. welcome all newbies! can't believe it's september already. just brings us…
  • wow september already.... Angela - great pics! you are so close! are you getting excited? Looks like lots of morning sickness going around. Take care of yourselves ladies.
  • it may be that it was a false positive too right? I hear that happens sometimes.
  • I'm very sorry to hear that. Have you talked to your doc? Does he/she have anything to say about why you may be having trouble? I guess you will find out why tomorrow. I'm not much of a doctor and the nurse on this forum is off on her honeymoon, but I do know that some ovaries have trouble with implantation, but I think…
  • OH! I love that idea too! so what kind of alcohol, would nail polish remover work? I don't really keep rubbing alcohol at home.
  • my tea is usually the lipton caffeine free stuff. no flavoring or sugar. I just add it as water too, but I'm not sure which is better for water weight. Alisa, I need to take a bathroom break pretty much every 2 hours too, so I guess that's still a good thing, no matter which I drink :wink:
  • Jalara, that's an awesome picture! Tahmed......YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! That is so awesome! And here you were talking OPK. to tell the you still have the pee stick? You could probably put it somewhere he would see it as soon as he comes in the door or where he puts his keys (with instructions,…
  • wow, more new comers every day...welcome all! I had a not so great weekend along with the rest of the group, I guess it was more of a party weekend for some reason. Now, I'm trying to kick it all out of my body. Do you have a preference on green tea or water when trying to lose that extra water weight? Or are they both the…
  • congratulations shoppingqeen, thank you for sharing your story. It's amazing how calm you were with this being your first pregnancy. I would have called from the friend's house and asked my hubby to rush over. I'm glad everything went well. She's really beautiful, great pics!
  • welcome higher_miles. thanks everyone for the great advice on the BCP. I guess I'll just have to figure out if we are ok with stopping the BCP a few months before we are ready to TTC and praying. Has anyone eaten/tried any of Angela's suggestions for fertility in the Pregnancy topic?
  • oh ok, just wanted to make sure! I'd definitely like to use the OPK too, but I haven't decided if I want to wait a few months without anything and then've been trying a few times now right? What do you suggest? My doc also said that I should start prenatals with folic acid around a month before we start TTC, but…
  • Not confusing at all. Makes perfect sense! I guess that's the problem with a lot of people on the "last 10 lbs". We get so bogged down with the number on the scale, that when we don't see results we give up. I definitely need to start measuring and strength training rather than just getting upset with the scale. Thanks!…
  • I'm back! I've been a quiet reader for a little while to give other's a chance to ask their questions as well. I'm really confused about what I should be eating now, from all these posts. Sure this site says I should be eating 1200, but from your calculation on the first post, I should be eating 125x12 = 1500. I feel like…
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