

  • Hello Everyone! I have been off sick for awhile but am slowly getting back to normal. The one benefit of being sick is the weightloss! I hope I can keep it off now and keep moving forward. Welcome to the newcomers! Feel free to post or message if you need some encouragement! Hope everyone is well...stay positive!
  • Hi everyone...glad to see you posting here! I have been really sick :sick: the past few days so I havent even been on the computer. Feeling well enough today to log on and make an entry. Keljo have a fabulous mini vacay! Mommie, I love your quotes! Thank God I dont have a dog! The poor thing would be huge. :bigsmile: Have…
  • Great food choices Jojo! I do the same thing with thirst/hunger. I am going to set a goal for myself this week to drink 5 bottles of water per day. I will work my way up to 8. Thanks for the inspiration! :flowerforyou:
  • You look fantastic. You dont look like you weigh 194 lbs. You are toning up very nicely! May I ask how tall you are?
  • I hear the same things.....Not a fan of the show because you only see what the producers want you to see....those takes that bring in ratings. Their methods are not healthy and no one can keep up that lifestyle for ever. They are almost guaranteed to put the pounds back on once the show is over. I hope not, for the…
  • Welcome to MFP! I'm in Toronto, but I REALLY wish I was in Florida! Best wishes to you....
  • Way to go 4miles! That is an awesome first week! Keep up the determination and you will be where you want to be, before you know it! Good to "meet" you and best wishes! Mali
  • Your quote - "Good plan! I should post an ad. Headline, "FREE! Calorie burning exercise! all you have to do is clean my house for an hour!" [/quote] Wow. Your comments are condescending and flippant. At over 300 lbs, you bet your *kitten* housework is exercise. And just because someone logs it , that doesn't mean they eat…
  • Good morning folks! Where is everyone these days? Not many posts on this thread. How is everyone doing?
  • Good morning everyone. I have a question.... Why do we give such great advice/encouragement/motivation to others and yet we don't do it for ourselves? I have decided (thank you Katzpawz) that from now on, if I find that I'm beating myself up over something, I am going to stop and think, "what would I say to a friend in the…
  • Hey there Katzpawz! Why are we so hard on ourselves? You did fabulous with your endurance! That is my goal...endurance. Six miles is terrific and dont you let that little voice tell you any different. Great job.
  • Get in there and show those treats who's boss! YOU control them, don't let them control you! You can do it!
  • Hello all....sorry its so late. I could only get on for a couple minutes at a time today. Monday check in...I weigh on Mondays to keep myself on track over the weekend. I lost 4.2 lbs this week! Am having a difficult time getting in exercise though. The weight loss is great but I really want to increase my endurance so I…
  • Good for you. I love salt and I'm not supposed to have it (high B.P.) If it's not one thing, it's another eh? Fat, sugar, salt, carbs, cholesterol....geez! Oh well, way to stay on top of things! BTW, thanks for the recipes!
  • Way to get back on track keljo. (not that you really even fell off!) We are all only human right? How do you make your pb/banana smoothie? Sounds yum! (or..."noms" as we say in my house!)
  • What a fabulous website. Helps to put things into perspective. Thank you.
  • Oh you guys..........:bigsmile:
  • Good Monday Morning everyone! Down 4.2 lbs this week! Would love to do this every week, but I know that weightloss slows down after the first few weeks....oh well. I'm happy with this. How is everyone else doing?
  • Wow! Lots to catch up on today! Yesterday, I started an eating plan to help combat cellular inflammation. Last year I went for my physical and the lab tests came back with high inflammation levels. I have had numerous other tests to find out why, to no avail. All I know is I have arthritis in ALL my joints, (my knees and…
  • Wow! Lots to catch up on today! Hello to all our new friends who posted. Welcome and best wishes to you all! Yesterday, I started an eating plan to help combat cellular inflammation. Last year I went for my physical and the lab tests came back with high inflammation levels. I have had numerous other tests to find out why,…
  • Hey Keljo! Deeeeeeep breath! I know that sometimes we all want to change DH to FH! (I'm sure you can think of something that begins with F!) Please dont let a squabble with your "DH" affect your goals! It will pass, I'm sure! I, myself like to be alone for a while on the weekend and am glad when DH wants to go over to a…
  • Happy Saturday everyone. Do you have any challenges this weekend? If so, are you making a plan to handle them? Here's to a successful weekend for everyone!
  • keljo - I only walked for 20 minutes, but it was a brish 3 mph walk and I didnt sit down, not even once! That is good for me : ) Thanks for asking! mkum - YOU can do it! AGAIN! That must have been a very difficult time in your life. Glad you are with us and are joining us on our journey. If we can help you at all, feel…
  • Hi bigmama! Have you tried switching? I havent eaten white bread in years, but I'm not a big fan of whole wheat bread. What I do love is light rye toast! It is low in fat and calories and is more nutritious than white and it's filling! It's great with peanut butter and banana in the morning as well......yum.
  • A friend sent me this and I wanted to give it to all of you..... ♔BEAUTIFUL WOMAN AWARD♔ Once you have been given this award, you are supposed to paste it on the wall of women who deserve it. If you receive more than 3, you know you're really beautiful! If you don't send it on, nothing will happen, but it's always sweet to…
  • keljo - That is fabulous! That 50 lbs will be here before you know it if you keep doing what you're doing! Good for you! TGIF! Glad it's friday but the weekend is the hardest for me to stay on track. I've set my weigh in days to Mondays so I have less risk of overeating on the weekend! Keeps me accountable. Going to try to…
  • Happy Friday everyone! Just checking in to say have a great day all. Will check back later! Mali
  • That is fabulous Cathy! Certainly a triumph for you! Well done.
  • Charmaine! You declined the french fries!!! That is terrific! OK, you had the chicken, but step at a time, one step at a time! (Fries are my favorite food and biggest downfall...) YOU DID WELL!