Lots2Lose & over 40 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    My Thursday triumph is that for the first time EVER in the 5 years that I have been at my company that I have eaten my lunch and nothing else! No biscuits with tea, no crisps, no chocolate from the vending machine at 3pm to make the afternoon go quicker...nadaaa!

    Have a wonderful evening everyone and well done ...each and everyone of you are stars x


    This is an amazing triump! Well done Joanna!!!

    I too now stop eating anything except what I prepare and take to work. As I work long hours and sometimes (now!) go to the gym from work, I take 3 different lunch boxes with me (full of salad and chicken and healthy sandwiches) . This is because I need to eat most of my calories through the day BEFORE working out at the gym so I don't eat anything when I finish there at 9pm. It take so much organisation. I have saved a lot of money too.

    I also take a banana in on a day that I know it is a 'birthday cake day' (everytime someone has a birthday we all gather for a birthday cake celebration). I still attend to celebrate but since 1st January I have declined cake and eat my banana. Everyone now says 'you having your banana rather than cake?' ....., it has been accepted that I do this and they all support me in it. What is the best is that I feel that I am in control.

    NB: I have discovered multigrain cheerios and they are only 111 calories for 30g and I always have 30g with me dry in a bag everywhere I go. If I suddenly feel like I want something sweet I eat them dry with a cuppa etc. There are so many of them for 30g that it really lasts a long time and I know I am only eating a small number of calories.

    NB: I also always have 14 almonds wrapped up in my handbag. Again a small calories snack and it keeps off the hunger!

    So......you can do it girl! You have done day 1............. You will feel so good! Well done for today, that is a HUGE achievement! :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou:
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    So the phone interview went well…it was just a quick 15min with HR to review my resume, qualifications and ask me “why there company” type questions…I should hear next week about a face to face meeting….fingers crossed!

    To all you “worst exercisers”, I am now going to drag my happy butt to the gym and stop playing on MFP (does typing burn calories)….I hate cardio day, I promised to use the Evil Elliptical today :grumble:

    Glad the phone-view went well, fingers crossed for you if it is what you want x

    I went on the Evil Elliptical today too..... it would be great to be able to do a good work out on it as the calories it burns are amazing. I am now up to 13 minutes but the last 2 almost killed my legs... !
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Thursday Triump: I got to the gym! Not as intensive a work out as before still burned a reasonable amount of calories.


    1 My lower legs have a tingly/ache feeling (from about half way down through to my foot), sort of like they are swollen and tight.
    Anyone else get this? I have spent an unusually long time sitting down the last two days and wonder if that had affected my circulation.


    2 What do you think has been 'the' key to you loosing the weight you have so far? Keeping under calories, exercising, both, low carb, .......other? I am genuinely interested to know.
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Friday Foods day- Exchange what you have made for lunches, or breakfasts, or any new receipes etc this week, what you have tried and hated food wise etc...

    Realised I have kind of covered this in the response to Joanna above (re taking lunch boxes to work and what I now always have in my bag).

    I am off 'up North' for the day with work Friday so won' be on here until very late Friday night.

    You all have a fab Friday! x
  • mainey65
    mainey65 Posts: 342 Member
    AAARGH! Thursday Triumph: well I can tell you what it wasn't - My husband brought home Mary Brown's fried Chicken (very simillar to KFC) for dinner. I was going to have my Lean Cuisine but that chicken smelled soooo good. So then I decided I would have a couple of pieces but I would remove the skin. Yeah, right, like that happened. To those of you on here who can take off that tasty coating and just eat the chicken my hat goes off to you. I just couldn't do it. In the end I ate 2 pieces and I had about a half cup of cole slaw too, but no friies (not even one).
    I have read some of the posts for today but not all of them. I was feeling kinda guilty after eatting my dinner so I popped on here. I'll be back later.
    Thanks for listening, Charmaine
  • malias
    malias Posts: 82
    Good evening all,
    L - thanks for that tip about multi-grain cheerios. I will be packing them from now on.
    Jo- good job avoiding the vending machine! I know how difficult that can be at the "3 o'clock slump" sometimes! Way to go.
    To all - thanks for all the tips, hints and motivation. You are AWESOME!
    Have a great night everyone......Mali
  • malias
    malias Posts: 82
    AAARGH! Thursday Triumph: well I can tell you what it wasn't - My husband brought home Mary Brown's fried Chicken (very simillar to KFC) for dinner. I was going to have my Lean Cuisine but that chicken smelled soooo good. So then I decided I would have a couple of pieces but I would remove the skin. Yeah, right, like that happened. To those of you on here who can take off that tasty coating and just eat the chicken my hat goes off to you. I just couldn't do it. In the end I ate 2 pieces and I had about a half cup of cole slaw too, but no friies (not even one).
    I have read some of the posts for today but not all of them. I was feeling kinda guilty after eatting my dinner so I popped on here. I'll be back later.
    Thanks for listening, Charmaine

    Charmaine! You declined the french fries!!! That is terrific! OK, you had the chicken, but ...one step at a time, one step at a time!
    (Fries are my favorite food and biggest downfall...) YOU DID WELL!
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    OMG! You guys have been BUSY! haha Just got home from our 3000 mile round trip. My daughter-in-law had blood pressure problems and was on bed rest @ home, so we left early. She doesn't need company, she needs rest. My son is off work for 3 weeks to help. I got plenty of newborn sugar AND a bonus...I got to see, hug, and play with 3 of my other grandkids. I was thrilled! I will try and catch up tomorrow with all the posts. night all!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Good night all! :flowerforyou:

    The doctors visit is done. Will ellaborate tomorrow. Too beat tonight!
  • cathyv0409
    cathyv0409 Posts: 230 Member
    One more quick Thursday Triumph then off to bed with me

    I went to the dr. today for my diabetes check up and to get the results of my blood work and my A1c was..........drum roll please..................5.8. YES!!! My bloodsugar was in the NORMAL range!!! I was doing the happy dance :happy:

    Goodnight all!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    AAARGH! Thursday Triumph: well I can tell you what it wasn't - My husband brought home Mary Brown's fried Chicken (very simillar to KFC) for dinner. I was going to have my Lean Cuisine but that chicken smelled soooo good. So then I decided I would have a couple of pieces but I would remove the skin. Yeah, right, like that happened. To those of you on here who can take off that tasty coating and just eat the chicken my hat goes off to you. I just couldn't do it. In the end I ate 2 pieces and I had about a half cup of cole slaw too, but no friies (not even one).
    I have read some of the posts for today but not all of them. I was feeling kinda guilty after eatting my dinner so I popped on here. I'll be back later.
    Thanks for listening, Charmaine

    We all have bad days and have times when we dont make the best decisions. Just get back on track, put it behind you and move on. The important thing is to realize it was just one bad meal choice. Tomorrow is a new day, you can turn it around. (((HUGS)))
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    So the phone interview went well…it was just a quick 15min with HR to review my resume, qualifications and ask me “why there company” type questions…I should hear next week about a face to face meeting….fingers crossed!

    *soapbox* - we made a lifestyle choice when we started over-eating and under-exercising, we're now reversing the way we lived. *end soapbox* …..OMG I luv this quote, thanks Sue

    {{{hugs}}} to Mollie, luv the chart, thanks for organizing this and I am fine with either way of tracking (actual weight or just pounds lost).

    @Katz…amazing, I know spring cleaning is a big chore but I bet you feel great about all you accomplished today, take a well deserved break

    Glad to hear the phone interview went well. i am sure you will do well at the in face to face interview next week. I will say a prayer for you. Have a good workout at the gym , you should give yourself a pat on the back for getting up and going. I know it will pay off

    @Joanna…WooHoo on sticking to just the food you brought, I stay out of the break room at work in order to avoid the vending machines!

    @Karen…It is amazing but even though I still don’t “Like” exercise, I do feel much better when I go to the gym, it is a tiny bit addicting…maybe I’ll try the row machine tonight.

    To all you “worst exercisers”, I am now going to drag my happy butt to the gym and stop playing on MFP (does typing burn calories)….I hate cardio day, I promised to use the Evil Elliptical today :grumble:

    I am happy to hear your phone interview went well. I am sure you will do good on the face to face interview. I will be praying for you. Good luck. You should be proud of yourself for making it to the gym. Have a good workout. I am sure it will pay off and you will see results. Have a good evening and get some rest
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    OMG! You guys have been BUSY! haha Just got home from our 3000 mile round trip. My daughter-in-law had blood pressure problems and was on bed rest @ home, so we left early. She doesn't need company, she needs rest. My son is off work for 3 weeks to help. I got plenty of newborn sugar AND a bonus...I got to see, hug, and play with 3 of my other grandkids. I was thrilled! I will try and catch up tomorrow with all the posts. night all!

    So glad you got home safely. Sounds like a good trip. Grandbabies are precious, I am glad that you got to go see her and get all that newborn sugar. Sorry to hear your daughter inlaw had blood pressure problems. I will be praying for her. Yes she needs lots of rest. I am glad your son is able to take off to help her. So happy for you that you got to see your other 3 grandkids. What a special time.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    One more quick Thursday Triumph then off to bed with me

    I went to the dr. today for my diabetes check up and to get the results of my blood work and my A1c was..........drum roll please..................5.8. YES!!! My bloodsugar was in the NORMAL range!!! I was doing the happy dance :happy:

    Goodnight all!

  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    One more quick Thursday Triumph then off to bed with me

    I went to the dr. today for my diabetes check up and to get the results of my blood work and my A1c was..........drum roll please..................5.8. YES!!! My bloodsugar was in the NORMAL range!!! I was doing the happy dance :happy:

    Goodnight all!

    I am so happy that your bloodsugar is in the normal range. That is such good news and the happy dance burns lots of calories. So it is a win win all the way around LOL. Have a good evening and hope you get a goodnights sleep
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    L- i used to have a cheese sandwich every night while reading in bed....now i save some calories for cheerios (plain or multigrain) instead. I still feel as if i am having a treat but with a better choice. Good idea to carry some around in a baggie...i may start doing that for ' emergencies"

  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    PLEASE READ :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Whooooohoooo!!!

    Thanks L for excellent instructions!!:wink: We are on for the weight loss chart peeps!! I just wanted to give you guys a preview. I thought this was the hardest part but it is not. Now I have to figure up my formulas but even if I don't for the few who will be on the chart I am ready to go without formulas.

    I just got so excited!:bigsmile: I love learning new techie things, can you tell?:laugh:

    I have Charmaine and Karen not interested. I thought there was another person but not sure. I forgot to delete Charmaine but you are deleted already Charmaine so don't worry dear.

    If you do not want to be on chart please email me so I can remove your name by next Tuesday week for the 1st weigh in.

    BTW - L, I think you are right, I don't have the software at home. I have it at work. But now that I did it at work I will see if I can repeat at home tonight or over the weekend. I may see if I can do this again because I fumbled through it this 1st time.


    Mollie.......chart looks great! Glad it doesn't show actual current weight...
    Thanks for all your work. And for being here.
  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    Karen.....I don't think our actual current weight will be shown on this list. I have the same thought as you regarding this thing. And the amount you want to lose (your goal) is posted on your ticker. I'll give it a try & see how it goes. B-)

    Cassie, Karen is correct. Our actual weights will be shown.

    What about if you put the lost lbs per week in the columns rather than what the weight is?

    I would prefer this and it gives a greater sense of achievement I think (or not...)

    So instead of 240lb in first column it might say 1.2lb = in this week (i.e. I lost 1.2lb).

    Then we have a total weight loss figure for April, not displaying to the world the actual weight we are.
    What do people think?

    L....I rather like your idea of thinking. And Karen, I'm sorry....I truly believed our actual current weight would not be listed. We already have on the first page of this thread, our weight loss goal. I don't mean to stir things up, but to be honest, it's bad enough for me to look at the "number" of pounds I need to lose to reach my goal. I'm not real comfortable showing everyone my actual current weight. Even my husband doesn't know my actual weight . You asked "what do people think?".....so that's my opinion.
  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    Hello everyone,
    I know this may sound silly to some, but I have no intention of displaying my weight on a chart! I have kept that particular number to myself all my life (not even my husband or best friend know it.) Sorry, but I'm not going to change that fact now. Someone mentioned charting pounds lost as opposed to current weights and if we do that, I'm in. If not, please remove my name. I dont mean to upset or offend anyone. Please do what the majority wants. I will not be upset if my name/weight are not shared. Thanks.
    Have a successful day everyone.....

    Malias.....I'm feeling the same way about this. Just put up a post regarding this. Some things are just. More personal to some than others.

  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    Thursday Triumph - I got on that darn bike after 8 days - rode 6.1 miles in 40 minutes, now my knee hurts :smile: Tylenol and ActivOn, here I come!
    Have a wonderful day everyone:flowerforyou:

    Good job getting on that bike!!! But maybe take it a bit easy on the knee.don't know what ActivOn is ....but ice helps too.