Lots2Lose & over 40 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    Wednesday weigh-in: I actually weigh on Mondays and Thursdays. On Monday, my weight had not changed. We'll see tomorrow.

    I'm excited about our group. It's great for each of us to have a place to give and receive support.

    We're still adjusting to life without our Labrador. The remaining two dogs actually seem to be fine. I think they knew that it was time for Chess to move on.

    @Cathy0409: Good luck with your dr. visit and A1c results.

    I'll catch up on everyone's posts a little later!

  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    So this morning I posted that we had a dusting of snow and that I planned to walk again ....weather permitting. Well I just wanted to say that I DID walk again today.....a little farther today than yesterday. I'm gonna keep at it! My husband is walking with me so that's kewl. He isn't so over weight as I am.....mabe he could stand to lose 30 or 40lbs...(piece of cake)....but he does have COPD ....so he's as slow as I am...LOL ...a pair made in heaven...LOL

    Soooo, this is gonna be my MONTHLY CHALLENGE for April. I'm starting early so I can get a head start. I'm gonna walk at least 4 to 5 days a week for starters. I'll add more days later when able. This a major challenge for me. But I. Am gonna get it done.

    Thank you all for all the encouragement and for listening.

    Awesome job on starting to walk Cassie.:drinker: We can do this~!!!:heart:

    I will start up a MONTHY CHALLENGE page next week for all our different challenges we take up for April. Or someone else can keep track of it if they want????? :laugh: :laugh: any takers?
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Did you all hear my screams! 1.5lb down bringing me to my March goal of 14 lbs . So happy . Will have to make a new goal for the end of April now, maybe a more realistic 8lbs seeing as my water weight has gone. Exercise....keep strengthening my knee and push myself a little further each day. Happy Tuesday ladies x

    Woot Woot Woot. Congrats jojo on losing another 1.5lb this week. OMG what an awesome loss for the month of March so far - total 14lbs. Your rocking it girl :flowerforyou:
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Morning ladies! Just checking in.

    Lost 1.2lb this week. Also lost my energy this week, lol!

    Check back later! Happy Wednesday all!

    Congrats on your loss this week Hopeful. 1.2lb is great!!! I hope you:heart: are feeling better as time goes on. How is your friend doing? Sending your strength vibes to help you with getting stronger and keeping your spirit up.

    Edited to add. I believe it hopeful - for that last few years my knees hurt to go up stairs and I was getting very concerned because I really didn't want to be in pain all the time and I was thinking soon it will not be just stairs but normal everyday walking. Well I only lost 35lbs so far...and happy to say my knees don't hurt every time I go up stairs now. Just to odd time I notice it will hurt and that is when I have been doing alot of walking during the day. I am hoping as I lose this weight my knees will love me for it. :laugh:
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    Great job getting the walk in, Cassie!!!

    Keep at it, one day at a time.

    I'll be off for my walk shortly.

  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    Happy hump day all!! Good morning!

    Congrats again to all those who have lost weight today!:flowerforyou:

    Good job on maintains.......:-) In order to maintain you had to do something right!:flowerforyou:

    Tomorrow I am off to the doctors for annual physical and to make sure I am OK thyroid wise and to see if they can tell me if I am in menapause. :blushing: TOM is very sparodic these days and I feel this is why it is very hard for me to lose weight these days.

    Keep up the good work and have a good day all!:flowerforyou:
  • gabbygirl37_2001
    gabbygirl37_2001 Posts: 93 Member
    :flowerforyou: hello everyone.....its early here in Washington 620 am, and today is weigh day. I was up a little bit on my 'normal' weigh day, so thought I would change my day, and see if it helped. lol. I have been under the weather the past few days, not moving as much as I'd like, but still keeping the calories in check, so we'll see. I will weigh at work and report tonight. I plan on a mile walk after work as well, maybe farther, depending on the weather! give me some sun already! off to work!:flowerforyou:
  • ShellyBrew
    ShellyBrew Posts: 823
    :heart: WooHoo…we have our own official tread….Hugs to Linda!!! :love: :smooched:

    Wow…lot of walking going on, I went for a walk last night also (outside not on the treadmill). Walking is one of the BEST exercises for you; we can all do, our own little long-distance walking club :laugh:

    WooHoo Joanna on your weight loss (more happy dancing); 14 in one month is wonderful

    L..Congrats, and extra energy to boot! I can attest to the arthritis/knee thing; my knee pain has definitely improved with losing 40 lbs.

    Kelly….I so hate spring cleaning (I may get to it in the summer). Don’t push yourself to hard on those walks, listen to your body, I am sure you will be able to do the 5mile walk!

    Sue…so glad you are feeling better

    MJ….glad to see you survived you migraine. Great attitude on the no weight loss, maintaining is a good thing also, we don’t want the scale winning any battles, just keep listening to your body and it will come off.

    Cathy…congrats on the weight loss, you are doing awesome. I have my fingers and toes crossed for you

    Wednesday weigh-in – not such good news for me, I have been up and down a lot over the last several weeks and not logged in my weight. Was hoping to get back to what is posted on my ticker by today but 1.6 UP…boohoo :angry: …so I am logging it and accounting for it. Moving on and really paying attention to my food choices! I have been good on exercise with at least an hour a day during the week. My goal for March was to get into the 260s (even if it was 269) but does not look like that is going to happen so my April goal will be to get to the mid-260s.

    Well all I better get some work done….chat with you all later :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Glad to see you made it Claudia,:flowerforyou: hope you had a great night sleep.

    You made it here also karen. :flowerforyou: Woot Woot. Hope you are doing great.

    Happy your found it also katzpawz:flowerforyou: - sounds like you are working up a sweat doing your spring cleaning. I really need to get to that also. Have a great walk. Take it easy. Crossing fingers your weigh-in tomorrow shows a loss.

    LOL Sue:flowerforyou: I need to make some new habits also. Glad you found our new thread. Weather sucks here also. Woke up to snow on the ground once again. Buses all around us were cancelled today, some school closed also. Spring oh spring where art thou?
  • leadvocalchick
    leadvocalchick Posts: 59 Member
    Good morning, y'all!! :smile:

    Just got on to log my breakfast and say this new thread!!! YIPPEE!!! And, it's kinda sorta quiet in here at the moment, so I'm sneaking in a minute for ME!!!

    So far the week has gone exactly as planned - CHAOTIC!!! I've already put in 30 hrs this week, not counting today.....

    I've been making myself take a break a noon to go for a walk. The town paved a section of an old railroad line that meanders behind the city park, thru some trees and by farm fields. It's very close to work, and I can walk to the end and back in a half hour. It's a great way to get in some exercise and a MUCH deserved break for the brain!!!

    I want to say THANKS SO MUCH TO EVERYONE who has been sooo supportive and posted all the positive messages on my wall!! :heart: I'm honestly rooting for each and every one of you in this group, although I've not had the chance to let each of you know personally!! You're a great group of YOUNG LADIES :happy: and we're gonna make this happen together!!!
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Yay, I made it too! Linda, thanks for the awesome page (and the link) and getting us all together!!!

    Good morning all. Sorry I was MIA yesterday. I read all your posts but just did not have the energy to respond. Was in bed much of the day with a migraine that had been hanging around for 3 days. Anyway, feeling much better today – back and work and ready to have an awesome on track day!

    Wednesday Weigh-in. Tuesday is my official day and the news was so-so. No gain but no loss. Sort of disappointing considering that I have upped the exercise last week, but these things happen. Needless to say, seeing the same number as last week did not help my headache! Threw myself a mini pity party, but put on my big girl pants and decided not to let the scale win!!!

    Hugs MJ :smooched: Sorry to hear you have such trouble with migraines. I did have to deal with them when I was a young girl. I am so glad they went away once I started my monthly. Doctor said something to do with hormones. I feel for you. Glad to hear you are better today and back to posting.:laugh: You made me laugh pulling up your big girl pants. ROFL Sucks when our scales don't show a loss when we know we are doing most things right. Keep up the faith - you know that it will show as loss soon. You are doing awesome with your exercising. Oh ya!!! and glad you found us also. :laugh:
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Wednesday weigh in - Sunday is the day I weigh to change my ticker but I also weigh every day because I tend to hold water (although not nearly as much as I did 40 pounds ago!) I have lost 2 pounds since last Wednesday. I think the extra sodium from eating out all weekend has flushed out of my system. Not a lot in the way of exercise besides all the walking I did at the convention. I wish I'd had my pedometer with me. Back to the gym for me today to get back on track with exercise.

    I was hoping to be down a total of 50 by my dr. appointment tomorrow...but I will take 49 :bigsmile: I went in for my A1c (check my long term blood sugar) and I'm anxious to get the results tomorrow. I have hopes that it will be in the "normal" range. Please keep your fingers crossed for me.

    Have a wonderful day / evening!

    Glad to see you made here Cathy :flowerforyou: Congrats on your 2lbs loss this week. Keep it up. Woot Woot!!! Total of 49lbs is excellent weightloss number. OMG you must feel great:heart: . Crossing finger for you that your dr. appointment will go your way and your results will be normal. Please let us know how it goes.
  • malias
    malias Posts: 82
    Good Morning Ladies! WoW! What a lot to catch up on!
    Linda- thanks for organizing this, once again.
    Charmaine - FABULOUS JOB!! You should be very proud of yourself!
    Mollie - I hear ya about the menopause thing....I am experiencing the exact same thing and it sucks! I wish I could just get it
    over with and move on!
    Cassie - Good for you!
    Jo - Congrats on your 14! Awesome job, especially with your knee issue....
    Cathy - wow! 49 lbs. is an acheivement! Congrats!
    If I missed anyone, my apologies! My memory isn't what it used to be! Hope everyone has a GREAT day!
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    YAY it's 'humpday'!
    That means it's Wednesday weigh-in & exercise day. soooooo I had mentioned that I was challenging myself to get 2 workouts/day in this week. That went right out the window the first day! :grumble: I woke up early yesterday to get my early morning workout in, but by the time I got home last night, i was feeling VERY tired and achey. I think I may be coming down with something, which shouldn't surprise me as I was sitting in the rain for TWO hours on Sunday. I went to bed early last night and still couldn't get up this morning! We'll see how I am feeling tonight.

    Also, my car is STILL in the shop. It's been in there since march 3, so three weeks tomorrow. I'm hoping to get it today, so keep your fingers crossed for me!

    My weigh in day is tomorrow and I'm a little worried. I havn't been losing very much, so I started calorie cycling 2 weeks ago, and lost 2lbs after the first week! That got me very excited, but after the 2nd week, NO LOSS :( no gain either, but still, no loss. We'll see how the scale treats me tomorrow :sad:

    Joanna= Congrats on the loss, that is awesome!!
    Casie= WTG on the walking, you're doing great!
    Shelly= I know its hard not to get discouraged, but you have a great attitude. We'll smash these pounds away, one way or another!
    leadvocal= Great you get out for a walk durring work. I had talked the girls here at work into doing a lunch time walk, but that lasted all of one week. I would go without them, but it's not really safe around here to go alone :(
    Cathy= WTG on your loss!! I'm sure your doctor will be impressed! And I hope your tests come back with great results. My husband has diabets too.
    MJ= Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well. I too get migraines YUCK! Glad you finally kicked it's butt :)
    Mollie= Good luck at your docotor's appointment!
    Christy= Hope you and your son are enjoying Spring break! And congrats on staying under yesterday!!!!
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    Just got in from walk. 2.5 miles today! Just a little stiffness in my calves, no pain...this is a good thing!

    I've also just finished logging my food and exercise for the day. We're off shortly to go out to dinner. I will try to be good!

    Catcha later!
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    OMG:noway: :noway: I shoveled snow for 15 minutes and I am pooped. Need a nap now:noway: :noway: Wonder if they have it in the database about shoveling snow?
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member

    I was hoping to be down a total of 50 by my dr. appointment tomorrow...but I will take 49 :bigsmile: I went in for my A1c (check my long term blood sugar) and I'm anxious to get the results tomorrow. I have hopes that it will be in the "normal" range. Please keep your fingers crossed for me.

    Have a wonderful day / evening!

    49lb down, fantastic job!!! :love:
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Well I only lost 35lbs so far...and happy to say my knees don't hurt every time I go up stairs now. Just to odd time I notice it will hurt and that is when I have been doing alot of walking during the day. I am hoping as I lose this weight my knees will love me for it. :laugh:

    ONLY LOST 35LB!!!! ONLY!!!!???? That is an amazing loss, you have done brilliantly so far :flowerforyou:
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    OMG:noway: :noway: I shoveled snow for 15 minutes and I am pooped. Need a nap now:noway: :noway: Wonder if they have it in the database about shoveling snow?

    I believe they do.... ! lol! Well done!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    my official weigh in days are on fridays. I made it to the gym this morning and went ahead and joined.WHOO HOO. I did 12 mins on the bike, 12 mins on the treadmill, 6 mins on the stairstepper and a few weight machines. It is between my house and my daughters school so I am going to try to stop at the gym after I drop her off at school at least 3xs a week. and on the other 2 days I will try to get in some walking or an exercise dvd.

    cassie, great job on the walking and I am glad that your husband is walking with you. It is nice to have company on your walks and it will help him also.

    JoJo congrats on the weightloss 14lbs for the month is awesome

    L. Congrats on your 1.2 lbs loss and yes the .2 lbs is very important , it is all important

    Katz good job on your walk. You should be ambitious. I need to get some spring cleaning done also

    Sue congrats on your weightloss, that is great

    MJ glad you are feeling better.Migraines are no fun. I also get those kind that hang around for days. Once I had one for 2 weeks and was willing to try anything. I did acupuncture and it took it away immediately

    Cathy Congrats on your 2lb loss

    Claudia I hope you are feeling better and are able to get your car today. Car problems are stressful

    Linda shoveling snow is hard work and burns quite a few calories. I believe it is in the exercise base

    Looks like we are doing alot of walking as a group. Hope everyone has a great day. I love this group and want to thank all of you ladies for all of the encouragement.