Lots2Lose & over 40 (CLOSED GROUP)

bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
This is a closed group. Sorry we already have our 20 members and we are not taking any new members.

:heart: OUR MEMBERS:heart:
akaDumbo(Sara) - 165lbs target of which 70lbs already lost
bigmama(Linda) - 125lbs target of which 35lbs already lost
Cassie(Cassie) - 214lbs target of which 29lbs already lost
CathyV(Cathy) - 160lbs target of which 46lbs already lost
Christyrussell(Christy) - 101lbs target of which 28lbs already lost
Claudia(Claudia) - 76lbs target of which 24lbs already lost
gabbygirl(Jackie) - 69lbs target of which 31lbs already lost
Hopeful (L)- 102lbs target of which 18lbs already lost
jjustjo(Jolene) - 116lbs target of which 48lbs already lost
Jojo(Joanna) - 120lbs target of which 9lbs already lost
Karenleona(Karen) - 182lbs target of which 79lbs already lost
Katzpawz(Kelly)- 150lbs target of which 35lbs already lost
leadvocalchick(Amy) - 124lbs target of which 29lbs already lost
mainey(Charmaine) - 145lbs target of which.... just starting the journey
Malias(Queenie) - 185lbs target of which .....just starting the journey
milesbackwards(Sue) - 87lbs target of which 13lbs already lost
MJ(Melissa) - 260lbs target of which 45lbs already lost
Mollie(Mollie) - 170lbs target of which 40lbs already lost
ShellyBrew(Shelly) - 144lbs target of which 45lbs already lost
themommie(Sheri) - 105lbs target of which 61lbs already lost

:love: DAILY TOPICS:love:
Please remember these daily topics are for fun and if you wish to participate thats fine and if you don't thats fine also. You can talk about anything on anyday of the week. These are just meant for small talk along with supporting one another each day.

:tongue: Monday Members Check In day-Everyone checks in and lets us know how your last week went.( For ex: my week was great because, or I had trouble last week with etc...)

:tongue: Tuesday Testing Yourself day- what are you challenging yourself to do for the next week /how did last weeks challenge go (Foe ex: give up diet coke for the week, or get up earlier to exercise, etc...)

:tongue: Wednesday Weigh In and Exercise day- Everyone post what there losses or gains were for the week. What have you been doing for exercise this week, DVDs, walking, gym etc and what you like about it what you don't like about it

:tongue: Thursday Triumps day-Members post about positive things that have happened to them this week. (For ex: It could be about finally fitting into that pair of pants sitting in your closet for years. Could be about that chocolate bar you threw in the garbage instead of eating it. Went swimming for the first time in 5 years etc...)

:tongue: Friday Foods day- Exchange what you have made for lunches, or breakfasts, or any new receipes etc this week, what you have tried and hated food wise etc...

:tongue: Saturday Share day -Anything about you and your life, tell each other something (For ex: Can talk about grand kids birthday party, weekend away, or My mum was in hospital this week and I was worried and it affected my eating, or I am going through a divorce etc..) As all events can impact on emotional eating.

:tongue: Sunday Spy day- It is a members question and answer day. How it would work is anyone can ask a specific question they want to know about our members and everyone answers her. It can be weight related but doesn't have to be. (For ex: Do you like animals, or What is your favourite food to eat, or How many bathroom breaks do you take in a day etc...) Lets have some fun.

Group started here - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/192870-a-lot-to-lose-over-40-lets-start-a-group-20-memebers-max


  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    Glad to see the new page up. I love this group and all the ladies in it. You are all so encouraging and motivating. Together we can do this. There is a track behind my daughters gymnastics class so every tuesday while they are doing their stretches I go walk the track. Today I walked around 6xs. Then I go in and watch them do their gymnastics. It is really a good way to get my exercise in for the day and helps to clear my head. Hope everyone else got their exercise in for the day........sheri aka themommie
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    WhooHooo you made it over. :flowerforyou: Glad I wasn't all alone here. :laugh: I also love this group!!!

    Wow awesome job walking today Sheri. :heart: Keep up the great work you are putting in.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Whooohoooo!! We are up and running! I love it! Thanks so much for organizing the group Linda and thanks to all the wonderful ladies in the group!!

    Good night all!:flowerforyou:
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Night Mollie. :yawn: Glad to see you made it also. Let the party begin. :laugh: Ummm well no party tonight cause I am heading to bed also. Take Care all you wonderful Ladies. Talk to you in the morning. :drinker:
  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    WhooHooo you made it over. :flowerforyou: Glad I wasn't all alone here. :laugh: I also love this group!!!

    Wow awesome job walking today Sheri. :heart: Keep up the great work you are putting in.

    I'm here!!! Yaaay for me!!! I am finally caught up with all the posts......wheeew.

    Linda....the page looks marvelous! You did a great job! that was a lot of work. It looks wonderful....thank you.
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Yay!!! Thanks again for organizing it all Linda. Im beat and going to bed. See you all tomorrow :)
  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    So this morning I posted that we had a dusting of snow and that I planned to walk again ....weather permitting. Well I just wanted to say that I DID walk again today.....a little farther today than yesterday. I'm gonna keep at it! My husband is walking with me so that's kewl. He isn't so over weight as I am.....mabe he could stand to lose 30 or 40lbs...(piece of cake)....but he does have COPD ....so he's as slow as I am...LOL ...a pair made in heaven...LOL

    Soooo, this is gonna be my MONTHLY CHALLENGE for April. I'm starting early so I can get a head start. I'm gonna walk at least 4 to 5 days a week for starters. I'll add more days later when able. This a major challenge for me. But I. Am gonna get it done.

    Thank you all for all the encouragement and for listening.
  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    Glad to see the new page up. I love this group and all the ladies in it. You are all so encouraging and motivating. Together we can do this. There is a track behind my daughters gymnastics class so every tuesday while they are doing their stretches I go walk the track. Today I walked around 6xs. Then I go in and watch them do their gymnastics. It is really a good way to get my exercise in for the day and helps to clear my head. Hope everyone else got their exercise in for the day........sheri aka themommie

    Good job walking that track Sheri. Hopefully one day I can do the equivelent of 6 laps. . Keep up the good work.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Great job with the walking Sheri and Cassie!! keep it up!:smile:
    Charmaine!!! you are amazing!!! great weight loss for one month!::happy:
    thanks again to linda for getting us set up

  • Jojo42
    Jojo42 Posts: 223
    Yay we have our new page! Thank you so much Linda! My eyes are barely open as it's early but I was too excited not to comment.<3
    I'll wake up properly and weigh myself(((gulp)))) then come back.
    Sherri and Cassie, really well done with the walking. Cassie I love that your husband walks with you....maybe I need to get myself a new husband! Finding a good one has been as hard as losing weight!
  • Jojo42
    Jojo42 Posts: 223
    Did you all hear my screams! 1.5lb down bringing me to my March goal of 14 lbs . So happy . Will have to make a new goal for the end of April now, maybe a more realistic 8lbs seeing as my water weight has gone. Exercise....keep strengthening my knee and push myself a little further each day. Happy Tuesday ladies x
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Morning ladies! Just checking in.

    Linda, love the new beginning page, what an organised person you are!

    Wednesday Weigh In and Exercise day- Everyone post what here losses or gains were for the week. What have you been doing for exercise this week, DVDs, walking, gym etc and what you like about it what you don't like about it

    Lost 1.2lb this week. Also lost my energy this week, lol!

    Check back later! Happy Wednesday all!
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Did you all hear my screams! 1.5lb down bringing me to my March goal of 14 lbs . So happy . Will have to make a new goal for the end of April now, maybe a more realistic 8lbs seeing as my water weight has gone. Exercise....keep strengthening my knee and push myself a little further each day. Happy Tuesday ladies x

    Excellent, well done!!!!!! Hope that knee continues to improve.
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Well I just wanted to say that I DID walk again today.....a little farther today than yesterday. I'm gonna keep at it! My husband is walking with me so that's kewl. He isn't so over weight as I am.....mabe he could stand to lose 30 or 40lbs...(piece of cake)....but he does have COPD ....so he's as slow as I am...LOL ...a pair made in heaven...LOL

    Soooo, this is gonna be my MONTHLY CHALLENGE for April. I'm starting early so I can get a head start. I'm gonna walk at least 4 to 5 days a week for starters. I'll add more days later when able. This a major challenge for me. But I. Am gonna get it done.

    Thank you all for all the encouragement and for listening.

    Cassie: Great challenge! Good to have some company on the walk, working together will help both of you I am sure. Happy walking!
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Glad to see the new page up. I love this group and all the ladies in it. You are all so encouraging and motivating. Together we can do this. There is a track behind my daughters gymnastics class so every tuesday while they are doing their stretches I go walk the track. Today I walked around 6xs. Then I go in and watch them do their gymnastics. It is really a good way to get my exercise in for the day and helps to clear my head. Hope everyone else got their exercise in for the day........sheri aka themommie

    What a great idea, using the track whilst your daughter is in the class!
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    I'm here!

    Continuing with Spring Cleaning today. I remember, back in a day, when I could clean house all day and it not wear me out. Oh wait, I was twenty then! Anyway, A couple more days of cleaning each room and then shampooing the carpet. After that, we'll be tackling our garage and cleaning up the front and back gardens. Still lots to do!

    I will be doing some sort of walk today. Depending on how my calves and shins feel, I may do a mile, two at max today. I think I was pushing ahead a little too quickly (which is how I injured my achilles tendon last year). So I'm going back to one day at a time and doing what I can. I still want to be able to do the 5 mile walk in a few weeks. Hopefully, I'll be up to it.

    Back to work and I'll check back in later!!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Sue_Smiles
    Sue_Smiles Posts: 1,001 Member
    Good morning (or afternoon depending on your time zone) :laugh:

    The weather here is crazy! Thunderstorms last night, snow, sleet, freezing rain, and then snow again. Where did spring go?
    Feeling much better today so it's back on the bike (stationary recumbant in the office bike :smile: )
    The scale showed me down 1.5, but tomorrow is the "official" weigh-in so we'll see if that holds or not. Cross your fingers for me?

    @ Linda - thank you so much for your organizational skills! The page looks great.

    @ Sheri - awesome job on walking the track. "It helps to clear my head" is a great way to look at another benefit of exercising.

    @ Cassie - "This a major challenge for me. But I. Am gonna get it done." Great motivation!

    @ Joanna - YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Hitting your March goal early is wonderful! I know you know not to overdo it with your knee, but I'll say it anyway (I've had mine scoped and then replaced a year later and overdid it both times) Don't overdo it! :wink:

    @ L - sweet loss 1.2. Your energy will come back, you know it will, if not we'll lend you some :flowerforyou:

    @ Katz - ugh Spring Cleaning, such a chore, but sounds like you have a handle on it. I still want to come on your 5 mile walk with you :ohwell:

    Saw this old maxim today: "We make our habits and then our habits make us." Need to get some new habits!

    Will talk (type) to you ladies later today!
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Interesting fact: According to the Arthritis Foundation, for every pound of weight lost, there is a four pound reduction in the load exerted on the knee for each step taken!!!

    (Apologies if you have read this twice, I put it on the news feed too)
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    Yay, I made it too! Linda, thanks for the awesome page (and the link) and getting us all together!!!

    Good morning all. Sorry I was MIA yesterday. I read all your posts but just did not have the energy to respond. Was in bed much of the day with a migraine that had been hanging around for 3 days. Anyway, feeling much better today – back and work and ready to have an awesome on track day!

    Wednesday Weigh-in. Tuesday is my official day and the news was so-so. No gain but no loss. Sort of disappointing considering that I have upped the exercise last week, but these things happen. Needless to say, seeing the same number as last week did not help my headache! Threw myself a mini pity party, but put on my big girl pants and decided not to let the scale win!!!

    Sheri – awesome job walking!!!! It would be so easy to just sit in the gym while waiting for the activities to begin. Way to put yourself first and have a nice healthy and therapeutic walk!

    Cassie – what a fantastic April challenge you have set yourself. I know you can do it!!!!

    Charmaine – woohoo!!!! Great loss – congrats!!!!

    Joanna – congrats on reaching your March goal early!!! High five lady!!!

    L – awesome loss this week. All that time in the gym – even looking in the mirrors – is paying off!!! Thanks also for the info RE Arthritis Foundation. As bad as my knees are, it is great to know that even a small loss can make a pretty significant difference!

    Katz – you are getting that house in tip-top shape! Wish I had the time and energy to clean mine so thoroughly. Maybe when spring actually arrives here I will have the motivation to get it done! I think you are wise to not push too far with the exercise. Go slowly and building up is the way to get the longevity you are after without reinjuring yourself!

    Sue – Best wishes that the loss holds up for your “official weigh-in”. You have done great this week so I expect you will see it on the scale!

    Too everyone else, I am thinking of you today too and sending you great day vibes!!!
  • cathyv0409
    cathyv0409 Posts: 230 Member
    Whoo hoo for our new page! Thank you so much Linda for getting us organized!!!

    Sheri - I love that you use walking to clear your head AND put the warm up time to good use!

    Joanna - Yay on reaching your March goal early....over a WEEK early! That is great!

    Charmaine - Way to go on you loss!

    Cassie - Great challenge for April!

    Linda - Thanks for the info from the arthritis foundation! No wonder my knees feel so much better!

    Katz - My house is jealous that yours is going to be spotless!

    Sue - Yay on the loss!! You will do great tomorrow!!

    Wednesday weigh in - Sunday is the day I weigh to change my ticker but I also weigh every day because I tend to hold water (although not nearly as much as I did 40 pounds ago!) I have lost 2 pounds since last Wednesday. I think the extra sodium from eating out all weekend has flushed out of my system. Not a lot in the way of exercise besides all the walking I did at the convention. I wish I'd had my pedometer with me. Back to the gym for me today to get back on track with exercise.

    I was hoping to be down a total of 50 by my dr. appointment tomorrow...but I will take 49 :bigsmile: I went in for my A1c (check my long term blood sugar) and I'm anxious to get the results tomorrow. I have hopes that it will be in the "normal" range. Please keep your fingers crossed for me.

    Have a wonderful day / evening!
This discussion has been closed.