Lots2Lose & over 40 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    Friday Food Day

    Trying this for supper:


    Really low sodium, hope it will be good :)

    YUM this sounds delicious. thanks for sharing. I will have to try it. My kids dont really like shrimp but they can pick out the shrimp LOL
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    Happy friday
    I went to the gym this morning and had a good workout. Then I went and got a massage. 2 of my daughters , my mom and 3 of my grandkids are having a sleepover tonight. FUN. We are playing games, watching movies, having snacks ( mine will be low cal) and all sleeping in the familyroom in sleeping bags. What fun. We have had an annual sleepover every year since my oldest daughter moved out but this is the first year that we have included the grandkids; My one daughter and my other granddaughter cant make it, But we will have a fun evening.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    food friday
    lately one of my favorite foods is sweet potatoes. I just put them in the microwave and put a little bit of butter spray and cinnamon on it. YUM. I also have a recipe for black bean soup that is delicious. I also do chicken sausage cooked with bell pepper strips and onion and then add a can of stewed tomatoes and put in penne pasta and mix together, this is really good. YUM

    Well I have a busy day today. But I hope to check in with you later this evening
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Daily Inspiration for March 19, 2011
    Katie Jay, MSW

    Make your home your sanctuary.

    Now that you are living a healthier lifestyle, you have begun to make adjustments in your life. You focus on getting enough nurtrition. You try to eat right, not snack, and not graze. It's a challenge at times, but you are committed. Sometimes, however, unhealthy foods and old behaviors creep back into your life.

    So, make your home your sanctuary. At least there, don't have snack foods sitting out where they call your name every time you walk by. No matter what challenges threaten your WLS success, make your home a fortress against the temptations. Your home is the one place you can have control. Your family may be resistant at first, or they may be angry, but they will adjust. And you are so worth it.

    Action for the day: Walk around your house and make a manageable list of things you will change to make it the sanctuary you need. Today, do one thing on the list.
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Hello Honies,

    I am back from my work trip! Spent 5hours on a train today, 2.5 each way! It was hot and packed and didn't get much work done on the way.

    What I did do however was eat my banana and my wholegrain toast on the train (my homemade breakfast)!. Had orange juice and an egg sandwhich for lunch. Was so pleased I had been good. I waited until I got home to have my salad, rice and chicken.

    My exercise SO FAR today has been wallking up and down stairs at stations carryiing 2 heavy bags (laptop and work papers) and walking from station to venue. Boy that was a work out!

    Well I am just about to read all the posts since last night and see what you have all been up to! x
  • Sue_Smiles
    Sue_Smiles Posts: 1,001 Member
    Friday Food Day

    Trying this for supper:


    Really low sodium, hope it will be good :)

    YUM this sounds delicious. thanks for sharing. I will have to try it. My kids dont really like shrimp but they can pick out the shrimp LOL

    It was really good!!!
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    @Mainey65 – KFC, naughty but nice! You are right the coating is so yummy! Never mind as someone else mentioned you declined the French fries!

    @Jjustjo – Love your pic with your new grandson! Sounds like you really enjoyed spending time with the grandkids. A long trip for you!

    @CathyV – So brilliant that your blood sugar is within normal range. That is some achievement! And YOU did it! Well done!

    @Karenleona – A cheerios groupie! Lol! Well done on the change from cheese sandwich!

    @Cassie – Thanks for responding to my question

    Bigmoma – yes, the exercise it a continual struggle between love and hating it!

    @Themommie – the sleepover sounds lovely!

    @mollie – Glad the doctors was okay, I am sure the tests will be for your future benefit. Love the sactuary inspiration.

    Thanks to all for the recipe ideas!
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    I would have rather used those calories up on a better burger and fries from In-n-Out or 5 guys! Anyway, it was a fundraiser so that is the only reason we did it.

    OH Claudia! If you only knew how much my mouth watered reading your "In-n-Out". I tease my husband about flying to Vegas once a year to eat @ In N Out! haha 5 Guys is good?? We have those in Florida. I must check it out.
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    FRIDAY FOODS - Well I must confess :blushing: I am still eating white bread everyday. I know its not good for me I don't know why I do it, except it seems to fill me up and satisfy me. I just love me some toast or a sandwich. Even with supper sometimes I butter me a bread or two. Thankfully I am still dropping weight cause I really try and stay under my daily calories and get some walking in most days.
  • malias
    malias Posts: 82
    FRIDAY FOODS - Well I must confess :blushing: I am still eating white bread everyday. I know its not good for me I don't know why I do it, except it seems to fill me up and satisfy me. I just love me some toast or a sandwich. Even with supper sometimes I butter me a bread or two. Thankfully I am still dropping weight cause I really try and stay under my daily calories and get some walking in most days.

    Hi bigmama! Have you tried switching? I havent eaten white bread in years, but I'm not a big fan of whole wheat bread. What I do love is light rye toast! It is low in fat and calories and is more nutritious than white and it's filling! It's great with peanut butter and banana in the morning as well......yum.
  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    Friday Food: I am IN LOVE with acorn squash. I cut it in half, take out the seeds, and microwave. Then I scoop out the pulp and sprinkle with splenda and mash. It makes a great low calories/ high vitamin potato sub. I also eat frozen whole green beans by the truck load. I use a couple of strips of Jenny O turkey bacon cut in small pieces and browned in a tbsp of olive oil, then add frozen beans, cover and cook until tender. I have both on hand at all times. It's very filling and I can still eat the meat my husband wants, only in smaller portions. What I like best is, when I am starving I can quickly heat it up in the microwave and eat it (squash and green beans) while I am cooking my husbands meal, then I am not tempted to "taste" his food. haha

    Its so great to be back. We start work next friday FINALLY! It sounds nuts but I will have way more time to read and respond to this thread then, since I will be sitting at my desk for 8 hours. HAPPY FRIDAY!!

    PS: I totally understand the rub about posting our weight on the spread sheet, but I am ok with telling mine WHEN I lose this travel / fast food weight I gained this week! hahaha

    Hey Jo.....
    Glad you're home safe and back on here posting. Regarding your squash: after you add Splensa , try a little cinnamon & nutmeg....or pumpkin pie spice (they're about the same thing). Makes it real yummy. Sweet potatoes & yams can be done the same way. Also, have you tried spaghetti squash? Very versatile...hot or cold. There's lots of recipes on line for spaghetti squash. I like it hot with a little low fat parmesan cheese mixed in. Squas is. Almost no cals and the cheese is real low too.
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    @Mollie: Thanks for posting that article. Interestingly, that mindset is the motivation behind the Spring cleaning we've been doing around here the past week or so. Once we got started re-organising the kitchen, things just mushroomed into organising and cleaning the entire house.

    We have social engagements planned for Saturday and Sunday lunch. Both are getting together with friends to eat out. THis will be a challenge. We will definitely be getting at least a couple of good walks in to offset the damage!

    I'm starting to get bored with the meals I'm cooking at home. If anyone has some great healthy side dish recipes that include veggies, please share!! While steamed veggies are the lowest in calories, they get boring after a while.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    Saturday Share: My partner and I bought a membership to Kew Gardens, just outside of London. It is an amazing place with beautiful gardens, Victorian era (and contemporary) greenhouses, lots of wildlife (ducks, swans, geese, squirrels). We've been once this Spring and plan to visit there regularly. It's a great place for walking.


  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    Good afternoon all,

    I decided to come on here instead of taking my lunch to the office breakout area! I

    've brought in my greek yoghurt , berries and almonds and am trying to keep it light as I am going to be going out this evening and having a few glasses of the sparkling pink stuff and some mussels from my favourite Mexican restaurant (asking for no homemade bread and deep fried potato wedges!)

    Luckily one of the friends I'm going with is also low carbing so we'll be keeping each other in check.

    My Friday food has got top be Flax, boring I know but a total life saver. It's very very low in carbs, therefore my blood sugar level doesn't fluctuate. It's also very filling and genuinely keeps me topped up until lunch withe the recipe I use for hot flax cereal. The texture took some getting used to but I actually look forward to it now.... Flax, haha I'd never even heard of the stuff 3 weeks ago!

    anyway ladies, happy Friday, I hope you're all having good days. I read each post that you writejust won't always have time to indiviually log what everyone's been up to though I am getting to feel like I have a better picture of you all. xx

    Joanna.....good for you for planning ahead for your evening out. But will you share your recipe for FLAX CEREAL. It sounds interesting. Texture shouldn't be a problem......I like my steel cut oats on the chewey side.....instead of mushy.
    Thanks in advance for your recipe.
  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    Happy friday
    I went to the gym this morning and had a good workout. Then I went and got a massage. 2 of my daughters , my mom and 3 of my grandkids are having a sleepover tonight. FUN. We are playing games, watching movies, having snacks ( mine will be low cal) and all sleeping in the familyroom in sleeping bags. What fun. We have had an annual sleepover every year since my oldest daughter moved out but this is the first year that we have included the grandkids; My one daughter and my other granddaughter cant make it, But we will have a fun evening.

    Sheri.......Sleepover sounds like sooo much fun.....sounds like you are all real close. Love it.
    Also your chicken sausage & penne pasta sound good. Might have to give that a try.
  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    Daily Inspiration for March 19, 2011
    Katie Jay, MSW

    Make your home your sanctuary.

    Now that you are living a healthier lifestyle, you have begun to make adjustments in your life. You focus on getting enough nurtrition. You try to eat right, not snack, and not graze. It's a challenge at times, but you are committed. Sometimes, however, unhealthy foods and old behaviors creep back into your life.

    So, make your home your sanctuary. At least there, don't have snack foods sitting out where they call your name every time you walk by. No matter what challenges threaten your WLS success, make your home a fortress against the temptations. Your home is the one place you can have control. Your family may be resistant at first, or they may be angry, but they will adjust. And you are so worth it.

    Action for the day: Walk around your house and make a manageable list of things you will change to make it the sanctuary you need. Today, do one thing on the list.

    This is soooo good.....so true. Thanks for posting this, Mollie. Great inspirational stuff.
  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    @Mollie: Thanks for posting that article. Interestingly, that mindset is the motivation behind the Spring cleaning we've been doing around here the past week or so. Once we got started re-organising the kitchen, things just mushroomed into organising and cleaning the entire house.

    We have social engagements planned for Saturday and Sunday lunch. Both are getting together with friends to eat out. THis will be a challenge. We will definitely be getting at least a couple of good walks in to offset the damage!

    I'm starting to get bored with the meals I'm cooking at home. If anyone has some great healthy side dish recipes that include veggies, please share!! While steamed veggies are the lowest in calories, they get boring after a while.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    Have you tried spaghetti squash? You can Google a multitude of recipes for it. Or go to maybe Foodnetwork.com & pick your favorite chef or cook and look up their recipes. And if the recipes are tooo high cal or whatever....customize with trade offs to make it healthy. Keep at it girl, you're doing so good.
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Morning all!

    @Linda – Bread: I struggle so much with the white/brown bread issue. My family were big white bread eaters when I was growing up so I love bread, especially hot crusty…..ummm! Being the sort of person I am I need to read ‘facts’ about things to help me try to change things so that I understand why I need to do a certain thing. I searched the web a few weeks ago and started looking at why people ‘go on’ about not eating white. As a result I no longer buy white bread but I can’t buy just ‘wholemeal’ as I find it too heavy and bland, I buy wholemeal plus ‘superseeded’ or ‘granary’ or ‘oaty’. I have put the links I read here in case you are interested. I am hot preaching at all as it is a constant struggle for me, and this change for me only took place a few weeks ago. I still eat white rice and pasta so those are next on my list to face but I know myself and I have to do things one at a time and slowly and carefully. That way they have more chance of succeeding! In case you are interested:





    @jo and cassie – I have never cooked squash! You postings however have made me want to try, I jut look at those things and think what the heck do you do with them? So I will get one and give it a go! Thanks. Have added food network link too!
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Saturday share day:

    Like us all I have my 'stories'. When I was young if anyone had told me I

    Would be divorced after 13 years of mariage (ended when I was in my 30s)
    Would have a premature baby (weighing less than 750grams) who would have an early lifetime of hospital visits
    Would have two daughters who would both have tumours
    Would have one daughter who had crohns disease
    Would have one daughter with 'special educational needs'
    Would meet the love of my life in my later years, be engaged to be married, and then him die

    I would never have believed it. So why do I wonder why I have been overweight most of my adult life?!!! Emotional eating big time me thinks!!

    Its all changing now, the girls are 'well' (or at least adapted to their particular issues), I am trying not to miss 'him ' (he died last year), and what we had planned as our future together. I was lost for a while but now feel hope again (hence my logon name), I do see a future. Phew!
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    @Linda – Bread
    @ L and Linda Have you tried Nature's Owl or Sara Lee Brands of 45 calorie a slice bread? It's not bad and it's only 100 calories a sandwich which you can't beat!

    @jo and cassie – I have never cooked squash! You postings however have made me want to try, I jut look at those things and think what the heck do you do with them? So I will get one and give it a go! Thanks. Have added food network link too!

    @ L Small zucchini squash diced and cooked with the skins on then covered with italian spiced salt free tomato sauce. yum yum

    @ Cassie- I've never tried spaghitti squash. How do you cut and cook it?