Lots2Lose & over 40 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    L, glad you got some treatment for your infection! Bet you will be back in good form in no time now!

    Malias, that is a wonderful suggestion! You are so right - I would never talk to a friend, probably not even an enemy - they way I beat up on myself verbally! Must do better!

    Sue, take it easy today. Don't want you burning out and really injuring yourself!

    My Tuesday Test is to 1) try to think only positive thoughts about my journey and 2) if that does not work, stop myself as soon as possible in my negative thoughts and re-direct them to something more positive.

    Have a great afternoon ladies. I will do my best to catch up with you this evening/tonight. With any luck, after I get home, I will be working out, then cooking dinner, then cleaning out the master closets, then playing Lego Harry Potter - I am a told 12 year old sometimes. And getting on MFP somewhere in all that :wink:
  • Jojo42
    Jojo42 Posts: 223
    MJ - I forgot to say, I struggle with having too many calories left at night too. I think I'm afraid of running out of calories before I run out of day. Having my big meal at night is a hard habit for me to break.
    me too Cathy. If I don't eat my big meal at night I find myself looking for snacks all evening and eating way more

    I am that way too - scared that I will have several hours left and no calories remaining for food. As if not eating for a few hours would be such a bad thing!!! Thank you both Jolene and Cathy for sharing your experiences/thoughts on the calorie question with me!!!

    I had to laugh because that is exactly how I feel , I dont want to be caught with a few hrs left in the day and no calories. That would be horrible. What not having the calories left to allow me to be able to eat would only make me hungrier and make me want to eat everything in the house. If I have the calories left I am not as likely to be hungry . LOL

    I so relate to that! It's a bit like my attitude to money (I don't have what I can't afford)
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Hello everyone! I hope everyone is having a good day :)
    Tuesday Test:
    Last Thursday I started the 30day shred which is only about 25minutes. I plan to do this everyday (Sunday's off) up through my vacation. That would put me at 25 days. I'm also doing my run/walk/jog with this and hope to get some results (fingers crossed). The hotel we are staying at charges a 'resort fee' to their daily fees, which includes free access to their fitness center, so I am looking forward to using all the equipment! When we went to Vegas last year, we stayed at a hotel that charged a $20/day fee to use their fitness center, so I am happy that fee is included regardless of weather we use it or not.

    On a side note, over a year ago I slipped on some water in my kitchen and hurt my knee. It doesn;t bother me to run or walk, but it does when putting it in certain positions, such as sitting cross-legged on the floor. But today it's really bothering me! I think it has to do with the fact that I am freezing at work! I had a little heater I kept under my desk, because these guys like to keep it at 30 below zero in here. Yesterday it died on me and I was seriously uncomfortable all day. Now today my knee is achey and I don't like it. The warmer it gets outside, the colder it gets inside. :angry:
  • Jojo42
    Jojo42 Posts: 223

    I have had the maddest, busiest couple of days, sorry I didn't check in yesterday, I just logged my food and read all the posts on here before I turned in.

    The house is quiet again and I can once more join my ladies on here!

    L*** So glad you are feeling better, water infections make you feel lousy. Hopefully tomorrow you'll feel more like yourself now the antibiotics are in your system.
    Mellisa*** Harry potter lego!! You have hidden depths (or a child to play with!) Hope you manage to sort "the masters" closet.

    Sherri*** You are doing amazingly well with the gym/workout challenge, I had to read your post twice as I thought I had misread how much you do in a week...go girl!

    Claudia**** Yay for Vegas, I went there a few years ago, stayed at The Venetian and just had a ball! I bet you will look amazing in all those dresses, what a wonderful feeling to have to take them in!

    Kelly*** that inner voice, I have that one, it tells me that because I don't lose weight easily then why am I bothering. I am practising turning the volume down too. You should be incredibly proud of yourself walking 6 miles with hills, we're proud of you.

    Sue*** I am on face book, (Joanna Baines) if anyone would like to add me. I do use it a lot as my parents and one of my brothers is in Malta and my other brother lives in Australia

    Christy*** I don't "do" tap water either! I go one further and don't like my water chilled! I have taken to carrying a 1ltr bottle of water with me, I don't need to do weights anymore ;)

    Mollie*** I think that the ticker is a personal thing. I know that if I get a week that I put on , then I will wait one week before changing it. That in itself will motivate me to make so I see the figures going the right way.

    Antone I have missed then big hugs of encouragement to you x
  • Jojo42
    Jojo42 Posts: 223
    Ok...so i went for lunch with Olivia(my eldest daughter) we had gone out shopping for her as she needed shoes etc.

    We are in ASK, I would normally have had the garlic pizza followed by pasta, followed by a chocolate pudding.

    Today (low carb) I had the mushrooms, chefs salad , dressing on the side (ate the protein but didn't much fancy fancy the lettuce and stuff as I got full. then had one mouthful of her dessert and felt quite satisified. Hurrah I think my taste buds have changed at last :) also my appetite has definitely shrunk. Though I think before i mistook thirst for hunger as I barely drank anything.

    My Tuesday achievement is that I drink constantly now.

    Don't think I have lost anything this week though...tomorrow is the day!
  • malias
    malias Posts: 82
    Ok...so i went for lunch with Olivia(my eldest daughter) we had gone out shopping for her as she needed shoes etc.

    We are in ASK, I would normally have had the garlic pizza followed by pasta, followed by a chocolate pudding.

    Today (low carb) I had the mushrooms, chefs salad , dressing on the side (ate the protein but didn't much fancy fancy the lettuce and stuff as I got full. then had one mouthful of her dessert and felt quite satisified. Hurrah I think my taste buds have changed at last :) also my appetite has definitely shrunk. Though I think before i mistook thirst for hunger as I barely drank anything.

    My Tuesday achievement is that I drink constantly now.

    Don't think I have lost anything this week though...tomorrow is the day!

    Great food choices Jojo! I do the same thing with thirst/hunger. I am going to set a goal for myself this week to drink 5 bottles of water per day. I will work my way up to 8. Thanks for the inspiration! :flowerforyou:
  • Jojo42
    Jojo42 Posts: 223
    Queenie I wish there was a "like" button on here!
  • ShellyBrew
    ShellyBrew Posts: 823
    :explode: I think we all need to remember (including me) that NO FOOD IS FORBIDDEN, we just need to moderate and account for the higher calorie foods and maybe have smaller portions then we would of in the past. Plus have those foods less frequently then we would have previously. Me personally…I will NEVER give up Carbs, Cheese, Beer or Chocolate…it is just about smarter choices!!! I will not stop going out and seeing friends or give up my calorie/beer laden vacations :drinker: . I enjoyed my one Reeces Peanut Butter Egg (need to log that) today and don’t plan on it psyching me out (in the past I would of gotten a 6-pack and killed it in one day). We don’t need to feel Guilty!!! I declare “Guilty” a “4-letter word” we should not use :devil: (bad word, naughty word, I don’t believe you said that word)…Just Saying :tongue:

    @Christy….I never was a big soda person but now I can’t finish a can when I try. I basically only drink water but I am still a “tap” girl; I refuse to pay for water

    @L…you body may have just been telling you it needed a break…hope you’re feeling better…Congrats on the “almost” lb, every little oz counts.

    @MJ…I have not really figured out the whole calorie distribution thing myself. I typically don’t eat my exercise calories back or only eat a portion. On the days I know I won’t miss my workout (like when I see my trainer) I do tend to have higher calorie meals during the day. I try not to stress too much about it and try to keep my intake at each meal consistent calorie wise. I tend to eat higher calorie snacks then most. My days are typically 300-400 for Brkfst; 400 for Lunch; 200-300 afternoon snack; 500- 600 Dinner/late snack (my calorie goal is around 1550) and this puts me around 1700. I’m Still trying to figure it out as I am not losing a lot right now; and non-work days are still a disaster for me as I vary so much from my routine.

    @Claudia…I’m coming over for dinner.:bigsmile: My mom has a very similar recipe and it is yummy

    @Queenie…4.2 is awesome, you’re doing something right so don’t worry about the exercise; just gradually increase as you find the time . Endurance is my big issue also, one small step at a time.:happy:

    @Katz…I think you echoed how we all feel, that inner voice can be a killer :brokenheart: We all need to work on that one, kick that inner voice to the curb, squash it with a dumbbell :laugh:

    @Mollie…love the daily inspirations, keep em coming:heart:

    @Sue…I overdid it yesterday also, my whole lower body hurts, will be a light exercise day for me also!

    @Joanna…congrats on the awesome food choices (as noted in my ranting above). And what do you drink constantly now :laugh: LOL (I am sure it is water, always water).

    Wow***I think I am all caught up***off to the gym I go, I’ll be back later to finish logging!

    Luv you All
    :flowerforyou: :smooched:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    :explode: I think we all need to remember (including me) that NO FOOD IS FORBIDDEN, we just need to moderate and account for the higher calorie foods and maybe have smaller portions then we would of in the past. Plus have those foods less frequently then we would have previously. Me personally…I will NEVER give up Carbs, Cheese, Beer or Chocolate…it is just about smarter choices!!! I will not stop going out and seeing friends or give up my calorie/beer laden vacations :drinker: . I enjoyed my one Reeces Peanut Butter Egg (need to log that) today and don’t plan on it psyching me out (in the past I would of gotten a 6-pack and killed it in one day). We don’t need to feel Guilty!!! I declare “Guilty” a “4-letter word” we should not use :devil: (bad word, naughty word, I don’t believe you said that word)…Just Saying :tongue:

    Wow***I think I am all caught up***off to the gym I go, I’ll be back later to finish logging!

    Luv you All
    :flowerforyou: :smooched:

    lol Shelly! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Well for me I am usually not too guilty when I do decide to indulge but I basically will eliminate certian foods for the most part until I reach my goal weight. Even if I indulge some on the way to goal, these indulgences will have to be scarce for this MFP buddy. Since we are talking about words not liked.

    I don't like the work DIET. :noway: :grumble:

    TO GROUP, what is your pet peeve word or your 4 letter word that you do not like when it comes to getting healthy and it does not have to be 4 -letters since Shelly's was not actually 4 letter word? :wink:
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Hello all....sorry its so late. I could only get on for a couple minutes at a time today. Monday check in...I weigh on Mondays to keep myself on track over the weekend. I lost 4.2 lbs this week!
    Am having a difficult time getting in exercise though. The weight loss is great but I really want to increase my endurance so I can walk for longer distances. Tomorrow I am going to try the SYTYCD exercise video for beginners!

    I feel like my posts are so short compared to others. I feel bad that I dont comment on each and every one of your successes and my only reason is, I can only get online for short snippets of time! Just know that I try to read as much as I can and wish you all the greatest success!

    Thank you all for your support and encouragement. It really is nice to have others who truly understand because they have been there. Have a nice night ladies. Tomorrow is another day.....

    Congratulations on an excellent weight loss :happy: don`t fret over not being able to respond to everyone...just let us know how you are doing and reading the posts will help to keep you motivated

  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Are you sitting in the land of make-believe, waiting for a handsome prince to rescue you from your problems? Are you wanting to be freed from the castle tower, but don't know how to get out without a fairy godmother or a night in shining armor?


    Does this mean he is not coming ??:sad:
  • Jojo42
    Jojo42 Posts: 223

    I really dislike the word DIET, it instantly says deprivation and denial to me :noway:

    I prefer ," informed choices"

    I CAN eat whatever I choose,of course I CAN, however by living that way for the past however many years has now ment that I need to lose over a 100 pounds!! Therefore I CHOOSE to eat a certain way to try and repair that damage. When you CHOOSE a way to eat, you are in control. There is no place for guilt when you are the one making the choice....

    So my bad word is DIET:mad: and my good word is CHOOSE:happy:
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Positive self talk is a hard one, but the more you practice it the better you will feel about the whole process. We can re-program ourselves to find the positive in any situation. This brings us peace of mind and makes the journey a pleasant one. This does not mean their will be times we will struggle but if we look for the positives we will get past the bumps in the road without giving up. I am pleasantly suprised at how good I feel this month even though I have gained weight this month and have definitely been struggling. I am looking at all the positives and rejoicing in the many NSV's. That takes my mind away from the let down of scale moving in the right direction.

    The more you practice postive self talk the easier it becomes. Keep up the good work everyone! We can do this! One day at a time, one pound at a time......:-)

    You got that right Ms. Mollie!!! It is so hard. It is amazing how good were are at encouraging others and taking care of them but not good at nurturing ourselves or caring for our own needs. I wonder if it is a woman thing - being the care-giver and not the care-taker?

    I think you have hit on something here regarding the care-giver and not the care-taker. I think we are programmed from very young to be caregivers despite what it may cost us.
    i beleive we can change the inner voices that try and throw us off track. I really like what someone posted a page or two back about thinking what advice we would give someone else and try and take that advice ourselves.
    Being overweight in a 'skinny' society, i think many of us have a poor self image or view ourselves as 'failures' for not looking after ourselves while we have been busy looking after everyone else. BUT....you ARE worth the effort you are putting in here on getting healthy and fit....give yourself a pat on the back for working hard and being successful in your journey:love:
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    TO GROUP, what is your pet peeve word or your 4 letter word that you do not like when it comes to getting healthy and it does not have to be 4 -letters since Shelly's was not actually 4 letter word? :wink:

    I think mine would be a phrase that i sometimes hear from my family " you can't /shouldn't eat that"...:angry: Good grief...i am an adult and i can eat whatever i like.....I generally eat very healthy with lots of veggies but once in a blue moon i will have a treat ( such as pie) as long as i have counted it in my daily total.

  • Sue_Smiles
    Sue_Smiles Posts: 1,001 Member

    Sue*** I am on face book, (Joanna Baines) if anyone would like to add me. I do use it a lot as my parents and one of my brothers is in Malta and my other brother lives in Australia

    Christy*** I don't "do" tap water either! I go one further and don't like my water chilled! I have taken to carrying a 1ltr bottle of water with me, I don't need to do weights anymore ;)

    Joanna, there are a LOT of Joanna Baines on FB, can you look me up? - Suzanne Selim (my profile pic is of my calico cat Bridget)

    I also don't like cold water, room temp works for me :)

    As for the pet peeve word, I don't like anything like "low-fat" or low-calorie" they are misnomers, when you check out the nutritional info, there is always something extra added in (like sodium or sugar)
  • Jojo42
    Jojo42 Posts: 223
    I can't find you Suzanne! I even cut and pasted...where are you :bigsmile: Try Joanna Baines Mckenna for me (i've added my maiden name to make things easier...only one of me then!)
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    TO GROUP, what is your pet peeve word or your 4 letter word that you do not like when it comes to getting healthy and it does not have to be 4 -letters since Shelly's was not actually 4 letter word?

    My pet peeve is not a word....It's a skinny person telling me what I should be eating or how I should be exercising. It's like they think fat = stupid. grrrr
  • Sue_Smiles
    Sue_Smiles Posts: 1,001 Member
    I can't find you Suzanne! I even cut and pasted...where are you :bigsmile: Try Joanna Baines Mckenna for me (i've added my maiden name to make things easier...only one of me then!)

    Found ya! FR sent :)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    TO GROUP, what is your pet peeve word or your 4 letter word that you do not like when it comes to getting healthy and it does not have to be 4 -letters since Shelly's was not actually 4 letter word?

    My pet peeve is not a word....It's a skinny person telling me what I should be eating or how I should be exercising. It's like they think fat = stupid. grrrr

    Agreed! This happens to me at the gym. A new member will come in and think I am new at working out and give me all kinds of pointers. One guy really irriated me because he told me I should focus on all cardio if I wanted to lose weight faster. I smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I don't remember stating I was trying to lose weight at all. I am working out to be healthier and if I should shed a few pounds all the better." He had nothing else to say to that remark.
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Please read below link and advise if you know or can shed some light on below thread. I guess I just want to make sure before I start cutting back on raw spinach that this is accurate information. Thanks.


    Mollie, I have a low thyroid and take thyroxin each day. I purchased Jullian Michaels 'Master your metabolism cookbook' recently and I will PM you re details. L x