Lots2Lose & over 40 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    Saturday share day:

    Like us all I have my 'stories'. When I was young if anyone had told me I

    Would be divorced after 13 years of mariage (ended when I was in my 30s)
    Would have a premature baby (weighing less than 750grams) who would have an early lifetime of hospital visits
    Would have two daughters who would both have tumours
    Would have one daughter who had crohns disease
    Would have one daughter with 'special educational needs'
    Would meet the love of my life in my later years, be engaged to be married, and then him die

    I would never have believed it. So why do I wonder why I have been overweight most of my adult life?!!! Emotional eating big time me thinks!!

    Its all changing now, the girls are 'well' (or at least adapted to their particular issues), I am trying not to miss 'him ' (he died last year), and what we had planned as our future together. I was lost for a while but now feel hope again (hence my logon name), I do see a future. Phew!

    ((((BIG HUG L)))) Life is a *itch sometimes. All you can do is put the *itch in her place and move forward!
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    Saturday Share Day: I gained 5 lbs this week. My feet and legs are swelled up like balloons from eating all that salt and riding the car for so long. I will drink more water and hope I start peeing soon! haha
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    FRIDAY FOODS - Well I must confess :blushing: I am still eating white bread everyday. I know its not good for me I don't know why I do it, except it seems to fill me up and satisfy me. I just love me some toast or a sandwich. Even with supper sometimes I butter me a bread or two. Thankfully I am still dropping weight cause I really try and stay under my daily calories and get some walking in most days.

    Linda, there is also a product by nature's own called white wheat - it has the consistency of white bread but the health benefits of wheat. It might be a good option for you. :wink:
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    Saturday Share: I guess my share is that I have been dealing with a lot of stress recently - pain (my left foot and right knee), work (co-workers behaving like 5 year olds), chorus (being president is a PITA), and trying to figure out the best eating plan/exercise options for me - that have put me in a funk, dare I say depression. It has sort of stymied me the past couple of days - I ended up vegging on the sofa for the basketball game last night and only doing a few minutes of exercise on the bike. I owe it to myself to clear my head and not let life (which always happens) derail me from improving my health!!!

    I am on the way out for Mexican with some friends now as a belated birthday celebration for one of them, so I will not be back until later today to read everyone's posts and catch up. But know that I am thinking of each of you and wishing the best for you today and every day!!! Hugs to all!!!:flowerforyou:
  • akaDumbo
    akaDumbo Posts: 187
    One more quick Thursday Triumph then off to bed with me

    I went to the dr. today for my diabetes check up and to get the results of my blood work and my A1c was..........drum roll please..................5.8. YES!!! My bloodsugar was in the NORMAL range!!! I was doing the happy dance :happy:

    Goodnight all!

    Congratulations Cathy that is a great triumph and one I know you must have earned
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    It is so very encouraging to read all the posts here. Everyone has really inspired me to keep on trying hard to get this weight off and be healthier. My daily blood sugar readings are starting to come down!!!!!!!!

    Today, we had lunch with a friend who suggested an Indian restaurant she likes. The food was wonderful, and vegetarian. But I have no idea how to begin logging the calories. I think I'll just make a guess and add 100 to it. I know that's not accurate, but the dish I had included small servings of about six different things...plus the nan bread (I only had about one quarter of what came with my meal). Does anyone have a better idea of how to calculate a meal like this?

  • Sue_Smiles
    Sue_Smiles Posts: 1,001 Member
    It is so very encouraging to read all the posts here. Everyone has really inspired me to keep on trying hard to get this weight off and be healthier. My daily blood sugar readings are starting to come down!!!!!!!!

    Today, we had lunch with a friend who suggested an Indian restaurant she likes. The food was wonderful, and vegetarian. But I have no idea how to begin logging the calories. I think I'll just make a guess and add 100 to it. I know that's not accurate, but the dish I had included small servings of about six different things...plus the nan bread (I only had about one quarter of what came with my meal). Does anyone have a better idea of how to calculate a meal like this?


    I just checked the database, type in Indian Food and you will be amazed at what comes up :) Cheers!
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    It is so very encouraging to read all the posts here. Everyone has really inspired me to keep on trying hard to get this weight off and be healthier. My daily blood sugar readings are starting to come down!!!!!!!!

    Today, we had lunch with a friend who suggested an Indian restaurant she likes. The food was wonderful, and vegetarian. But I have no idea how to begin logging the calories. I think I'll just make a guess and add 100 to it. I know that's not accurate, but the dish I had included small servings of about six different things...plus the nan bread (I only had about one quarter of what came with my meal). Does anyone have a better idea of how to calculate a meal like this?


    I just checked the database, type in Indian Food and you will be amazed at what comes up :) Cheers!

    I looked at the foods in the database. The problem I have is I don't remember the names all the little dishes I had. In fact, I only remember the actual names of two of the dishes. I've been doing some research online today and there are so many different dishes with similar names, I can't tell one from another. Lesson for today: pay more attention to the description on the menu when eating unfamiliar foods.
  • ShellyBrew
    ShellyBrew Posts: 823
    Beware Long Post :ohwell:

    Happy Saturday All…I was MIA yesterday do to a very busy work day. It was a good day with food and exercise; in fact a good food week! My PT has really been pushing the cardio this week and I think I have already lost 2lbs since Wednesday, fingers crossed I can maintain that and don’t blow it this weekend. I should be semi-good since I am working at the hospital all weekend (my second job that I do 1-2 wkends a month to support my vacation fund and play real nurse). Since I am working I will control my food/water much better. My new baby Allie went for her first Vet visit yesterday and passed with flying colors, she is in wonderful health, no parasites or diseases, and had her first round of vaccinations. On the job front I heard from my “contact” at the company and I am pretty much a shoe in for the F2F interview and high on the list for the job; others have applied but are not a good match; unless I blow the F2F or someone applies that fits the job better then me it is looking pretty good!!

    Answer to L’s questions from earlier in the week
    1) My lower legs have a tingly/ache feeling (from about half way down through to my foot), sort of like they are swollen and tight.
    Anyone else get this? I have spent an unusually long time sitting down the last two days and wonder if that had affected my circulation
    a. I sometimes get tingling/numbness while do cardio in one of my feet but only with exercise. I think it is a nerve thing. My job is mostly on my butt, I make it a point to get up every hour or so and just move and stretch my legs; maybe make a pint of doing this and see if it helps. I drink so much water at work it is usually not a problem as I am going to the “Loo” every hour
    2) What do you think has been 'the' key to you loosing the weight you have so far? Keeping under calories, exercising, both, low carb, .......other? I am genuinely interested to know
    a. For me it is the food, I have to control the calories and intake. If I don’t control the food I don’t lose weight, no matter how much I exercise. Water is also key; lots and lots of water.

    @L-I luv multigrain cheerios; awesome idea to always carry them around. I will have to do that, especially when I am out on the weekends running errands (and being tempted). Glad your daughters are doing well and now you have us to help you thru the dark times
    @Jolene-I love the new picture and you new grandbaby is adorable. Don’t get discouraged about the gain, it sounds like a water thing; isn’t it amazing that you have to drink tons of water to flush the water out!!!
    @Cathy-Congrats on getting your A1C down, that is truly awesome
    @Claudia-WooHoo on not giving in during your stressful day, that is a great accomplishment
    @Sheri-your sleepover sounds wonderful, hope you had an awesome time
    @Linda-I can’t remember the last time I had white bread, switched to multigrain/wheat a long time ago (even before the get healthy thing). I love the Arnolds Sandwich Thins and use those for sandwiches, burgers etc…only 100 calories each but I don’t think they come in white. I only use multigrain pasta and brown rice also; the only time I have white flour pasta is when I go out. If you don’t like the wheat/multigrain thing then just moderate and adjust as needed; you don’t have to give up any foods just make them work for you.
    @MJ (first HUGS) …. “I owe it to myself to clear my head and not let life (which always happens) derail me from improving my health!!!” this is the attitude, unfortunately life is always throwing us those curveballs and vegging on the couch every once in a while is good therapy; keep moving forward.
    @Katz…WooHoo and getting your blood sugar under control, that is an awesome accomplishement.

    Well all, I need to get back to work (Stamp out Disease and Save some Lives)…thanks for all the food/recipe suggestions!
  • Jojo42
    Jojo42 Posts: 223
    Good evening Ladies,

    My working week is now over! I am fortunate in that I have a job that I don't have to do full time but It's no longer enjoyable...far too stressful , I'm not a fan of stress.

    Well my evening out was just perfect, enough pink fizz to take the edge off the day and the mexican mussels were divine! No pudding, not even an after dinner mint to combat the garlic...my poor taxi driver taking me home took the full brunt, poor man! (not that he got that close you understand!)

    I know I won't remember everyone but..

    Cassie*** the hot flax cereal is on the lowcarb.com page. It's 2 tablespoons flax meal
    1 tablespoon crunchy peanut butter
    cinnamon and splenda to taste
    add boiling water to cover the dry ingrediants, then mix in the PB. It is a weird texture, kinda gloopy but it does the job!

    L***thank you for sharing your life, your daughters wedding photo is beautiful. I am so sorry for all the hardships you have had. Last year in particular. My heart goes out to you. Sometimes there is no justice in this life. I too am HOPEFUL for you. xxxx

    Katz*** Kew gardens sounds wonderful. It's on my to do list. Fantastic news about your blood sugar :) Hope you had a lovely lunch x

    Shelly*** I get that tingle in my feet when I exercise with trainers, not really sure what it is other than my feet not being used to it!

    Cathy*** brilliant news about your blood sugar level...I'm always up for doing some happy dancing !

    Linda***Bread? What is bread..haha. I haven't had bread for 3 weeks now . I am a huge bread lover, it is definitely a weakness, slathered in butter...mmmm. Oh well, in the low carb world it doesn't exist and the butter on it's own dowsn't quite cut it!
    Enjoy if you're still losing and it fits in with your calories. There are worse things.
  • Jojo42
    Jojo42 Posts: 223

    I am originally Maltese and came to England when I was a small girl...not speaking a word of English. My mum met and married an Englishman and he adopted me. As he was in the services we travelled every year/2 years. I lived abroad for 7 years and went to 8 schools in total.

    I was a "normal weight " girl and a windsurfer( used to compete and was the cocoa cola ladies champion in 1984!)

    When I was 19 I met the man I was to marry, 2 years later we married, 1 year later I came off the pill and...bam put on 5 stone in a year. Went for lots of tests and it turned out I had PCOS(the pill masks it apparently) PCOS also made me infertile.

    I had fertility treatment for both girls but have now got 2 gorgeous daughters, Olivia 14(nearly 15) and Sassy (12)

    Fast forward, I have been divorced for 5 years this September. At the end of 2009 I was diagnosed with womb cancer, a radical hysterectomy followed, luckily the cancer was contained.

    I got back together with my ex last year but it wasn't right so we have remained as friends..though I think we are still both each others soulmate. It's sad but people change and there is a lot to be said for not going backwards. I'd love to meet someone special.

    My weight hasn't really fluctuated too much over the years. I have tried every low fat/calorie diet out! Slimming world, rosemary conley, cambridge, diet chef.

    It was whilst I was having my pre op done for my knee op that someone told me that hormonal weight gain responds well to low carb lifestyle. I have never tried it before but it can never hurt to try. :)
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Saturday share- i am 54 yrls old. was married for 27 years and had 3 children; then he left a few years ago. Been an emotional wreck ever since. Now my daughter, son and daughter in law, and 3 yr old grandson live with me so it is interesting with all the different personalities.. i was an emotional eater for many years. I am a registered nurse and worked in emergency for 20 years then went into federal corrections after he left so i was home with my teenagers. Convicts are a whole different species!! Got very sick last year with bacterial meningitis as well as severe back problem so i have been off on disability for over a year and HATING it. I am losing weight so i can have surgery on my back then hopefully get back to work...that is the goal. For some reason i finally got the hang of the weight battle since i found MFP. It is essential for me to measure and log my food and get some exercise for this to work. I try not to beat myself up (too much) over wasting many years being overweight and just try to move forward.
    I am off to an open house today so i went to the gym this morning for some elliptical and bike time and then had a large salad at home so i won`t be tempted to nibble the treats there (other than the veggies)
    Hoping everyone has a successful weekend

  • Sue_Smiles
    Sue_Smiles Posts: 1,001 Member
    Saturday share:

    During the last 3 years (when I was 1st diagnosed as bipolar) I have learned a lot about reducing stress. One way, which is really quick and can be done anywhere anytime is abdominal breathing:

    1. Place one hand on your abdomen right beneath your rib cage

    2. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose into the bottom of your lungs. Your chest should move only slightly, while your stomach rises, pushing your hand up.

    3. When you’ve inhaled fully, pause for a moment and then exhale fully through your mouth. Purse your lips and imagine that you are blowing on a hot spoonful of soup. As you exhale, just let yourself go and imagine your entire body going loose and limp. It should take you twice as long to exhale as it did to inhale.

    4. In order to fully relax, take and release ten abdominal breaths. Try to keep your breathing smooth and regular throughout, without gulping in a big breath or exhaling suddenly.

    here's the link if you're interested in more detail (& other steps to reduce stress):

    Have a wonderful Saturday everyone
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    Today, we had lunch with a friend who suggested an Indian restaurant she likes. The food was wonderful, and vegetarian. But I have no idea how to begin logging the calories. I think I'll just make a guess and add 100 to it. I know that's not accurate, but the dish I had included small servings of about six different things...plus the nan bread (I only had about one quarter of what came with my meal). Does anyone have a better idea of how to calculate a meal like this?

    I had the same problem when I went to a Tea in February - we were served mini portions of 12 or so different foods. I was going to just use the Quick Add option with a calorie total, but others on the board recommended just trying to find similar items (like quiche or mini-sandwiches) and estimate the portion size that I ate. I did this and just hoped for the best. Had a loss that week so I guess it worked okay. :flowerforyou:
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    Hi all. Hope everyone has had a wonderful Saturday!!!

    Had a good lunch - chicken fajita salad - did not eat the tortilla shell bowl. Getting ready to do my walk - foot is still iffy but I think I can push through it. My partner also asked me to help get the home gym (one of those total-gym knockoffs that uses your bodyweight as the resistance) set up for our use, so that should get a little more exercise in that way too. I know it does not burn nearly as many calories to do strength training, but the muscle helps burn fat, so it is still important.

    Sheri, hope you had a fabulous sleepover with your family. That is such a neat tradition!!! Also, thanks for sharing the chicken sausauge recipet – that sounds yummy. Can I ask why type of sausage – like smoked chicken, cajun? Thanks!

    Mollie, I am totally fine with having my weigh listed. I weigh what I do whether others know the number or not. In fact, my starting weight is listed in my MFP profile. I too used to be concerned about others knowing but I figure we are all here for the same purpose and trust the other members not to judge me for how out of control I have been with food. And thanks again for agreeing to maintain this list/challenge for us!

    L, glad you did well with your conference. Sounds like you got some serious exercise in too! And great for eating your healthy breakfast on the train! Your sharing today really moved me – you are a super-strong woman having dealt with all that!!! I am so proud of you!

    Karen, good suggestion of snacking on cheerios. I used to eat dry cereal as a snack but got away from it after I quit WW in couple of years ago. I need to get back in that habit and keeping a baggie with me in case I get hungry out someplace and need a bite!

    Linda, I hear you on exercise too. I actually like to workout or at least the idea of it. The problem for me so far has been from the “ability” standpoint. I have big thoughts of working out for a hour or more per day and a long-term goal of becoming a runner. But, my 350# size limits what I can do at this point. So, all I can do is what I can do and hope that as I get smaller and improve my stamina and flexability, I will be able to continually increase my exercise both in intensity and duration.

    Jo, welcome back!!! So glad you got to spend some quality time with your new little man! Love the new profile pic of you holding him! I am sure that extra weight this week is mostly sodium and will be washed away quickly!

    Katz, enjoy your outings this weekend! Wish I could help with the side dish options, but I too tend to revert back to steamed veggies most days for dinner. The other option is a side salad with mostly just leafy greens and a little low fat dressing. Congrats on the Kew Gardens membership – sounds like a lovely place!

    Shelly, so glad the new job is looking like it will work out for you! You totally deserve it. Congrats on Allie's clean bill of health – hope she is bringing you and your mom much joy! My toes tend to go numb after about 30 minutes of walking. I can usually keep going for another 10-15 minutes, but it is a PITA. Hoping it will improve as I decrease the amount of pressure being put on my small (size 5 childrens) feet by my 350# weight.

    Joanna, you are doing wonderfully! Sounds like you have lead a very exciting life with all the different locales and activities! Congrats on your windsurfing success! I am sure there is someone special out there for you – just have to keep your eyes open!

    Karen, thanks for sharing! I am sure with your mind-set, you will lose the weight needed for your surgery and get back to work! You are doing great with your eating/planning and your exercise!

    Sue, thanks for the abdominal breathing info. I am dealing with quite a lot of stress presently and am sure this will help!

    If I missed anyone, please forgive me. I am always thinking of you wonderful ladies when going about my daily activities. Wishing you all the best!

    Hugs as always!
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    Saturday Share: I guess my share is that I have been dealing with a lot of stress recently - pain (my left foot and right knee), work (co-workers behaving like 5 year olds), chorus (being president is a PITA), and trying to figure out the best eating plan/exercise options for me - that have put me in a funk, dare I say depression. It has sort of stymied me the past couple of days - I ended up vegging on the sofa for the basketball game last night and only doing a few minutes of exercise on the bike. I owe it to myself to clear my head and not let life (which always happens) derail me from improving my health!!!

    I am on the way out for Mexican with some friends now as a belated birthday celebration for one of them, so I will not be back until later today to read everyone's posts and catch up. But know that I am thinking of each of you and wishing the best for you today and every day!!! Hugs to all!!!:flowerforyou:
    MJ: I get the funk/depression also. I want it to happen and I want it NOW, but my crazy body has a mind of it's own. I POUT! and then I move on. haha You know my 3 day rule! hahaha
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    Today, we had lunch with a friend who suggested an Indian restaurant she likes. The food was wonderful, and vegetarian. But I have no idea how to begin logging the calories. I think I'll just make a guess and add 100 to it. I know that's not accurate, but the dish I had included small servings of about six different things...plus the nan bread (I only had about one quarter of what came with my meal). Does anyone have a better idea of how to calculate a meal like this?

    I had the same problem when I went to a Tea in February - we were served mini portions of 12 or so different foods. I was going to just use the Quick Add option with a calorie total, but others on the board recommended just trying to find similar items (like quiche or mini-sandwiches) and estimate the portion size that I ate. I did this and just hoped for the best. Had a loss that week so I guess it worked okay. :flowerforyou:

    I just eat it and fake the calories as best I can. It's just one meal! It takes 3500 calories to gain a mere pound and you know you aren't eating that much. no worries!
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Good evening everyone, just about to hit bed but thought I would post first:

    Had a good day but not so good in terms of exercise. My daughter and I had a ‘spa’ day at home and this basically meant doing absolutely nothing bar enjoying each others company. Later on this evening went to my mums and changed the dressing on her leg. When I got home I decided to go through all cupboards and my chest freezer in the garage and look at the calorie content and date on everything and write it down as a list. I figure this will do two things, lets me know exactly what I have got in the house and also what calories are in everything, plus I know what to use first date wise. I can then think of the recipes I can make with what I have. I haven’t done this sort of thing for a long time. Just kind of forgot what I have already got (ignored it) and purchased new foods. Glad I did this so thoroughly today, feels really therapeutic! Lol! Some of the frozen fish was so out of date. I think I purchased it a while ago with good intentions (before joining MFP) and then decided to ‘forget’ it was there and ate a packet of biscuits instead of cooking…. My life before MFP! Lol!

    It is very late here now so I will just have to wait until tomorrow to type the list up from my handwritten notes. Off to bed now, night all!

    @Jolene - Thanks for the tip on the bread and the zucchini squash . Love the *itch comment, made me laugh! Thanks for the hug, received gratefully at this end! Sorry to hear about the 5lbs but I am sure you will shift it soon running to the loo! Lol! I read your note to Katzpawz re it taking 3500 calories to put on one pound, hadn’t thought about it like that, it will help me thinking this way instead of stressing if I have a few calories over.

    @Mellisa – Hope you enjoyed the Mexican with your friends. Sorry to hear about your foot and knee and the silly people at the office. Like someone has said to me today, we all have each other so we can ‘let off steam’ about things and hopefully shift our emotions a bit at the same time. You are allowed your down time. Maybe you were feeling so overwhelmed that sitting on the sofa was all you could cope with at the time. Be kind to yourself for a bit then get yourself going and show the world you have sassy attitude!

    Added later: Glad you had a good time. A home gym ah, very impressive! Thanks for your lovely comment re my share, felt really touched you telling me you felt proud of me.

    @katzpawz – I am always impressed by your walk reporting, you inspire me to try and do more. Regarding the Indian Food …..I absolutely love it but since going on this healthy eating I haven’t had any but my daughter tells me the best is to have the chicken tikka (dry skewers not the masala type) with pilau rice. I love the peshwaria (?) naan but boy are they soooo naughty! I hope you enjoyed yourself.

    @Shelly – I was trying to work out for ages what MIA meant, lol! I think I know now ‘missing in action’? I am SO impressed with you, you are really going for it. You work so hard and despite being so busy (you always sound busy), you find the time. So no excuses for me! A great start re the 2lbs this week, who knows what weight in will bring this week!!! Wow, it sounds promising re the job. I am sure you will do your best on the day so fingers crossed there too! You are inspiring!

    Re the legs: Yes, need to get up more to move from the desk on those ‘desk’ days. A good idea to keep getting up to go to water fountain to get more water and by default have lots of trips to the loo, lol! Jolene mentioned re her legs puffing up from all the salt and I never thought this would be an issue! I will now watch to see how my food might affect my legs. They used to be awful before I lost my 19lbs but are not so bad these days, just the odd day here and there but when it comes it is ‘achy’
    Re loosing weight: You and Cassie both said about the controlling calorie intake was key even if exercise, so that is good to know thanks.

    @Joanna – Glad the fizzy pink stuff did the trick on your night out! Lol! You are an absolute star sticking to the low carb eating! Have added the low carb website and will take a look. Thanks for sharing some of your life, you are amazing! I know it is hard with divorce but to have your health issues on top. Thanks so much for your comment on my share, a big hug back at you.

    @Karen – Big hug to you too. Divorce, family and the emotional fall out, then ill health, it is a lot to deal with. You have given so much to society in your nursing years and I am so sorry to hear of your illness and your back. Very frustrating for you. Fully agree, MFP people are amazing and have helped me turn my life around (not feeling so alone and that they understand the ‘issues’ around overeating). That might sound over the top but it is how I feel, truly. Having your operation is a big goal focus. You CAN do it, look at you! You are working out despite your back, despite your recovering from your health issues. You are a star! Hope you enjoyed the salad after your exercise workout, and of course the open house!

    @Sue - Thanks very much for the info re the breathing exercises, will take a look. I don’t know too much about bipolar but have read a little of Cory’s posts (from the 100lbs+ group) as she suffers with this. I am sure it is a constant challenge.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    Saturday Share: My partner and I bought a membership to Kew Gardens, just outside of London. It is an amazing place with beautiful gardens, Victorian era (and contemporary) greenhouses, lots of wildlife (ducks, swans, geese, squirrels). We've been once this Spring and plan to visit there regularly. It's a great place for walking.



    That sounds great. Looks like a nice place to get some walking in and spend some quality time together. I love going to different gardens. There are several not too far from us. It is nice to get out in the fresh air and spend time with the family. ENJOY this spring and summer
  • mainey65
    mainey65 Posts: 342 Member
    So, Saturday Sharing: A little bit about me:
    My husband and I will be married 25 years this year, and we still love each other as much now as we did all those years ago. I know alot of people thought our marriage would not last because of the age difference (he is 12 years older than Iam)but we proved them wrong. Like many of you our lives have also been touched by cancer. When our boys were just 4 and 2, we found our my husband had non-hodgekins lymphoma. He did the chemo and all was well for a couple of years and then it returned. Did another round of chemo and beat it! He's been good for years now; however, a couple of years ago he found out he had kidney disease. Luckly we've gotten that under control too. During this time my Dad found out he had colin cancer. Unfortunately, we caught it too late and he passed away shortly after finding out. So, yes, we all have our struggles and I guess all you can do is keep going forward. My youngest son, Eric, is a real worrier. I always tell him that things happen that we can't always control,, but we can't always be worrying about them because we will make ourselves crazy`
    Ok, enough babbling from me. As I said earlier, I'm loving ot get to know all of you better.
    Take care all, Charmaine