Lots2Lose & over 40 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    Monday Check-In: I am absolutely amazed that I was able to do that long walk yesterday. It wasn't that long ago, that I would never have made up that first hill! My blood sugars are continuing to improve and know that's from all the exercise. I feel a little tired this morning and a bit sore, but not as bad as I feared.

    I have ordered a new bathroom scale. The one I have is inconsistent and unreliable. It makes me crazy because it can show up to a 6 pound difference in my weight just by my stepping on, off and back on. The new one should be here tomorrow and I'll continue with my Thursday and Monday weigh in days. I'm looking forward to seeing an accurate weight and having another measure of the effort I'm putting into my health plan.

    Congrats on the walk. woot woot! Great accomplishment!
    IE Scales: I have a love/hate relationship with my scales. haha Good luck with your new ones!
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Hi friends,
    Just thought I'd pop back on here before I go to bed. Going to maybe watch a bit of tv and then try to get an early night. Well, my idea of throwing some veggies on the BBQ kinda fell through. Instead i made some BAD choices. I ate three bbq ribs and I also had my hand in the chip bowl way more times than I should have and then just to make things complete, my husband and I had a few drinks with ny son, Bryan, and his friends. I know tomorrow is Mon. and I need to get back on track, and I will, but I am meeting my two best friends for dinner at the pub, which would be ok but we always end up ordering beer and chicken wings! More BAD choices!

    :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway:
    Ummmm ya better drink lots of water and get some extra exercising in this week. :laugh: But sounds like you had fun with your family. BBQ yummy. And enjoy your time with your friends today.
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Hello lovelies!

    Day out with friends/family today. Not a great day food wise, over calories but it was a day when that was needed.

    Hope you have all had a great weekend. Have read the posts but no time at the moment to respond fully. x

    Glad you found some time for yourself. I know you need that. Hugs.:flowerforyou:
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Monday Check-In: I am happy to report my 5 lb gain is nearly gone. Hopefully, I will continue to lose this week and maybe finally I will drop a few pounds down from my recent long long "stall". I can only hope! Have a great week! I start work on friday and I am sooooo ready! Tho, I will have to start getting up by 6:30 am to work out. ugh!

    Woot Woot happy to hear your 5lbs gain is nearly gone. Keep working on it. I know you can do it. And once it is off it will feel so good to see that scale # keep going down. Have a great day.
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Monday Members Check In - Feeling better - thanks for all your kind words and support. I sneaked a peak at the scale this morning and it looks like I will have a small loss this week. Crossing fingers it stays like that for my weight in day (it is on Wed) I don't offically change my ticker until then. As you all know things can get messy from day to day. Going to stick with my healthy eating and walking all week. Wishing you all a happy and healthy eating Monday. :heart:
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    monday check in. this week I didnt do very good weight wise. But I did stay within my calories and exercised. I went to the gym this morning and got in a good workout. It seems it is so much easier to make myself go to the gym and workout because everyone else is there working out and what else am I going to do there ? LOL. When I am at home it is hard for me to make myself do it. The trick I think is to go after dropping my daughter off at school. If I come home first it will be harder to make myself go. ok enough rambling. I hope everyone is having a good day. The sun is out today and it looks so nice out. I am so tired of the rain, I am glad to see the sun.
  • mainey65
    mainey65 Posts: 343 Member
    Katzpawz - I love "colthes shopping" in my closet. Although it's been a looong time since I've been able to do that, I am looking forward to it. Congratulations on fitting into those jeans! Isn't it a great feeling! I hope I can do this soon too. Good for you. Keep up the good work!
  • mainey65
    mainey65 Posts: 343 Member
    Jackie - I wouldn't worry too much about going over your clories by 300 when you did all that walking especially with all those hills! Good lucki this week!
  • mainey65
    mainey65 Posts: 343 Member
    Jolene - Congrats on losing your 5lb gain! Maybe starting wrok on Fri. will get you back into a routine - sounds great except for the 6:30am wake up (yuck, that's when I get up too. My nepohew gets here at about 7:15am). I think we all have a love?hate relationship with the scale: we love it when it goes down ......and hate it when it goes up! haha!
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Ok, I think I've caught up with everyones posts WHEW! Everyone seems to be doing well, which is great! The rain has finally subsided here, and it is supposed to get up into the 80's this week YAY!

    I've started the 30day shred and I'm feeling it! My arms are sore! I think it's pretty sad that I can do 30 sit-ups straight, but only 10 push-ups! I really need to work on my upper body strength. Also combing that with my walk/jog/run, so I hope to see some results! Both kids came home with great report cards so we went out to dinner Friday night to celebrate. Ended up at Souplantation and I over did it! Only had soup and salad, but just WAY too much!

    Linda: Glad you are feeling better! Also, about the bread, I'm with you! I LOVE :love: bread! All smothered in butter *drool* When my husband found out he had diabetes, we switched to whole-wheat bread, and only keep wheat bread in the house, along with wheat pastas, so the temptation is gone. I don't even notice it anymore. I guess the way your body processes the bread is the issue. Good luck!

    Joanna: Having one-on-one time with your daughter is great! I love those days :heart: and I think "beautiphil" is such a great name, you'll have post pictures of this good-looking young man!

    Sue: Dont ever worry about saying the wrong thing here! We are not here to judge you or anyone. Please feel safe here to say whatever you are feeling, this is what a support group is for! Plus, there is hardly anything you or anyone can say to offend me :happy:

    Katz= WTG on that walk! that steep hill sounds tough and you made it, awesome!!!

    Cassie= great job on all the walking, your doing great!

    Shelly= When will you hear back about the job? sounds like you're a shoe-in!

    Karen= Sounds like you did a TON of work in the yard, that's awesome! Hope you logged that as exercise! I do not have a green thumb whatsoever! I've killed cactus! :blushing:

    Christy= sorry your vacation is over, but glad you are back on a regular schedule!

    Gabby= how many glasses of water have you had so far? I"m checking in on ya! Also glad to hear you husband will be home soon!

    Jolean: HAHAHA your hallway joke made me laugh! Thank you!

    UGHH! I know I've missed many of you and I"m sorry! Just know that I am reading your posts and cheering you on!
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    I forgot to post my NSV!!!! Every year my husband and I go to Las Vegas to this great weekender filled with music, bands, dancing, friends and shopping. Anyway, I pulled out all my vintage dress and skirts to mend, iron, and dry clean and realized they are TOO BIG!! I put a few items up on ebay to sell, but I am having a couple altered to fit. I am SO happy! I can't wait to go shopping, but that will have to wait a while, as paying for the repair bill on my car really put a dent in our budget. Here's the link if you would like to take a peek at what we'll be doing!

  • mainey65
    mainey65 Posts: 343 Member
    monday check in. this week I didnt do very good weight wise. But I did stay within my calories and exercised. I went to the gym this morning and got in a good workout. It seems it is so much easier to make myself go to the gym and workout because everyone else is there working out and what else am I going to do there ? LOL. When I am at home it is hard for me to make myself do it. The trick I think is to go after dropping my daughter off at school. If I come home first it will be harder to make myself go. ok enough rambling. I hope everyone is having a good day. The sun is out today and it looks so nice out. I am so tired of the rain, I am glad to see the sun.

    Sheri, I am with you, so glad to see the sun! Do you think maybe Spring is finally here? I here what you're saying about going to ther gym right after you drop your daughter at school. "Cause if you go home first you can come up with a hundred differnt reasons why you shouldn't go to the gym i.e. need to do this or that around the house. Way back when I used to go to the gym - my kids used to go to a class at the same time I did my step class so it worked out perfectly. You are my inspiraton. I'm seriously thinking of getting a gym memership again. I know I need to do it. It seems to be working for you, so....maybe?
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Monday checkin- after my marathon gardening yesterday i am still able to move today so off to the gym i went. I am finding that i do nothave much of an appetite lately so i am not sure how i am going to get all the calories in today. On a good note...i took my taxes in to be done and just found out i get a huge refund!! i made sure they triple checked it.....now i can have someone cut the lawn for me this summer and help my daughter pay her tax bill before she goes to ireland.
    hope everyone has a successful day

  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Good Afternoon everyone!

    Monday check in: I am in a slump weight wise. The scale keeps going up. I am looking forward to Wednesday so I can hopefully get my MOJO back regarding this journey. It could be worse for sure so not too bummed about it. I keep yo-yoing same 2 pound back and forth. No where near the 348 on my ticker.

    Since it has been a month since I hit the 348 I am thinking of adjusting all my tickers to reflect true numbers.:grumble: Have not decided. I guess I could give myself one more month to get back to 348 and 40 pound lost. I know some of you do not change your tickers back and forth.

    After my doctors visit I found out I am only 5ft 9inches tall now. They say you get shorter as you get older. Have any of you heard of this? Needless to say that made my BMI even higher than I thought.:noway: :ohwell:

    I am just interested in know who changes thier tickers every week whether they are up or down?

    Have a good week all!!:flowerforyou:
  • christyrussell2
    christyrussell2 Posts: 630 Member
    Monday Check In

    I had a diet soda last week because the restaurant had nothing but tap water - I don't drink tap water! It was the first diet soda I've had in 2 months. It tasted ok but nothing I couldn't live without. I immediately went back to my water. I still don't care for water but I know that it's healthy so I keep after it. I think it's kinda funny that I've turned into a "water snob" & won't drink tap water. It just tastes so nasty! :sick:

    I've been calories cycling for the last week & am up 1.5 lbs. I don't think it's supposed to work like that & I don't like seeing the scale go up. I'm going to give it another week just to see if it will work out for me. If not, I'll not be climbing back on that bicycle! :laugh:

    @Mollie - I do change my ticker up or down on my weigh-in day. If I don't change it, then I feel like I'm cheating. I feel that it is important for me to see exactly what's going on to keep me honest.

    :heart: Christy
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Monday Members Check In day-Everyone checks in and lets us know how your last week went.( For ex: my week was great because, or I had trouble last week with etc...)

    My week was good until Saturday when I felt so weak and couldn't put my finger on it, ended up not going to gym nor on Sunday. Sunday slept for hours in the pm, very unlike me. Saturday and Sunday were accommpanied by the wish to eat more, so I did and went over calories because I was mainly in bed. Nothing too naughty just more toast and cereal than usual. I think I have a water infection so will go to doctors, that would explain why I have been so knocked out energy wise. My mind wants to crack on and exercise but I just dont have it in me at the moment.

    It wasn't all bad, I did spend sunday am with family/friends which was very nice. Trying to be upbeat! Happy Monday all!
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    Hi ladies. Have had a very busy Monday off - just now getting a chance to check-in.

    Last week for me was pretty good. No change on the scale Tues/Wed was a little disappointing and toward the weekend, was feeling pretty tired. Ended up having to eat out Friday evening and Saturday for lunch - why is every social occasion and eating occasion??? - but think I made pretty decent choices and stayed under calories even with having a medium blizzard Saturday night since I managed to get my workout in. I weigh in tomorrow for my March challenge and then again Wednesday to report to Mollie and am hoping for a loss, even if just a slight one. But, if not, I will give myself a pep talk and keep on going.

    I have recognized a food issue for which I would like to seek the group's input. On workdays (Mon-Fri), I take my breakfast, lunch and snacks to work with me and eat those. They usually total around 800-900 calories. Given my daily allowance of 1770 per day, that leaves about 1/2 my allowance for evening snacks and dinner. The problem comes in if I workout. I average a 500 calorie or so burn per day. If I want to eat any of those calorie, that means I have to eat quite a bit in the evening. I have tried to eat more during the day, but get kind of panicked if my tracker shows just 400 or so left for the evening - like if I do not get my workout in, that would not give me much to play with for food in the evening. Do you all eat more earlier or later? Any suggestion on how best to distribute my calories throughout the day?

    I also seem to have a problem on days that I am off work. Have to take my thyroid meds at least an hour before I eat. If I manage to sleep in a bit (vs. the 6 am when I get up for work), it is past breakfast and maybe even past morning snack time before I am allowed to eat. This leaves me with a huge pile of calories (esp if I workout) to use over just 1/2 a day or so. As you all know, it is hard to eat enough healthy food to use up so many calories as healthy foods tend to be low in calories. This leads me to eating a fastfood meal or something to take up those calories. I still come in under calories for the day, but know I am not making the best food choices. Any ideas how I might avoid this eating pattern but without eating under my calories for the day? Thanks for any input!

    Mollie, sorry you are in a bit of a slump now. I know that you are doing all the right things and that the scale will get moving for you soon. Just hang in there!

    L, sorry you had a down weekend. Hope you are feeling better today!

    Wishing everyone a wonderful evening. After figuring out dinner for tonight, I will try to get back to catch up more on the other posts.

    Hugs as always!!! :flowerforyou:
  • mainey65
    mainey65 Posts: 343 Member
    Hi everybody,
    Off to dinner with my two bestest friends for chicken wings and beer. I know it's not the best choice but we only meet once a month. I'm feeling kinda guilty , but I know i will have a nice evening out and I will get right back on track tomorrow. My one friend is just like me, always on a diet, trying to lose weight and the other one, she is a twig, and she eats like a pig! Don't you just hate people like that! She can eat and eart and eat and never gain a pound! Well, off I go. I'll try to check in later. Thinking of you all and hoping you are making better choices than me. hahaha! Charmaine
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    @ L,
    Sorry your weekend was crappy. Hope you are feeling better soon. Hope the doctor can shed some light on this matter.

    IMO at your size your size you do not have to make yourself eat those calories. I just do not buy it. When you look at these shows like the Biggest losers and Heavy these people are not eating that much over 1200 calories per day. If you starve your body it has to let the weight go at some time. Until you are closer to your ultimate goal I just don't think your net calories being at 800 is going to hurt you at all. I know many may not agree but this starvation mode stuff going around MFP is over-rated IMO. If I could eat less than 1500 calories I would do it in a heart beat. I know I am bigger than you but when I was smaller and I ate 1200 to 1400 calories a day with exericise I always lost weight without a doubt. I plan to get under that 1500 calories a day if it kills me.....:-) Why do you feel you need to eat all of your calories and eat some are all of your exercise calories? Were you stalling for over 4 weeks at some point and tried to jump start your weight loss? Just curious?

    On April 13th I have an appointment with a weight management group I use to go to about 2 years ago. Thier diet was good and healthly and was between 1200 to 1500 calories. I can't find the diet for nothing now. So the only way to get it is to go back. I am not taking all those test over again. So if the doctor insists on that I will only be going the one time to get their packet or as for long as I can get away with without taking all those tests. I liked have them monitor my diary and now that I am with MFP I have a nice looking diary to just print out and go over with them. I know for me 1900 calories is too high and I think that may be why I am not losing weight. I know I should not be gaining needless to say. But since I think I am in peri-menapause I am going to chalk it up to that and keep on trucking.
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Even though it's not Friday Food day, I am posting a recipe for baked chicken parm that I am making for dinner tognight. It is SO good! Found the recipe right here, too!

    Parmesan Baked Chicken Breasts

    Prep Time: 7 mins
    Cook Time: 26 mins
    Total Time: 33 mins

    1/3 cup(s) bread crumbs, Italian-style
    1/4 cup(s) cheese, Parmesan, grated
    1/4 teaspoon pepper, black 2 clove(s) garlic, pressed
    2 tablespoon oil, olive
    24 ounce(s) chicken breast halves, 4 (6-oz) skinless, boneless breasts
    cooking spray
    1/2 cup(s) spaghetti sauce, fire-roasted tomato-and-garlic pasta sauce (such as Classico), warmed

    1. Preheat oven to 425°.

    2. Heat a large baking sheet in oven for 5 minutes.

    3. Combine first 3 ingredients in a shallow dish.

    4. Place garlic and oil in a small glass bowl, and microwave at HIGH 30 seconds or until warm and fragrant.

    5. Dip chicken in garlic oil; dredge in breadcrumb mixture. Coat preheated baking sheet with cooking spray, and place chicken on pan. Coat chicken with cooking spray.

    6. Bake at 425° for 25 minutes or until done and golden. Serve with pasta sauce.

    Yield: 4 servings (serving size: 1 chicken breast half and 2 tablespoons pasta sauce).

    Nutritional Info (Per serving):
    Calories: 295
    Saturated Fat: 2g
    Sodium: 388mg
    Dietary Fiber: 0.5g
    Total Fat: 10g
    Carbs: 7g
    Cholesterol: 101mg
    Protein: 41.5g
    Carb Choices: 0.5
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