Lots2Lose & over 40 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • malias
    malias Posts: 82
    Good morning all.

    Tuesday Test: My biggest overall challenge is staying motivated. Lately, with so much support from all of you, my family and friend (the select few who know I'm trying to loose weight), it's been a lot easier to stay motivated. Also, the small successes I've enjoyed, such as the smaller jeans from my closet and being able to do a really long walk, have been motivating in and of themselves. It amazes me though, that there are still days that I struggle to stay on my plan.

    One consistent problem I have is that pesky inner voice in my head that is so very critical. Even after that six mile walk on Sunday, that voice was beating me up about how slow I walked compared to some of the others in the group, and how I had the hardest time going up the hills. So I think my next challenge is to work on that inner voice. I am doing a phenomenal job working on a tremendous undertaking. That in itself is reason for me to be proud. I'm going to work on re-programming that voice. Even if I can't silence it, I can certainly turn the volume down!

    Have a great week everyone!

    Hey there Katzpawz! Why are we so hard on ourselves? You did fabulous with your endurance! That is my goal...endurance. Six miles is terrific and dont you let that little voice tell you any different. Great job.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Daily Inspiration for March 23, 2011
    Katie Jay,MSW

    Leave the land of make-believe.

    Are you sitting in the land of make-believe, waiting for a handsome prince to rescue you from your problems? Are you wanting to be freed from the castle tower, but don't know how to get out without a fairy godmother or a night in shining armor?

    No matter what your challenge, no matter what is holding you back, you can set yourself free if you put your heart and mind to it. The reality is you can rescue yourself.

    Action for the day: Identify a problem today that has you feeling trapped or hopeless. Then, take some real action toward resolving your problem--even if it's just a small action.
  • malias
    malias Posts: 82
    Good morning everyone. I have a question....

    Why do we give such great advice/encouragement/motivation to others and yet we don't do it for ourselves? I have decided (thank you Katzpawz) that from now on, if I find that I'm beating myself up over something, I am going to stop and think, "what would I say to a friend in the same situation?" Then, I'm going to take my own advice!

    We work very hard for our accomplishments and yet I, for one, never think I've done enough. I think if we work on being as good to ourselves as we are to others, we just might change our opinions of ourselves and maybe even motivate ourselves to keep going!!

    I hope everyone has a stellar day :glasses:
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    Good morning everyone. I have a question....

    Why do we give such great advice/encouragement/motivation to others and yet we don't do it for ourselves? I have decided (thank you Katzpawz) that from now on, if I find that I'm beating myself up over something, I am going to stop and think, "what would I say to a friend in the same situation?" Then, I'm going to take my own advice!

    We work very hard for our accomplishments and yet I, for one, never think I've done enough. I think if we work on being as good to ourselves as we are to others, we just might change our opinions of ourselves and maybe even motivate ourselves to keep going!!

    I hope everyone has a stellar day :glasses:

    Fabulous idea!! I'm right there with you!!
  • ShellyBrew
    ShellyBrew Posts: 823
    Hey All….So just found out the job is a no go, they needed someone with more manager experience which I totally understand. I knew going in that I did not have all the qualifications. On a positive note they did stress that they loved me and if a more Jr position opened up they would call me directly. I don’t hate my current job by any means so no plans to look.

    I think I have done well this last week really paying attention to my diet and doing lots more cardio in my workouts. I have avoided the scale so we will see what tomorrow shows. Thanks for all the support and kind words. Together we will conquer these dreaded extra pounds.

    So I have made it thru page 11…I’ll be back later to check more (should get some work done)

    @Kelly…6+ miles is amazing and what a burn, you deserved that extra calorie lunch. Woohoo on being down a pants size

    @Jackie…the number one tip for losing weight (for me) is watching the diet; if I don’t keep the calorie intake and portions under control I don’t lose weight. Nothing fancy. I think you cancelled out the 300 call with the hilly walk; since I don’t run I try and make sure to include hills in my walks; the intervals will help burn those calories.

    @Karen…Sundays are for sleeping in! LOL..on the mud pie comment, bet you were a sight. When I owned my own place, Lowes and Home Depot where my favorite places, now that I rent again I don’t visit them nearly enough. WooHoo on the tax refund!

    @Charmaine…Beer is also my downfall when I go out; I just try and plan for it.

    @Jolene…WooHoo on shredding those 5lb. Glad to hear you can get back to work; hope it all goes well.

    @Sheri…I go to the gym straight from work; if I go home first, forget about it; I get distracted and then never make it back out of the house.

    @Claudia…amazing NSV

    @Mollie…If I go up in weight I give myself a week to correct it (match my ticker); if that does not occur I change it the next week. Helps keep me accountable and to work harder the next week. I know how frustrated you are. I have been bouncing between 275-278 for about 4 months now, very frustrating, I just don’t give up, change my diet around and keep exercising! I am hoping this week will show me below 275 (fingers crossed).

    A walking group…I will have to look into that, a wonderful idea, if Spring ever comes to North Carolina!
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Hello All

    Boy, didn't know how bad I had been feeling over the last few days until I started taking the antibiotics! Within a short period my energy has returned (I have been sleeping most of the last few days and finding it hard to get out of bed). Amazing what a little water infection can do! :noway:

    Good news! I am down by 0.9lb this week! Not quite a pound but what it does do is take me to over my 20lb loss!!!!!!!:drinker: So I have updated by signature already. It is good news since I did go over calories 2 days!

    Hope everyone is well. I need to read everyones post from last few days as I read them with glazed eyes and almost fell asleep on the keyboard whilst doing so!

    Shelly: You are a star and it is their loss re the job. Very nice to be head hunted and to be 'liked' x
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Tuesday Testing Yourself day- what are you challenging yourself to do for the next week /how did last weeks challenge go (Foe ex: give up diet coke for the week, or get up earlier to exercise, etc...)

    Sorry, didn't really enter into this end of last week/now due to lack of energy re my previous post x
  • Sue_Smiles
    Sue_Smiles Posts: 1,001 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Tuesday - well I've fallen off the exercise wagon (bike!), it's time to get back on it again. I overdid it yesterday and now my hip hurts. so today will be a gentler ride.

    @ everyone - thank you for your kind words, it means a lot to me :blushing:

    @ Claudia - That vacation looks like a blast! I've been to Vegas 3 times and can't wait to go back. I love the sight-seeing and the food! OMG! Stay away from the Brazilian steakhouse at Mandalay Bay :):tongue:

    @ Christy - I only drink bottled spring water. I can't stand tap and the filter we bought didn't change the taste at all.

    @ Katz - Chica! 6 Miles!!!!! I'm so jealous, there's no way I could walk that far. Hold your head up over your accomplishment. Stuff that inner voice in a locked box in your mind and feel good about yourself. If necessary write down your accomplishments and see them in black and white. That should shut the voice up. Also congrats on the smaller jeans, that has to feel good!

    @ L - I hate those kinds of infections! Glad to hear you're feeling better. 20lbs!!!! yay!!!!! Looks good on the ticker :flowerforyou:

    @ Mollie - I have the same problems getting in more than 1200 calories a day, I'm so focused on my sodium levels and noticed that when I try to eat less than 2000mg a day, my caloric intake goes down drastically. I'm not hungry so I'm not worried about it. We'll see what the scale says.

    @ malias - don't worry about the length of your posts, I don't think anyone else is! :smile:

    @ Shelly - being head-hunted is one of the best compliments in the world!

    @ Cathy - where are you staying in Vegas? When are you going????

    I know I missed people, but I do read each and every post and gain strength from every woman here. I've said it before and I'll say it again, you are an amazing group and I'm so glad to be part of it.

    If anyone here is on Facebook and wants to friend send me a message, k?

    Have a sunny Tuesday (no matter the weather!)
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    Daily Inspiration for March 22, 2011
    Katie Jay, MSW


    Perhaps you would prefer not to exercise. It takes time, it's hard, and you don't like to sweat. But even though you can think of a thousand excuses why you do not want to (or think you can't) exercise, you know in the long run it will make you feel better.

    At first, exercise can feel like torture, but if you stay vigilant you will find you become stronger and have more energy. Exercise also relieves stress. Working out your tensions with sweat helps to unburden your soul. And you just might find yourself feeling more cheerful. Prioritize exercise like you prioritize brushing your teeth, drinking water, or taking your medicine. For long-term weight loss success and maintenance, it is as essential.

    Action for the day: In your journal, make a list of activities you like to do that involve moving your body. These activities do not have to be formal exercise. Pick one activity and do it today.

    thanks for sharing, this is great
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    Hello all....sorry its so late. I could only get on for a couple minutes at a time today. Monday check in...I weigh on Mondays to keep myself on track over the weekend. I lost 4.2 lbs this week!

    Congrats again on the AWESOME loss this week!!! You are doing super great!!!
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    Hi everybody,
    Off to dinner with my two bestest friends for chicken wings and beer.

    Sounds delish!!1 Hope you enjoyed it!!!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    Hello all....sorry its so late. I could only get on for a couple minutes at a time today. Monday check in...I weigh on Mondays to keep myself on track over the weekend. I lost 4.2 lbs this week!
    Am having a difficult time getting in exercise though. The weight loss is great but I really want to increase my endurance so I can walk for longer distances. Tomorrow I am going to try the SYTYCD exercise video for beginners!

    I feel like my posts are so short compared to others. I feel bad that I dont comment on each and every one of your successes and my only reason is, I can only get online for short snippets of time! Just know that I try to read as much as I can and wish you all the greatest success!

    Thank you all for your support and encouragement. It really is nice to have others who truly understand because they have been there. Have a nice night ladies. Tomorrow is another day.....

    WOW 4.2 lbs is great congrats. I know what you mean about wanting to increase the endurance. You will get there. And dont worry about the short posts the important thing is that you check in . It is great to have such an encouraging , motivating group , but we understand that some of us are busy with life or sometimes things come up and you only have enough time for a quick check in
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    MJ - I forgot to say, I struggle with having too many calories left at night too. I think I'm afraid of running out of calories before I run out of day. Having my big meal at night is a hard habit for me to break.
    me too Cathy. If I don't eat my big meal at night I find myself looking for snacks all evening and eating way more

    I am that way too - scared that I will have several hours left and no calories remaining for food. As if not eating for a few hours would be such a bad thing!!! Thank you both Jolene and Cathy for sharing your experiences/thoughts on the calorie question with me!!!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    Hey All....have not made it on since Sunday afternoon so hope everyone is doing well. I have been logging food/exercise and looking/responding to messages on my home page but that is about it :yawn:

    I am hanging in there, just busy with no days off. I'll try and catch up later today...Hugs to All! :heart:

    Glad you could find the time to check in. Hope you have a good week and it is not quite so busy. Glad you are still logging your food/exercise .
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    Hello All

    Boy, didn't know how bad I had been feeling over the last few days until I started taking the antibiotics! Within a short period my energy has returned (I have been sleeping most of the last few days and finding it hard to get out of bed). Amazing what a little water infection can do! :noway:

    Good news! I am down by 0.9lb this week! Not quite a pound but what it does do is take me to over my 20lb loss!!!!!!!:drinker: So I have updated by signature already. It is good news since I did go over calories 2 days!

    Hope everyone is well. I need to read everyones post from last few days as I read them with glazed eyes and almost fell asleep on the keyboard whilst doing so!

    Shelly: You are a star and it is their loss re the job. Very nice to be head hunted and to be 'liked' x

    Glad you are feeling better, and CONGRATS on the weight loss that is great.
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    Katz, you are doing great!!! I am impressed by the 6 miles - that is definitely something to celebrate. I have the same problem with the inner voice in my head and it is a killer!!! We always seem to be our own worst enemies. If I had a nickel for every time my own negative self-talk sabotaged my efforts or took the wind out of my sails, I would have a whole pile of nickels! :laugh:

    Just remember that you are special and you are doing this - no matter what your mini-me says!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    MJ - I forgot to say, I struggle with having too many calories left at night too. I think I'm afraid of running out of calories before I run out of day. Having my big meal at night is a hard habit for me to break.
    me too Cathy. If I don't eat my big meal at night I find myself looking for snacks all evening and eating way more

    I am that way too - scared that I will have several hours left and no calories remaining for food. As if not eating for a few hours would be such a bad thing!!! Thank you both Jolene and Cathy for sharing your experiences/thoughts on the calorie question with me!!!

    I had to laugh because that is exactly how I feel , I dont want to be caught with a few hrs left in the day and no calories. That would be horrible. What not having the calories left to allow me to be able to eat would only make me hungrier and make me want to eat everything in the house. If I have the calories left I am not as likely to be hungry . LOL
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    Hey All....have not made it on since Sunday afternoon so hope everyone is doing well. I have been logging food/exercise and looking/responding to messages on my home page but that is about it :yawn:

    I am hanging in there, just busy with no days off. I'll try and catch up later today...Hugs to All! :heart:

    Hang in there and keep logging! Check in with the group when you can, but make tracking your food/exercise the priority. Hopefully that will help you keep taking care of you as your main priority!


    Shelly, I agree with Katz! There will be times when one or a few of us are too busy with "life" to check-in and post as much as we would like. The important thing is knowing that we are thinking of and supporting each other even if we are not "here" on the thread as much as we would like. You are doing great!!! :flowerforyou:
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    Positive self talk is a hard one, but the more you practice it the better you will feel about the whole process. We can re-program ourselves to find the positive in any situation. This brings us peace of mind and makes the journey a pleasant one. This does not mean their will be times we will struggle but if we look for the positives we will get past the bumps in the road without giving up. I am pleasantly suprised at how good I feel this month even though I have gained weight this month and have definitely been struggling. I am looking at all the positives and rejoicing in the many NSV's. That takes my mind away from the let down of scale moving in the right direction.

    The more you practice postive self talk the easier it becomes. Keep up the good work everyone! We can do this! One day at a time, one pound at a time......:-)

    You got that right Ms. Mollie!!! It is so hard. It is amazing how good were are at encouraging others and taking care of them but not good at nurturing ourselves or caring for our own needs. I wonder if it is a woman thing - being the care-giver and not the care-taker?
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    Tuesday Testing Yourself day- what are you challenging yourself to do for the next week /how did last weeks challenge go (Foe ex: give up diet coke for the week, or get up earlier to exercise, etc...)

    I am challenging myself to make it to the gym on mon, weds and fri and do walking on tues and thurs. Last weeks challenge went pretty good. I think monday is the only day last week I didnt workout. Hopefully this week the scales will reflect all my hard work.....

    Katz . ..... I know what you mean about fighting the inner voices. Why do we do that to ourselves. Try to look at all your accomplishments and tell that negative voice " If you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything at all "

    gabby, ....sorry to hear you didnt have a good week. But glad to hear you are back on track. The pedometer should help

    Claudia....thanks for the recipe....YUM

    Mollie....Let us know how it goes at the weight management group

    Hope everyone has a good day. Stay active, track your calories and look at the positives and tell that inner voice to SHUT UP
This discussion has been closed.