Lots2Lose & over 40 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    My secret indulgence.......sleeping....or is it just how i run away from life?????

    jackie- my secret to weight loss??....count calories, drink lots of water and move your body. I post my weight graph and daily food menu on the fridge as a visual reminder to stay on track

    katzpawz- excellent job on the walk!! obvioulsy your daily walks are paying off when you are able to something more challenging...good for you

  • mainey65
    mainey65 Posts: 342 Member
    Joanna, I had to laugh when I read your guilty pleasures. So often when I get into bed at night, I say, "I love my bed". Oh, and I also like Sex and the City.
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    On a lighter note: It's Sunday Spy Day

    What is/are your favorite guilty pleasure(s)?

    Christine Feehan's "Dark" series
    America's Next Top Model & Project Runway

    hmmm guilty pleasures. I want to say I don't have any, but I must confess. Sometimes I shop and buy things I don't need, BUT I only feel guilty about it because of MY HUSBAND. Sometimes I feel quilty when eat chocolate, because I love it sooooo much. I read trashy books (not romance, I hate romance novels). hehe It's the only sex I get besides "hallway sex". How many of you know what that is???
    Hallway sex is when you pass each other in the hallway and one says F- you and the other says "same to you" hahahaha great joke!! Sorry off subject,but I couldn't resist. HAPPY SUNDAY GROUPIES!!!
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    now Sunday is spy day...my question for you all is this...to the ones who have lost a lot....'what is the one tip you can give me to help me in my journey to lose weight?' I just want simple things....like before when I was losing weight...I'd always say to myself when tempted 'you are in control' and just saying that to myself helped for some strange reason. anyway...let me know what the number one tip is that keeps you going?

    Have a great day everyone!:flowerforyou:

    Gabby: My one tip....you gotta want it as bad as you want your husband to come home. All the little ups and downs don't matter if you stay strong and REALLY want it to happen and you are committed to doing it thru thick and thin. The rest will fall into place. Does that make sense?
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    Jo.....love that zicchini squash with Italian seasoning too. I've never met a squash I didn't like. To cook your spaghetti squash, I cut it in half lenghtwise. Then you can either bake it or steam it. I have a Tupperware Stacker with the steamer/colander that I cook my squash in. Steam it until the squash is kinda soft when you put a for k down into it. I think I microwave steamed for about 15 minuted. When you pull the squash out of the steamer,.....Ooops....should have told you to remove seeds after cutting in half.
    After squash is cooked, I hold a whole half in a dish towel....it's hot...anf with a fork start pulling the fibers out of the squash. It will come out looking like spaghetti....hence the name....as you rake it out from the skin. You can eat it with a bit of butter and season to taste. I never use salt. You can put spaghetti sauce on it ...with or without meat. I kinda like it with low fat Parmesan cheese on it. It's even good cold. Depending on how you fix it, it could be a side dish or a main dish. I hope you'll give it a try. Also check Foodnetwork.com. or any other recipe site of your choice for lots of recipes. Enjoy.
    I guess this was my FRIDAY FOODS SHARE
    YUM Cassie can't wait to try it!! HUGS GF!
  • mainey65
    mainey65 Posts: 342 Member
    Sunday Spt Day:
    What are my guilty pleasures? Well, when it comes to food there are so many of them haha, but one of them is baklava. For those of you who may not be familliar, it is a greek dessert made with phyllo dough, lots of butter and honey and nuts. YUM! My husband makes this only once and a while for a treat because it's kind of time consuming putting it togeher, but when he does make it, I just can't say no. Another guilty pleasure: I watch The Young and the Restless everyday. Yes, I admit it. I don't watch any other soaps, but I've been watching this one since I was young and I guess I'm hooked on it. Shhhhh, don't tell anyone!

    I hope you are all enjoying your Sunday. It is a beautiful day here. In fact, so much so that my oldest son Bryan, has invited some of his friends over for a BBQ (first one this year!). I cannot believe just how much meat those young men can eat! Maybe I'll get him to throw somne veggies on the grill for me. I just love grilled veggies! They're not baklava, but they're still yummy.

    enjoy the rest of your day everybody, Charmaine
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member

    thanks for sharing. My son has bi-polar. We got him when he was a little over 2 , he was diagnosed at 3 1/2 and has been on meds since he was 4., he is now 14. They do not like to give meds to children or diagnose them so it was really hard to find someone that would work with us. My heart goes out to you it is a hard thing to deal with, but it sounds like you have a handle on it.

    I handle it with 7 psych meds (whee!), I quit my job to reduce stress in my life and am trying to get disability with the help of my psychiatrist. My mood stabilizers are Lamictal and Abilify, (I also take zoloft, wellbutrin, clonidine, klonopin and xanax), which mood stabilizer is your son on? I'm always curious, as I hate the side effects of abilify and would really like to get off of it. I'm going to try this spring (with my p-docs okay)

    I also have extreme social anxiety, I'm always so afraid I'll say the wrong thing (or type the wrong thing). It's so hard for me to express what is going on in my head. I'm feeling that way about the group, also. So if I say (type) the wrong thing or offend anyone, please let me know.

    Combine that with SAD and I'm a mess. Except that I'm so much better than I was and am so blessed with a wonderful family, and a great support group (in you!)

    My son was on lithium, zoloft and prozac and xanax. But he is doing alot better so they took him off the xanax. WOW you are on alot of meds. I am glad to hear they are helping. It is a really hard disease to deal with. I am not sure if it is harder for my son or for me , LOL. My son also has alot of anxiety including social anxiety. We have to tell him exactly where we are going and what to expect. When he was younger whenever he was in a situation that made him anxious he would find a table or chair to hide under and if you came near him he would scratch, kick, spit on you, kick, whatever he could to protect himself and push you away. Part of that was also due to what he had been through as a baby and toddler. We got him when he was 2 1/2. The first time we took him to Del Taco we had to leave because he made such a seen.We would have to take him to the same places knowing we were probably going to have to leave until he had been there several times and then he was ok. ( not great but ok). It was really hard,.
    My son also has alot of trouble expressing himself, He mumbles alot when he is unsure of himself. Do not worry about it here we are here to support each other and if there is a problem we will tell you and work it out. I am glad that you are doing so much better.If you have a bad day and need someone to talk to I am here for you......((((HUGS)))))
  • malias
    malias Posts: 82
    Wow! Lots to catch up on today!

    Yesterday, I started an eating plan to help combat cellular inflammation. Last year I went for my physical and the lab tests came back with high inflammation levels. I have had numerous other tests to find out why, to no avail. All I know is I have arthritis in ALL my joints, (my knees and hips are the worst) and I have to do something!
    The plan is called the Inflammation Free Diet and it says results should be evident in as little as 2 weeks. Lets see how it goes.
    I also started taking some supplements, something I've never been a big proponent of. Calcium/Magnesium, Gingko Biloba and Omega 3's. Again, we'll see how it goes. Does anyone else take any supplements? Do they help? Have a great evening everyone.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    Wow! Lots to catch up on today!

    Yesterday, I started an eating plan to help combat cellular inflammation. Last year I went for my physical and the lab tests came back with high inflammation levels. I have had numerous other tests to find out why, to no avail. All I know is I have arthritis in ALL my joints, (my knees and hips are the worst) and I have to do something!
    The plan is called the Inflammation Free Diet and it says results should be evident in as little as 2 weeks. Lets see how it goes.
    I also started taking some supplements, something I've never been a big proponent of. Calcium/Magnesium, Gingko Biloba and Omega 3's. Again, we'll see how it goes. Does anyone else take any supplements? Do they help? Have a great evening everyone.

    Sorry to hear you are having trouble with the inflammation. I also have elevated inflammation because of the fibro, do you think it could be fibromyalgia? As far as supplements I am not taking anything now, but in the past I took reliv and it really helped the fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue also. When I started taking it was when I was falling asleep in mid sentence. It really brought my resistance back and helped me to be able to stay awake .
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    Hello ladies,
    I hope everyone is having a great day. The sun is out YEAH, I am so tired of the rain.
    My guilty pleasures are ice cream ( no more of this unless it is skinny cow or something) and reality shows. I also love them and can not get enough. Not sure why. I dont like drama in my own life , but I love to watch other peoples drama. LOL

    what is one tip I can give me to help me in my journey to lose weight ? I think the most important thing is portion control and switching what you like that is fattening to better choices, ex : no more ice cream , weight watchers ice cream bars instead, no more chips, apple chips instead

    Joanna, glad you had a nice day with your daughter and I love the nickname "beautiphil" LOL
    Katz glad you had such a wonderful day walking. I also found a walking group online but I havent gone to any of the walks yet. It sounds fun.

    Have a great weekend everyone. Know that I am thinking of you
  • cathyv0409
    cathyv0409 Posts: 230 Member
    Hello friends sorry I was MIA yesterday. Wow, what a week it has been between recuperating from my trip, catching up on my "real" job and at my second job from being off 4 days it has been a long week. Sometimes I wonder if the days off are worth it :smile: It has taken me until today to get back to exercising again!

    My guilty pleasure is definitely ice cream!!! I haven't convinced myself to give it up so I save the calories and only buy single serve portions (like skinny cown or WW ice cream bars). I don't dare let a whole carton into my house because I don't seem to have any self control when it comes to ice cream. On a positive note, I have given up chocolate almost entirely and replace chips with special K crackers when I want something "chippy".

    I did read your Saturday shares and enjoyed every one! I will do better next week.

    Have a great rest of your day!
  • gabbygirl37_2001
    gabbygirl37_2001 Posts: 93 Member
    My guitly pleasure.....greek gods honey yogurt....I absolutely LOVE that stuff...and I make sure I can have one a day! its my treat every evening! Love the texture...its like pudding to me!
  • christyrussell2
    christyrussell2 Posts: 630 Member
    Spring Break is over so it's back to work & school for my son & I. BOO! :grumble:

    The good part is now I'll be able to get back into my routine of eating better, exercising more regular & logging on to MFP to chat with my friends! :smooched:

    :heart: Christy
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    so..i was feeling a bit down this am and did not get out of bed till late....(this is not unusual) ...went to home depot (my favourite store)....then i decided to do some yard work...4 hours later i have pruned trees. hedge trimmed about 10 feet of the ivy growing on my fence and pulled out about 100square feet of ivy that has invaded my garden....still have MANY days work till it is done cause i have a huge yard...was filthy dirty, exhausted and filled 12 yard waste bags...was cleaning up then got caught in a downpour so i was my own mud pie!!! had tons of fun though!! took a very strong painkiller and did some stretching so i hope i can move tomorrow

  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Hello lovelies!

    Day out with friends/family today. Not a great day food wise, over calories but it was a day when that was needed.

    Hope you have all had a great weekend. Have read the posts but no time at the moment to respond fully. x
  • mainey65
    mainey65 Posts: 342 Member
    Hi friends,
    Just thought I'd pop back on here before I go to bed. Going to maybe watch a bit of tv and then try to get an early night. Well, my idea of throwing some veggies on the BBQ kinda fell through. Instead i made some BAD choices. I ate three bbq ribs and I also had my hand in the chip bowl way more times than I should have and then just to make things complete, my husband and I had a few drinks with ny son, Bryan, and his friends. I know tomorrow is Mon. and I need to get back on track, and I will, but I am meeting my two best friends for dinner at the pub, which would be ok but we always end up ordering beer and chicken wings! More BAD choices!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    so..i was feeling a bit down this am and did not get out of bed till late....(this is not unusual) ...went to home depot (my favourite store)....then i decided to do some yard work...4 hours later i have pruned trees. hedge trimmed about 10 feet of the ivy growing on my fence and pulled out about 100square feet of ivy that has invaded my garden....still have MANY days work till it is done cause i have a huge yard...was filthy dirty, exhausted and filled 12 yard waste bags...was cleaning up then got caught in a downpour so i was my own mud pie!!! had tons of fun though!! took a very strong painkiller and did some stretching so i hope i can move tomorrow


    sorry to hear you were feeling down, but it sounds like you got alot of work done in your yard. Sounds like a fun day after all. I hope you are ok tomorrow and can move. You might want to soak in a warm bath of epsom salts or a hot tub if you have one.......
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    Monday Check-In: I am absolutely amazed that I was able to do that long walk yesterday. It wasn't that long ago, that I would never have made up that first hill! My blood sugars are continuing to improve and know that's from all the exercise. I feel a little tired this morning and a bit sore, but not as bad as I feared.

    I have ordered a new bathroom scale. The one I have is inconsistent and unreliable. It makes me crazy because it can show up to a 6 pound difference in my weight just by my stepping on, off and back on. The new one should be here tomorrow and I'll continue with my Thursday and Monday weigh in days. I'm looking forward to seeing an accurate weight and having another measure of the effort I'm putting into my health plan.

    I've been clothes "shopping" in my closet again. I found a pair of jeans that are a size smaller than those that I've been wearing. I proudly wore them out to lunch on Sunday!!!

    Time to dash off and start my day. I hope everyone has a great week!
  • gabbygirl37_2001
    gabbygirl37_2001 Posts: 93 Member
    I have bad news....and good news. The bad news is...I went over my calories today by about 300! ugh!!!! ...but the good news is I walked 30 minutes....with lots of hills!

    Tomorrow will be a better day foodwise anyway.....and I will vow to drink 10 glasses of water! ok....off to zzzzzzzzzzz world!:flowerforyou: :smokin: :yawn:
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    Monday Check-In: I am happy to report my 5 lb gain is nearly gone. Hopefully, I will continue to lose this week and maybe finally I will drop a few pounds down from my recent long long "stall". I can only hope! Have a great week! I start work on friday and I am sooooo ready! Tho, I will have to start getting up by 6:30 am to work out. ugh!