Lots2Lose & over 40 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    Thursday Triump: I got to the gym! Not as intensive a work out as before still burned a reasonable amount of calories.


    1 My lower legs have a tingly/ache feeling (from about half way down through to my foot), sort of like they are swollen and tight.
    Anyone else get this? I have spent an unusually long time sitting down the last two days and wonder if that had affected my circulation.

    L.....I often have what I call aching burning pain from about halfway down from the knees into my feet. I can't stand to even have the bedcovers on my feet when this happens. I believe this happens when I've gotten too much sodium & not enough water. Problem is, I use no salt in my coooking or on my food afterward. It's processed foods....boxed & canned stuff mostly. When I shop, I read labels and I try to buy simple unprocessed stuff. And I try. Real hard to push the water...crystal light.


    2 What do you think has been 'the' key to you loosing the weight you have so far? Keeping under calories, exercising, both, low carb, .......other? I am genuinely interested to know.

    The key....as far as I'm concerned.....is limiting calories & strict portion control. Exercise is good....but you can lose weight without exercise. I lost 79lbs years ago without a lick of exercise. JMHO....
  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    Yaaay Cathy!!!
    Great job getting a good report on your bloodsugar level. That's got to feel great!
  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    OMG! You guys have been BUSY! haha Just got home from our 3000 mile round trip. My daughter-in-law had blood pressure problems and was on bed rest @ home, so we left early. She doesn't need company, she needs rest. My son is off work for 3 weeks to help. I got plenty of newborn sugar AND a bonus...I got to see, hug, and play with 3 of my other grandkids. I was thrilled! I will try and catch up tomorrow with all the posts. night all!

    Hey Jo! Glad you made it back home safe. Aren't Grandkids just wonderful?! I got see my Baby Girl today too. You'll have to share details tomorrow.
    Take care
  • mainey65
    mainey65 Posts: 342 Member
    AAARGH! Thursday Triumph: well I can tell you what it wasn't - My husband brought home Mary Brown's fried Chicken (very simillar to KFC) for dinner. I was going to have my Lean Cuisine but that chicken smelled soooo good. So then I decided I would have a couple of pieces but I would remove the skin. Yeah, right, like that happened. To those of you on here who can take off that tasty coating and just eat the chicken my hat goes off to you. I just couldn't do it. In the end I ate 2 pieces and I had about a half cup of cole slaw too, but no friies (not even one).
    I have read some of the posts for today but not all of them. I was feeling kinda guilty after eatting my dinner so I popped on here. I'll be back later.
    Thanks for listening, Charmaine

    Charmaine! You declined the french fries!!! That is terrific! OK, you had the chicken, but ...one step at a time, one step at a time!
    (Fries are my favorite food and biggest downfall...) YOU DID WELL!
  • mainey65
    mainey65 Posts: 342 Member
    Thanks for the kind words Malias. and Sheri. You made me feel a little less guilty. Next time - better choices!
  • leadvocalchick
    leadvocalchick Posts: 59 Member

    Morning all! I made the following last week and I think it's delish! If you're not familiar with it, you need to go to www.aimeesadventures.com. It's the story of a woman who started a journey to lose over 100lbs, and made it...but life threw her a curveball, and she swung at it. I hope that even thru her struggles, everyone can see that by creating and using these recipes she was making a difference in her life!!

    ANYWAY - On that site you'll find a RECIPES tab. GO THERE - seriously!!! I purchased the (2) cookbooks and am slowly making my way thru them. Here is one of my fav's!


    1 Packet Taco Seasoning*
    1 Cup Chicken Broth**
    1 LB Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts

    Spray crockpot with non-stick spray. Dissolve taco seasoning into chicken broth. Place chicken breasts in crockpot and pour chicken broth on top. Cover and cook on low for 6-8. Shred chicken. Use in soft tacos, hard tacos, burritos, tostadas, taco salads, nachos etc. for added calories. Serves 4 (1/2 cup ea)

    Per Serving: 169 calories - 3g Fat (18.6% cal from fat) - 27g Protein - 5g Carb - 1g Dietary Fiber - 69mg Cholesterol - 833mg Sodium*

    *You can substitute a lower sodium taco seasoning, or you can use some of the taco seasoning recipes on MFP that have zero sodium, or you can go to ALLRECIPES.COM and make your own taco seasoning!
    **You can substitute a Fat Free / Lower Sodium Chicken broth

    :laugh: :happy: :smile: :laugh: :happy: :smile: :laugh: :happy: :happy:
  • Sue_Smiles
    Sue_Smiles Posts: 1,001 Member
    Friday Food Day

    Trying this for supper:


    Really low sodium, hope it will be good :)
  • Sue_Smiles
    Sue_Smiles Posts: 1,001 Member
    One more quick Thursday Triumph then off to bed with me

    I went to the dr. today for my diabetes check up and to get the results of my blood work and my A1c was..........drum roll please..................5.8. YES!!! My bloodsugar was in the NORMAL range!!! I was doing the happy dance :happy:

    Goodnight all!

  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    Friday Food: a couple of times this week, we've transported ourselves back to the 1970's. I've made jell-o with fruit as a dessert. I use no sugar added jell-o and fruit cocktail packed in juice, so we aren't bombarded with extra sugar. The trick, as with so many foods, is portion control. It's easy to eat more than I should.

    For others in the UK, "Jell-O" is the brand name the products called "jelly" here.

    After the marathon of Spring cleaning, especially the near six hours on the garage yesterday, I'm tired and sore today. So I'm taking today off. We have an outing planned for tomorrow with a friend, that will require a fair amount of walking. On Sunday, we're meeting up with a walking group, outside of London. We'll go for a nice walk in the suburb of Richmond, then make our way to pub for lunch. I'll try my best to be good at lunch!

    I'll check in with everyone later!
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    One more quick Thursday Triumph then off to bed with me

    I went to the dr. today for my diabetes check up and to get the results of my blood work and my A1c was..........drum roll please..................5.8. YES!!! My bloodsugar was in the NORMAL range!!! I was doing the happy dance :happy:

    Goodnight all!
    WOW freakin FANtasTIC!
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    Friday Food: I am IN LOVE with acorn squash. I cut it in half, take out the seeds, and microwave. Then I scoop out the pulp and sprinkle with splenda and mash. It makes a great low calories/ high vitamin potato sub. I also eat frozen whole green beans by the truck load. I use a couple of strips of Jenny O turkey bacon cut in small pieces and browned in a tbsp of olive oil, then add frozen beans, cover and cook until tender. I have both on hand at all times. It's very filling and I can still eat the meat my husband wants, only in smaller portions. What I like best is, when I am starving I can quickly heat it up in the microwave and eat it (squash and green beans) while I am cooking my husbands meal, then I am not tempted to "taste" his food. haha

    Its so great to be back. We start work next friday FINALLY! It sounds nuts but I will have way more time to read and respond to this thread then, since I will be sitting at my desk for 8 hours. HAPPY FRIDAY!!

    PS: I totally understand the rub about posting our weight on the spread sheet, but I am ok with telling mine WHEN I lose this travel / fast food weight I gained this week! hahaha
  • Jojo42
    Jojo42 Posts: 223
    Good afternoon all,

    I decided to come on here instead of taking my lunch to the office breakout area! I

    've brought in my greek yoghurt , berries and almonds and am trying to keep it light as I am going to be going out this evening and having a few glasses of the sparkling pink stuff and some mussels from my favourite Mexican restaurant (asking for no homemade bread and deep fried potato wedges!)

    Luckily one of the friends I'm going with is also low carbing so we'll be keeping each other in check.

    My Friday food has got top be Flax, boring I know but a total life saver. It's very very low in carbs, therefore my blood sugar level doesn't fluctuate. It's also very filling and genuinely keeps me topped up until lunch withe the recipe I use for hot flax cereal. The texture took some getting used to but I actually look forward to it now.... Flax, haha I'd never even heard of the stuff 3 weeks ago!

    anyway ladies, happy Friday, I hope you're all having good days. I read each post that you writejust won't always have time to indiviually log what everyone's been up to though I am getting to feel like I have a better picture of you all. xx
  • malias
    malias Posts: 82
    One more quick Thursday Triumph then off to bed with me

    I went to the dr. today for my diabetes check up and to get the results of my blood work and my A1c was..........drum roll please..................5.8. YES!!! My bloodsugar was in the NORMAL range!!! I was doing the happy dance :happy:

    Goodnight all!

    That is fabulous Cathy! Certainly a triumph for you! Well done.
  • malias
    malias Posts: 82
    Happy Friday everyone! Just checking in to say have a great day all. Will check back later!
  • malias
    malias Posts: 82
    A friend sent me this and I wanted to give it to all of you.....

    ♔BEAUTIFUL WOMAN AWARD♔ Once you have been given this award, you are supposed to paste it on the wall of women who deserve it. If you receive more than 3, you know you're really beautiful! If you don't send it on, nothing will happen, but it's always sweet to know that someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out! ♔
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    Happy Friday - just wanted to stop by to wish everyone a great day. I am having a very busy time at work today, so probably will not be able to respond to posts more fully until this evening.

    I did want to give a shout out to Cathy for the wonderful job with her blood sugar level and A1C level!!! That is wonderful!!!

    Hope to catch up with the others later! Hugs to all!!!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: PLEASE READ :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Hello Everyone! Happy Friday!

    The chart will have the weights on it as stated previously for those who do not mind disclosing their weights. It is impossible to please everyone with 20 very different personalities.

    Again, I completely understand the privacy issue, which is why I have stated that for those who do not want to be on the list to let me know via email by next week since I only have time to skim post at this time.

    Whatever your decision is you can always change it as time goes on. Again, I completely understand if you want your name removed. For those of you on the fence, just let me know what you decide by Monday night.

    So far I have over 10 who do not mind weights being posted. Hopefully there are no hard feeling on this matter 4 those of you who want your privacy.

    Have a wonderful day!:flowerforyou:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Thanks for well wishes on the doctors. I only skimmed post. Doctors visit was OK and my doctor was very encouraging but she lined up a bunch of tests for me and gave me some samples of a sleep medication and a weight supplement called ALLI. So in April I have a bunch of tests and bloodwork to add to my already crammed schedule.

    I will try to catch up on posts over the weekend. I read a lot of good things.
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!
    I hope everyone had a great evening. I was really in the slumps yesterday after my weigh in, then not getting my car back from the shop put me over the edge. Luckily, I was able to control myself and not eat everythng in sight! My daughter had a school fundraiser at McDonalds yesterday where the teachers and principal all helped behind the counter, so that is what we had for dinner. I stayed under my calories, but I have to say, it wasn't good. I would have rather used those calories up on a better burger and fries from In-n-Out or 5 guys! Anyway, it was a fundraiser so that is the only reason we did it.

    Cathy= GREAT job on lowering your blood sugar! YAY!! that is a GREAT accomplishment! you should be very proud.
    Joanna= I stay away from eating my lunch in our break room too. It's hard watching other people eat foods so high in calories! It's bad enough I can smell it from my office!
    Mollie= I don't care if you post my weight. I have had issues telling that number, but I feel very comfortable here and feel like this sight is "safe". I'll go with whatever is easiest for everyone.
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    I am right up there with those who voted themselves worse exercisers. I do NOT like to exercise, I am jealous and proud of those who are starting to enjoy it and/or make it a regular part of your weightloss journey.

    Also guilty :blushing: of using word to keep track of posts.

    Thanks Sher:flowerforyou: i for sharing that post about plateau on your weightloss journey. Just to show you sometimes you have to shake it up/change it up to keep losing. Good job on joining a gym and getting your exercise in. Ya!!!!!

    Congrats on the phone interveiw Shelly.:flowerforyou: Good luck on the next. Sending your good luck vibes you get the job.

    Awesome food choices you have prepared for yourself Hopeful.:flowerforyou: I do eat almonds but never tried cherios. I might pick up a box.

    Glad to hear you made it home and had a great visit Jolene.:flowerforyou:

    Woot Woot Excellent results Cathy. :flowerforyou: You go girl.

    I said it before Cassie:flowerforyou: ..but you deserve it again. WOW 79lbs. Gread willpower and portion control. You can do it agian. Hugs

    Thanks malia:flowerforyou: for the award. Glad someone sent it to you.

    Happy Friday MJ.:flowerforyou: Hope you have a fantastic day.

    Thanks once again Mollie:flowerforyou: for the chart and doing this for the group. I also don't mind putting my weight on it. I will post it on Wed. I did have a problem with telling people my weight # at one time but like Claudia mentioned I feel safe on MFP and I have posted it on many threads now. How I feel is all of us are here for the same reason...some are smaller and some of us are bigger.

    Sorry to hear you had a bad day yesterday Claudia.:flowerforyou: I hope today you are doing better. Great job on not letting it gain control of your eating.