calicutie05 Member


  • Here to support not take away from your dedication to your journey. Those are incredible results :) congrats littlewhiteflower
  • looking forward to kiss some lbs goodbye with all of you!! 28 207 currently looking to get down to 175
  • im here!!! and im starting tomorrow! missed you ladies... i got a new job and ive been so heads down just trying to get acclimated to everything.. Im here!!! and ready to work!!!
  • i didnt get it done... stsrted my new job today (fantastic day!!) and they happened to close the office early for an office happy hour for St Patty's day... alcohol and no fitness.. oh well theres tomorrow great job ladies for at least pushing play!
  • Hi ladies!! Yay! I want to join in too! This past week Ive done fitness blender beginner kettlebell circuit. plus a cardio interval kettlebell workout. Did it 3x and cardio the other days... Excited to get back on the Jillian train with you all! Start tomorrow!
  • you are both better than me. Today was another rest day... walked quite a bit though which was good but nothing lifting wise. tomorrow is my day one of something haha tonight i will figure that out. I might try some other Jillian videos that i have... banish the fate and no trouble zones... we shall see... but tomorrow is…
  • Here are my results Started at 189.8 ended at 184.8 so 5lb loss arm r/l 12/12.25 ----> 12/12.5 = +.25 bust 40----> 38.5 = -1.5 waist 32> 31 = -1 stomach/pouch 37.75> 37= -.75 hips 44.75> 43.5 = -1.5 thighs r/l 26/26>25.5/25.5 = -1 total loss of 5.5 inches and here are my pics from ripped in 30 only
  • we'll miss you! have a blast and safe travels!! We have a kettlebell date when you get back!
  • DANG GIRL!!!! You look AMAZING!!! look at all of that definition in your abs!!! Just a testament that hard work pays off :) Congrats!
  • done with day 3... the 2nd cardio circuit is the worst for me and all of the pushup moves im doing beginner modification... im so proud of us!
  • just finished and it is a GOOD workout. the 2nd cardio circuit is the worst for me... i feel really accomplished and strong in this workout
  • same boat! i went from 189- 184.6 so loss of 4.4 lbs i think i make have lost an inch total... but im looking really good so pish posh im cool with it :)
  • I just completed week 3 of RI 30. I started with 30 day shred and I'm glad i did. One thing with Jillian is you won't lose a bunch of weight but you will lose INCHES!!! 30 ds i lost over 10 inches from bust waist hips thighs. I would suggest to take pictures and measurements because you will see the difference there rather…
  • you followed through and finished! thats what counts :) good job!
  • finally completed RI 30... i had a big project due and didnt sleep at all last night. I needed a nap! glad to get it over with today
  • im on the same page with heavy weights and walking/running. I need to up my cardio and i wanna get cut!! my legs are starting to look smaller although measurments dont say... All i know is that i wanna stay in contact with you all DAILY... this has really kept me accountable :) Aaaaand i guess i kinda like you ladies haha
  • i felt the same way! i only took 2 breaks in the whole video today. definitely seeing an improvement :) 3 more to go
  • Yay!!! lets come up with a new 30 day plan!
  • welcome heidi!! Great job for getting that far in 30 day shred. if you have any questions feel free to reach out to us... Looking forward to hearing you complete the SHRED!
  • today was okay.. i was definitely Kaput like Rach at circuit 3... Did you notice she skipped the 2nd squat hold in circuit one? This one did go by super fast. I took quite a few breaks in the cardio... Dah! off to get some extra in... GREAT JOB One down! Feel good about it.
  • i just ordered 10lb and 15lb kettlebells! they should be here at the end of this week I definitely want to do a kettlebell program after Jillian.. I also purchased some more of her videos because they were 5.99 on groupon so ill mix and mingle with those as well. But im over Jillian. Shes given me muscles which i like but…
  • I am in NYC! This California girl moved out to the East Coast about a year ago... Bagels, Pizza and Seamless did me in haha now im back on track. Feel free to add me :)
  • besides the cardio in circuit one... the whole table top ab hold thing really messes me up... i feel like my arms need to be 2 inches longer for it to work and my shoulders scream so hard in the table top position... you know the stretches at the end where you clasp your hands in the back and pull out behind you... I've…
  • done! my shoulders hurt pretty bad... those mountain climber pushup jack and ab holds kill me... i can push through the jump squats. Halfway done!
  • you both make me giggle. sooo I very much dislike the cardio in circuit one... just too long on my shoulders and i hate mountain climbers... then the strength from circuit 2 makes me upset but i feel strong doing it... i do like this level just want to be able to make it through those first 2 minutes of cardio. crow…
  • it was a tough im excited that my shoulders and abs are getting a GOOD workout.... one day down ;)
  • I'm 26, finished 30 day shred 5 days ago lost 10.5 inches and 6.7 lbs. I'm now working on Ripped in 30 level 1 day 4 was today. I really like Jillian, I'm eager to continue with her other videos after RI30. Add me if you'd like!
  • done! sorry don't have anything extra to add it was a good stuff tough workout for me.