

  • Wow! Loking good Smitty, keep it up and let's hear tfor the walkers! L xx Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I really like that! As a fellow walker and same age as you, I can really relate. I'm walking with my team today and we're getting so excited about our big challenge in the summer. We're walking across the South Downs (humongous hills!) for 62 miles in under 30 hours. We're raising money for Oxfam and the Gurkha Trust.…
  • I love salty stuff and I think I'm a girly girl, certainly in the sense that I love to do girly stuff like shopping and being with my friends lol! Will confess I also like to box and I love the gym. I don't think it has anything to do with gender, it's just they way we are, we're all different, thank God. I do feel bad…
  • Hi, I have a similar problem in that I feel pretty down and de-motivated once a month. It's also the time when I tend to crave chocolate, which I'm usually not too bothered about. It's hard, but at least you know when it's coming, so you can try to prepare for it. I try to keep myself occupied. I stick to my usual exercise…
  • Hi, I like it with a banana and sometimes add some sultanas and a little drizzle of honey. If that's too sweet for you, try it with some red berries and blueberries and, I agree with the other posts, it's delicious with granola :smile: Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • What one thing must you do before you die? Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • I'm so sorry for your loss, but at least your lovely brother was turning his life around when he died. It's such a shame he is no longer here to inspire and help others, as I'm sure he would have xxxxx Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Me too and it's a lot nicer than facebook, sometimes people post really offensive personal opinions on FB, but here it's very supportive and totally honest about how hard it is to lose weight and get fit. My only gripe is that I wish I could log calories burned with my strength training, especially after the killer session…
  • Thank you so much for posting that. We all know how hard we work, wouldn't it be nice if the people around us gave us a little more encouragement, rather than a lot of backhanded compliments? I do think people say the things they do, because they feel bad about not making the effort themselves. I don't want to make them…
  • Hi, I'm not sure about what it does to your metabolic rate, but I do know that if you've had a hard workout and your muscles ache, get in to a cold shower for a few minutes straight away and aim the shower at those muscles. It causes the blood to rush to the muscles and really invigorates them. My ex-PT made me run along a…
  • Hi, Why not try eating food that's good for you but dense in calories, such as nuts, olive oil etc? I'm sure you could find a decent I talian recipe featuring lots of basil pesto.....or just cook up a load of wholemeal pasta, add some veggies and lots of pesto? You can still eat healthily and heartily. Well done on your…
  • I'm walking most of the South Downs Trail 100km/62 miles in July for Oxfam. My team of four have to complete the walk in 30 hours. I'd like to walk the whole trail (100 miles) at my leisure.....then I'd like to join the other lady who wants to walk the Appallachian that sounds like fun!
  • Me too! Lovin' that calf look. Lovin' my new toned shoulders, too :-) You go girl, and enjoy!
    in Muscles! Comment by BeastieGirl May 2011
  • Hi, It's quite frustrating, I do a lot of strength training but I have to log it as circuit training, which it kind of is, but I do wonder if the calorie count is correct. Kettle bells are hard work, aren't they? But they do get results. Good luck!
  • Hi, Well done and listen to this! In three months I've only lost 8lbs, but my PT has been monitoring my body fat/muscle mass ratio. He weihged me and did the calculation this week. I've actually lost 13lbs of fat and gained 8lbs of muscle! I'm cool with that because my fat/muscle ratio was all wrong and I needed to gain…
  • I love this!!!! Do you mind if I borrow your fantastic war cry and make it my own? Kick this pig!!!!! Priceless! L xx
  • Hi, I too had this with both my pregnancies, some time ago! It does clear up but it takes a while. I had a lot of joint problems post-pregnancy so I started taking cod liver oil capsules. I don't know for sure if it worked, but my joint pain went away and I'm fine now. Hope this helps xx
  • Hi, If you can stand, try doing hack squats. You need to stand on something that will slightly elevate your heels (I stand on a flat weight), keep your toes on the floor, a bit like wearing small heels. Stand against a wall with a gym ball between your back and the wall and squat. The ball will push your hips forward but…
  • Hi, I'm at exactly the same place as you right now! I was losing a steady pound a week, then I increased my workouts and the weight has not only stopped coming off, but actually increased. I know it's down to water retention and/or my digestion slowing a little, which is probably because I'm not drinking enough water (I'm…
  • Thanks for the advice, I had heard about increasing and lowering your calories. I do log my exercise, it's more the days (only 1 or 2) a week that I don't exercise. Should I still have 280 unused cals, or should I just try and stay below my daily amount? It soon becomes evident, doesn't it, that you have to do something…
  • Hi, Well done on your weight loss! Yes, I have noticed that some people are not too keen to celebrate your success and this has happened to me before when I've lost weight. It is frustrating because these are often the people who seemed to think it was acceptable to comment on my weight and appearance before I started…
  • Hi, I don't know about losing weight from your feet, but I'm sure you'll lose fluid retention, which may make them look a bit puffy. Since I took up running (since given up as it just wasn't making me happy) and long distance walking (which I love!) my feet have changed in appearance, much leaner but, unfortunately, not…
  • Relax and make some good choices, then get back on the exercise horse tomorrow. If you're out all week, exercise more, even if it's just a few extra walks. Don't beat yourself up and pace yourself, you'll get there!
  • You can't spot reduce but, believe me, as you reduce your body weight it will reduce. I call mine the "the hangover" and it is going down, really down, so stick with it, it;s so much fun to watch it disappear lol!
  • Great post! Thanks, I had experienced the immediate weight gain and put it down to the old "muscle weighs more than fat" cliche, but this has really explained what's going on. Your other advice is correct, too. If you use the calorie counter truthfully you will soon realise that you are in denial about what and how much…
  • Welcome and I hope you enjoy the site as much as I do, I'm really motivated and happy to share tips and chat. Feel free to add me:smile: Laura
  • Well said! Nothing is set in stone and you really should love yourself, whatever you weigh, but it's good to be healthy and happy:smile:
  • HI, Feel free to add me, you've done really well so far, don't be so hard on yourself:smile: Laura
  • Hi Jason, I've been using MFP for 6 weeks and have lost 7lbs so far so I'm sure you will achieve your goal. Good luck!
  • Hi, My favourite salmon recipe is mixing green pesto, breadcrumbs and a little parmesan cheese, spread this on top of the salmon fillet, wrap it in foil and bake for 15 mins. Uncover the salmon for a further 5 mins to get the topping nice and crunchy. The pesto is high in calories, so you could reduce the amount and mix in…