And so What!

After adopting a much healthier lifestyle (particularly in my food) I really am not all that bothered by my weight anymore (148lbs) - I just want to be leaner and lose 2 inches around my tummy - that's it. :happy: :happy: :happy:

Once I've achieved that, even if I'm not at what I thought was my goal 'weight' I'm actually going to be fine about it.:drinker: :glasses:

- I'm doing resistance training 3 x per week (using the most challenging weights possible)
- I doing HIIT (20 mins of sheer hell LOL)
- I drinking my water
- I feel better generally
- I'm sleeping better
- I'm no longer obsessive to the point of being neurotic
- This is a lifestyle now and NOT a diet

I said all that to say this: It IS ok the change your goal/focus, it doesn't mean we've failed, just that we are loving ourselves and shifting our focus to the things that are most important to us.


  • BeastieGirl
    Well said! Nothing is set in stone and you really should love yourself, whatever you weigh, but it's good to be healthy and happy:smile:
  • shanna5
    shanna5 Posts: 69
    Good for you! I need to do the same thing and refocus, otherwise I'm not going to make it! Can you share your resistance training and HIIT program that you're using? I'm trying to revamp my exercise and schedule and need a little help!
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    Sounds good to me! Great post. :happy:
  • ImBabyBunny
    Wonderful! Draw from the past, but never let the past draw from you!
    You look great by the way! Keep it up!
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    well said. I know I'll never be supermodel size and I am ok with that. What I am not ok with is getting winded when Im walking and talking or not being able to climb the play equipment with my kids because lifting my body weight is so difficult...Not giving up...
  • Beefyg
    Beefyg Posts: 27
    Well said!!!
  • ATXJudie
    ATXJudie Posts: 67 Member
    Well said! So much of this for me is being healthy - when I am healthy I am happy...even if I haven't hit my goal weight :)

    So cheers!
  • sam363
    sam363 Posts: 204 Member
    well said. I know I'll never be supermodel size and I am ok with that. What I am not ok with is getting winded when Im walking and talking or not being able to climb the play equipment with my kids because lifting my body weight is so difficult...Not giving up...

    I feel the same way! I want to be comfortable in my skin and be able to be active along side my children! For the spring and summer I am challenging myself to say yes to the park, beach, riding bikes, swimming, even just going around the block a couple of times with my kids. Everyday I want to be able to enjoy the gorgeous weather and be active.

    I have a goal weight to keep me focused but it does not mean that the goal defines me. I'm much more than the number on my scale as is everyone else!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I've changed my focus and goal here a number of times. First I just wanted to start eating healthy. That turned into wanting to lose 10lbs. Then when I found out about how strength training is better for burning off body fat when you are already at a healthy weight I started lifting/resistance training. I'm on maintenance calories (according to BodyMedia Fit, not MFP) and I'm still dropping but not trying. But I know I'm losing body fat now!! (and off my belly. Finally after 5 months of this).
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Good for you! I need to do the same thing and refocus, otherwise I'm not going to make it! Can you share your resistance training and HIIT program that you're using? I'm trying to revamp my exercise and schedule and need a little help!

    You can check out for all the info you'll need on HIIT.

    My personal trainer got me into it and it's so much more effective than long (& boring in my opinion) steady state cardio - which actually becomes very ineffective after a while.

    My trainer has given me a weight based total body workout which I'd be happy to email to you (just send me your email address via my inbox) I've been using it for a few weeks now and can already see the change. Weight training is definitely the way to go.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm realizing the same thing about myself. I'm happy with how I look, and don't care about the number on the scale. There's a little bit of mush I'd like tighter, and that will happen over time.
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    I've changed my focus and goal here a number of times. First I just wanted to start eating healthy. That turned into wanting to lose 10lbs. Then when I found out about how strength training is better for burning off body fat when you are already at a healthy weight I started lifting/resistance training. I'm on maintenance calories (according to BodyMedia Fit, not MFP) and I'm still dropping but not trying. But I know I'm losing body fat now!! (and off my belly. Finally after 5 months of this).

    Weight training is most definitely the way to go. If weight is a measure of success then I want to lose 10lbs of body fat not just 'weight' per se.

    Last year when I lost all my excess weight (before re-gaining it due to a thyroid problem) After 5 months of weight training I finaly lost the weight from my belly - the one place I'd never been able to lose it before.

    The thing with belly fat is that if that is the place where we hold the most fat, that will be last place for it to go from! So not fair but I'm pleased that I know it can be done.
  • MsFitnFabulous
    MsFitnFabulous Posts: 432 Member
    Totally agree! You do such amazing job on basis. I'm super proud of you and glad to call you one of my sisters in Christ.

    - With God, all things are possible!
  • Sasha_Bear
    Sasha_Bear Posts: 625 Member
    Couldn't of said it better myself! I think you've done and amazing job and you look great at the weight you are now! You should be so very proud of yourself you've reached the most important goal which was to be healthy, and feel better about yourself! Well done Sunshine! I am proud to have you on my friends list!
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Kudos to you!!
  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member
    I know I'll never be supermodel size and I am ok with that.

    Supermodels aren't even supermodel size!!! Gotta remember, supermodel size is photoshop size.

    I love your attitude, original poster. It's all about living the good life!!
  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    Lovely thread and so on the button!

    This has been my last few weeks to a T! Realising that my goal weight doesn't define me! For so long I wanted to be 125, yet when I got there I wasn't any happier. I was still flabby and unfit, originally I set myself to lose more weight, now I don't care about the weight as long as I can fit in my size 10's!

    Now, I want to eat healthy amazing meals and know that my body is getting the best fuel possible to take me through the day! I like being fitter, I like having muscle tone and definition.

    I wish you well sunshine, you deserve it! You're such a brilliant, positive person and i'm so grateful you're on my friends list!
  • tinytotnot
    tinytotnot Posts: 67 Member
    Very inspirational post. Since finding this site, I no longer obsess about what the scales say.

    My goals are now set by clothing sizes, overall I want to drop 4 dress sizes. I know it is achievable as I've been there before, and I WILL be there again.

    The key to me succeeding is healthy eating and exercising my butt off The journey will be long, but rewarding.

    Good luck to you achieving your goals :drinker:
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Great attitude! You look fabulous in your profile pic :happy:

    I have set a weight goal which is the in the middle of the healthy weight range according to my BMI. I don't remember being at this weight as an adult (and I'm 44 now) so I'm quite prepared to change my end goal once I drop some more weight.
    My real goals are to monitor what I'm eating, change my binging-on-sweets-and-chocolate habit, be more aware of portion sizes, get stronger and fitter - and see what weight feels right when I get there!