aprilmssmith Member


  • This is especially true of low-carb diets!
  • I would say that running on a treadmill might not burn as many calories as an elliptical. I know when I run on a treadmill I can run WAY longer than when I run outside. I do pour sweat, but there is not as much resistance,
  • I'm in Alabama...I get to the track by 6am and it feels great when I'm running. If I wait til 7 I can hardly get my breath. As for the fried food, indulge moderately.
  • I mix one Chobani plain greek yogurt, one fiber one blueberry yogurt, one pack of truvia sweetener, and 1/2 cup of blueberries. Mmmmmmmmmmm....
  • I'm a Dr. Pepper lover, too. I switched to Mio. As long as I have that I can do without the soda, but I do still occasionally have a Dr. Pepper. AND IT IS HEAVEN!
  • Grape salad! Mix fat free sour cream with splenda granulated and brown sugar. Stir grapes in. Add pecans if desired. Only need a tablespoon or two of each type of sugar.
  • I've found the easiest thing to do is just agree with them. As in, "oh yeah, I do love crunches! I do them every day" and "1000 calories is too low? How many should I eat? ... Okay I'll eat 5000 then." Why worry about it? She doesn't know everything and you are an adult who can do whatever you want. It definitely helps the…
  • We can have a pity party together! I have still been logging, but have given up on dieting b/c I was not getting any results. I am starting back tomorrow with a vengance for 2 weeks and hoping to see results by Easter. HUGS
  • Could it be that you were on a different scale?
  • try mixing the cake mix with a can of pumpkin. Its very yummy!
  • I only have 30 minutes so I run faster and harder during that time. Do whatever you have time for and the will power to do. They are both good options.
  • Corn is not one of the "free" vegetables. Its only vegies with very low calories and in single serving amounts. They tell you to count them if you eat multiple servings. That is someone using the system incoreectly, not WW giving incorrect information.
  • "I think the reason I'm not losing weight is that I don't eat enough calories" . Um, trust me, if you weren't eating enough calories you would lose weight. Ask people with anorexia.
  • I agree! Take the high road. Whenever I see people have put something on facebook that seems directed at me I click "like" and leave a sunny comment. Haters only bring you down if you let them.
  • since sweating is your body's natural way of cooling off I would just have a spray bottle of water when I work out and spritz my face to help cool down. Of course, definitely talk to your doctor to see if there's any problem, but that would be a simple way to help your body cool off.
  • Yes! I love them. I have done them as spaghetti and as chicken noodle soup. Definitely rinse well, microwave, and blot dry with paper towels before eating or adding to your recipe. I was scared to try them, too, but they're so low calorie that they're worth the extra effort.
  • I just log the number of minutes I walked and the number of minutes I ran (separately).
  • I had been walking with intervals of running for about 4 months when I started Couch to 5k. My legs were super sore! I was surprised because I didn't think the amount of running that first week was much more than I was already doing. Keep going. Every day that you go back helps work out the soreness and build your…
  • You gave me hope! I lost 9 lbs the first 2 weeks and then nothing in the last 2 weeks. I'm trying to keep a positive attitude and just be happy that I had that big loss at the beginning. I weigh tomorrow so hopefully there will be at least a little loss!
  • good luck! I've been looking myself. I just wear my regular bra because I get more support from it. In the past I have worn 2 sports bras layered over each other.
  • I eat potato salad for lunch a good bit. 1 potato, 1 egg, 1 tb dill relish, 1 tb fat free mayo, salt and pepper to taste.
  • Yes, I have that happen to me too! I just had to limit my time on the elliptical to about 30 minutes. Now, I've switched to walking outdoors.
  • I had a lot of success on the old points program at WW, once they changed to the points plus plan I gained and lost the same couple of pounds every week. A friend told me about mfp so I decided to put in all my food from my ww tracker for a day. I found out why I wasn't losing any weight on the new plan! They were giving…
  • I would just stop eating the extra calories you earn for exercise. Trust me, I know its hard not to! And try to remember that staying the same is better than gaining. Also, try to make sure the calories you are eating include a lot of fruits and vegetable and not much processed food.
  • I've always thought that those "last chance workouts" were dehydration sessions.
  • The best advice I can give you is to really stick to your calories. You will see a difference on the scale. I promise!
  • most likely the difference is in the time of day you weigh. You weigh the least first thing in the morning. Just go by your scale if thats the one you use the most. I try not to even look at the doctor. I've been tracking my progress by the scale at home so thats the one I go by.
  • Is there a new "diet food" you've started eating frequently? My husband has ocular migraines and his are triggered by certain types of foods and lighting. Usually its a processed food (lunchmeat, hot dogs, mentos gum, etc). I buy foods with minimal processing or when we're just hungry for a hot dog or whatever I buy…