Kind of Weird Question...

So, my feet... sometimes when I'm on the elliptical, my feet (mostly my right) sometimes fall asleep! and today, I took off my shoes and socks afterwards, and saw that the veins on the insides (near the heel) were actually really defined and it was red around them. I'm thinking it might be normal strain, but I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced it, and if it's cause for concern!



  • simplynila
    simplynila Posts: 54 Member
    The elliptical was really hard on my feet too! I had to loosen my shoes before I used it so they wouldn't go numb! It puts pressure on the top of you foot, which has blood vessels running down it and I think that it cuts off ciruclation that way :) Hope it helps!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    You might need to loosen your shoes or you may need new shoes. You may need to see a doctor though, that doesn't sound like normal strain to me.
  • aprilmssmith
    aprilmssmith Posts: 35 Member
    Yes, I have that happen to me too! I just had to limit my time on the elliptical to about 30 minutes. Now, I've switched to walking outdoors.
  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    Not a weird question. The trainers at my gym said it happens to a lot of people and they didn't seem concerned.
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    my feet fall asleep too while on the elliptical. I think it's because they are pretty much planted in the same position for so long. When I notice the tingle...I start lifting my feet off the platform and stepping them back down to get the circulation going back into them again. (make sense?? lol)
  • Tofuheart
    Tofuheart Posts: 191 Member
    I have had that happen too. (foot fall asleep) I'm not sure why it does that. I wear very good shoes and stretch before getting on the machine. it must be a blood flow thing but I don't think serious.
  • Postergirl82
    I get sciatic nerve pain on my right side while working out. Pain starts under my right buttocks and goes down through my knee. It causes my right foot to be numb and tingle. Is that how you would describe it?
  • corey_e
    corey_e Posts: 162
    my feet fall asleep too while on the elliptical. I think it's because they are pretty much planted in the same position for so long. When I notice the tingle...I start lifting my feet off the platform and stepping them back down to get the circulation going back into them again. (make sense?? lol)

    I do the same exact thing! Although now I do have shoes that are looser on my feet and it's not as bad.
  • elizabethbreed
    elizabethbreed Posts: 21 Member
    It's really just the foot itself, it doesn't feel like it's all the way up my leg. Maybe it's just that my foot is planted so long?
  • MissAllison
    The numbness is a common problem with using the elliptical. I've experienced it as well, although much less often as I got into a regular exercise routine. At first it was very annoying, but from my research it's nothing medical to worry about. I can't remember all of the technical details, but I seldom experience it anymore after 4 or 5 months of using the elliptical regularly.
  • loriefolk
    I agree with other posters, you may want to loosen your laces or even limit your elliptical sessions :)
  • karriecook
    karriecook Posts: 84 Member
    i have the same problem and have to be careful where my shoes hit the top of my feet and tie them very loose.
  • Scncartist
    I'm pretty sure it happens to a ton of people. I've used MFP off and on for 6-9 months and this topic seems to pop up almost every week.

    And, yes, it happens to me also. :-(
  • MissAllison
    yep - loosening the shoes can help. Sometimes it also helps to start going backwards when you notice your foot "falling asleep," since you then put pressure on different areas of your foot.
  • elizabethbreed
    elizabethbreed Posts: 21 Member
    yep - loosening the shoes can help. Sometimes it also helps to start going backwards when you notice your foot "falling asleep," since you then put pressure on different areas of your foot.

    Thanks for the tip! I will try going backwards!