
dino1147 Posts: 178 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I've been wanting digital scales for a while but kept telling myself they weren't worth the extra money. I balance my analog scale at home often, but went to the doctor yesterday and weighed a full 10 pounds more than my one at home.

Can there really be that much difference? Granted I was fully dressed with shoes at the doc, but still!


  • aprilmssmith
    aprilmssmith Posts: 35 Member
    most likely the difference is in the time of day you weigh. You weigh the least first thing in the morning. Just go by your scale if thats the one you use the most. I try not to even look at the doctor. I've been tracking my progress by the scale at home so thats the one I go by.
  • honestly, every scale is different..... dont stress it.... go by with how you feel in your clothes... and if you need to stress about a number stress about your body fat % number... its more important than the scale number anyway...

    look at it this way... whos fatter? the 120 lb girl with the 39% body fat or the 135 lb girl with a 21% body fat?

    THE 120 LB girl !!!!!

    So go get yourself a fat loss monitor at your local GNC.. they average 30-50 bucks ;-)
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