Odd Question about sweating

tam8374 Posts: 270 Member
I have had a weird issue for the past couple of decades, but never thought anything of it until recently.

When I work out, I hardly ever sweat, but I do get extremely "overheated". My face and head get so hot that I feel like if I don't cool them down I might just pass out from heat stroke or something. I don't think it's an issue with too much or lack of sodium or lack of water intake.

I thought for a long time it's just because I was fair skinned and my face looked red, but the overheating thing has me really concerned.

I know at my next doctor appt, I am going to ask about it.

Anyone have any idea if it's normal or is there something that maybe I am not aware of?


  • Waynes_World
    I was always told that sweat was the way the body tries to cool itself down..
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    <--takes an excessively long time to sweat

    even though I live in Louisiana and it is humid as all get-out here. I read meters for the electric company for 5 years, it never got any better.

    I don't think it is a medical issue. I think some people just sweat more than others. Take a break to cool off if you get too hot, and drink lots and lots and lots of water.
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    I actually came across information on this because I was researching my own problem (which is the opposite—I sweat like a fool with minimal exertion). It definitely sounds like something you need to talk to your doctor about, because it can be (but isn’t always) serious: http://www.healthline.com/adamcontent/sweating-absent . Good luck!
  • Nomnomnivore
    I don't really sweat either, and my red face concerns other people when they see it, haha... I was told at one point that it was related to my eczema and how your body won't release water if it's already too dry or something, but if you don't have dry skin then I'm not sure what else it would be. I'd ask your doctor and see what he says!
  • Little_Lisa_Ann
    I have completely different issues..within a half hour at the gym parts of my shirt are soaked (so I'm sweating a ton), but my face still turns crazy red and concerns people when they see it. It's so weird lol. Hope you find out everything you need to know and everything's ok!
  • aprilmssmith
    aprilmssmith Posts: 35 Member
    since sweating is your body's natural way of cooling off I would just have a spray bottle of water when I work out and spritz my face to help cool down. Of course, definitely talk to your doctor to see if there's any problem, but that would be a simple way to help your body cool off.
  • Roukie
    Roukie Posts: 41 Member
    I have always sweat but never alot, I used to get the same overheated feeling and red face but since i've been working out more and harder I suddenly sweat alot more and don't have the same overheated feeling.
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    I have always sweat but never alot, I used to get the same overheated feeling and red face but since i've been working out more and harder I suddenly sweat alot more and don't have the same overheated feeling.

    I want to get to this point! LOL I have recently started sweating in my hair (GAG!!) a lot sooner than before.