audrast Member


  • Congratulations on starting the journey! If you've hit a plateau and you are watching the intake and continuing the exercise, your issue might be leptin. It's a fat-storage regulation hormone. When your body senses that you're losing weight, the levels decrease and your body goes into starvation mode. It holds on tight to…
  • So close. Lexington, here.
  • Give yourself something to focus on. A mantra, a collage, something you can turn to when you feel yourself slipping. For me, Dory's song from Finding Nemo, "Just Keep Swimming" does it for me. It has become my mantra. When things get tough... just keep swimming. When I feel like I'm not making progress ... just keep…
  • Long term vegetarian here too. Join us in Happy Herbivores for support and good foods! You can do this!
  • All friend requests welcomed! Fitness Blender people, Game of Thrones people, vegetarian people, meat people, dog people, cat people, the Village People ...
  • Congrats to you, OP! Success stories are really inspirational. I enjoy reading how people have taken control of their health in positive ways and see how their hard work has paid off. I just want to weigh in on the side of "cheat days," in that it isn't about a meal or even a day of gorging, there is a biochemical reason…
  • I've got about 65 pounds to go and I am happy to have more friends. We can do this!
  • Some preliminary research is pulling up results about obesity-linked inflammatory response. But this is something to talk to a physician about. I might be able to do research online but nobody knows your body better than you and your physician. At your next appointment, make a list of questions about you symptoms and ask…
  • Sounds like there is a combination things that could be happening. Breathing, congestion, face pain ... have you been allergy tested? The indigestion, fatigue made me think stomach sensitivity, intolerance (dairy or other item) or maybe a vitamin or mineral deficiency. The easing of your symptoms as you've lost weight…
  • It's a shame you can't share workouts because I've done dozens of Fitness Blender workouts and created a new exercise for each one. To create your own, search for the exercise and when you dont find it, at the bottom you can create your own. Give it a name (I use the name of the video), time worked out and then I usually…
  • If you query Google you might find a calorie burn for the exercise you've found. There are some with calorie burn estimates right in the description on YouTube.
  • Several people made actual contributions. We didn't tell the OP to just suck it up or leave the boyfriend. Seems like the ones showing the most animosity had the least helpful advice to begin with.
  • I'm really disappointed with the people replying here with things like, "Just don't eat it," or worse, "Break up with him and move out." Not helpful, people! She's looking for advice at how to make it work. It CAN actually work. Willpower isn't just a light switch you turn on and off. You have to learn how to deal with…
  • Might be an odd solution, but consider having his junk food stored in a different place than the rest of your food. You might have to still see him eating it, but the bags or packages won't be in your visual range when you go prepare something to eat for yourself.
  • Another vote for fitnessblender on YouTube. Fantastic range of workout videos. Also, have enough confidence in yourself to go to that gym. You might encounter a Scumbag Steve or Stacy but their souls are hollowed pits of darkness anyways, you shouldn't give a good god damn what they think. Most people will either ignore…
  • My ideal would be the midrange healthy BMI which puts me around 130. I don't know how realistic it is because I like having a bit of muscle. I'm aiming at 130. Once I get close I can re-evaluate that.
  • Exercise doesn't just help with burning calories, it strengthens muscles and helps to improve mood and concentration and a host of other pluses. I say exercise and enjoy the extra calorie cushion it allows you. You'll burn fat more quickly when you keep those muscles tip top.
  • Audiobook: Blood Song by Anthony Ryan, epic fantasy (highly recommend) Actual book: Not My Father's Son by Alan Cumming, memoir (also recommend)
  • You will ultimately fail because diet and exercise are not jobs that should be dreaded and avoided, they are a lifestyle. And until you accept that you need a change in lifestyle, any progress you make will be lost.
  • You just HAD to put that picture up didnt you! For me it's potato chips (kettle chips especially), french fries and anything mint. Peppermint stars, Altoids, Lifesavers, pillow mints, mint Mentos ... mmm. Let's not discuss Breyer's mint chip ice cream. It's like the Voldemort of my house. He who shall not be named.
  • I do appease my cravings but I give it a couple of days and I plan it. It has happened that one day I crave something, I resist and the next day, the craving passes. If, after a few days, I'm still dreaming of a handful of those kettle cooked potato chips, I plan when I'll have them and either include them as part of my…
  • I think everybody here is right on. Track that diet and make sure you are getting enough protein in your diet. Also check on your iron intake. If you have a borderline anemia, you can feel lethargic.
  • I have some episodes of Inhale with Steve Ross or I use Fitness Blender (YouTube channel) yoga
  • I wonder how he would feel if she logged all the times he initiated sex out of the blue without the kind of courtship that won her hand in the first place. My ex would deflect my opinions on day to day decisions, not give me the affection I need (hand holding, etc), humiliate me in public and later that night, would reach…
  • If he is that ready to POOF with no explanations, let it be. You don't want a relationship with somebody like that because that is who they will be forevermore. INTENSE then POOF. Apologizing then intense again and then poof. You don't need that kind of idiocy. If you're in for the long game, don't play at short games.…
  • You don't have to avoid those foods, just take control of your daily caloric intake by measuring out a portion for yourself. One slice of pizza won't kill your day. A small sub sandwich isn't a bad choice for lunch, really. Just familiarize yourself with what kind of portions you are looking at and what they cost…
  • *wipes drool* I've never liked extreme muscle bound or extreme skinny so, A, B, C, F, G, H with emphasis on G
  • While I'm not saying I have all the answers, I do have a degree in molecular genetics, so I'm not speaking from a place of scientific ignorance. Not saying that to wave a degree in your face, I just wanted to clarify that if you discuss things with people here or anywhere else on the internet, an intelligent discussion…
  • A sociology textbook picture of a rat fed GMOs ... and you think the GMOs caused the tumors rather than ingestion of the Monsanto chemical pesticide used on those Round-up Ready crops? The "article" in question actually states that rats in one of the groups not fed the treated corn but given Roundup in their water had…
  • I don't trust the American public to make any decisions about science because they are informed in bite-sized, factoid, news nugget style. A nation that believes that evolution is a "theory," that vaccinations cause autism and that angels really do exist doesn't deserve to be given the option to ruin companies simply…