paddymc Member


  • Welcome!!! Call on us for support. We are all here for each other. Best wishes to you!
  • I have this problem for a long time. Lots of greens in a day and 8-10 pitted prunes per day. Works like a charm. I go every day now. It used to be that if I flew away on vacation or business trip, I would not go at all. Not good and can be painful. Try the prunes.
  • Get yourself a sexy work out top to go with your new sneakers and then flaunt them both!! You deserve a treat, enjoy!!
  • I'm the same. Been doing this religously for almost two months and only 5 pounds. I keep reminding myself that I didn't put the weight on in a couple of weeks, it won't come off in a couple of weeks either. Don't weight yourself, just pay attention to your cloths. We want numbers to see we are attaining our goals, but its…
  • I have killer plantar in both feet, my advice is get in the pool. Best way to keep your cardio up that you've worked so hard on and still be resting that foot. Best of luck to you!! You WILL get through this!!
  • Support us here for you. We all keep each other in line and on track. I will friend you, call on me anytime. We can all use some extra help now and then. Best wishes on your wonderful journey.
  • Welcome to the journey!!! I am fairly new and loving it. Friends are great at motivating and keeping it all in perspective. Do a friend request on me if you like.
  • I can relate to the ouch! Welcome aboard to you, and best wishes in your journey. Together we bring out the best!!!
  • Welcome aboard! I am enjoying this so far.
  • Welcome! I'm only a month in but enjoying it so far. Keeps me thinking about what I"m eating!!! The more friends I have the more motivated I am so if you are looking for friends Im in.
  • Hey, I'm fairly new too and feeling like its all a bit uphill at the moment so I would love a few friends too. Count me in. Friend request on its way.
  • Cranberry juice or a cranberry tablet available in the vitamin section. If its the juice, make sure it the low calorie one. Cranberry juice with some soda water and vodka is my favorite!! I hope that works, Paddy
  • Its been my experience that you need much more than that. 1200 at least. You might gain at first because your body will hoard what your finally giving it. After that you will start to loose. Its starving right now. Just what I have learnt and read.
  • I've been told to do one third of your cardio workout first to get yourself good and warmed up, do the weights then go back to finish up a hard 30 minutes of cardio. Not to be done 5 days a week like this but if you must do both, its a safe formula. Paddy
  • You people are amazing!! You've answered everything! I"m on a day off, heading to the gym then I"m going to eat!!! Promise. Paddy
  • Thanks for the reply! How do you know that your body is in starvation mode? You stop loosing?
  • Its been my experience that when I am too tired to get out there and walk, I was just tired thinking of it. If you push yourself to get out there the first couple of times for a walk even though your exhausted, you will feel amazing at the end of the walk and you beat a "do nothing" demon at the same time. Go walk and be…