I'm Getting Discouraged, Need Help!!!!!

So, I thought I was doing this the right way, I have been working out and eating right (atleast I thought) for the past
2 wks and have not lost one lb. I really don't know where i'm going wrong or what else to do. I'm really to the point
where i just want to give. Any advice would really help. I'm trying to loose 20lbs, right now i'm at 148. On top of all of that I know
i'm probably going to end up gaining some weight since i have to stop smoking cigarretts (which i have been trying to do).
Please help me figure this thing out before i just give up all together.



  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    Don't give up! Sometimes it takes your body a while to adjust! Are you losing inches? Stay strong, I have faith in you!
  • aliwong
    aliwong Posts: 3
    Don't give up, yesterday I was leaving the gym and told myself that I am building a better body for myself everyday. How do your clothes feel? Because I haven't lost any weight recently but I've gone down a size. Stay STRONG
  • rkascak
    rkascak Posts: 224 Member
    dont give up
    in a month or so from now you will wish u stuck to it
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    How much are you eating? Are you weighing and logging everything? What are your goals set for? To lose 1 or 2 pounds a week?

    Ps...I stopped smoking last year and was so determined to NOT gain weight that I started using MFP and joined a gym. And I didn't gain anything! I lost 15 pounds instead :) You can do it too!!
  • kltobin2010
    kltobin2010 Posts: 80 Member
    You are not alone, so please keep pushing through! I am exactly where you are. I would like to lose 25 lbs and I have been working out and eating right for two months and only lost 5 lbs bringing me to the 25 I still would like to lose - it is very discouraging. The bright side it, other people have been where we are and have broken through and loss the weight. So all I can say is stick with it! This is what I tell myself every morning. If I don't then it was all for nothing. Just remember, we are conditioning are bodies. Once the conditioning is done, then the weight should come flying off!
    Good luck and hang in there!

  • CaitlinEats
    CaitlinEats Posts: 42 Member
    Me too! I've been doing this religiously for more than 2 weeks and have GAINED 3 lbs! I'm hitting near my calories (not too low, almost never over) every day, so I'm sure I must just be retaining water from exercising so much, but still--annoying!

    I don't know if this would help you, but I've decided to avoid weighing in again for a few more weeks to try to give my body time to adjust. At this point, the scale just makes me feel worse, which is the last thing I need!
  • EmilyStrick
    EmilyStrick Posts: 267
    are you eating too much sodium? it could be water retention.

    is it close to that time of the month? nothing goes well around that time! :tongue:

    are you actually overweight at all, or is this more a cosmetic issue? i think if you're at a very healthy weight, it can be very hard to lose the little bit that is hanging on that you want to lose.

    someone said the other day that even though it takes a while to actually gain muscle weight, if you are strength training, you're muscles retain water (at least that's how i understood it).

    could you be eating too little? are you eating your calories earned through exercise? sometimes upping your calories a little can actually help your metabolism to work better (again...that's how i understand it).

    don't give up...you'll get there!

    good luck!!!
  • Ang8178
    Ang8178 Posts: 308
    Trying to lose 20 lbs is hard, it can come off slow for some people! I'm one of those people!!!!! I've been at it for 2 months and lost about 5 pounds. I am much heathier though, I feel good (most days) I'm stronger :happy: Stay with it. Research this web site. Make sure you are eatting enough (you will see that over and over on here!) And remember, we all have bad days, just have that mental image of you at your goal to keep you going, you can do it :flowerforyou:
  • Ang8178
    Ang8178 Posts: 308
    are you eating too much sodium? it could be water retention.

    is it close to that time of the month? nothing goes well around that time! :tongue:

    are you actually overweight at all, or is this more a cosmetic issue? i think if you're at a very healthy weight, it can be very hard to lose the little bit that is hanging on that you want to lose.

    someone said the other day that even though it takes a while to actually gain muscle weight, if you are strength training, you're muscles retain water (at least that's how i understood it).

    could you be eating too little? are you eating your calories earned through exercise? sometimes upping your calories a little can actually help your metabolism to work better (again...that's how i understand it).

    don't give up...you'll get there!

    good luck!!!

    Second the salt... it's awful!!! And you do retain water during weight training. I'm always struggling with water weight!
  • StarryEyedGirl
    I am feeling discouraged too but I don't want to give in! what keeps me going is those people who have lost 100 plus pounds. I bet its all relative but I only have 50 to lose and you have even less so we can do this!!!

    Eat fresh! stay out of the pantry for a few days and just eat poultry and veggies and fruits. whole grains too!
  • jenners22
    jenners22 Posts: 91
    are you eating too much sodium? it could be water retention.

    good luck!!!

    Second the salt... it's awful!!! And you do retain water during weight training. I'm always struggling with water weight!

    I added a sodium and fiber category to my food page. It helps keep me in check because I have a slight addiction to salty/processed foods. Especially the frozen food entree's like Lean Cuisine. It is a daily struggle.

    If you are not use to working out normally, your body could be holding onto the weight (because it is such a shock to the body, like starvation). They body will finally get use to working out and then you will see results...but since you are a smaller person to begin with, it will take a while.
  • paddymc
    paddymc Posts: 19 Member
    I'm the same. Been doing this religously for almost two months and only 5 pounds. I keep reminding myself that I didn't put the weight on in a couple of weeks, it won't come off in a couple of weeks either. Don't weight yourself, just pay attention to your cloths. We want numbers to see we are attaining our goals, but its so much more than that. You are creating a better version of yourself, give it time. You are doing this!!!
  • StephanieJ82
    And someone just told me that some people actually gain a bit first if they are exercising. Beacause I feel the same as you. i am on a 1200 cal diet and am working out 3 times a week and i am not losing. I was almost wanting to give up! I say lets give it another week or two and if we still haven't lost anything then maybe we need to really look and what it is we are eating...??