Darrelkun Member


  • Howdy purple team! Can we have Bob as our trainer? 8D
  • Ugh can't edit my post from earlier. Wanted to share another NSV; jogged for the first time this year, and I did almost a whole mile (0.9) nonstop. ^^ I'm really happy to see what weight loss can do! And this inspires me for our challenges to come!
  • MONDAY IS HERE!!!! Starting weight (6/2012): 245.5 pounds Current weight (1/20/2014): 206.5 pounds NSV: - I can touch my elbow to my opposite knee when doing standing twists - I can touch my toes with my opposite hand when kicking forward - I've lost 5 inches on my shoulders, 2 in my chest, 3.5 in my waist and 5.5 inches…
  • Too bad we can't do actual challenges, eh? I want it to be real as well. :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hurw_dpbAeQ This is the workout I do daily. (Gets me into the mood and spirit for this competition, that's for sure!) Can find the DVD online for a decent price. Totally worth it in my opinion.
  • Sure, but then we have the freedom to call you out on your bull and voice our anger and concern. It'd be a lot easier to, you know, be a courteous, respectful person. But I guess for some people that's too much to ask for. Especially in 'Murica.
  • I'd definitely suggest upping your calorie intake. Probably not eating enough.
  • Congratulations! And wow, 1403 miles in a year?! Dang. I can finally touch my elbow to the opposite knee when doing standing twists, and can touch my hand to my opposite foot when kicking forward. ^^
    in NSV Comment by Darrelkun January 2014
  • If someone else's business riles you up this strongly you really need to check yourself. That's not healthy at all. She's free to have feelings. He's free to have feelings. We're all human. Sometimes things happen and life doesn't go the way we were expecting it to. But I would agree that this guy does sound like bad news.…
  • Will we be starting with new weigh-ins that Monday?
  • @Sandylovesm Oh yeah? :3 That's pretty neat, haha!
  • You can also do single leg squats.
  • I could use some tips for getting more water into me. It's the hardest struggle I have. I just don't ever really feel thirsty, and have to force as much water down my throat as possible by the end of the evening. Even then I'm severely short. :( So any tips to make it bearable to chug would be wonderful. <3 I do like…
  • I want Team Bob!
  • Some really interesting people here! Hey everyone, my name is Darrel. I'm 25 and recently graduated from Eastern Washington University with a bachelors degree in biology. I come from the beautiful evergreen state of Washington and it's nice to see one other member comes from this rocking place with me! :) I've been…
  • Just joined this group. My weight as of today is 207.2 pounds. I want to be on Bob's team. ;P
  • I take a multivitamin every day. I don't take fish oil tablets, though.
  • When sodium is too high, you can substitute butter with canola oil. Tastes pretty good! I make air popped popcorn (bag of Jolly Time kernels) and drizzle a tablespoon or two of canola oil on it. It will add to fats, but it won't add to sodium.
  • I weigh in every day. If I go down, awesome! That inspires me to keep going and I feel really good about myself and the procedure. If I go up, it happens. It inspires me to try harder for the next day's weigh in. And it helps me feel safe, because I'll catch poor trends sooner by keeping a close eye on how my body reacts…
  • Yes, though I prefer to stop a few hours before bed. (One of The Skinny Rules I'm trying to follow.) As others have said it doesn't really matter. For me it's just a nice will power booster of, "I can do this! I have control over my food!" But if you're hungry you should eat.
  • I tried Weight Watchers for 2 years. I got down 20 pounds and then hit a wall. Eventually gave up because it was a waste of time and money. They came out with a new program and I feel concerned with counting so many foods "free and fulfilling"... I guess supposedly a can of refried beans doesn't have to be counted? Um,…
  • I'd be careful with the one hour intense work out class. It might be too high in intensity for a starting point, and might be more suitable for intermediate. Other than that, try to think of all the current ailments you face as of today. Do you feel bloated all the time or in some areas? Does your skin feel oily or have a…
  • Wow, super impressive! Good job!
  • Congratulations! Now it's time to do two more. :)
  • Well it bothers me. And here's why. http://nutrition.mcdonalds.com/getnutrition/nutritionfacts.pdf Calories aside (most are a third to a half of your daily allotment), sodium is generally close to the 1000s range (which is what you should aim for a maximum for one day). Saturated fat for most items is 50-60%. Cholesterol…
  • I personally like to pop my blisters then slather them in Neosporin and put a bandage on them.
  • I had surgery and couldn't exercise for 2 months. And I didn't have enough hours at work to afford food -- I could only accept what people gave me, which was usually boxed goods. (I still don't make enough, but I'm more demanding of healthy foods.) Being depressed from the after effects of surgery, not being able to work…
  • I work night shifts, but nowhere near the 12 hour mark. (I work 12pm to 3am) I'd suggest planning your day similar to how you would if you worked a day shift. Eat a bigger breakfast, wake up earlier if you can to work out, and make sure to have dinner ready for you when you get home. When tracking on myfitnesspal, just…
  • This. Most likely all the sodium intake. Drink lots of water and it should decrease. And stay away from sodium induced foods. You should aim for no more than 1000mg of sodium a day. (1500 if you're pushing it.) Also keep in mind serving sizes. Just because a serving has 200mg of sodium doesn't mean you should eat the whole…
  • You want to aim for a maximum of 1000 mg of sodium a day if you can help it. Up to 1500 is the allowed amount, but 1000 is ideal. Anything more than that and you will likely start to bloat. Unfortunately a lot of our foods are loaded with sodium. When you look at the back and it says 200mg of sodium, be sure to also check…
  • Plateaus are a sign that too much food intake is going on. Consider re-evaluating what you are eating, and try adjusting either portions (or measuring to a tee, if you aren't) or replacing some foods. Hope that helps. I know how plateauing goes. It's not fun at all.