2boys111 Member


  • I know what you mean! I get it too! I don't remember the science behind it but my Dr. said it is not harmful and a good sign after exercising!
  • I'd make sure you are tracking your food as accurately as possible. Sounds like you made some great steps so far, keep it up! I find if I pay attention to my food and calorie target, it makes a big difference in my success. In the beginning I just looked at my food intake, and wouldn't take my exercise into account until…
  • After school is my hardest time of the day with the kids. I do a few things that help me: I expect the chaos. I know that I'm going into whiny, tired, HW time and it will be taxing on me. When I remind myself of it, it's easier for me to deal, sigh and just get through it. Second, I have a snack or coffee before they get…
  • I went through all FitBit's help section and did all the resets etc. It never helped. I ended up contacting them and they sent me a new one since mine was under a year old. However, I'm having trouble with my new one syncing now!! Ugh!!
  • I couldn't agree more with your post! I think this will also be my key to success. I'm glad to hear it is working for you!!
  • You've gotten great feedback here! I just wanted to throw in that my motivators have changed over the years. Seeing a skinny picture of myself used to help me. Now it deflates me. Now it is taking care of myself--a pedicure, a massage etc. is more motivating that a skinny dress etc. So realize that you might need to adapt…
  • My big snack time is 3-6pm so I have a small shake or smoothie at 3 and then tell myself I'm in a "no eating" period until dinner time. It works for me. The shake take the edge off my hunger and then I just consider it not an option to eat until dinner. I'd find your big snack time and try something like that!
  • I had a good day but there are treats looming in my house. Tomorrow might prove difficult because of that! I posted my 10 pound goal in my kitchen as a reminder of what I am working toward!
  • I make my steel cut oats in the crockpot overnight! I usually do it on warm rather than low so it doesn't get burnt. Once I wake up I add in my dried fruit, nuts, syrup etc and it's ready!
  • Wow Michelle, that sounds like a great day! I did well today and tracked everything. It definitely helped me from grazing knowing I had to journal it. I made myself herbal tea tonight instead of munching. I forgot how soothing tea is!!
    in Day 5 Comment by 2boys111 September 2014
  • Hi! I just joined your challenge! I need to get back on track. Now that school is starting again and 2 of 3 kids will be gone during the day I want to concentrate on ME--woohoo!! Today I tracked and went over on calories a smidge. I'm going to get the muchkins out for a walk after dinner to break even for the day. Better…
    in Day 4 Comment by 2boys111 September 2014
  • Wow, that is a terribly hurtful thing to say. They aren't a friend to you. It takes courage to be ok with being in pictures when you aren't feeling your best. I'm proud of you that you were enjoying your time with your friends and living your life. You are a good person. Your worth isn't measured by your weight struggles.…
  • Awww, we have all been there. It's a mistake. Don't beat yourself up. It is so hard to stay on track and not abuse yourself with food but it's a learning experience. Think next time what you will do? Call someone? A cup of tea? Exercise to get the frustration out? And you know, sometimes I still turn to food but I do it…
  • Cute topic! how about 1) it's easy to drink lots of water because there is always a bathroom near by (especially if you are potty training a toddler--you know every bathroom in a 5 mile radius!!) 2) sit ups are way harder when someone is sitting on your tummy while you do it! 3) really playing with the kids (tag, throwing…
  • I view my schedule as fluid. What works one month doesn't work the next given the kids' sleeping habits etc. Here are a few things I've incorporated as I could: --I do 30 day shred immediately after the kids are asleep. it's 20 minutes and gets my heart pumping. If I start doing housework etc after the kids are down, I…
  • Thanks for starting a daily check in! It helps keeps me accountable! I did level 1. Tomorrow I need to do it once the kids are in bed---they kept getting underfoot and I had to multitask through the workout--argh! I just need 20 minutes to myself PLEASE!!! live and learn.....I have to do this when they are in bed!
  • To address the loneliness you mentioned: why not get involved at the gym or a fitness class? I did a TRX class that was a 50/50 mix of men and women. I would do it every Monday and Wed night and started to meet people that way. It was nice to walk into the class and have small talk etc. Maybe getting more connected to…
  • You look great! I love your confidence and sass in your after photo!! Keep up the great work!
  • I did it last year under the new program. It is harder to figure out the points--under the old system I found you could guess the points pretty accurately. Now you really need to either buy their calculator or have the phone app. But if you have a smartphone, you have the calculator right there. And just like at the start…
  • Sometimes changing it up can help so going back to WW could be a nice jumpstart for you! I love they encourage a lot of F+V. You are right, sometimes when you look at straight calories you will choose a 100 calorie snack bag instead of a banana etc. Remember how the food makes you feel and how full you will (or won't) be…
  • I am big chested too since having my kids. I never understood why women complained about their big chests until I became so big. I totally feel your pain. It's hard to work out because of bouncing, finding a sports bra that is comfy etc. Clothes, dresses--everything revolves around my chest and what can accommodate it. It…
  • I know! Weekends are hard! This is what I do: --stick to healthy protein rich breakfast. my kids tend to do pancakes, waffles, carb filled breakfasts on weekends. It helps when I plan on a healthy, low-carb breakfast for me. --plan a few treats. Either a dinner out or a great dessert on Sat or Sun night. I still don't go…
  • Hi, I just saw your post. I'll do a tracking challenge with you if you want! I always make better food choices when I log YET it's always the first thing that goes out the window for me! Want to try to be accountable together?
  • Hi! I'd love some accountability too. I am a SAHM mom of three kids (6,4,1.5) so days are so busy. I find it's easy to get off track when things get so busy. Only another mom can understand the craziness each day brings! I am 198 now and am working to get to the 150s so our goals are similar! How was Thanksgiving? Ours was…
  • I love your story and your common sense, patient way you went about losing the weight. You look SO great!! Congrats--thanks for sharing. I'm just beginning my journal and your story helped me....
  • Great progress!! Way to go!
  • Depression is so hard. I would concentrate on fitness. Walk for 30 minutes and be consistent. It will make you feel proud and accomplished. After a while you can add some time. Sometimes just getting out of the house and concentrating on yourself can help immensely. Do you have health insurance? Maybe you should talk to…
  • I agree, if I stay away and don't eat sweets it gets much easier. But it is SO hard to get to that point! I'd try to hold out and resist the sweets. I tend to do herbal teas at night to curb cravings or unsweetened iced tea during the day. And honestly? Lots of self talk to remind myself why I really don't want to be a…
  • That's awesome! Way to go!