Tiffany1111 Member


  • Try to stay positive because we have all been there before. Remember that the best way to sustain weight loss is slow and gradual changes to your lifestyle not fast, because the faster you lose you can gain it back just as fast, if not quicker. You are taking the right steps and just focus on the photos you loved with the…
  • I've heard good things about the classes. My friend teaches the classes and we are personal fitness trainers, she loves it and says lots of other people do too! Give it a try.
    in ZUMBA Comment by Tiffany1111 April 2011
  • polar is one of the cheapest and more accurate monitors you can get. try and purchase one that is coded so that if you are working beside someone else it doesn't read their heart rate or their monitor instead.
  • To me it sounds like you need a better set of rules for yourself. What's really been helping me is not concentrating so much on what I'm eating but how much I'm eating. The less you eat, obviously the less calorie dense the food will be. It's a good sign that you are not feeling like you have to eat all the time because…
  • hahaha I was in the other day ordering a cappuccino and now they are selling these little cake things on a stick, it killed me. They look so yummy.
  • Personally one little donut is not going to make a difference. Maybe one whole donut would be bad but a little taste won't kill you as long as it's only on occasion. Good luck.
  • This just made my day! I love your sense of humor!
  • I would take measurements instead of weighing yourself. Also whatever you are doing for exercise change it, so if you've been running get on the step master, also make sure you are keeping the intensity high so that you are burning maximal calories! Good Luck!
  • this is the best explanation I've read so far, well said.
  • It is definitely eat to the goal, you are supposed to get to a balance of 1200. It makes sense because the more energy you expel the more energy you need to take in. So days where you don't expel a lot of energy you take in less energy (aka. calories).
  • Love it, it made me laugh!
  • some people take things way too serious, I think it's fun to be able to laugh at yourself. Vulnerability makes you stronger and more comfortable in your own skin.
  • It's McDonalds they will also make things that appear to be healthy and nutritious into something not. I eat the reduced sugar Quakers instant oatmeal (only 120 calories) and it takes 1 1/2 minutes to make. So yummy.
  • of course initially when you begin moving and you have started out as sedentary your body is going to be "shocked" by the change and respond accordingly. Ensure you are changing your workouts and keeping variety in your diet to keep your body guessing and working as hard as it can to can up. The calories should come with…
  • I also have high arches and if you can find good reebok runners they have exceptionally high arches and they are amazing in regards to quality. Not the balance ones or whatever though, those are garbage.
  • Yes that is definitely a form of physical activity and I would log it if I had a job right now. However I'm in school for the time being. Low intensity exercise over long periods of time is a great way to burn fat! Good work!