

  • Sorry Mickie, I dropped the ball. I had a BAD week food-wise, and ended up not counting my calories for most of the week. I'm somewhat back on track this week, but have a hard time at night. I do great all day, then tank once nighttime rolls around. I HATE IT. Anyway, I'll weigh-in again on Saturday and hopefully you'll…
  • Oh my GOODNESS that sounds good!!! I'm going to copy that into my recipe file!!
  • Welcome thejarviclan! I just checked out your profile and see that you have quite a lot to be proud of! Welcome to the 10 pound club! It truly is the hardest to get rid of. When I lost 35 pounds 3 years ago, the first 20 flew off. The rest??? Not so easy. And keeping it off certainly isn't easy, either. But it sounds like…
  • You should be proud of losing your first 10, and we look forward to having you with us when you're ready to lose your last 10! You can do it! I lost 35 pounds three years ago, and if I can do it, anyone can! Gained a few back, unfortunately, but I think I caught it before it got too far out of hand. So drop in to visit us…
  • P.S . I made an executive decision. I'm waiting until tomorrow to weigh myself. I'll be nothing but disappointed if I weigh myself today because I'm so darned bloated and crampy. Just this one week. I think girls can understand my hesitation on this one! :-)
  • Mickie, you're amazing! I must admit, I didn't get 65 minutes in each day, but I'm going to make a conscientious effort to do it this week. I'm adding little fun things like hula hooping and bike riding (I'm fortunate enough to live in So Cal where it's sunny right now and I can ride my bike!). Next Saturday I hope to…
  • Cutting calories key to weight loss: study By AFP - Thu Feb 26, 8:42 AM PST A new study has found that eating heart-healthy, low-calorie foods and exercising is the key to losing weight regardless of levels of protein, fat or carbohydrates. The research, funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of…
  • Almost slipped up tonight, but stopped myself (ish). I didn't even hit my 1200 calories for the day but came darned close to going way over. Anyway, just wanted to confess. Just coming off of a 3 month food binge where I gained a fair amount of weight, I don't want to go back there again. It's so hard.
  • Yes Mickie, I'm in, too! And yes, Corinthians, of course you can join! My exercise is primarily 20 minutes walking after lunch at work each day, 10 minutes of my air stepper (a great thing I bought, by the way, at Target!), then 30 minutes of mixed arm weights, leg bands, crunches, leg lifts and squats. I do just about the…
  • Thanks, Cindy! And congrats!! You're doing great. Cute baby, too!! :smile:
  • Somehow I lost track of this board that I started and never got a chance to say THANK YOU to all of you who wrote in with support. And crazy to know that there are more of "me" out there who have the same binging problem. The thing is, when you eat, you do it alone. So it makes you FEEL very alone when you go on a binge.…
  • Student - Pretty amazing that you're up to 40 minutes of cardio!! Keep it up! Much better than I'm doing, I'm afraid - but you can be our inspiration!! You're right about getting past the first 7 to 10 minutes. I find that once I'm into it, it's easy to continue. Anyway, keep up the good work!!
  • So glad you guys have joined the group! I couldn't find a group for the last 10 (there are tons of groups on this board!) but glad to hear there is at least one more like this . Doesn't hurt to have another, right?? Yes, Mickie, let's try to think of something to challenge ourselves every week. I'm just getting back on…
  • I wasn't a fan of the Fit Flops. I did buy a pair of MBTs though and actually think they give your legs a pretty good workout. When I'm out for the day I wear them and can really tell the difference. I also wear them on my power walks - it's like you're walking in sand. They are pricey, though: $250.00. But I see them as a…
  • Okay, so I've been fighting with the ubiquitous "last 10 pounds" for the past year. I was actually BELOW my goal weight about a year-and-a-half ago, tried to maintain the weight and lost total control. I ended up gaining 15 pounds, am down 2 now and hope to lose at least 10 to get to my first goal. I plan on doing a weekly…
  • Thanks! I never keep treats in the house (when I binge, I end up binging on Weight Watchers ice cream bars, topped with Kashi and Fat Free Cool Whip and Light Lays...that sort of thing...but its binging nonetheless!). But when I'm at work I raid the vending machines. ORRRRRRRR I stop at Jack in the Box and get some curly…
  • I need help. Serious help. I can't stop eating. Does anyone have any recommendations for any professionals who could get me to eat like a normal person? Not a particular person, but in general. A nutritionist? A food addiction specialist? A hypnotist? I've been working out with a trainer for the past 6 months or so, but…
  • My trainer told me never to work out on an empty stomach - always to have a smoothie or something in the morning before the workout. He also said that you burn MORE calories when you eat AFTER your workout . Your body continues to burn calories when you're done exercising. Soooo...according to him, eat a larger meal after…
  • I'm so with you! I have been in weight loss mode for about 3 years now. Weight Watchers brought me down to my goal weight, then I just sort of fluctuated between calorie counting, food watching and counting "Points." I gained about 7 pounds (from 35-40 lost) and wanted to lose it. I joined this board a couple of months ago…
  • You probably can't find a lot of info on calories for pork cracklin' because it's not really a "diet" food. I chuckled when I saw the subject line. I used to LOVE this stuff. But anything involving fried pig skin - well - if it were me, I'd avoid it. :-) Maybe sprinkle some Bacos on your salad...might give you the same…
  • I laughed when I read the header for your post. I am the same way! This is especially true when you eat out. You have NO idea how much oil someone uses in grilling, marinades, etc. so it's really tough to calculate. It stinks that we have to be so anal, doesn't it???? Anyway, I say just be as accurate as you possibly can,…
  • You're the best, Banks. Seriously. I always love reading your posts, and I certainly value your opinion - especially when directed at me. :-) I will always keep this in mind: "Have you ever, even once in your life, been able to tell if someone has lost 3 lbs by looking at them or even picking them up? For that matter, do…
  • Oh for goodness sakes, we ALL deserve a cheat day a week. Or at least a cheat "meal" as someone else stated. If you eat healthy 6 days a week, and are diligent about counting your calories and exercising, it certainly won't kill you to have a piece of pizza or some real ice cream or something that fulfills you. Just don't…
  • Seriously...they're great. Again, it's not really anywhere near a nice, gooey, cheesy pizza, but I've found that it hits the spot when that's all I'm craving and all I can focus on! Now if I could just find the alternative for freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, I'll be all set!!!!! BTW, I use the La Tortilla Tortillas…
  • I have an excellent pizza alternative for you!!! It's not EXACTLY Pizza, but its super low in calories, very high in fiber and virtually non-existent in fat. I make 2 at a time!!! Take 2 small (or large) Whole Wheat La Tortilla Factory Tortillas. Lightly spray a pan with either olive oil spray or canola oil spray. Put the…
  • Hey, FAMILYBUGS, I like your system! I'm gonna try that!! :-)
  • First of all, if you're LOSING WEIGHT, it seems like you're doing the right thing. You didn't say how much you weighed / how tall you were / and how much weight you want to lose. But if you're losing, stick to what you're doing. I don't know why your friend would have told you that if the plan you're on is working for you.
  • Ha! Busted, Banks!!! Yes, my WW roots are shining through! After I posted that and reread it I noticed what I did! Funny you caught it, too. Yeah, I've been on WW for three years (I've said this a few times on these boards so I hope I'm not sounding like a broken record). Anyway, I reached goal, remained there for awhile,…
  • I hate the scale! The scale is EVIL!!! HOWEVER, that said, I went YEARS without weighing myself and ended up gaining about 35 pounds. It slowly creeps up on you and year after year your pant size crawls upward and before you know it you're in the double digits and don't know how you got there. Three years ago I joined…
  • I was at 1200 a day for a month. I gained 5 pounds. I cut to under 1000 points (give or take 100 - sometimes I get to 1100) and I have now lost five pounds in 2 weeks. I'm working out regularly - cardio 7 days a week, plus a couple of days of circuit training (one with a trainer). I have been on the boards before asking…