

  • Hey hey! My weigh in found me at 224! Wooooot! And I'm TOTALLY working out like 2x a day now. We're in the final countdown! 26 more days! eeek!
  • Yeh I'l join! Starting weight 228 :) Can we do a side calculation of inches lost or should I just do that one on my own? lol
  • LOL aren't they awesome lol
  • awww em! I'm glad I stayed too. In the end, it doesn't matter how we get there, as long as we get there. I did try on a monokini at the store the other day. Nooo bueno. I looked better in it than I would have 6 months ago, so that counts for something, right? lol It may still be a tankini for me this year, but that's ok.…
  • i've lost nothing this week. oh well.
  • ive always logged it as circuit training
  • well, i'm bowing out since I have an unfair advantage. Have fun. *shakes head*
  • well, me being the one taking it, it curbed my appetite for about a week. now, i hardly notice I'm taking it, aside from the fact that I don't want sugar anymore. So, no, quit twisting my words I didn't say it was used ONLY for my sugar cravings. I can't freakin believe this... yeh i'm done, you guys have fun.
  • just.... don't talk to me. those pills do nothing more than curb my sugar cravings. I guarantee that had I never said a damn thing about my pills, this conversation would NEVER have even been brought up. And, by the way, I've NEVER said I only work out 3x a week. Ugh.. Whatever. Ya know, we're all here for the same…
  • i think you're reading way too much into that dear, but ok. i suppose since i'm on meds I can't participate in the joking as well. whatever. See, that's why I don't calculate my food on here, or anything else for that matter. I'm hardly gloating. I'm super stoked that I'm actually losing weight, but I'm just as proud of…
  • Woohoo! Good job everyone! I've been running ragged the past 2 days, so apologies for the silence on my part lol Changed my username too :) When I signed up, I didn't figure I'd become so active on the boards lol Aaaanyways, wanted to check in, say congrats to everyone (oh! and BOOYAH! Told ya me & em had you all this week…
  • I take it. And I take 1/2 a pill in the morning and 1/2 at night. Taking a full one makes me feel like a crack head. It definitely curbs my sugar cravings, which is mostly what I'm glad for :)
  • Exactly! If you look at it as a diet, that's all it will ever be. If you look at it as a way to better yourself and your health, it becomes much easier. We all have our days. Like I said, the "set back" happens when you give in and let it consume you.. in which you quit or give up. THAT'S when you'll have a set back. Push…
  • LMAO I'm actually doing a dr supervised protein diet of sorts. Its kind of like atkins, but only 1 meal a day is combined with fruits and veggies. No starches. He's got me on phentermine and a vitamin supplement. It's part of the reason I don't track my food here at MFP... don't wanna keep explaining to people why I'm…
  • My weight loss for this week is a whopping 8lbs! WOOHOO!!!! And a loss of about 4 inches around my body. I weighed in at 228 this morning! Ooooh yeh! take that! :)
  • So... If I did my measurements right (and I'm about 98% sure I did) I've lost 2 inches in my hips! HELLZ yeh! Got my Jillian "Blast Fat Boost Metabolism" today. OMG! That woman isn't messing around! I'm gonna have to keep that workout to 3x a week! whew!! How's everyone doing?
  • Yep circuit training, general is how I've always counted it :)
  • Where'd everyone go? I may or may not get to Jillian tonight. We'll see. Fiance and I were doing some work on the house we're remodeling and I'm wore out lol
  • Ohhhh to shred or not to shred. Today, my fiance and I were trying to finish up remodeling the house we're moving into. I'd say I was out there for about 5 hours, painting, moving furniture, walking around like a mad woman.... but I'm only calculating an hour of it in my exercise. My body is sooooore. I wanna do Jillian,…
  • Comeon kitty! you can do it! Stick with us hun! And OMG, totally peeked at the scale this morning and went NUTS! I can't tell YOU guys though, you'll find out monday! *dances around, shakin her booty!* I'm doing it! I'm really freakin doing it!
  • we're getting married in the woods by the creek, surrounded by friends and family... then whisking away to the Bahamas. I don't care if the details are perfect, that sounds like a dream enough wedding for me! lol
  • gives you a better idea of what your own body will look like, all slim & sexy :)
  • Yep yep. I've been doing 20ish minutes of Zumba (started the additional zumba on Monday) & my Jillian. Today I did a bunch of walking up and down this great big hill (preparing the ceremony site), plus about 15 minutes of Zumba Cardio Party & 20 minutes of Jillian Lvl 1 (Today is day 4 for me) WHEW! My body feels like…
  • 15 minutes zumba followed by 20 minute shred (Day 4) . My body feels like jello but I'm pumped! *woot!
  • I used to put my face on another persons body... then I just started warping my own body to show what I COULD look like. For example: (and please excuse the very obvious areas of warping, this is just a quick example. And dont hate on my photo... Its the one I'm using to calculate noticeable changes in my body lol) I have…
  • I do have my dress actually. I'm trying to keep from paying her off just yet because she might charge me more to alter it, once I've already paid it off lol And I plan on being a size 12/13 by the wedding. I'm a 15/16 now, it can and will be done lol (the reason I say she might charge me more is because she just altered it…
  • I actually started shredding on Sunday, is that ok? Only ahead by 1 day. Anyways, my starting measurements (and these are probably more than needs to be measured, but i'm doing it for my general knowledge lol) are as follows: hips: 52.5 waist (natural): 50 waist (smallest): 37 thighs: 31.5 arms: 17.5 neck: 15 I've got a…
  • i'm shredding. today will be day 4 for me (haven't done so yet, but will be here shortly). I'm getting married April 30 and then immediately taking off for our Bahamas honeymoon. (just a quick back story/why I'm here). The last time I was so determined with the shred, I went for 10 days straight and then lost it. However,…