Join Me! 30 Day Shred



  • Hope your calf is feeling better. My thigh is feeling like you described. I'm hoping my skating tonight will loosen it up a bit.

    I decided to move up to level 2 also. I found the cardio on level 1 way too easy as well as the exercises. The only thing I really dreaded were the lunges but I was finding them easy too. I also figured I would be due to start level 2 on the weekend and that's not going to work because I have a figure skating competition and I don't want to be in pain for that.

    However....I will be staying on level 2 for awhile. Holy crap it's hard. Like Mike said I feel like I'm starting from nothing. Everything was hard but I feel pretty good.

    I do feel like my upper body is getting stronger. I never thought I'd be able to do 2 push ups let alone 10 or more like I did yesterday.

    So question...what will everyone do after they are done their 30 days? Get another Jillian DVD? Do something completely different?

    The calf is doing better. My wife got home, and we shredded. So Day 9, Day 2 of Workout 2 done. I had a guy coming over to help me hang bifold doors on my pantry...he showed up right as we were about to start the last minute of I only missed 1 minute of abs and the cooldown...not bad. But DAMN!!!!!!! Day 2 of Workout 2 was rough. I also bundled up (I wore my gi pants from when I used to do Jiu Jitsu, my long sleeve rashguard and a t-shirt. I was sweating like crazy!!! lol And the sneakers definitley helped with the new cardio training. But it was a rough session. I feel though, that it will be the same as level day 6 or 7 I will feel more comfortable. I think to make up for my lost minute of abs,I will Zumba for 42 minutes. That's a good trade off right???? lol

    Sorry to hear about your thigh. Ice, ice, then ice some more. I usually ice my problem areas for 30 minutes on, 30 minutes off...and ibuprofen always Glad to see that I wasn't the only one that found level 2 challenging!!!
  • i'm shredding. today will be day 4 for me (haven't done so yet, but will be here shortly).

    I'm getting married April 30 and then immediately taking off for our Bahamas honeymoon. (just a quick back story/why I'm here).
    The last time I was so determined with the shred, I went for 10 days straight and then lost it. However, in those 10 days I lost a total of 6 inches from my body (combined) so it does work.
    I cuss her, but I love her.

    My body is weird, so I don't much care about the weight loss as I am the inches. 10 lbs, on me, looks like 20. I'm 235 right now and my fiance swears he wouldn't put me anywhere near the 200's lol

    Anyways, I'm gonna wiggle my way in here :) *waves*
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,611 Member
    Hey welcome and good luck with your shred this time. Do you have your wedding dress already? If you do it will feel good to have to have it altered I bet. :)

    Wow Mike you are dedicated. I think your Zumba will more than make up for your lack of abs. You are certainly committed.

    My thigh is feeling better. I stretched it out a bit and it seems to have helped. My skating got cancelled so now I'm just relaxing on the couch. Now I'm not really looking forward to tomorrow's workout. :)
  • Hey welcome and good luck with your shred this time. Do you have your wedding dress already? If you do it will feel good to have to have it altered I bet. :)

    I do have my dress actually. I'm trying to keep from paying her off just yet because she might charge me more to alter it, once I've already paid it off lol And I plan on being a size 12/13 by the wedding. I'm a 15/16 now, it can and will be done lol
    (the reason I say she might charge me more is because she just altered it from a 12 to fit me, so she may get irritated if i go back to the 12 she just altered it from lmao)
  • 2011bride...welcome and congrats on the wedding!!! Enjoy the Bahamas...I'm sure I'm not the only one whos jealous that you're get away even for a weekend.....I digress.

    Well, I didn't Zumba. We finished putting the doors in, ate dinner, and I felt like I was gonna pass out. Very weird for me. I usually am pretty amped up at night. Oh well. Just have to do more work tomorrow. Have a good night everyone.
  • 15 minutes zumba followed by 20 minute shred (Day 4) .
    My body feels like jello but I'm pumped! *woot!
  • Where'd everyone go?

    I may or may not get to Jillian tonight. We'll see. Fiance and I were doing some work on the house we're remodeling and I'm wore out lol
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,611 Member
    Wow Zumba and Shred! Awesome. I tihnk renos would count toward exercise! :)

    I just did my shred. Today was tough but I wasn't swearing as much as I was yesterday so that's progress! :) We were out all day so I was dreading coming home to Shred and I was thinking wouldn't it be nice to not exercise but I'm sure I'm seeing a waist and while doing the shoulder exercises I noticed in the mirror (it just happens to be on the wall in the livingroom) and I noticed some definition happening there.

    So now I will sit on the couch, drink some water and sweat and maybe allow myself some Hershey Eggies as a treat! :)
  • ChristieDF
    ChristieDF Posts: 178 Member
    How do you do your calories burned? It's not on the list so how do you know how much you've burned? I bought it today and plan on starting tomorrow.
  • mrsjcmyles
    mrsjcmyles Posts: 119 Member
    Welcome 2011 Bride! I finished day 8 level 1 yesterday, very half @ssed! I did so great the night before and felt like I was almost ready to start level 2 but then woke up with my knee hurting badly (it feels like it wants to pop). This is a bit discouraging, oh well. So im icy hotted up. On a good note, I was able to do 5 regular push ups, which is awesome for me cause I've never been able to do those!
  • mrsjcmyles
    mrsjcmyles Posts: 119 Member
    How do you do your calories burned? It's not on the list so how do you know how much you've burned? I bought it today and plan on starting tomorrow.

    Circuit training is very close to the calorie count
  • mrsjcmyles
    mrsjcmyles Posts: 119 Member
    Hope your calf is feeling better. My thigh is feeling like you described. I'm hoping my skating tonight will loosen it up a bit.

    I decided to move up to level 2 also. I found the cardio on level 1 way too easy as well as the exercises. The only thing I really dreaded were the lunges but I was finding them easy too. I also figured I would be due to start level 2 on the weekend and that's not going to work because I have a figure skating competition and I don't want to be in pain for that.

    However....I will be staying on level 2 for awhile. Holy crap it's hard. Like Mike said I feel like I'm starting from nothing. Everything was hard but I feel pretty good.

    I do feel like my upper body is getting stronger. I never thought I'd be able to do 2 push ups let alone 10 or more like I did yesterday.

    So question...what will everyone do after they are done their 30 days? Get another Jillian DVD? Do something completely different?

    I think she has one called "Ripped" but idk though. I would def like to stick with her cause I can see the results.
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,611 Member
    Oh no I hope your knee is feeling better. Make sure to look after that, you don't want it getting worse. Yay for the push ups. It feels so good those small victories.
  • How do you do your calories burned? It's not on the list so how do you know how much you've burned? I bought it today and plan on starting tomorrow.

    Yep circuit training, general is how I've always counted it :)
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,611 Member
    I managed day 3 of level 2 and didn't swear once! :) I also didn't "tell" Jillian off when she was talking about jean and bathing suit shopping! :) It's getting "easier". I put easier in quotes because it's still freaking hard and man I sweat while doing it.

    I think tomorrow I might drop back and do an easy level 1 so that I still do something but I really don't want to hurt for Sunday.
  • Started it today. Question though, my HRM counted 185 cals for a level 1 session, although ive seens ome peeps say its about 300 cals. I apreciate there is extra calories burned fromt he strength training etc - shoudl i just record the 185, or approximate for the strength training...?
  • Started it today. Question though, my HRM counted 185 cals for a level 1 session, although ive seens ome peeps say its about 300 cals. I apreciate there is extra calories burned fromt he strength training etc - shoudl i just record the 185, or approximate for the strength training...?

    i apologise for the awful spelling there too lol.
  • k...finally...Day 10, Day 3 of Workout 2 in the books. Lacked all motivation yesterday and got nothing done. Under my calories for the day and I gained weight. So I figured I better do good today. So I ran a mile (10:22- I know it's sad) and Day 10 of Jillian "I like to torture you" Michaels. My only problem...1111 calories short for the day. There's no way I can consume that, so we'll see what happens tomorrow.
  • Day 2 - It hurrrts! but im keeping positive (and achey). Hopefully it will be easier tomorrow... :)
  • pouringraina
    pouringraina Posts: 106 Member
    I have done 30 day shred for 3 days here and there for the last 3 months (one day a month...WOO!). Today was my first of committing to it. DANG, is it hard! I pushed as hard as I could for the first half, and then I had to take a breather. I finished strong though. I am excited to see changes in me!

    Please feel free to add me as a friend. I love sharing this experience with like minded people.
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