"Shreddin' It & Forgettin' It"



  • carmelasergi
    carmelasergi Posts: 163 Member
    Whoohoo, I completed day 2 of 30DSL1 and I actually feel good! I also did 30 minutes of a light jog/brisk walking before it started to drizzle. Tomorrow's going to be a good day!

  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    FINALLY started 30 Day Shred today - Yay! Level 1, Day 1. It was rough in certain spots, but it was definitely do-able. I definitely felt a lot of burning in some places. Luckily it's only 20 mins! lol

    starting measurements:
    butt - 41.75
    tummy - 35.5
    thigh - 24.75
    upper arm - 11.75

    Yay! I'm glad you got your video :smile: It is is rough all over...just wait...:laugh:
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    Whoohoo, I completed day 2 of 30DSL1 and I actually feel good! I also did 30 minutes of a light jog/brisk walking before it started to drizzle. Tomorrow's going to be a good day!


    You Rock! Keep it up and every day will be a good day :smile:

  • Totally fine :smile: Glad you joined! Good luck to you and don't forget to keep checking back to rant about your pain...lol...oh and remember to get in an extra 20-30 minutes or more of cardio!

    Yep yep. I've been doing 20ish minutes of Zumba (started the additional zumba on Monday) & my Jillian.

    Today I did a bunch of walking up and down this great big hill (preparing the ceremony site), plus about 15 minutes of Zumba Cardio Party & 20 minutes of Jillian Lvl 1 (Today is day 4 for me)

    WHEW! My body feels like jello but that monokini (see my weightloss ticker in my siggy) is looking better and better lol
  • Day 3 done...almost didn't do it today due to soreness. Yesterday I was sick for several hours afterward...clearly I'm much more out of shape than I first thought.
  • Tamstar1985
    Tamstar1985 Posts: 334 Member
    cheers, my dears, everyone is doing well so far!

    i'm on level 1, day three. using five pound hand weights. i found day one and two so easy, but this morning, yep, definitely some soreness during the workout. i don't do modified anything except the push-ups (blaming the stick arms, here). i am supplementing the workouts with 30 ~ 60mins of yoga at night, walking, and etc. this morning i played badminton with my fiance, as well. i am not planning for any "rest days", although i am a bit concerned about how i will hold up during the workout on saturday nights, which are my worst days of the week dealing with tiredness and such. then again, the workout is only 20 minutes, it'll be worth it to push myself extra hard!

    i'm keeping the calories to about 1200 ~ 1400 a day. due to the nature of my job, i often don't eat dinner - if i get home from tutoring lessons later than 8pm, i don't eat. i am pretty strict about keeping night eating to an absolute minimum. so some days, especially when i start my full schedule of tutoring classes, 1200 calories a day will be almost too much. just too busy to eat.

    really, i just want to see some firming up over my whole body. overall weight-loss is not my big concern. my goal is to look and feel great.

    xx tamara

    weight: 135lbs
    height: 5'7"
    bust: 36"
    waist: 29"
    hips: 34"
  • FLmom2J
    FLmom2J Posts: 67 Member
    level one day three done:) It was so hard for me to finish but it was my last workout of the day and I had already jogged 2 miles, did p90x arms & shoulders, and ab ripper so my muscles were pretty shot! Got through it though with a lot of teeth grinding and grunting lol.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    OMG I feel like such a baby reading everybody else's responses lol

    Level 1 Day 3 - Completed - 5lbs weights

    So last night I was so tight! I stand up for most of the day so maybe that made it worst. I don't know but I walked around like I had weights holding my legs to the floor. I ended up stretching for about 8 minutes and then I sat down & watched American Idol. When it was over and I went to get up my legs were tight again like I hadn't done anything just an hour before. I sooooo wanted to hit the treadmill last night but my legs felt like crap. Hopefully today will be better.

    I will say though that I'm liking the workout. I feel like when its over I will be able to do push-ups without modifying them. Thats my goal.

    Today I will hit the treadmill. My body is use to burning 5000 calories a week and I'm no where near that at the moment, but I still feel like I'm accomplishing something because my body is reacting.
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    Day 3- DONE! 2lb weights- Don't want tendonitis in the elbow again!

    I thought for sure I was going to be incredibly sore this morning, after how tight my thighs felt last night when I went to sit indian style in bed. I had almost no pain when I woke up this morning. I did the Wall Push-ups, which were still quite a work-out for me since I was able to actually do them correctly. I did a few jumping jacks until the knee started acting up, and then I picked up my 2lb weights and did the punches with them for some added resistance. That really got my heart-rate up. I burned more calories today doing 21 minutes (I didn't count the warm-up or cool-down) of my modified version, then I did yesterday struggling with the push-ups on my knee and jumping jacks for 26 minutes! It's definitely getting easier, I'm not ready to cry while doing it.

    Right now, my legs feel 'funny' but it's not a painful funny. They just feel tired I guess.
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    Ok so last night I DIDN'T get to go with Hubby bike riding because after I picked up my youngest from afterschool care I was on the way home and he was riding his bike the OTHER way...

    He was on his way up to the gym to do some weights. I was a little sad, but I took the opportunity to get my Jillian in anyways and went for a bike ride after.
    He was home halfway through Jillian (took some time to get out of my uniform and dressed and jewelry off etc.) Then he was making dinner when I went for my ride and it was DARK... :( I didn't like riding in the dark at all, so I stopped at about 16mins.

    Only made 2 miles. Oh well, did me some Jillian Michaels style punching. I think I am going to see about saving up to invest in the Zumba for the Wii on nights where bike riding is just not an option. It would be great cardio I think.

    Anyways! On to day 3 today! Tonight will be a quazi late night for me. Looks like a 10 o'clock bedtime. I WILL get up at 5am tomorrow!!! I WILL!
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    Ok so last night I DIDN'T get to go with Hubby bike riding because after I picked up my youngest from afterschool care I was on the way home and he was riding his bike the OTHER way...

    He was on his way up to the gym to do some weights. I was a little sad, but I took the opportunity to get my Jillian in anyways and went for a bike ride after.
    He was home halfway through Jillian (took some time to get out of my uniform and dressed and jewelry off etc.) Then he was making dinner when I went for my ride and it was DARK... :( I didn't like riding in the dark at all, so I stopped at about 16mins.

    Only made 2 miles. Oh well, did me some Jillian Michaels style punching. I think I am going to see about saving up to invest in the Zumba for the Wii on nights where bike riding is just not an option. It would be great cardio I think.

    Anyways! On to day 3 today! Tonight will be a quazi late night for me. Looks like a 10 o'clock bedtime. I WILL get up at 5am tomorrow!!! I WILL!

    I wish I still had the Zumba for the Wii. I tried it, hated it and ended up selling it for less then I paid just to get it out of here..haha. Hey, 2 miles is better then no miles on the bike, right?
  • well I managed day 3, did a lot better by doing my press ups against the wall, I will continue to do this until i have more strength in my wrists and upper arms (and I am a little fitter lol) I did feel a real pull in my legs when I went for a wee in the night and thought I might have to spend the rest of the night sleeping on the loo!!!

    I have done my measurements,
    weight 209lb
    Neck 15.5inch
    waist 40.5
    hips 47
    thigh 25.5
    top of arm 15
    I am now going to the the ironing and then off for a walk.
    see a little less of you all tomorrow xx
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    I'd like to join if I still can. I'm actually going to be starting Level 2 today (I'm both excited and scared!). I didn't take my measurements before I started Level 1 and in fact didn't take them when I first started here on MFP. I've already lost 17 pounds so I'm down some, but I still have a way to go. I'll have to buy a tape measure today and do my measurements.
  • shanna5
    shanna5 Posts: 69
    OK, I'm bad. I didnt check in yesterday, nor did I get my Jillian in yesterday (I did do cardio though) So,I'm now checking in for yesterday and today...and my (sigh) measurements:

    3/2 - cardio, 45 mins on treadmill, 3.8 miles

    3/3 - L1 Days 3 & 4 of Jillian (had to make up for yesterday), cardio, 40 mins on elliptical

    Measurements (taken by a weight loss coach 3 weeks ago, I can guarantee nothing has changed...yet!!):
    Upper chest 32.5
    Chest 35
    Waist 34.5
    Hips 38
    R Thigh 18
    L Thigh 17.5
    R Arm 10
    L Arm 10
  • Joye429
    Joye429 Posts: 5
    Hi, I'm new the the site...hope this group is still open! I just started 30 Day Shred yesterday and would love to hear abou everyone's progress! I will have to take my measurements tonight and add them.

  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    I just completed day 2....

    I did't have any soreness from yesterday... just a nice tight feeling in my obliques....
    I will say my jumping jacks & butt kicks were much better at the end than they were in the beginning.... lol!

    I'm going to try the 30 min Turbo Fire for cardio now....
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    I just completed day 2....

    I did't have any soreness from yesterday... just a nice tight feeling in my obliques....
    I will say my jumping jacks & butt kicks were much better at the end than they were in the beginning.... lol!

    I'm going to try the 30 min Turbo Fire for cardio now....

    Yay! I'm glad you weren't sore! Keep up the good work :)
  • Ohh I so want to be a part of this group. Is it still open?
    I am going to do 30 day shred tonight, for the first time. (Thank you Netflix)

    Netflix?? We have that, can you get the video on here?
  • Mkmassey3
    Mkmassey3 Posts: 214 Member
    Level 1~ Day 2, finished! Feeling great. What an amazing workout! I combined Shreddin' with 20 minutes of Cardio on the Ab Glider. Hoping to get in a good 30 to 45 minutes on either the treadmill or the Gazelle later this evening. You all inspire me to keep it up. I can't wait to hear some success stories soon! Good luck today!

    As promised, the dreaded measurements:

    hips~36 1/2
    thighs~22 1/2

    Hoping for drastic change to the hips and thighs...those are my problem areas. I swear, of the 12.8# that I have lost so far, most of it came off my chest area, and I didn't have much to start with : ( I must, I must, I must increase......
  • ruthie3110
    ruthie3110 Posts: 160 Member
    So I got up half an hour early today so I could do 30DS before I went out.
    Then, a letter dropped through the letterbox from the landlord saying they're coming tomorrow to check the fire equipment, so I spent 30minutes manically cleaning and running around trying to find places for things instead!!
    Been walking round town today too so at least I got that in.

    Will try to do it later tonight, I can't miss two days this week!!
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