"Shreddin' It & Forgettin' It"



  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    Day 4 DONE! Phew! I did Level 1 and about 1/2 of Level 2...I just couldn't finish level 2 :sad: My body is so tired! I did however make it through 1 set of push ups on my own!!! YAY...no modification until the 2nd set :smile: I did a 20 minute jog on my treadmill and if the weather gets nicer, likes it says it will me and my youngest munchkin will walk to pick my other girls up from school.
  • sarainca
    sarainca Posts: 19
    I have a question for you ladies….

    How do you do your hair since we are working out every day? I totally get sweaty doing this video and my hair feels gross every time! Do you wash your hair every day? Use dry shampoo?

    I have thick/wavy hair and I like to blow dry and flat iron my hair, but I don’t want to kill it doing this every day!

    Your thoughts/suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)
  • m0_0m
    m0_0m Posts: 265 Member
    Day 4, level 1 done!
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    I have a question for you ladies….

    How do you do your hair since we are working out every day? I totally get sweaty doing this video and my hair feels gross every time! Do you wash your hair every day? Use dry shampoo?

    I have thick/wavy hair and I like to blow dry and flat iron my hair, but I don’t want to kill it doing this every day!

    Your thoughts/suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)

    I pull my hair back into a ponytail and wear a headband so my hair is not touching my face. (some of it does though) Nothing a little hairspray can't fix :smile:
  • horizonsp
    horizonsp Posts: 134 Member
    did level 2....tired, sore but happy.... day 4 is complete..yay
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    did level 2....tired, sore but happy.... day 4 is complete..yay

    Good for you :smile: Only 26 days left!
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    Just started L1D1 Today! Glad I found you guys and gals!
  • kanakike8
    kanakike8 Posts: 52 Member
    Level 1 Day 4
    Sorry I haven't posted anything since starting with everyone on monday. I'm sad to report that I didn't work out Tuesday or Wednesday. Also, I have not been doing additional cardio :sad: However, this is the first time that I have worked out four of the last seven days. For me that is a HUGE change considering until the week before last I hadn't worked out in over a year! So anywho...I did my shred this morning but it was a huge challenge to get out of bed with enough time to get my workout in before school. I hate hate hate having to workout and it takes a huge amount of willpower to get going. But once I get through the warm up I know the rest of the workout will go pretty quick.

    I was having a lot of trouble with the lunge/arm lifts and the side lunge/anterior raises (and I'm glad I'm not the only one). I'm such a weakling! So today I decided to do both exercises without using the dumbells (i was only using 1lbs anyway) and was able to get through it without stopping but at the end my arms were definitely burning anyway.
    But on the other hand, the back row/pull exercise and the chest flys are too easy with my 1lbs so tomorrow i'll probably do them with my 2lbs. (so for those of you keeping score at home, I'll be alternating between no weights, 1lbs, and 2lbs:laugh: ) I saw someone's thoughts that they might add dumbells to the punches and I like that idea. The punches are just too easy for me.

    Since JM does not do enough stretching after I do my own stretching in addition to hers. Then I do my Wii Fit. When I started shredding over the weekend I did some of the Fit aerobic and balance games. This week however I am only doing the Fit Form Hips Routine (8min) which includes some nice yoga. I'm also trying to get in 20 min on my bike but that hasn't been so easy this week.

    I've noticed that my endurance and strength have both increased a little. Day 1 I could only do 2 pushups at a time (break, then 2, then break, etc) This morning I was able to do 5 (FIVE!) very slow pushups before breaking! Yay me! So even though I despise exercise and loathe JM I have noticed some small changes. I'm going to push extra hard the next 3 days b/c I have to fit into a dress for my induction ceremony Sunday evening. Sunday is also my weigh-in day but I will only take measurements every other week.

    Have a good evening everyone and Happy Shredding! :bigsmile:
  • Sebadii
    Sebadii Posts: 6
    Level 1 Day 3: My thighs are starting to ease up now,but then again probably feel it by the morning when I wake up. I don't feel as thought I put enough effort in on this workout,I did not sweat enough!! Haven't left my measurements yet,but will do tomorrow.
  • wondergirl1003
    wondergirl1003 Posts: 138 Member
    Alright, day 4, level 1 complete. Followed by 20 minutes on the treadmill and some jogging around at work. I think I'll do the shred everyday, but alternate my cardio days. It seems to work out a little better for me, schedule and energy-wise. I am still using the 5lb weights, but when I get to the point where I can't lift my arms anymore on those side lunges/anterior raise, I drop one of my weights and hold the other with both hands. Saves me money, not having to go out and buy lighter weights.

    I'm having a hard time with my HRM. I thought it was the coolest thing when I bought it, but for 46 minutes worth of exercise today it's telling me I burned 1206 calories. Yeah, I wish! I know my heart is pound and I'm sweating like crazy, but that thing is waaaay off.

    Either way, have a lovely day and keep on shreddin'!
  • RosiG
    RosiG Posts: 46 Member
    L1D4...done...thank goodness! I also did JM's Yoga Meltdown and it was pretty cool for a beginner...or maybe I just love (read hate) her abuse so much that I can't get enough of her :)
  • Ohhhh to shred or not to shred.

    Today, my fiance and I were trying to finish up remodeling the house we're moving into. I'd say I was out there for about 5 hours, painting, moving furniture, walking around like a mad woman.... but I'm only calculating an hour of it in my exercise. My body is sooooore.

    I wanna do Jillian, but I don't know if I can do her AND zumba today. I suppose my work at the house can count for my cardio today.
    Still conflicted as to whether or not I wanna attempt Jillian (Day 5 for me)... we'll see I suppose lol
  • smareeh
    smareeh Posts: 117 Member
    FINISHED LEVEL ONE!!! And did the whole 10 days with 5lb weights! I will take measurments in the morning...but I feel great. I did the whole workout today and barely broke a sweat. It is amazing how far I have come in 11days (1rest day) Pain is Gain baby!!!
  • lizzyb0601
    lizzyb0601 Posts: 160 Member
    After a long day at work I finished Day 4 level 1 :)
  • angelicpiece101
    angelicpiece101 Posts: 40 Member
    ok, so im going to confess now and get it off my chest.......I haven't shred in 2 days, but it isnt for the lack of wanting to or anything like that I was at the hospital for family for 3 days....practically straight (thank god I got it done the first day before everything started going on) but I fully intend to do my shred for today as soon as the kids are in bed! ill let you guys know how it goes.

    How often is everyone checking their measurements???? and weight???
  • sspalding
    sspalding Posts: 91 Member
    Ok it is poor pityful me day today. Sorry, I am so sore I took today off. It will be my one day for this week. I only intend to do it 6 days a week. I did get my walk in, I did 4 miles in one hour. Eating took off on its own today. Went over my calories by 5 calories. My calfs are so sore I could scream everytime I get up or down. (Lets dont even discuss how many times you get on and off the commode a day when you drink 8 glasses of water. I have not had a coke in weeks and let my guard down today because I felt so bad. I am marking my calendar and I will only miss today. Thank you for letting me rant and rave now I am taking my sore muscles to bed while I can still get there. Tomorrow is a new day to shred. Congratulations to all who completed day 4!
  • Hi. I'm new to the site and was hoping that I could join this group too. I started Shred on Monday and finished L1D4 today. I plan on only doing it 6 days a week because I spend each Saturday in the car from early morning to late night for the next two months. I hope to be able to tone up a lot of my trouble areas that do not seem to be budging. I will post my measurements that I took on Tuesday tomorrow.
  • fouchou09
    fouchou09 Posts: 154 Member
    My DVD finally arrived! L1D1 and I am already sore! That lady kicked my butt!
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    Day 4 done!! When people do additional cardio, do you do it before or after the shred?

    Great job everyone!
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    Level 1 Day 4
    Sorry I haven't posted anything since starting with everyone on monday. I'm sad to report that I didn't work out Tuesday or Wednesday. Also, I have not been doing additional cardio :sad: However, this is the first time that I have worked out four of the last seven days. For me that is a HUGE change considering until the week before last I hadn't worked out in over a year! So anywho...I did my shred this morning but it was a huge challenge to get out of bed with enough time to get my workout in before school. I hate hate hate having to workout and it takes a huge amount of willpower to get going. But once I get through the warm up I know the rest of the workout will go pretty quick.

    I was having a lot of trouble with the lunge/arm lifts and the side lunge/anterior raises (and I'm glad I'm not the only one). I'm such a weakling! So today I decided to do both exercises without using the dumbells (i was only using 1lbs anyway) and was able to get through it without stopping but at the end my arms were definitely burning anyway.
    But on the other hand, the back row/pull exercise and the chest flys are too easy with my 1lbs so tomorrow i'll probably do them with my 2lbs. (so for those of you keeping score at home, I'll be alternating between no weights, 1lbs, and 2lbs:laugh: ) I saw someone's thoughts that they might add dumbells to the punches and I like that idea. The punches are just too easy for me.

    Since JM does not do enough stretching after I do my own stretching in addition to hers. Then I do my Wii Fit. When I started shredding over the weekend I did some of the Fit aerobic and balance games. This week however I am only doing the Fit Form Hips Routine (8min) which includes some nice yoga. I'm also trying to get in 20 min on my bike but that hasn't been so easy this week.

    I've noticed that my endurance and strength have both increased a little. Day 1 I could only do 2 pushups at a time (break, then 2, then break, etc) This morning I was able to do 5 (FIVE!) very slow pushups before breaking! Yay me! So even though I despise exercise and loathe JM I have noticed some small changes. I'm going to push extra hard the next 3 days b/c I have to fit into a dress for my induction ceremony Sunday evening. Sunday is also my weigh-in day but I will only take measurements every other week.

    Have a good evening everyone and Happy Shredding! :bigsmile:

    She doesn't do enough stretching! I think I'm going to start doing some extra...it may help with the pain! All of the small changes = big differnces! So proud of you for pushing yourself! Keep it up and happy shredding :smile:
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