EvilMomma Member


  • My secret weapon are the Green Giant Steamers--several varieties and mixes of frozen veggies and light sauces, some have pasta or rice mixed in. I can eat a package (microwave right in the package) and it totals about 300 calories. I add a little protein sometimes or just a glass of milk and I'm done.
  • I officially weigh in every Monday but I step on the scale every morning. I lost 2.8 lbs since my last weigh in but the ticker only shows 1. I'm so neurotic about this weight loss thing that I can't have it show more than 20 lbs at a time...I started 4-17-12 at 230.0 lbs and today I am at 209.8. Go me!! (Damn this is hard)
  • I want to NOT be able to use my tummy as a coffee cup rest. It was cute when I was pregnant. Now its not so cute...
  • Your life is amazingly full and STRESSFUL :explode: ! Congrats on trying to do it all (17 credits--that's what I took without children). For what its worth I have a full time private practice as a psychotherapist, a 15 year old daughter I'm homeschooling, and my full-time online/brick and mortar PhD program starts in…
  • Its people like you that make people like me get off out well padded bottoms and MOVE! Thank you for the story and especially the picture. You inspire so many more than you realize...
  • Well, for starters stop beating up on yourself. Doesn't do a thing for you and eventually it'll leave scars. I've bounced up and down on the 20lb mark for weeks, I feel like I'm on a trampoline. For me, its been life things, celebrations, hubby's work had a beach party, things like that. And I'm heavy for emotional…
  • Tonight sit down and write out a reasonable day by day plan for the next week (7 days) for eating, exercise, and chores. Make sure it is REASONABLE. Then forgive yourself whatever it is you need to forgive yourself and, start over tomorrow. If you follow the plan, great! If you don't, see why you didn't (without blame),…
    in Help. Comment by EvilMomma August 2012
  • I'm so glad you are reaching out! That's the hardest thing of all to do. The second hardest is to push through all the negativity in your mind to actually get help. You sound like you can do that, you have the courage to tell us what's happening... Please, please tell your mom/dad you need an appt with your doctor and tell…
  • My theory is that our head hasn't caught up with our bodies. This is the first time I'm doing the head work along with the food choice changes and exercise. I'm seeing the lumpies and folds but I'm forcing myself to look for and notice the smaller belly, notice every time I put on a shirt and the sleeves fit, things like…
  • Cograts on the great work! It sounds like you've worked hard to achieve your goals. Sometimes life plateaus just like our dieting does. We need to stop pushing so hard and let everything we've been working on settle into place. You've got your hands full with a your toddler, a new apt. and a new body. Your man has things…
  • Congrats on getting chosen for Rocky!! He's so sexy... and gets the girl. lol No idea about the exercises, though. I'll enjoy watching the transformation from fab to FABULOUS!
  • Unfortunately, oatmeal is best eaten with heavy cream, brown sugar, chopped bananas, and raisins. Of course, it should be that wonderful steel cut, Irish oatmeal that takes an hour to cook.
  • There's nothing wrong with wanting your hubby to be sexy to you. There is a problem with thinking that 10 lbs will be the miracle. I've been married 30 years to the same man. I've learned that the answer to what makes great sex is in my head, not what's underneath his shirt. And I assure you, babies and life hasn't left me…
  • Remember that if you fall off the wagon, the next morning you get yourself up and back on it again. No whining, no excuses, no time off for weight lost. You get up and get on...that's the only way we're going to get this thing done. Oh yeah, and log, baby, log. I'm on a plateau right at the moment; I'm not quitting and I'm…
  • My biggest regret is complacency when I was younger. I'm 51 and perimenopausal, meaning that the hormones don't just jack me around for a couple of days, now its a month or more at a time. I put off losing until later and now that later is here, its is amazingly difficult. The second regret is not building physical…
  • I don't tell many people I"m trying to lose weight because I hate the comments. I'm lost 20 lbs (19.4 to be exact)---1/3 of my weight loss-- and no one mentions it. So I just go about my business and dread the time when I lose enough that people start to notice. The last time I lost weight, almost 70 lbs, I went to an…
  • Stop beating yourself up and hit the ol' reset button. Losing weight is about managing your actions today; you can't do a thing about yesterday and tomorrow isn't here yet. Good luck.
  • Whatever you're doing is probably fine. I sit and watch my breath and practice bringing my attention back to my breathing whenever it wanders. There's lots online about meditation; if you are really interested, find a meditation teacher; my first teacher was a Buddhist nun who taught me to watch my breath. Good question,…
  • I'm 1/3 of the way to my goal and I'm struggling to get over the hump and start the next 20 lbs; this is a great topic! The first 20 gave me back things like being able to breathe after running up a flight of stairs, painting my toenails without struggling with the belly in the way, and my clothes fitting better. The next…
  • Perimenopause at 28! You poor thing...and yet you're able to lose weight and keep your sanity? Good going... I'm 51, peri and have my good months and my bad months. The bad ones are full of hot flashes, cravings, and biting the heads off small children and husbands. The good months are good for losing weight, being…
  • I have a M.A. in counseling and I have a full time private practice. In October I begin a PhD in Jungian and Archetypal Psychology through Pacifica Graduate Institute. This time I'm prepared for the insane hours of reading and writing; the lack of personal time; the loss of anything resembling a social life; and the…
  • Ha! I just got home from a TJ's run... I bought frozen choppino (340 cal for the entire bag); multi grain bread; yogurt; flowers; frozen chicken breasts; some Its Just Chicken; and some stuff for my kid: boa and pot stickers. I buy most of my food there.
  • That was one of the things that would make me give up on losing... Here's something that I did when I was getting ready to lose weight: I drew (and I don't draw very well) my fat body (lots of blobs and globs) and wrote all the labels I could think of on it--fat, flabby, unattractive...all the ones that float in my head…
  • I am 51, I stand 5'8" tall and weighed 230 lbs mid-April, 2012. I am aiming for the Marilyn Monroe ideal (size 12) and that is 170-165 lbs. I am not a teenager (duh) and I don't aspire to weigh in at the very athletic 130 lbs I was at 17; I don't have the time to work out that much and no desire to fight my body or starve…
  • Why can't the man cook? I know several men who cook even though they work outside the home and have wives who do not. That said, you are doing the best thing in the world for your family--the health problems that come from being very heavy can really affect the family. Don't let them guilt you into abandoning your health…
  • I got home last night from a long weekend with my sister during which I ate whatever I wanted to eat (without being a piggy). This morning I weighed myself, noted the lack of loss (but no gain) and started my ordinary routine of logging in everything I put in my mouth. Its not that I'm terrifically motivated, its that I do…
  • Don't starve yourself; that kind of deprivation will only cause you to binge when your body says, "enough is enough". That said; when I'm still hungry at the end of the day, I eat. This evening's meal was a veggie taco with refried beans, tomatoes, cucumber, aged cheddar cheese, onions... and chips for crunch; and a large…
  • My doctor, whom I have known for 20 years and who cares for my husband and daughter as well, is encouraging my weight loss with clear orders to not lose "too much" he prefers women to be curvy and healthy. lol
  • Starting over is the secret to success. I do it several times a week in lots of areas of my life... Good Job! You did it just right!! :flowerforyou: