Feel that I have lost all motivation and time.....

I am not intending this to sound like an oh poor me post but I just need to get this out and get some advice. School started this week. My husband is going to school full time. I am also going to school full time, 17 credits in fact but I am doing mine all online so I can stay home with our kids. Four kids, two are four years old and two are two years old. Yep it is crazy. Between keeping up with kids i have no homework time, and my homework is UNREAL this semester! By the time I sit down and get so me homework done I am so ready to pass out. I get so distracted with stuff I do not realize that I have not worked out until it is to late. And the same with eating I get so wrapped up in homework then realize I am starving and of course I grab whatever I can. UGH!!!! Please does anyone have advice to fit everything in??? I have tried working out in the morning before the kids get up but I am so tired from staying up late doing homework that I do not always hear my alarm so I do not get up that often. I just need some advice, or motivation, or something! Thank you so much all!!!!


  • pascale485
    pascale485 Posts: 173 Member
  • Misslisat
    Misslisat Posts: 203 Member
    What time does your hubby leave in the morning? How about getting up a bit earlier and either going to the gym or taking a nice walk to clear you rmind for your day ahead? I know you said you are staying up so late doing homework, but how about trying a flipflop to the day instead. Get up extra early, even if just a couple days per week. And then there's nap times. Rotate between working out and doing school work. Try and set a schedule, but leave room for flexibility. This is a process, and you are just at a place where you need to rethink and get your own groove going. We seem to let ourselves go for the reasons you listed (kids, work, school, etc.), and it's easy to blame those areas. So now it's time to turn it around and use those things to your advantage. :) You can do it. Just a little extra effort will be so worth the return.
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    I'd suggest just trying to eat better at first. Set an alarm on your phone for however often you think you should be eating - Some poeple do 6 small meals some to 3 bigger meals, whatever works for you. Take some time the night before to get your foodage straight for the next day, so when your alarm goes off, just go grab it, bring it back and eat.

    Once you're one a roll with that, then start trying to figure out how to get the workouts in. If you can't, just concentrate on eating well. Everything I've read says that losing weight is 80% diet anyway, so you should still be losing. Get up and walk when you can. Take a break and do some jumping jacks or lunges or whatever when you can.

    You can figure it out. Baby steps.

    Best of luck to you :)
  • ademiter
    ademiter Posts: 176 Member
    I have this problem sometimes as well with my hectic schedule. Since you have to tend to kids, why don't you take them outside, for a walk or playtime (and actually play with them). While my kids are out playing, I'll literally walk the length of our property, up and down our driveway numerous times, etc - anything to get a little exercise in. You just have to fit it in where you can. I sometimes walk up and down the stairs in my house for about 10-15 min. I'll also load mine up and go to a nearby park (that has a track) and take their bikes so they can ride while I walk. This way I am spending time with them WHILE working out. Now you will also have to be super mom and do all the other things expected, but know that some of it can just wait until the weekend. Homework obviously can't wait, so take advantage of nap time and when your husband gets home, have him watch the kids for an hour or so for you to get that done. I know it's hard, but if you're motivated enough, you can make it happen!! :)
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Not much you can do with that load. If you can manage ten minutes before you sit down to do your work of light exercise, it might focus you and energize you as well as give you a little exercise. If it's any comfort, I never exercised in college, but I did work full time and sometimes overtime. I lost weight eating all kinds of junk. I lived on Dr. Pepper, if someone had cut me, I'd have bled it.

    On the other hand, you have classes online, so less walking with a backpack full of books and more access to food throughout the day.

    One thing you could do if your husband and kids will permit it is remove snacky foods from the house and replace them with healthier options. If you like varieties of nuts, the protein could keep you going, plus they're salty and tasty.
  • lavsk23
    lavsk23 Posts: 24 Member
    That sure is a tough situation but do not get all demotivated. Maybe you can squeeze in 15 min workouts between your homeworks? Say work for an hour or so on your homework and take a 10-15 min break..jump rope or crunches or push ups..anything u feel like..just keep moving for those 10 mins. It might not be as effective as a full hour long session of workout but nevertheless it will help. Also stock your refrigerator with healthy snacks and foods. So even if you have to just grab something, it would still be healthy. Yogurt cups, fruits, oatmeal, nuts.
    Start with small steps and in no time you will be doing lot more than you thought you could :) Keep going girl! You can do it :)
  • sabinavaughan
    sabinavaughan Posts: 109 Member
    There are some awesome suggestions here. Another thing you could possibly do is see if there is a babysitting swap where you are...what that entails is exchange of time not cash. If you can give yourself that half hour to just go for a walk....I think your best off eating small meals a few times a day and remind yourself by phone.

    I have been where you are trying to study while watching kids..not easy at all. I think if you can get hubby to help you out at night that would be best...he has the easier part lol...I'd rather instructors screaming all day than trying to study with kids..lol

    Best of luck and add me as a friend if you want...I'll check on ya! lol
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    What an amazing person you are. Be proud of yourself for all that you do and for the wonderful example that you are setting your children. With regard to not grabbling unhealthy snacks, the obvious thing to do is to not have them in the house. The children and your husband can do without them, no matter how much they moan. If you get an hour's window at the weekend, maybe prepare a healthy grab box for the fridge with hard-boiled eggs, chopped celery, peppers etc. Remember to have some filling fruits such as bananas which are easily grabbed, maybe some instant/quick cook oats that can be done in the microwave in minutes. If you have a bit longer, maybe you could prepare some healthy meals for the week ahead and refrigerate/freeze them so you don't have the pressure of cooking every night.

    All the very best with your studying! xxx
  • preaser
    preaser Posts: 85 Member
    drop a class or two? your college degree won't do you any good if you don't feel good. Maybe you could slow it down a little. Plus your kids are only little for a short while......enjoy them before they turn to teens and don't want to spend any time with you! Sounds like you just need to make some adjustments and find balance. Good luck!
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
  • gldnlark
    gldnlark Posts: 53
    My advice: don't beat yourself up just yet. School just started and I found with any new routine that it takes up to a month to adjust and get it all figured out.

    I'm on a new routine myself (about a month) and have it mostly figured out, but still have a couple of kinks to work out. I think you can do it. Don't let it throw you. You know what you need to do, you just need to figure out how to adjust your time.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    The important thing is that you don't just give it up completely. Just use MFP to log your food everyday, be honest and log every single thing, good or bad. If your primary goal is achieving a lower weight then using MFP to log your food will help you to make choices that maybe you wouldn't have made without it. Even if you choose to go over, at least by logging you know exactly what it is that you put into your body that day. If you log, you maintain control. If you choose to go over or give up dietary restrictions/changes for a while then at least you can see exactly what it is you are eating.
  • jebo1982
    jebo1982 Posts: 85 Member
    drop a class or two? your college degree won't do you any good if you don't feel good. Maybe you could slow it down a little. Plus your kids are only little for a short while......enjoy them before they turn to teens and don't want to spend any time with you! Sounds like you just need to make some adjustments and find balance. Good luck!

    I agree. Plus, your grades as well as your health might suffer if you try to do too much.
  • kmbweber2014
    kmbweber2014 Posts: 680 Member
    I have found myself in the same boat. What has really helped me is meal planning. I plan all of my meals out and make little tupperwares of them, that way when I need a quick meal I can heat up something healthy really quick. Then once you get used to the swing of the schedule you'll start finding more productive ways of doing things, and you'll find time for working out.
  • EvilMomma
    EvilMomma Posts: 70 Member
    Your life is amazingly full and STRESSFUL :explode: ! Congrats on trying to do it all (17 credits--that's what I took without children). For what its worth I have a full time private practice as a psychotherapist, a 15 year old daughter I'm homeschooling, and my full-time online/brick and mortar PhD program starts in October. I am expecting to be stressed beyond belief and be faced with carb cravings that attack when stressed and exhausted (its biology--quick energy).

    So--loss of motivation: make a plan and stick to it. You really are super-woman :love: and you can do this! Stop trying to do everything--you cannot even if you are a super-woman. What are your priorities? Get them in order. If you can't diet then stop. But that is not permission to go hog-wild with the potato chips, Its permission to eat more veggies, more whole grains, and drink lots of water. Keep a to-do list and give the stuff you can't do to your hubby/partner (I'm assuming you have one). Get enough sleep (yeah, right...). Trade daycare with a friend. Go for a walk. Schedule a day or morning off and go get coffee... and remember that you are amazing! :flowerforyou:
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    I recommend two approaches.

    MAKE your husband or other adult family members give you time and make your kids(if at all possible) more self sufficient to give you time to work out. Running or jogging is by far the most time effective.

    Target your eating habits and resolve yourself that you might be hungry for a very long time. Guzzle water or diet soda to fill up as needed.

    Best of luck to you.
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    You only need 12 credit hours to be full time and receive financial aid.....just sayin'
  • vvanm
    vvanm Posts: 157
    Is there a gym that provides childcare? Can you get a babysitter for an hour? I find it interesting that you and your husband have such combined packed schedules. Four kids to raise is a pretty full schedule until they are in school. Would you enjoy spending time with them and tackling school goals when 2 or 4 of them are in school? Is this lifestyle putting your self nurturing on a back burner? It should be a top priority, being someone who maxes themselves out. Don't break your health for your goals. If you are determined to do it all at the same time, I would suggest portion control to start, switching in healthy options to the foods you are grabbing. Also, is there a park around that you can go with another parent and take turns watching the kids while the other one walks/jogs?
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Oh sweetie, glad you shared. I go to school too and I cannot imagine taking that many credits:( plus husband and 4 kids. You are one, brave lady!!

    One thing I always preach is to buy only healthy foods so that when you go to grab something there isn't any junk. I know sometimes kids snacks are around though. The other thing is give yourself a break to get re-adjusted to school. You can take babysteps with your foods and workouts, don't fret, or try not to.

    Instead of some huge workout (I don't know what you are doing for exercise) try a 20-30 minutes walk, just a brisk one, don't knock yourself out. You can burn at least 100 maybe 200 calories doing that and it is refreshing and it will give you more energy. I would really focus on food, sleep and water right now though, more than exercise. It's all about getting a routine right? Again, give yourself a break and take those babysteps:)

    denise:drinker: :drinker:
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    I'd suggest just trying to eat better at first. Set an alarm on your phone for however often you think you should be eating - Some poeple do 6 small meals some to 3 bigger meals, whatever works for you. Take some time the night before to get your foodage straight for the next day, so when your alarm goes off, just go grab it, bring it back and eat.

    Once you're one a roll with that, then start trying to figure out how to get the workouts in. If you can't, just concentrate on eating well. Everything I've read says that losing weight is 80% diet anyway, so you should still be losing. Get up and walk when you can. Take a break and do some jumping jacks or lunges or whatever when you can.

    You can figure it out. Baby steps.

    Best of luck to you :)

    ^ This and I would add, drink water when you get up, even before coffee or whatever. That seems to set me up for a day since I started doing that:)