Misleading article is misleading. You know how much of any of those items you have to eat to get the protein content of a 1/4lb beef patty? Nobody's stomach is that big.
Why not get energy from fat, which has -no- effect on blood glucose levels, and therefore no insulin response (and therefore no storage)?
That's not entirely wrong. All carbohydrates turn to blood glucose quickly. In response, your body fires up insulin production to force blood glucose levels down. Insulin is "the storage hormone". Your body will force muscle/skin/internal organs to rely on stored glycogen and then force them to consume blood glycogen. If…
I've done unspeakable things to my metabolism through excessive consumption of soda and snack foods from my teens through my 20s. I had bloodwork done recently for insurance and it appears I've undone most of the damage. (Normal glucose levels, LDL/overall cholesterol levels with asterisks next to them saying "below…
The most difficult part of dieting for me is avoiding foods my family loves. Pizza, especially. I generally have one slice and then follow it with a salad.
Except there have been several scientific studies suggesting it.
Glucose still changes your metabolism. Drink water, coffee, tea, etc.
Fructose is inescapable. It's found in fruits and vegetables (to a lesser degree). Half of sucrose (table sugar) is fructose. Sucrose was a main ingredient in industrially-produced foodstuffs (box dinners, soda, bread, etc.) before HFCS. Industrially-produced products labeled "fat free" or "reduced fat" or "low fat" and…
Was going to say all of this. Takes about 2 seconds for your GI tract to convert "starch" into sugar.
I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that I can relax when it comes to the nitty gritty of carb/fat/protein counts. I figure I'll be "fine" if I keep my carbohydrate-rich food servings (grain/fruit/tubers) to 2-3 a day and eat vegetables, eggs, cheese or meat instead. That should consistently put me at 75g a day of…
Some real research on the subject, published in June 2007's International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition: I take issue with the "conclusion" drawn from the results, but I think that's because one of the researchers is employed by Kellogg's.
I put nokians on my commuter bike and braved the snow and cold for base miles. I hit the gym for strength/power. I'm working to combine the two to set a PR in a time trial at the end of June.
I ride a bicycle up and down hills. I dislike riding up hills, so I make it a point to pedal to the top as quickly as possible.
Diet soda has never really tasted "good" to me. I've given up on it. My wife and I make a pot of tea in the coffee maker once a week and dump that it into a 2L pitcher 2/3 full of ice. 8 tea bags where you normally put the coffee, brew normally. Dump carafe full of "hot tea concentrate" into pitcher and voila! Iced tea!
NNW, but that might be regional to me (Nebraska). It's labeled GF and "diabetic friendly".
I limit all grains (whole or otherwise) to 2-4 servings per day, depending on my activity level. I choose fruits instead.
Spend more time/money in the perimeter of the grocery store: the meat, dairy and especially the produce section. And (if you're in the northern hemisphere at least) it's spring: the produce aisles are going to have all kinds of new selections of fruits and vegetables every week (and great sale prices on the old standbys),…
I would suggest walking, unless a doctor told you not to.
I don't get why people do standing bicep curls with their lower backs and scream the whole time they do it. It's obviously too much weight and they're using momentum to lift it. There's no real training going on, just some ego stroking. Makes me want to go buy them a wheelchair, they're gonna need it while their back heals…
I did weight watchers for a few years and lost over 80lbs. They give you a slider for points and activity in your first meeting to make the calculations easy. The meetings are great if you have a good leader and the right group. Chances are you'll find one in your area. If you're struggling, the meetings are a great boost.…
There's two ways to do dual suspension: the right way and the wrong way. The right way is more than two months of a typical mortgage... I have two bikes. One is a road bike that's great for highways, paved commuter trails, and crushed limestone "rail trails". No suspension. The other is a front suspension hybrid that I've…
I have a heart rate monitor which also tracks calories. Cost me about $60. I can use a pencil and paper and track manually. Basic HRMs can be had for $30 or so. Not sure if those less expensive devices track calories or not.
I have the opposite problem. I use MFP to help increase my protein intake while keeping a set number of calories.
Neither. Pedalling a bike up hill is a whole lot easier if one isn't carrying enough stored energy to pedal from here to Tierra Del Fuego.
GirlTalk's all day album is free and could best be described as "four decades of music dumped in a blender and pulsed". M.O.P. mixed over Miley Cyrus has to be heard to be truly appreciated.
I pack a lunch of leftovers and then snack on fresh fruits and vegetables throughout the day.