I dont understand why



  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    Honestly - and this is going to sound pretty blunt - it's because you are eating a bunch of crap. Hot dogs, sugar cookies, Fruity Pebbles, Ramen noodles, Sprite, etc do not give you ANY nutrition worth mentioning. Quit eating all the processed junk, get some fruits and vegetables, have plenty of protein and I promise you'll find some energy.
    after being raised on eating those foods and eating them for 27 years it is not easy to STOP eating them, but i have cut WAY down on them. if i was on here still eating the way i used to everyones jaws would drop at how horrible my food is.
  • BamBam1113
    BamBam1113 Posts: 542 Member
    After looking quickly at your diary, you are not dieting, you are starving yourself. You need to balance what you eat. It's not just about cutting calories, but balancing the calories you're cutting. A piece of cheese is a not a snack. Look at some other peoples' food diaries and see what they're doing. And NO MORE PAPA JOHNS OR SODAS!!!! T
  • [/quote]
    after being raised on eating those foods and eating them for 27 years it is not easy to STOP eating them, but i have cut WAY down on them. if i was on here still eating the way i used to everyones jaws would drop at how horrible my food is.

    I LOVE Lucky Charms and Cap'n Crunch (but don't tell anybody)
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    Honestly - and this is going to sound pretty blunt - it's because you are eating a bunch of crap. Hot dogs, sugar cookies, Fruity Pebbles, Ramen noodles, Sprite, etc do not give you ANY nutrition worth mentioning. Quit eating all the processed junk, get some fruits and vegetables, have plenty of protein and I promise you'll find some energy.
    after being raised on eating those foods and eating them for 27 years it is not easy to STOP eating them, but i have cut WAY down on them. if i was on here still eating the way i used to everyones jaws would drop at how horrible my food is.

    Good for you for cutting back. I know it's not easy to break a habit - especially one that you've had for your entire life - but you will LOVE the results once you've changed that habit. Keep at it. Baby steps will get you there. Just continue to wean yourself off them a little bit at a time until you've replaced all the processed stuff with fresh fruits and veggies, chicken, fish, yogurt, etc.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,317 Member
    Protein: It looks like you like cheese, so buy some large packages of lowfat string cheese to snack on. Milk and lowfat yogurt are good.Lean meat is good, like chicken or turkey or pork. Fish is the best, if you will eat it. Stay away from deli meat, and packaged meat - it's loaded with sodium. Nuts are protein, but high in calories and fat. Beans are protein.

    Drop the sugar. Stop eating the white flour (the pizzas) and start eating whole wheat bread or oatmeal. Eat more veggies - even if it is tomato sauce or carrots or celery or potatos (not ideal choices in a perfect world, but you have to change your eating habits!)

    You need to change what you can, as was said above. Start with dropping the Coke and Dr. Pepper. They are empty calories and do nothing but exhaust you. If you get headaches, substitute plain tea for the pop, you'll get the caffeine to make the transition easier.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    I think you've gotten some good advice here. More fruits & veggies, more lean unprocessed protein, less sodium, more water.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Im sorry as well, but saying "i have an addiction to salty food and cafeine" is just an excuse u r giving urself to get away with living how youve bene living ur entire life (the reason thats got you to the point u r at now). You are here to loose weight, be healthy, etc. Its good that you are trying! Its good that you are here! But upping ur water intake to 7cups, or 2cups, is not enough. For your body weight (265), divide that by 15. That number that equals is the number of cups you r suppose to drink a day. That is 18cups a day. If you drink soda, have alot of salt, drink any cafeine drink (Caffeinated soda, cafeine tea, etc), you have to drink even more water. if you excercise you ahve to drink even more.

    Start off with just getting up to 8-10cups, and then continually up it til u get to 15, then maybe 18.

    My sodium level is something i struggle with as well, and there are def days I dont meet my 20cups of water a day, im def not saying im perfect or anything, but if you want to lose, you will not see results by eating nothing but junk food, or things loaded with salt/fat.

    I hope I have not been to hard on you, truely just trying to help! Try to eat healthier (healthier doesnt mean no junk what so ever, just healthier in general, portion control). Ive lost 21lbs in 5weeks by diet alone and hardly any excercise, just by eating a lil healthier and smaller portions.

    I love salty food and cafeine too, but salt helps u retain weight and dehydrates any water u do drink, and any cafeine drink dehydrates the water u r drinking as well.

    Try eating foods you like with low sodium options to start out with. Dont add table salt to anything (use garlic powder, parsley, red pepper flakes, pepper, etc to season things). And find healthier versions of food you enjoy... if you enjoy french fries, try making homemade fries in the oven, using an olive oil spray instead of oil, and using the seasonings i mentioned. If you enjoy pizza, then have a thin crust wheat chicken garlic pizza with reduced fat mozarella, tons of veggies.. if you enjoy soda, try carbonated water--maybe with some fruit in it even, until you dont want soda at all anymore, and then u can stop drinking the carbonated water... If you enjoy fried chicken, dip it in egg white instead of whole egg, and use a fiber cereal as the coating, then fry in a light olive oil or smart balance veg oil, or something healthier than a deep fryer.... if ur fav breakfast is french toast, use wheat bread, egg whites instead of whole egg, and a sugar free syrup, like mrs. butterworths that only 20 cal a 1/4cup instead of 210cal for a 1/4cup like most full sysrups are.
    Switch normal items u eat for reduced cal options (paying attention to sodium levels in foods u buy), try some sugar free chocolate pudding for chocolate cravings, or sugar free low cal fudgecicles.
    Try chewing some gum or sucking on a hard sugar free candy when u get cravings for food u shouldnt be eating.
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    After looking quickly at your diary, you are not dieting, you are starving yourself. You need to balance what you eat. It's not just about cutting calories, but balancing the calories you're cutting. A piece of cheese is a not a snack. Look at some other peoples' food diaries and see what they're doing. And NO MORE PAPA JOHNS OR SODAS!!!! T
    how do you get that i am starving myself? i do not go to bed feeling like i need to eat or im going to be sick. when i am hungry i eat. it just do happened that for my snack i wanted something salty so i had a piece of cheese, and i was fine.
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    I absolutely LOVE the advice and everything you guys are giving me. You are right the "addiction" thing is an excuse, but as I like to call it, admitting it on here and having to post it in my food diary is the begining of my "12 step program" to kick the salt and caffine out of my diet. The tough love is what I need. And I love it, especially when I know it is coming in a positive way. Thank you everyone!

    Lol feel free to add me as a friend and "yell" at me about what I am eating!
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    After looking quickly at your diary, you are not dieting, you are starving yourself. You need to balance what you eat. It's not just about cutting calories, but balancing the calories you're cutting. A piece of cheese is a not a snack. Look at some other peoples' food diaries and see what they're doing. And NO MORE PAPA JOHNS OR SODAS!!!! T
    how do you get that i am starving myself? i do not go to bed feeling like i need to eat or im going to be sick. when i am hungry i eat. it just do happened that for my snack i wanted something salty so i had a piece of cheese, and i was fine.

    they were just saying if u give ur body nothing but junk, u r starving ur body of the nutrition it needs... im guessing?
    What is wrong with cheese as a snack? it may not be the best choice, but still, it could be worse! Try a light string cheese (60cal for an ounce instead of 110 for a ounce of like cheddar cheese). I have cheese everyday just about on my sandwichs. I try to cut very thin slices so its only .5oz or .4 instead of full calorie normal slice being over 100calories.

    Try some nuts as snacks, or some 100cal snack packs. veggies and fruits r great too. string cheese as mentioned. yogurt with or without some added granola (or i like to use kashi brand go lean crunch cereal, its just like granola, and i use a 1/4cup of it for my yogurt). choc pudding as mentioned (Sug free), sug free del monte diced peaches in individual cups i enjoy (25cal each). flavored mini rice cakes. all types of items to munch on that r good for u.
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    sounds like i need to make a trip to the store for some stuff
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I struggled with feeling tired all the time too when I first started here. I went from drinking several energy drinks and diet sodas a day to drinking almost nothing but water (I still have a soda or energy drink when I have calories left over, but only one every few weeks). Living a healthy lifestyle isn't about eating fewer calories, but still eating the same foods (just less of them). I don't just watch my calories, I watch my carbs, fat, protein, fiber and sodium. What helped me get all of the numbers fairly consistently at a healthy level was to plan ahead! When I started I'd plan a few days worth of meals in advance and even put them in my diary just to see what the numbers looked like so I could tweak things if I needed to. After you get used to it, you will pretty much know what kind of things you can have and what the numbers will look like. The cleaner you eat, the better off you are nutritionally.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    What is wrong with cheese as a snack?

    Nothing. But calling Kraft Singles "cheese" is questionable at best. Have a string cheese, a chunk of cheddar or a smear of brie instead. So much more satisfying and real.
  • teejies
    teejies Posts: 19
    Hi - try water, and at least 2 - 3 litres a day. Fresh fruit and Vegies (or frozen ones- they are just as good, just check the packets for sodium and sugars).
    I love my caffeine, but since I have been losing weight I have not had one Diet Coke - it just does not appeal anymore.

    I make my own pizzas - Pizza Hut thinks I am dead, good luck to them and better luck to me.

    As it is Autumn/ Winter in Australia, we have the warming yummy foods coming along, but I went to our local market and bought up big on really colourful foods (this is a great vision tool to use - bright colours in foods make them more tempting).

    I know it sounds hard but try cutting down your junk food intake, get your water in and maybe try green tea and cut down your coffee - and dont be so hard on yourself.

    must update my profile pic - I dont look like her anymore.... I look better !!!!!
  • cacrat
    cacrat Posts: 336 Member
    You don't have to give up on caffeine altogether, tho since you're coming from such a horrible diet to one that will likely taste horrible to you, coffee isn't going to be all that pleasurable to you either. But give it a shot.
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    I have a bad "urgency" reaction to coffee (if you get my drift) so I dont drink it very often. But I so enjoy cofee with flavored creamer.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    try for whole grains instead of white flour items (everything from flour u cook with to pasta, to crackers, to pancake mix, to...bagels, bread, english muffins)...

    compare labels and see what brands have lower sodium. look for anything that says low sodium, reduced sodium, etc. Compare labels for lower calorie options too--like jarred spaghetti sauce is double the calories as canned spaghetti sauce, as an example...

    I like fiber1 granola bars--oats and chocolate as a healthy treat/snack.

    And i didnt realize the cheese that was in question was a kraft single... so yea... if u liked pre-sliced cheese, u can take ur block of cheese to the deli at a grocery store, and have them slice the entire block and they dont charge u for it (unlike if u bought real sliced cheese in the store aisle its like $3 for a few slices--ridiculously priced). processed cheese is a processed food, and ur right, it is "questionable" LOL
  • TimWeis75
    TimWeis75 Posts: 30
    Spend more time/money in the perimeter of the grocery store: the meat, dairy and especially the produce section.

    And (if you're in the northern hemisphere at least) it's spring: the produce aisles are going to have all kinds of new selections of fruits and vegetables every week (and great sale prices on the old standbys), making this a great time to make a dietary change.
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Like you i was brought up on complete rubbish. Severeal takeaways a week, loads of chocolate and crisps etc. We'd have a tub of icecream instead of an actual meal. I Shudder to think of the crap my mother fed my sister and i and i kept it up thought adult hood. I think your doing great. Being aware or how bad the food is and cutting it down is the first step. Changing some and drinking more water is the next. Take it slow step by step. Too much too soon and your likely to give up. I still have to eat some rubbish now as i do miss the taste. Nothing homemade tastes remotely like a takeaway so i still have them for now but not as often as i used to. Dont' swear off everything right away just do what you can. Just incase i need to carify this is a suggestion and not me telling you what you should do. I have already been misquoted on here as telling someone what they should and shouldn't do. You have to find a way that works for you and a way that you can sustain to make it a change for life. I've lost a few mfp friends who have pretty much starved themselves for a couple of weeks then disapeared.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Id also like to say that I go out to eat all the time, especially lately since my bf's dad died on Saturday, and was sick for a couple weeks before that. Its day 12 of this month and I've been out to eat every single day except 1, possibly 2x (and today is unknown since its only 10am).
    Before the last couple weeks id go out 1 to 2x a week generally with my bf for dates.

    Making this lifestyle change doesn't mean u can't live! I enjoy eating out and being n a small town there is not much else to do for dates anyway while its still cold & wet out. If I know I am going out, I plan my day around it. I eat low calorie all day so I know ill beable to afford some extra calories for a resturant. If I know where I'm going, ill think about their menu and get food ideas b4 I go. If I don't know, then ill look for healthy options right off the bat on the menu--most places have at least salads or grilled chicken burgers. I ask for a fat free italian or ranch, not everywhere has them, and instead of dressing on salad I ask for it on side. Instead of pouring it on I dab my fork in it, then take a bite, and its just enough to season the salad (oh I also put pepper on my salad to help use less dressing--at home I use pepper, garlic powder, and red pepper flakes & usually don't use dressing at all). I don't eat any croutons that came with it (fattening) and I drink water with lemon. Then with chicken burgers (grilled, not fried) I ask if they have a wheat bun instead, I don't have mayo/sauce on it, and sometimes ill only eat half the bun, especially if they didn't have a wheat bun...if on the menu it comes with fries, u don't have to get stuck with fries, ask for them to be replaced with a salad, or baked potato, or something.
    At chinese I get no items fried (brocolli chicken or sub gum w/no chow mein), no fried rice--steamed rice. Mexican ill get a rice & chicken dish called arroz con pollo (rice, chicken, mushrooms, onions in a tomato sauce & cheese), either light on cheese or no cheese. And ill only eat half the plate (plenty). I usually indulge on some free chips while I'm there but I never go over cal cuz I saved up to beable to eat that dinner.

    Livig a healthy life style doesn't mean ur dead and can't go anywhere anymore!! Healthy choices all around u, u just have to choose them!!

    My diary is open booboo if u need any ideas. I'm a picky eater too. Mustard & pickles r the antichrist. Hate raw tomatoes (unless its salsa), don't like squash or that crap. Lots I don't like...
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