What in the blazes are you guys eating



  • MeekMeals
    MeekMeals Posts: 517 Member
    today I had:

    Breakfast: French toast (1/4 cup egg beaters, 2 slices whole wheat bread, 1/4 cup skim milk, cinnamon and splenda)

    Lunch: 1 cup (this is a lot) of home cooked pinto beans and fruit salad (apple, banana, 1 teaspoon of coconut flakes, 4 maraschino cherries, 4 large strawberries and 8 green seedless grapes, 1/2 teaspoon of mayonnaise)

    Snack: banana smoothie

    Dinner: Chicken and white bean soup

    All of that was right at 1200 calories and less than 1500 g of sodium! And I'm completely full!

    NICE menu!!
  • MeekMeals
    MeekMeals Posts: 517 Member
    I'm a snacker too-- and I really think that done correctly, snacking can HELP with healthy eating rather than hinder it. Snacking helps keep your metabolism ticking away, and can keep your blood sugar level more steady throughout the day. It keeps your energy level up, so you're more likely to keep active rather than getting sleepy halfway through the afternoon. At least, that's my theory. :)

    My standby quick snacks:

    Fresh fruit (I have a big bowl of clementine oranges and another that usually has apples, bananas and pears in it, right on the counter close to the fridge-- strategically positioned so that it is in fact easier to grab a piece of fruit instead of opening the fridge!)

    Dried fruit (I love prunes, dried cranberries, and dried mango)

    A piece of whole grain toast or Wasa crispbread with laughing cow cheese, yogurt spread or some cottage cheese.

    Raw veggies and hummus.

    A dill pickle! This is my go-to when I'm craving something salty. Pickles aren't exactly *healthy*, since they pack a lot of sodium, but they are a heck of a lot better than potato chips or most other salty snacks-- only 15 calories per spear for the ones I get. (I can't eat popcorn-- it tends to upset my stomach-- but I'd think that would also be a feasible salty snack alternative.)

    When I want something sweet outside of fruit, I'll have a glass of almond milk with a little bit of chocolate syrup, or I'll mix some cottage cheese with a small amount of fruit preserves and spread it on toast or crispbread.

    I like! And good job on your weightloss!
  • MeekMeals
    MeekMeals Posts: 517 Member
    For breakfast I try to have something with a good amount of protein. A tortilla or two filled with a scrambled egg, some diced Canadian Bacon and a smidge of cheese. Or a low-fat homemade Egg McMuffin style sandwich.

    For lunch I do a lot of chicken. My favorite is a chicken breast topped with goat cheese & cherry tomatoes with a side of polenta.

    Our dinners vary. Some sort of lean protein & low-carb veggies (for my low-carbin' husband) with some sort of healthy starch for me and the boys. A lot of times we will have fruit with dinner for our starch.

    For snacks I do fruit, yogurt, cereal, various bars (I'm on the run a lot so throwing a Luna Bar in my purse is easiest), or a small portion of leftovers.

    My downfall is that I don't get enough fruits and veggies in. I normally do fine on all my other nutrients - although I sometimes go way over on sodium. Trying to work on these things.

    Oh yes lunabars rock!!
  • MeekMeals
    MeekMeals Posts: 517 Member
    I'm a grazer too but that's not a bad thing, as others have mentioned. If my calories are tight, I find that there are a few snacks that give me a lot of "bang for the buck" so to speak. A little greek yogurt with a tablespoon of granola is really filling and satisfies cravings for me for a good long while. I just ate a baked sweet potato today that was delicious... a little one will set you back only a bit above 100 calories plus any sugar that you may add - I added a Tbsp of brown sugar but I don't think I really needed it in retrospect.

    For meals, substitutes for bread rock - the flatouts as mentioned are great, so are the 100 calorie deli flats or light whole grain muffins.

    I don't follow any particular diet other than trying to eat as many whole foods as possible while trying to eliminate as many refined flours and sugars and processed junk as I can, while logging calories and exercise with MFP. Good luck!

    I like that "don't follow any particular diet". Diets are so much pressure! Then the companies that endorse them say "lose such and such lbs". Then when you don't lose such and such lbs you feel like a failure. My weightloss has been slow but i guess so is good
  • heyitsmekatie
    heyitsmekatie Posts: 544 Member
    i've tried a few of those fad diets too and found them to be too restrictive to stick to for any length of time. what's been working for me this time (and twice before) is good old fashioned calorie counting. I eat normal food -- just lower calorie versions and smaller portions. Also, if it has calories, I track it. Even if I go over my daily goal, I track it all! It helps keep me honest with myself and helps me stay on track.
  • petey49
    petey49 Posts: 58 Member
    Someone once told me if you can't pick it or kill it don't eat it. You can pick a potato but not a potato chip. You can kill a pig but not a bacon. I am also reading ingrediants and trying to limit myself to stuff I recognize. For example I bought a brand of cottage cheese made from milk, cream and salt, yes it is a few more calories per serving but the other brand had a whole list of things in it I could not even pronounce. Same thing with breads. This also means more fruits and veggies, so more stuff to eat, less calories per serving.
  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    Good advice Petey49. I use the abs diet as my guideline. It is a not a 'fad diet', it is a good guide to eating healthy and clean. I don't feel deprived of anything- except processed foods that I don't want in my body anyway!
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    In my opinion, you should just eat what you like and adjust your diet as you go. If you see that you're consistently too high on one nutrient or too low then adjust accordingly. I think that makes it so much easier than wholly revamping your diet overnight. If you haven't already, you should add fiber and sodium to the nutrients you track on mfp.
  • I pack a lunch of leftovers and then snack on fresh fruits and vegetables throughout the day.
  • noiinteam
    noiinteam Posts: 92 Member
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Hi pals!

    I am going to figure out what works best for me if its the last thing I do. So far I've done Atkins, lil bit of something like South Beach, my own variation on low carbs (you know: no breads, potatoes, rice etc), the 17 day plan and eating most if not all my exercise calories. I've done organic, whole wheats, no sugars, gluten free, I've done it all. Here's the thing, I am a snacker. I eat my three meals but I have got to graze throughout the day.

    I was just curious as to what my successful weightloss pals are eating everyday: breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks


    Pretty much whatever I want as long as I keep within my calorie budget. The only things I watch other than calories are fiber (try to get at least 40 grams a day) and sodium (try to keep it under 1800 a day) Beyond that, I will have whatever I want to eat, but if it is calorie dense, then I will end up not being able to eat something else that may be more satisfying, and may even be hungry when I go to bed. That, for me, is an encouragement not to eat those things too often.
  • MeekMeals
    MeekMeals Posts: 517 Member
    Hi pals!

    I am going to figure out what works best for me if its the last thing I do. So far I've done Atkins, lil bit of something like South Beach, my own variation on low carbs (you know: no breads, potatoes, rice etc), the 17 day plan and eating most if not all my exercise calories. I've done organic, whole wheats, no sugars, gluten free, I've done it all. Here's the thing, I am a snacker. I eat my three meals but I have got to graze throughout the day.

    I was just curious as to what my successful weightloss pals are eating everyday: breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks


    Pretty much whatever I want as long as I keep within my calorie budget. The only things I watch other than calories are fiber (try to get at least 40 grams a day) and sodium (try to keep it under 1800 a day) Beyond that, I will have whatever I want to eat, but if it is calorie dense, then I will end up not being able to eat something else that may be more satisfying, and may even be hungry when I go to bed. That, for me, is an encouragement not to eat those things too often.

    Well it look like it works for you! wow! congrats on your weightloss
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Hi pals!

    I am going to figure out what works best for me if its the last thing I do. So far I've done Atkins, lil bit of something like South Beach, my own variation on low carbs (you know: no breads, potatoes, rice etc), the 17 day plan and eating most if not all my exercise calories. I've done organic, whole wheats, no sugars, gluten free, I've done it all. Here's the thing, I am a snacker. I eat my three meals but I have got to graze throughout the day.

    I was just curious as to what my successful weightloss pals are eating everyday: breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks


    Pretty much whatever I want as long as I keep within my calorie budget. The only things I watch other than calories are fiber (try to get at least 40 grams a day) and sodium (try to keep it under 1800 a day) Beyond that, I will have whatever I want to eat, but if it is calorie dense, then I will end up not being able to eat something else that may be more satisfying, and may even be hungry when I go to bed. That, for me, is an encouragement not to eat those things too often.

    Well it look like it works for you! wow! congrats on your weightloss

    Thanks. Yes, it does work for me, but I am very, very careful in measuring my portions to try to get the calories as close as possible. I also know it would not work for others as eating say, one donut, would lead to eating a dozen or more with a sugary drink on top of it. Thankfully, that doesn't usually happen to me. There are days I decide to indulge and go over my calories, usually when there is a family function or something like that, but then I weigh in my mind if it is worth having to work extra hard for the next couple of days to make up for it. Sometimes it is. Sometimes it isn't. The advantage of this approach, for me, is that I don't generally feel deprived by it which helps to keep it up. It also is fairly simple, even easier with MFP for recording what I eat.
  • MeekMeals
    MeekMeals Posts: 517 Member
    Hi pals!

    I am going to figure out what works best for me if its the last thing I do. So far I've done Atkins, lil bit of something like South Beach, my own variation on low carbs (you know: no breads, potatoes, rice etc), the 17 day plan and eating most if not all my exercise calories. I've done organic, whole wheats, no sugars, gluten free, I've done it all. Here's the thing, I am a snacker. I eat my three meals but I have got to graze throughout the day.

    I was just curious as to what my successful weightloss pals are eating everyday: breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks


    Pretty much whatever I want as long as I keep within my calorie budget. The only things I watch other than calories are fiber (try to get at least 40 grams a day) and sodium (try to keep it under 1800 a day) Beyond that, I will have whatever I want to eat, but if it is calorie dense, then I will end up not being able to eat something else that may be more satisfying, and may even be hungry when I go to bed. That, for me, is an encouragement not to eat those things too often.

    Well it look like it works for you! wow! congrats on your weightloss

    Thanks. Yes, it does work for me, but I am very, very careful in measuring my portions to try to get the calories as close as possible. I also know it would not work for others as eating say, one donut, would lead to eating a dozen or more with a sugary drink on top of it. Thankfully, that doesn't usually happen to me. There are days I decide to indulge and go over my calories, usually when there is a family function or something like that, but then I weigh in my mind if it is worth having to work extra hard for the next couple of days to make up for it. Sometimes it is. Sometimes it isn't. The advantage of this approach, for me, is that I don't generally feel deprived by it which helps to keep it up. It also is fairly simple, even easier with MFP for recording what I eat.

    Right! That's the thing I dont like about the "diet plans". They make me feel so deprived, almost punished at times. And I work out really hard! Sometimes i may want a piece of chocolate (that's my weakness) or sneak a few french fries. But I know my my limits, I know when enough is enough. The only thing I am unhappy with is my weighloss stalled. but the inches are phenomenal! I just need to get away from that dreadful scale (my other weakness)
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