kinnurse0754 Member


  • Thanks for putting your message on MFP. I was on MFP for a year and then slipped. Since then, I've retired and lead a much more sedentary life. I've gained about 20 lbs in the past 3 years and am a newly diagnosed diabetic. My AIC was 8.4 this week and having some cardiac and circulatory problems. I've chosen to get back…
  • Hi, Saw your thread and thought I'd throw my 2 cents worth in. You didn't mention in your blog how many calories you are eating per day. Eating clean and drinking water is great but if your calorie intake is greater than your calorie distribution, you are not going to lose weight. If MFP says that to lose 1 pound a week…
  • I agree, you can lose weight just by keeping your calorie intake below your calorie expenditure, but obviously that would never be the way to go. Unless you are trying to lose that last 5 pounds. But, the name of this site is my "fitness" pal for a reason. Being fit and healthy is more important than your actual weight.…
  • Try not to focus only on the calories you are consuming but the quality of the calories, especially if you are doing some serious exercising. It is important for you to eat a balanced diet. Some food are very high in calories but provide next to no nutrients to your muscles. Also, some of the yummiest foods are so high in…
  • Hi Karolsccc, Any program that I've been on has always promoted water is water. You want to drink at least 8 glasses of pure water a day and any other liquids are recorded separately. I cheat every once in awhile and count my tea or my flavoured water as water but I know that I'm wrong in doing so. Unfortunately, our…
  • Hi All, Started my day with 20 minutes of hard exercise on my Wii program, mostly boxing, which really makes me sweat and then after breakfast went to Walmart and walked around for about an hour or so. Its been pouring rain outside so figured Walmart was as good a place as any to walk and I needed a few things anyway. Now…
  • Good Evening Ladies, Wow, lots of new people have joined our group this week. Welcome to all of you. Well my week off is coming to an end and my posts will be coming in the middle of the night again. I'm a full time night shift nurse and usually the only chance I get to post is on my break around 1 in the morning. This w/e…
  • Good Morning Ladies, I see we have a couple of new ladies joining us in this long journey to health. Welcome ladies, glad you found our thread before we go private. It is so nice to find a group where everyone is in the same point in their lives. Its not that I mind sharing my thoughts with a younger woman, but I don't…
  • Good Morning Ladies, I've started my day off with exercise for the first time in months. I got up feeling pretty good so decided today was the day. I weighed in and have adjusted my ticker to reflect the increased weight from when I was on MFP back in January. I had lost 16 pounds and then gained 10 back so am starting…
  • Hi Ladies, nice to see some more new faces joining us. This is a new group but so far, it looks like its going to be a really supportive and fun group. Glad you found us before Josie closes it down to new people for awhile. Betty, I am also going to be 60 this year and I too want to make it a year to remember. I'm not so…
  • Hi All, Its so nice to be able to post during the day instead of in the middle of the night. I was up very late last night as I expected. Its hard to sleep at night on my first day off. I woke around 8 and when I looked out the window and saw fresh snow, I closed the curtain and went straight back to bed. Fortunately by…
  • Hi Ladies, I am happy to say, I've got a week off. I slept most of today so I know I'm going to have a long night. But that's okay, I'm going to drink lots of water and watch moves. Having a love affair with Josh Duhamel and Zac Effron tonight. I know they're a little young for me, but hey, a girls gotta dream. lol Karen -…
  • Hi Ladies, Welcome to all the new people like myself. I've been on MFP for about 2 years now and had some serious success in my first year. I had planned a trip to Disney with my daughter and grandkids and worked hard toward the goal of fitting on the rides. It was wonderful to take the trip and not have the embarrasment…
  • Hi Again Ladies, I just finished reading all of the posts from day 1 and am happy to notice I have quite a bit in common with most of you. I am 59, will be 60 in August. I still work full time as a registered nurse and work 12 hour night shift. Talk about trouble with night time eating. Thats my day time. I am a divorced…
  • Hi Ladies, Thanks for the invite to the new group. Took a bit to finally find you. I ended up just going to Karen's home page and clicking on the group from there. I know after my first visit, it'll show up on my page. I'm sorry to have been absent for awhile. February was a total write off for me health wise. March seems…
  • Wow, I can't believe how much I missed in a few days. I've been home sick and just didn't have energy to sit on the computer. Was sleeping 12 -14 hours a day for about 5 days and then sat like a zombie in front of the TV. I'm feeling a bit better and have started back to work but still not feeling great. I have no energy…
  • Good Morning Ladies. Sunday share is very exciting this week. I got on the scale for the first time since starting back on MFP. I'm down 16 pounds this morning. I'm very excited because it brings me about half a pound under 300 pounds which was my goal weight for the end of the month . I'm going to reset my goal. I am…
  • Hi All, Just a quick drop by as I'm still feeling under the weather. Slept most of the morning. Sore throat, fever and no energy. Feeling a git better tonight but not enough to concentrate on all the posts I've missed. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. But, on the positive side, I'm drinking tons of water and still…
  • Sorry I missed a couple of days. I've had two nights from hell at work and I'm just wiped out. I haven't been able to eat all my calories but have been pushing my water. I'm off the w/e so will spend some time tomorrow catching up on the posts. I'm just so tired tonight, I'm heading to bed early and hopefully will feel…
  • Thanks everyone for the congrats on my new grandson. Poor little tyke doesn't even have a name yet, my dil didn't want to find out ahead if it was a boy or girl and wouldn't even discuss names until the baby came. Now they are struggling to come up with a name they both agree on. I don't understand as my hubby and I had…
  • Good Morning my Friends, Just a quick note this morning to let you know I am a Grandma for the 6th time. My son and dil had a beautiful baby boy last night. A little brother to their 2 girls. Was up very late waiting for photos to be emailed as they are on the other side of the country. So exciting for all of us. I now…
  • Hi All, Finally having a day off after working my 3 nights. Its a PJ day for me. There is nothing that would convince me to go outside today. The snow and freezing rain has stopped but its soooo cold and windy. Just going to stay warm and safe. Day 4 has been a good one on my 1st week back. Drinking lots of fluids, just…
  • @Susan - I am oh so jealous. I love Garth and Trisha. My son bought me Garths new box set for Christmas which includes a copy of his CD of his Wynn show. I love it so much. And you got to see him up close and personal. To heck with exercise, my excitement would have burned a weeks worth of calories. I'm hoping for a trip…
  • Hi All, since this is my first Sunday share since restarting my journey, I'll go with the basics. I'm Charlotte. I am 59 (sill be 60 in August and long time divorced. i live in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada which is just east of Toronto. I have 2 wonderful grown children and soon to be 6 grandchildren. My daughter had 3 (2 girls…
  • Hi Everyone, Thank you, thank you for all of the good wishes and encouragement. Its so nice to feel like you belong to a group that has your back and cares about your accomplishments. I will do my best to be there for all of you as well. Day 2 on my road back has gone well. I'm working 12 hour nights so its a little…
  • Happy New Year All! This is my 3rd time in the past 2+ years that I am making a fresh start on my weight loss journey. I was very successful the 1st time and then got derailed due to surgery and complications from it. I tried again in September 2013 but my head just wasn't in the right place and I gave up only a month or…
  • Bump. Grandkids are down and I'm doing great. Heading to bed cause they are early risers. Have a great w/e everyone. Charlotte
  • Thursday truth - I've slipped the last 2 days. We've had patients buying the staff cookies and candies so its all over the nursing station. Usually I'm pretty good about bypassing the treats but the last 2 days I've been weak. Hopefully by talking about it and fessing up, it'll help me strengthen my will power so I can…
  • Happy hump day. Wish I knew what the geiko camel commercial was. I don't think we get it in Canada. Sounds funny. I love funny, whether its stories, programs or commercials. I love to laugh. I'm usually a very happy person. I think thats why I got so down this week with Thanksgiving coming and going. I have so much to be…
  • Hi All, Seems like I'm always doing the late night check ins but at least I'm checking in so its okay. Good day today. Weighed in this morning and was down 1/2 lb Then I dusted off my Wii and put in 25 minutes of exercise time. Thought it would kill me but I survived. I had plans this evening for dinner out with my sister…