Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Nettie- I love your progress pictures and thanks for the website.

    The "friends" issue- I will admit that I am not great at responding to my friends on the news feed. I find I just run out of interesting things to say and I don't always check the diaries of my friends. However, I am much better about supporting people on this thread and will comment regularly. If we are friends on here don't be offended if I don't respond every time you close out your diaries, I just don't have the time to read threw them everyday so I do the best I can. The good news is that there is a like button now so responding is easier. There are many people on this thread that I consider to be very good friends.

    Motivation- Can be both internal and external? They will both work together to help up or hurt us in this journey. In many ways we need to provide both to be successful. Internal motivation will help with the long term focus and the stick with it, the key is you really need to want this for you- to improve your health, looks, and increase your well-being. This is the tougher of the two motivations to maintain but it is so worth it in the long run. The other motivation is the external- these are our rewards that make the journey positive for us. The idea is to reward yourself after you reach a mini-goal. The rewards can be simple or more complex, money orientated or free. Mini- goals reaching 5 -10lbs lost and do something special for yourself. When you reach the milestones in pounds lost then do something larger for yourself. For me, Losing the first 40 pounds meant I could try rock climbing at my gym. Figure out what motivates you by writing a list and using the items as your reward. It really does help to you focused.

    Allison- the comment about people growing out of my hair was very funny :laugh: . The picture was taken at Shallow Falls near Cumberland, Maryland.

    Robin- the tooth that cracked, chew a piece of gym and put that over the broken tooth. It will help to keep your tongue away from it and will help you to feel better about it. I did this trick when I broke the crown on my bottom molar and it worked like a charm.

    The school system opened on time this morning much to our dismay. During the school day, we had three areas with broken water pipes. Two of them happened with kids in the room and the other was in the auditorium, It was crazy but the kids handled the situation very well. I had an issue with my tires on my car this morning while driving to work. The low tire pressure gage came on, so I pulled over to make sure I did not have a flat tire- luckily no flat. Then I stopped at a gas station and a stranger checked my air pressure and filled one tire, That did not work so I took my car to the dealer after work. He added air to all the tires and for NOW the problem is fixed so I hope it stays that way tomorrow.

    1. To exercise Thursday to Monday. I took the day off (car) and will most likely do so tomorrow (meeting).

    Have a great night and please stay warm and safe.
  • Hey hey hey!

    Welcome to all the newbies! I swear I'll find time for personals soon! I've been so busy!

    I love this group, you all are so supportive, and it truly motivates me to work hard so I can come and share what I've done each day. Thank you so much for all the encouragement and kind words!

    I made it to spin class tonight! OMG, pretty intense! I got in 17 miles on the bike during the 45 minute class, boy my tush hurts . . . lol :blushing: . Afterwards Rob and I went to our circuit class. We have been going to this one for a while, and there is usually not much I can't do, but today I started getting major cramps in my calves and in my left toes . . . yikes! I stuck with it and finished out the class, but I don't feel I performed as well as usual due to the cramping. Yoga yoga yoga for me!

    Tuesday - I'm on course for my goal to lose 10# in January, so my goal is to keep going! I also heard about a strength training class they do at the gym on Wednesdays and Fridays called bodypump that I'm interested in trying. Tomorrow is a rest and yoga day, so I'm thinking it'll be my goal to give it a try on Friday.

    Way to go on the the awesome exercise, tracking, and results everyone! Keep up the great work!

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I had a very busy day. The weather was beautiful, but I didn't get out to walk. GD came over so I could teach her how to knit. She wants to make some boot cuffs. She caught on really fast. I think that she will make significant progress before she goes back to college next week. This evening I went to the church and helped tie fleece blankets for our local Angel Wings Network. They help people who are being treated for cancer. They are needing chemo caps so I am going to try to get some made.
    I guess today will be a rest day for exercise.
    My goal is to just keep doing what I know works. The last couple of days I have been really hunting around looking for something 'good' to eat. I wish I could figure out what it is so I could eat it and get it over with.
    I see on the weather forecast that the terrible cold is gradually breaking down. I know that many of you will be thankful for that.
    As to the friend discussion, I am a terrible one. This is the only place I look for support. You are all such good friends and such good support that I just don't take time to look anyplace else.
    Have a safe night. Kaye
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @KarenL...great job on the 5#!

    @Lauren...I hate it when life gets in the way sometimes. YOu'll get to that class sooner or later. :flowerforyou: They are having an intro to spin class next Tuesday that I'm planning on going to (we'll have to see about Michael's work schedule and Jacob's basketball practice schedule). I hear it's wonderful burns and 17 miles....Wow!!!

    @Laurie...tough situation with your parents. That independence is so hard to give up, but at the same time, it's so hard to watch them struggle. I wish you nothing but the best.

    @Alison...Lyme disease is nothing to shake a stick at. Luckily she's young and that'll go in her favor and knowing the cause is half the battle. My friend's son had it and it took a good 3 months for him to be back to 100% after treatment started, but he did see improvement pretty quickly.

    @Claudia...I'm so glad the Polar Vortex is moving on. Tomorrow we will be slightly above zero, but the 20's that are going to happen on Thursday will be heaven!!!

    @wwmorrow...The total is overwhelming for me too. I decided to break it down. My first goal (and my ticker) shows the weight I was when I gave birth to my now 12 year old. After that I'll decide on a new goal. However, I do think you should take that cruise...great motivator? and I had my dad die at the age of 63. He walked every day, was in a pretty good shape, didn't smoke, didn't drink and it was his time...before retirement, before he could sell the farm...etc. YOLO and you should enjoy it, even if you're still overweight. I don a bathing suit each summer because my kids only get one childhoold and I don't want to look back at them and wish I had been more involved. And I decided if nobody likes the looks of it, they should quit looking!

    @Jnettie...You can see a difference in you and I'm excited to see the 20 pound mark for you and check out your new 'do!!

    AFM. Got to the Zumba class today -- I did have to leave early because basketball practice time was changed and needed to pick him up, but got a full 45 minutes. My food was track today -- not great choices, but fit in my calorie goal. Still have 2 glasses of water before I head to bed...once that is done, I met my water goal again!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I'm a bit bummed. The Schwan man was suppose to come today but rescheduled for Saturday. I'm out of chicken strips (yummm) and I love their chicken breast. Soon, very soon!

    Tuesday Goal. My goal was to get back on track and I feel like I'm doing pretty good. I've lost 5.6 pounds since January 1st and I'm hoping to get to my first "goal" of 235 by my cruise...that's 12 pounds by February 14th. I've got to stay focussed and stay on track.

    Monday - Lift (and c25K? -- we'll see) DID C25k AND 5 MILES ON BIKE - NO LIFT
    Tuesday - Zumba with my sis DONE
    Wednesday - Lift
    Thursday - C25K
    Friday - Lift
    Saturday - C25K
    Sunday - Rest

    Goals for January
    * Drink 8 glasses of water (boy did I fall off the wagon on that one)
    * One soda a week
    * Lift three times a week
    * Minimum two cardio workouts a week (shoot for three but...)
    * Get my calories back under control and within my "goal"
  • dukesduchess350
    dukesduchess350 Posts: 77 Member
    Goodness what a day! So glad that I was able to stay inside all day long.

    I have to admit I love this group of such great supporters and great conversations.

    So my Tuesday goal for the month of January is to lose another 5 to 10 lbs. I also want to increase my water intake.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Laurie - thanks for the tip about the gum - it works kinda well, but my tongue is hyperactive - so there's a conflict there. But its still better with than without.
    I never complimented you an your before and after pictures - you do look great!

    JNettie - your progress pictures do look great too! What was that website for putting together the 3 pictures again?

    To the gal who wants to wait before going on the cruise I say - don't wait either. I was extremely heavy on my one island vacation, and indeed, it was a once in a lifetime trip. I'll never get another offer, I'm sure. That "romance" is over, and I'm poor as a church mouse on my own! Go now!

    Newbies - welcome. Don't get over - excited about this journey your on. Your gonna have some trouble just down the road and don't get mad and quit because of it. Stick to it! Get back on the wagon. Come here and whine about your "mistake" and start over. We all have. This is January, No quitting - its all about sticking with it for the long haul. We are here for you.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @madeline--Glad you enjoyed a cozy day indoors. DH and I were joking that it was "balmy" outside today b/c it was -3 instead of -16. :laugh:

    @tracy--great job getting back pn track and losing over 5 lbs in 7 days--that's awesome!! :drinker:

    @kaye--I love all of the crafty skills you have and admire that you use them to help others. What a great skill and example you are sharing with your GD. :flowerforyou:

    @lauren--I tried spin once and I just couldn't stand the pain in the bum from the seat. :laugh: Instead I do the stationary bike--it seems like it would be the same b/c the position is the same, but the seat is so much more comfy! I bet you were cramping up from dehydration. When I go all out on the stationary bike, I sweat more than when I run--and I only do about 10 miles in 30 minutes. I'm sure 45 minutes and 17 miles greatly depleted your water, hence the cramps. Not sure if this is the case for everyone, but my calves are always the first to cramp when I'm dehydrated.

    @laurie--the air in tires contracts when the temps drop which is probably why your tires needed air. I'm the same as you with my friend list--I rarely comment or write on people's walls. The exceptions are the people I got to know through this thread who don't post here anymore but are still active on MFP, and even with them, I'm not "great" at posting Thank goodness for that "like" button! :wink: Great info about motivation! :smile:

    @pain--water really does help. Even if it doesn't stop the cravings, it often keeps me from eating as much as I would have if I hadn't had the water first.

    @vickie--my fingers are crossed that things continue to improve at work for you.

    @karenleona--that soup sounds delicious--and I don't even like curry! :laugh:

    @robin--I was thinking of telling you to buy some dental wax (people with braces use it to stop the wires/brackets from rubbing), but laurie's gum advice was so much better!

    @nettie--thanks for the link to make the photo collages!

    @kelley--I'm not a fan of working out with a buddy, but I do sometimes wish I had a spotter now that I'm lifting heavy. I have to be really conservative when adding weight on my bench press for fear I will fail and drop the bar. And, yes it seems really unfair when we are all psyched up for a great run and it doesn't pan out. At least I'm used to it and know it's just a bad day. When I first started running it was much more discouraging b/c I thought it was an indication that I just wasn't "meant to run." Now I know it's just a bad day. :ohwell:

    @alison--sorry to hear about your daughter, but glad she is on the mend. You mentioned signing up for another race--do they still have those saturday park runs by your house, and if so, have you been doing them at all? Glad you are getting the dance mat out. :drinker:

    Welcome to the newlings!!! :flowerforyou:

    AFM--I finished my goal list for today--yay me! :drinker: My run at the gym was better than yesterday, but still not great. Tomorrow is a rest day--other than walking gunner if weather permits. It's supposed to be warmer, but still in the single digits, so probably still too cold. :grumble:

    Tuesday Goals:
    1. Finish the last 7 SL essays DONE
    2. Re-plan lessons to account for the 2 days off DONE
    3. Gym to run the 5k I failed at yesterday--I joined a January running challenge on here and committed to 50 miles total with at least 30 miles of that being running.DONE (well, not a full 5k, but did 2.5 miles)
    4. Pet store to buy fish tank filters DONE
    5. Cook more swai and make a batch of quinoa salad for my lunch Wed-Fri DONE

    Grading goals:
    1. 1/72 AP essays
    2. 19/26 Scarlet Letter essays
    3. x/52 Scarlet Letter annotations

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--gym (cardio) DONE
    Tues--gym (lift and HIIT) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (cardio)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 85
    Dead lift = 90
    Squat = 90
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 60

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    For the folks interested in doing the Tunnel 2 Tower 5k, I found the correct link. They updated their website, and apparently I was still checking the old site which is why I couldn't find next year's race info. Luckily I also check their FB page which had a link to the new site. Here is the registration link:
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Good Morning my Friends, Just a quick note this morning to let you know I am a Grandma for the 6th time. My son and dil had a beautiful baby boy last night. A little brother to their 2 girls. Was up very late waiting for photos to be emailed as they are on the other side of the country. So exciting for all of us. I now have 4 grand-daughters and 2 grandsons. I'm a very tired but happy grammy this morning. I'm heading to bed for a little more sleep and will post again later. Thanks for letting me vent some of my excitement. Charlotte
  • jackjb2
    jackjb2 Posts: 83 Member
    Lost 30 lbs 2 yrs ago but it came back--gonna try again all we can do keep trying
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning. Today is a bit warmer, thank goodness. This morning they said 70 by Sunday, I can’t wait!!!

    @Charlotte~Congrats! Boys are so much fun!

    @Laurie~Great advice about motivation.

    @Lauren~Spin AND a circuit class? That would wipe me out, mostly because spin keeps my heart rate at AT the entire time. I’ve belonged to my gym for three years and haven’t tried any classes, I always say I'm going to but never get around to it.

    @Karen~I prefer to work out on my own too, I just like to listen my music and get into a zone doing my own thing – at least for cardio. Its nice to talk to someone while lifting weight though. :wink:

    @Nettie~I commented on your blog, but thought your progress pics look great! :flowerforyou: I think my progress pics are going to be cruise pics from Alaska cruise to my upcoming cruise since I haven’t done any in between – then I need to make a more conscious effort about doing pics periodically.

    AFM~Work is just crazy right now. First year-end, then our tax attorney stopped by for meeting yesterday (so got out of work late), today our tax consultant comes by for another meeting and we have to get ready for auditors that arrive Monday. Oh the joy of being an accountant in January! :tongue: When I got home last night I just worked on projects around the house for some added activity. I need to text my trainer later to see if he’s feeling better so we can meet up this afternoon – if not, I’ll do cardio and some weights on my own.

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Gym, arc trainer DONE!
    Tueday~Gym, training session (canceled – and worked too late for cardio)
    Wednesday~Gym, training session
    Thursday~Gym, training session (maybe—if not, I’ll do cardio)
    Friday~Rest day (probably go to gym to make up for Tuesday)
    Saturday~Gym, running drills
    Sunday~Gym, training session
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Wed Wish--- That I was as organized and on top of things at home as I am at work.

    Finally caught up on posts. Just a few personals.

    Welcom all new people and old friends that have returned great to see you back.

    Wow! I must say that this is not Thursday confession but I feel like sharing after reading a post. I feel like WWMORROW most days and it has put me in "F" it attitude lately. That I have ate myself happy on fast food and been sitting on the couch cuddling with my new puppy verse doing what I know is right. Thanks for the people that repsonded to her because it reminded me to get back on the wagon. I will be moving my ticker to the correct weight in the morning when I weight myself because I know I have gained some of that weight back. I also have a hard time logging food not because I don't want to do but because sometimes I am so busy I forget.

    Robin I see you are still sick or not feeling good again. Prayers are with you to get better soon.

    Laurie progress pics are awesome and glad you got your dad home safely.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Wednesday Wish - I wish I wasn't so tired this morning. :yawn: I woke up around 5:30 then again at 8:30 and finally 9:30. I woke up to two kitties sleeping on the bed with me and my bird singing from the other room underneath his covered cage. I felt really bad he was still covered. I never ever sleep that late. Thank goodness I don't have to go into work until the afternoon. I think today is going to be my workout after work day. I just don't have the energy to do it this morning.

    I am happy to report my class was absolutely wonderful yesterday. The first day back from vacation is always the hardest. One boy came into my classroom crying and after 3 minutes he was smiling and hugging me. My bossed popped into the gym when we were in there and was thrilled to see how happy my students were running around chasing each other. (We work a lot on strengthening their social skills and interactions.) I am hoping for another great day today. I missed those little buggers a lot!

    Yesterday I received a quite few random friend requests and private messages telling me how inspiring I was. I couldn't figure out why. When I came home from work I came onto the site while I waited for dinner to cook and Brian to get home. I noticed I had quite a few responses and likes on my blog. I felt a bit like a celebrity. :wink: The comments I received from friends and complete strangers were so kind it was very touching.

    Thanks everyone for the compliments on my progress pictures. I still have a long way to go but I am happy with my journey so far! :happy:

    Kah- Sorry your trainer was sick. I hope he is better soon so you can get back to working out with him.

    Robin - So sorry to hear about your tooth. Wahoo for making progress with eating and drinking also for a decreased appetite!
    Here is the link to that website It is super easy to use and is completely free! You can change the format and add more pictures too by using the options on the site. Have fun with it!

    bltyrone - Welcome!

    Susan - I went through yesterday and deleted some people who have not been active in a month or longer. There were 1-2 that have not been active in a few days who I also never hear from so I cut them as well. I figured if I never hear from them at all they probably wouldn't miss me. :laugh: I try my best to leave personal comments on my friends activities however do to a lack of time I sometimes just use that "like" button. I find I spend too much time trying to cheer people on that I am spending less time with my husband. :noway: I feel bad but yesterday I didn't cheer anyone on at all. My husband and I decided to watch a movie and snuggle on the couch. :love: It was a great night!
    I have no clue about the fitbit. Maybe you could try contacting them via the fitbit site and they can help you out.

    traciwaugh - Welcome. I clicked your profile to check out your diary to I can see if I had any advice to offer regarding sugar and sodium. Your diary is private which makes it a bit difficult to advise. Could you give us an idea of things you typically eat or make your diary public?

    Karen - That curried sweet potato lentil soup sounds delicious.

    Laurie - That like button is one of the best things that happened for me. I often just click away when I am too busy to post and in a few min I am done. :blushing: Sorry to hear about your tire issues and broke pipes at work. Hope they get both of those issues fixed soon!

    SeeLShrink - Congrats on the spin class! Sorry to hear about the cramping in the following class. Hope you are feeling better soon.

    Kaye - That blanket program sounds like such a nice thing to be involved in. I love how you always spend time with your grandchildren. You are such a wonderful woman!

    tlh - Thanks. I am excited for the new do too. Yesterday I ended putting my hair up in a clip because I just couldn't get it to do anything. I think I may cut my hair to shoulder length and have it colored with highlights. Last month I colored it myself, which came out good, but there is nothing like having someone else do it for you. Less mess too! :wink:

    Skinny - Congrats on finishing your goal list! I see you finished the SL papers, that must be a huge relief!
    Thanks for the link to the race. I will let everyone know as it gets closer if I think I am physically ready to participate or not. I was speaking to my best friend (also on MFP) about it. She lives in CT and was interested in doing races too.

    Charlotte - Congrats on the new addition to your family. How exciting! Hope you are able to get some rest today.

    jackijb2 - Welcome.

    kah - I saw your comment. Thanks so much. I also literally LOLed at the cannoli comment! That was great. :laugh: I love cannolis. This dip has been in our fridge since our post Christmas party at my place. It is a miracle that I have not demolished it by now. I was amazed that I was able to have the tiny bites and walk away. I still have a small plateful of my mom's peanut butter fudge in the fridge too. (I put it in there so it wasn't calling my name every time I walked past it) Who is this person I have become? :wink:

    mnwalking- I think we have all felt that way at one point in time or another. I am so sorry to hear you are feeling that way. It is difficult to get ourselves out of that rut. I promise you once you find that inner strength to over come it, you will feel so much better about yourself! Keep at it. You can do this, I have faith in you! :flowerforyou:
  • bltyrone
    bltyrone Posts: 5 Member
    susan2396: Thank you!!! The big 3 don't live with us...they're in their 20s...oldest is stationed in Hawaii with the Navy...he's 28. The other two are 25 & 26. Our two are 9 3/4 (yes, she makes me say that) and 8 (he has ADHD and that keeps me quite on my toes).

    traciwaugh: Welcome! I'm a newbie, too. Also iron deficient and an ice chewer. I take 2 supplements a day for my iron and was even up to 4 a day with a doctors orders. Good luck!!

    vickimieth: Thanks for the advice! I have been horrible at tracking in the past...but trying to make it a habit right now. Even tracked before my lunch yesterday so that's a plus! I love our chickens...they are so sweet natured and I totally love the fresh eggs. We're thinking of adding on a few Turkeys this year as well...we'll see if I'm up to it! ;)

    Lauriek70: Sounds like you had a busy day!!

    grandmakaye44: Boot Cuffs would be so neat! My mom used to knit, but I never learned. I am so proud of you for your work with your church and helping Cancer patients. I lost both of my parents and numerous family members to the dreaded it means a lot to me when people go the extra mile like that.

    JNettie73: Thanks!!!

    Wednesday - Wishes (what do you wish? It can be weight related or not, can be realistic or not)
    I wish I didn't get so bored at work and want to eat.
    I wish I didn't get so stressed at work and want to eat.
    I wish the weather were warmer in KC so I could be outside and exercise there.
    Too many? Probably. Couldn't decide on just one today.

    I have lost 4 pounds since 1/1. Super Happy with those results so far! I have a ways to go, but it is doable!

    Church tonight with my hubby and our kiddos. We eat dinner on Wednesdays (tonight is Turkey Pot Pie) and tonight is a Second Wednesday Serve night, so we're making up packets to give to Needy/Homeless.

    Hubby & I watched Biggest Loser last night and it gave me a good workout idea...can't wait for warmer weather to go to the football field and work the bleachers!

    Have a great Wednesday, everyone!
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Laurie: your progressive pics are great! Nice work! I hope you can work something out with your mom to give her a hand. Very scary.
    Alupinsk: Sorry about the guy. :frown: That's a tough break, at least it hadn't gone any further, like after you met his folks and stuff. Sounds like you found a great way to deal with it.
    Susan: I love Garth Brooks... hope it was awesome! I went to Reba last year loved it... Garth Brooks would be amazing.
    MyMowmow: Hope your foot is getting better. What happened or did I miss it in the posts?
    SLS: Wow, you do a great workout at the gym. I'm hoping to start my membership back up but will probably wait till next month. I hate the January rush and it calms down a bit in February. Great NSV! Kickboxing sounds great... let me know how it is!
    Kah: sorry to hear about your trainer.... hopefully you can find someone closer to home.
    Nettie: I agree... it's sad that some of the new ones come and go so fast. Not sure if they even gave it a chance or bad timing. My friends list is like 60% vacated.
    Charlotte: Welcome back!
    Karenleona: congrats on the loss!!!!
    wwmorrow: It's often hard to find the motivation. You have to concentrate on what you want to accomplish and what you don't want in your life anymore. You have to remember you are NOT depriving yourself but are working toward the spectacular new you! Healthy and Active! You have to learn moderation in all things and to LOG your food. It keeps you accountable. This choice cannot be made by others but only by yourself. However we're definitely here to cheer you on! :)
    Robin: hope your tooth is better now!

    Welcome to all the newbies!
    Wow is the thread moving fast! lol!

    AFM: We've made it to Day 6 of the Shred... and he can walk again. lol! I told him to just wait till level 2. :bigsmile: I'm trying to do Zumba during the day and then the Shred with him in either the morning or after my shift. My eating is way better, but have been doing a bit of snacking. The garbage has to get out of the house. My husband is killing me with his sweet tooth. The kids are back in school, the schools got closed on Monday due to power failures in the area. We're lucky there was no burst pipes! We got to a low of -31 on Sunday, but now we're sitting at a nice warm of -12. lol! Where I live in the spring when we get to 0 and the snow melts... out come the shorts. Only 4 months to go!!!!
    I'm really mad right now.:grumble: We moved into one of those new areas w/ a brand new school. The planners messed up and underestimated the amount of kids that would move into the new area (they've known for 2 years and did nothing) . The new school that opened last year (K-9) is at a max capacity. It has 5 -1/2 day kindergarten classes this year and 7 registered for next year. Now they telling us that they have to close boundaries and ship the 8-9 to other schools. Because they were too cheap to just build a jr. high in the first place. They're telling us that these are the only options available... but not quite what the developers were saying when we bought into the area. :explode:
    Sorry... I needed to grump.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    I am beginning my journey to lose 100 pounds and I have a hard time convincing myself that I can really do this. It is so nice to find such a supportive group of people. You are all such motivation!

    i could not lose 100 pounds but i could lose 10 pounds. So that is what i did. Concentrated on only 10 pounds and did not think about anything else. When i lost those then i set another goal. Seriously, if I can do this, so can you. You just have to keep at it and NEVER EVER give up. No matter what.

    Nettie- looked at your blog. I can definitely see the changes in you!! Keep up the good work

    Kaye- my DIL asked for boot cuffs for christmas. Had never heard of them but went on line and found a pattern. Even figured out how to do cables!! Second pair i made my own pattern cause i thought it would be easier than cables. She loved them. So cool to teach your GD to knit!

    Lauren- would love to try a spin class but my poor heart would explode!! it does look like a great workout! I also worry that the seat would disappear up my seat :laugh:

    Karen- I also work out alone and would love to have a spotter. I have to limit how much i increase the weight to make sure i can do it without killing myself

    Charlotte- congrats on the birth of your grandbaby!! How exciting!!

    Robin- when do you get that tooth fixed? It is so annoying. One time i broke a tooth and then took a metal tile and filed the sharp edge off myself as i could not wait till i got to the dentist.

    Soup was delicious last night!! Lots left for today. Have some errands to run and might stop at the gym for some cardio if i think my heart can tolerate it. Nearly passed out walking up 6 steps from the basement with my laundry so not sure if i will make it. Drank so much water yesterday that i was up a lot last night!!!! Can't stop drinking tho :drinker: :drinker:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Wednesday Wish: Patience. The scale just doesn’t want to budge. I’m eating clean. Staying at or under my calories. Exercise on a regular basis. I just feel like I need to change things up a bit. My trainer wants me to start taking some natural supplements that are supposed to support weight loss. I’m awful at taking pills, but willing to try as long as their natural.

    @KarenL – Do you have a date set for your surgery? Been thinking about you a lot lately. Glad your day is better. It’s great knowing a day is only 24 hours and we can start over. Thank goodness!

    @Vicki/Tom/Kelly/Nettie – On the Fit Bit, I was just being plain lazy. Kelly copied the instructions to me this AM. I could have gone to the website too. Bad Susan!!

    @Jnncsu – Welcome! You’ve found an amazing group. It’s not a sprint that’s for sure. It’s going to take awhile with many ups and downs along the way. If it wasn’t for this group, I would have quit a while ago. I’m well over 1 ½ years on MFP and this group have become friends along this journey. Try to log in daily if you can. It makes a huge difference.

    @ Vicki – I’m right there with you. I seem to be on this plateau for the past 4 months. I lose 5 then gain 5 and just go up and down. I know it will move for both of us, but it had better be sooner rather than later.

    @ PainIsWeak – Water is a goal for me right now too. I was so bad about it before and really trying to improve. My goal is to have at least 64 oz by Noon then enjoy a Diet Coke. I try to drink another 30-60 oz throughout the rest of the day. They say you’re supposed to drink half your body weight, but that would be 135 oz for me. I’ll be peeing ALL day. LOL!!!

    @ Laurie – Great advice on motivation. I’ve kept my friends list short like 36. All of them log every day. I don’t respond to each, but some do use this as their forum. I chime in when I can, but like you I really try to follow our group on a daily basis. Also, glad to hear the car wasn’t anything major. We know folks like Kelly, Karen and Robin have had their share of car expenses lately.

    @ Lauren – Nice job!! I’ve never tried spin. I want to, but seem too intimidated. I work with a trainer once a week then work out at least 4 other times by myself. I like classes in general, but not sure if I’m ready for it. How much did you weigh and how was your fitness level when you started taking the classes?

    @ Kaye – We’re your friends list. I would miss your post and living vicariously through your big family stories. Love them!!

    @ Karen – You are such a list taker and I love it! It feels like such an accomplished to cross something off. Good for you!

    @ Charlotte – Congrats on the new baby boy and being a Grandma again!

    @ Kelly – Do you have a final date yet from your trainer?

    @ Nettie – There’s a balance we all have to find between work/personal. The personal is also a balance between our family time and me time too. When married, the time with your spouse is crucial. As a single parent, my time is with Cyrus. But, when we do find those me times, we have to balance too. For me, I’ve cut way back on my FB use. I will post on occasion, but find I’m on here a lot more and happier.

    @ Bity – Well, thank goodness, all 5 don’t live at home right now. They would eat you out of the house. LOL!! My son is 11 and was diagnosed with ADD. It’s been a challenge, but as he’s gotten older it has gotten better (thank goodness).

    @ Queen – You know what you need to do. We’ve all been there at some point and it’s so hard to get out of a funk. I think dropping the fast food is a big start. You can do it!

    @p1xyn1xy – I really hate that for you guys. Where we live, they are so bad about rezoning ALL the time and the schools out here are not good. I had a house in Atlanta, but decided to rent in Vegas just in case they try to change the zoning. We’re in one of the better clusters now, but I didn’t want to take any chances especially since my son just started junior high. Of course, I miss it on my taxes too. Oh well. There’s always a catch-22 no matter which way we go.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @ Kelly – Do you have a final date yet from your trainer?

    Right now his move is tentative - he wanted to let me know in advance that he could be moving. Nothing definite. IF he moves, it will be in late March/early April.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! Just caught up on the thread, and I'm going to skip personals for now, as I've had a crappy day. I haven't been sleeping well the past few nights and today was just frantic trying to get all caught up with rescheduling my students' AP conferences.

    Anyways, I finally got a chance to sit down for a few minutes and eat my lunch. I hadn't had a chance to catch up with any of my colleagues, so I went to join them in the office where we all usually eat together. It was crowded around the table, but my friend Kim was trying to skootch down to make room for me. Another friend literally refused to move down. :noway: Because of the way the office is configured, it was impossible for me to get the only available desk chair over to the only spot at the table, but Carolyn just said she didn't have any room, even though it was clear she did. :grumble: Everyone just stared at her in shock b/c even though she can have a cranky personality, she and I really ARE friends. Finally, I just pushed the chair back and said "Fine--I'll just eat alone since Carolyn's being a snot" and walked out. Once I was alone in my office, I was SOOOO angry that I actually cried. :cry: Then, since I'm not a crier, I was even more angry that she made me cry. :explode: Carolyn came into the office later and apologized--basically complaining that Kim just started shoving her chair and she had no clue what was going on and didn't mean for it to affect me--blah, blah, blah. It was a lame, half-hearted apology, but I will forgive her b/c we are friends and maybe she was also having a bad day.

    Ok--thanks for listening to my crazy rant. :tongue: I have some journals to grade, but I'll try to get back on for personals later. If I don't, I hope everyone has a nice evening.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Skinnyjeans}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} big hug!

    Susan - be patient for another few weeks. You'v had a LOT of travel in the past few months.. lots of flying.... strange eating. In a couple of weeks you'll lose a butt ton and be in shock (and thrilled), i bet.

    Charlotte - I'm slow in saying WELCOME BACK!!! Congrats on a new grandbaby!!

    Alupinsk - Sorry about the guy. I've come to the firm conclusion that all men are complete jerks WITH the exception of the wonderful men on our thread here...and of course they are all taken. :laugh:

    BoHemian - Bit late for you as well but WELCOME BACK!!

    STILL haven't started back to work. The hiring people at HP had the week of Christmas off and both of them took the rest of last week off so I won't start until MONDAY it looks like. :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode:

    Eating is still a out of control BUT the quality of what i'm eating is MUCH better but now I have to deal with the quantity. That will definitely change in a few weeks. I'm a bored (and emotional)snacker and next week my life goes back to normal. Bible studies, book clubs, work, and church events keep me out evenings 5 nights a week. That helps.

    Been thinking about exercise and I was debating signing up for Daily Burn. For 10.00 a month a daily workout that changes (so I'm not doing the same thing EVERY day. Since I can't afford a gym I thought that might be an option. Anyone done it? I watch a sample of the beginners workout and it looks doable for me and it's not crazy long (from what I read they get pretty intense and pretty long as you get more fit).

    I'm walking pretty well now. Hobbling a little from all the soft tissue damage I caused trying to limp on it too soon. It's still all sorts of purple and yellow but that'll heal and it feels good to be able to get to the bathroom in 30 seconds instead of 20 minutes. Or to feed the cats in 5 minutes instead of taking 30 minutes.

    Tomorrow morning I have an interview for a job I applied for THREE MONTHS ago. It's with the Dept. of Navy in Kittery Maine. I'm just not sure I can live there (BRRRRRR) but since I'll be home tomorrow I figure what the heck, I'll do the interview. Then Shopping for ingredients for cooking. My first week back is bound to be overwhelming since I'm going from doing NOTHING to having everything happening at once. I figure I'll make a vegetable lasagna on Saturday and freeze it for dinners next week.

    This weekend is ANOTHER good scrub of the apartment, getting my clothes ready for the week at work, and working church kitchen on Sunday morning.