Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    I've shared some of the articles I receive from my gym periodically, I thought this was another one worth sharing - written by the corporate RD for my gym.

    5 Tips for Weight Loss Journaling.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: THIS! Thanks for sharing, Kelley! :drinker:
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    seriously blew it at thanksgiving dinner yesterday....
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Just got back from the doctor. I've just got a viral infection in my throat - not strep, so no antibiotics. Will be doing salt water gargles and cough drops, and basically, dying in the recliner. I've already called in and taken tomorrow off, I feel so lousy. Dang doctor also managed to nail me for a yearly physical that I haven't done in 2 years so I have to go back in November for that and a mammogram - :grumble: rats!

    I was praying for an antibiotic, isn't that crazy? I was so disappointed not getting one!
  • Helenavee42
    Good afternoon. I hope everyone is doing well. I haven't had time to catch up on here lately just been super busy. I've been doing well with eating and exercising and have started losing regularly again. I was doing this weird lose 2lbs one week then stay at that weight for 2-3 weeks. The last 2 weeks i lost 2.6 one week and 1.2 the next. I haven't weighed this week because TOM.

    Tuesday goal: Just keep on keepin' on. I've finally found what works for me and i just need to keep at it.

    I will catch up later. Have a great day,
  • Kookyk9s
    Kookyk9s Posts: 259 Member
    Day 2 of trying to get the exercise done in the am. Walked 2 dogs for 3 miles in the dark Took about 50 minutes so a slower pace than yesterday but it did get done . Will say that if you want to be sure that you do not lollygag - time it so that you are worried that you will not get home in time to make it to work on time. Brisk pace back on an out and back course. Like that it is done for the day - wakes you up for sure. Needs some fine tuning as I got partway to work and realized that I had not brushed my teeth. Bleah!! Did manage to get breakfast eaten, lunch packed and coffee made and shower so not all bad. Legs were complaining but it did not last long and now they feel better than they have for a long time. Need to put dogs names in calendar because they are all complaining - pick me, pick me, pick me. Have to try to be fair. did a good job on calories. It is so much easier if I just make my lunch and not race around the 24 hour grocery store 10 minutes before schedule work start time trying to find lunch or both breakfast and lunch.

    I do not know how people make time for gyms and work. Maybe if I did not have the dogs or could put up with the pitiful stares if I lock them up again before morning after having been gone to work all day. Would never get rid of them though.

    And it is official - as of today I have lost 30 lbs. nice round number. More nice round numbers to come.

    Like the gym article. I have lots of journals here gathering dust that I completed before. Seems that every time I stop journal-ling the weight comes back on. But that is the beauty of MFP. easier to do and stay on target. No more excuses of losing/misplacing the calorie counting bible/pen/etc.

    wishing all a good evening and successes tomorrow.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Bump - Just zoomed through real quick, but will reply tomorrow. Too tired.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! Another long day at work. My student teacher and I were planning during last period supervision in our school's Literacy Center. Just as we were getting ready to pack up and head back to our office, a colleague from one of our elementary schools walked in and asked me "Is this where the Calendar Committee is meeting?" Doh! I completely forgot I had a meeting after school! Fast forward to 5pm when the meeting finally ended, and I was too tired to do anything other than pull some novels from the book room for later in the week. My brain was too tired to even think about grading. I did bring home my last 8 journals, but I'm pretty sure those babies are just going for a ride. :laugh:

    @kooky--I'm lucky that gunner takes after me--neither of us love our mornings. He just needs to go out in the yard for a few minutes while I get ready for work. Then, we take our walk in the afternoon when I get home. It gets tough in the dead of winter b/c I can't really take him in the dark--he's too big and strong and there are too many critters for him to chase. I try to hurry home from work, so there's still some daylight, but if I have meetings after school I don't always make it. However, the mornings are too dark for walks as well, so those shortest days of the year are just a no-win situation. :grumble:

    @helena--nice to see you pop in--hope your mom is doing well!

    @robin--be thankful you don't have an infection. I know it stinks to not get meds, but you're really better off. :flowerforyou:

    @karenleona & tracy--that's why I'm so grateful we have turkey trot 5k's all over the place on our US Thanksgiving--it gives me a chance to burn off lots of calories before indulging in a big holiday dinner.

    @kelley--good for you for getting that workout in even with the impromptu dinner out. I'm so glad I'm not a wine person!

    @holly--I have a sweet tooth, but I can usually placate it with a piece of dark chocolate. However, if I give in to anything else that's sugary, I sometimes have a hard time stopping.:blushing: I eat a "sliver" of cake and it turns into half a cake's worth of "slivers."

    @gorilla--awesome about your PR! :drinker: Um, I can barely make my own lunch, so not much chance I'll be making yours. :tongue: My husband and I were just joking about how I would starve if I didn't have him b/c he does all the cooking.

    @charlotte & allie--I feel like we always wish for what we don't have. When I was a kid, we had these huge family dinners and I longed for something less hectic. Now we have small holiday dinners with DH's family or mine, and I wish our house was big enough to have everyone over together for a big dinner. :ohwell:

    @susan--awesome job on the planks!! :drinker:

    @ laurie--I'm so excited for your race this weekend! I know you'll do great! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to the newlings!! :flowerforyou:

    Grading goals:
    1. 65/73 AP Frost journals
    2. 65/73 AP Grendel reflections

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Thurs--rest day (going to dinner and a play straight from work)
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (lift and run 5k)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 90
    Dead lift = 65
    Squat = 55
    Overhead press = 45

    Upright row = 35 (kettle bell)
    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 80
  • LittlemissPear
    LittlemissPear Posts: 116 Member
    Hello everyone. How are we all? I've about 30 ish kilo to lose. Just here to make friends and talk to people who are going through the same thing. :-)
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Helena~Good to "see" you, you're making some excellent choices - keep at it. Best wishes for your mom, hope she is doing well.

    @Karen~LOL at your grading just going for a ride today. You gave me a great reminder to the Halloween party at a winery on Friday, I almost forgot! :noway: I need to adjust my exercise goals. :frown:

    @Laurie~You've been preparing so well for that tri this weekend. You'll do great!!!

    My updated exercise goals:

    Sunday~Gym, training session DONE!
    Monday~Gym, arc trainer or elliptical DONE! (elliptical at home)
    Tuesday~Rest Day
    Wednesday~Gym, training session
    Thursday~Rest Day
    Friday~Ghouls Night Out (at winery, we get to make our own bottles--EXCITED!!!)
    Saturday~Running drills at gym or outside
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Today was a good day overall. We took the 8th graders bowling today so several hours spent at a bowling alley with flashing lights, music videos and loud noises. Actually the students did a nice job during the field trip. This trip was meant to give them bonding time and was a way to celebrate their good behavior. I did eat a piece of pizza then a tuna sandwich. I was getting a really bad headache and felt like I needed food. I did go swimming tonight even though I was tired and now my swim is done for the week. The rest of this week will be very light workouts so I can conserve some energy.

    Robin- Hope you feel better. Viral infections are no fun and antibiotics don't touch them.

    Gorilla- I will remember your offer and may just PM you. Good luck with the lifting. I think that is where I will head with my training sessions.

    Karen- I understand those after work meetings and now that it is getting dark earlier it will be more challenging to get everything done before it gets dark.

    Goals- To get plenty of rest and lightly exercise the rest of this week to conserve energy.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Karen--I've "slivered" many a tasty goody into oblivion!
    Last night we went to see GS march in a band competition. We ate at Carl's Jr. I tried to order the turkey teriyaki burger with no cheese and no bun. Those computers are so specific that she couldn't find it with no bun, but finally found it in a lettuce wrap. It was good and I kept within my goal.
    This week I am making coconut cream pies for the hospital auxiliary again. They have a pie sale every 6 months. I got the shells baked today. I love coconut cream pie so I will have to watch the tastes.
    Welcome to all of the new people. This program works. Don't overthink it and make it too hard. It has to be doable over the long haul.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kaye--I admire that you are willing to bake for those causes even though it's tempting to you. I've often envied others' ability to bake, but I don't think I could resist eating the goodies, so I guess my ineptness in the kitchen is a blessing in disguise. :wink:

    @laurie--I know. Really it's just walking gunner that is truly a challenge, but it feels harder to run errands or go to the gym when it's dark so early. I've been doing better this school year at getting to the gym during the workweek, so I'm going to try really hard to keep it up into the dreary winter months.

    @kelley--you're not the first friend to tell me I remind her to drink. :laugh:

    AFM--did well with food today, but probably only b/c of that "surprise" meeting. Super tired, but my student teacher finally takes over my 2 junior classes tomorrow. :drinker: Feels like it's been a long time coming. I've got my quinoa and a regular salad ready for lunch tomorrow. I'm out of kashi bars and on my last oikos, so will need to do a quick shopping trip tomorrow evening.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Welcome newlings...

    @Robin - holy toledo! I'm suprised they charged you that much for your vaccination... wow! Hope you are feeling better..
    @Kah - hope you're not too sore today!
    @skinnyjeanz - good job on keeping the numbers down when out on the town... that's really difficult to accomplish!
    @Kooky - I'm a fitbit fanatic... don't think I'd be as patient as you are :)
    @Charlotte - I'm so very grateful that I don't do 12s anymore, for just the reasons you describe...
    @sjacobs - it can be tough at first, but stick with it. This is a great place for support & help
    @Alliern - there are quite a few of us RNs on here :) seems like even the most active of us can let the pounds creep up on us..
    @Toots - WATER TAG!!

    Hope everyone is having a good week. Still dealing with challenges here, but determined to get through them. House challenges are NOTHING compared to situation at work, which is just enchanting..

    A little stuck on a plateau, and I realize it's probably sodium & snacking... trying hard to stay out of the old stress eating habits.

    Have a great week everyone!
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Hi All, Seems like I'm always doing the late night check ins but at least I'm checking in so its okay. Good day today. Weighed in this morning and was down 1/2 lb Then I dusted off my Wii and put in 25 minutes of exercise time. Thought it would kill me but I survived. I had plans this evening for dinner out with my sister so kept a tight reign on my calories so I could enjoy a treat with dinner. Splurged on a beer with my dinner and shared a slice of pumpkin cheese cake with my sister. It had been over a month since we'd seen each other so it was really nice to spend time with her.
    Thanks for the support today regarding my solo Thanksgiving. I appreciated the comments. Its not easy not having family close by when holidays role around. But, I muddled through and had a good day today. Good way to start my next week Hopefully the push on exercise today will help to keep me going. Hope everyone had a great checking. Charlotte
  • Alliern45
    Alliern45 Posts: 79 Member
    HAPPY HUMP DAY!!! Goal for today is to make it through!! LOL. Long day 12 hours (with 70+ patients in the clinic) and the Institute for Cancer Care dinner. Not worried about that as I am unlikely to even make it there. Day off tomorrow with laundry , slogging on the Dreadmill and catching up here.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Happy Hump Day to You Allie! I love the camel commercials! Well, as I thought, I didn't sleep last night, I hope I didn't keep my neighbors awake, I did sleep off and on, but must have sounded like a jet plane taking off with my throat rattling. Its stlll sore but the salt water rinses are very soothing, if you want to taste like a pickle all the time :laugh:
    I'm going back to bed.

    Drink your water - :drinker: :drinker:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Charlotte~I think your late night check-ins help to balance out my early morning check-ins, I don’t always have time at night. Hooray for the loss and good for you for getting out the Wii!

    @Robin~Sorry for the sleepless night, hope you are able to nap today.

    @Holly~I belong to a huge church, they have small ministries and classes that cater to certain age groups, etc. which makes it seem like you belong to a smaller church – the group I belong to is for singles in their 40s, we have a “meet-up” group so do all kinds of activities together. It’s good to go to a new church several times to get a real feel for it.

    AFM~Have a session with my trainer this afternoon, just in time as the soreness from Sunday is gone! :laugh:
  • marilynx
    marilynx Posts: 128 Member
    Hey there everyone. I finally decided to check out this thread. At first I thought it was a person's blog that they made public on the forums, but I can see I was wrong. I like the idea of this. I don't have 100 pounds to lose, but sometimes I feel like I do have 100 pounds to lose with how hard it is for me to stay on track. With all the stress and depression I have, sometimes it feels like I will never get there.

    But on a more positive note, today is about wishes, right? Well, I wish I could get rid of someone that is in my life right now. Unfortunately I can't because they are family and I have to deal with them, but I would really like it if I didn't have to. One day my time will come and I'll be done with them, but for right now I'll have to just keep focused on my goals and try to act like they don't exist.

    Sorry if my post is kind of a mood killer. I'm just trying to get out of a dark place.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Wed Wish- I wish that my teenager would stop eating my 100 calorie snack treats. I bought him his favorite treats so stop eating mine :wink:

    Tlh0407- the church I visited seemed like no one noticed people walking around them everyone was in their own bubble. I am not use to that.

    Beachgirl- For me a lazy day off can sometimes be a good thing for my mental stress.

    Sjacobs- Great Loss

    Kah68- It is great you went to dinner and still worked out when you got home

    P1xy1xy- Awesome walk and I love stuffing too.

    Kooky- 30lbs nice loss

    Karen- your cake comment is how I am with fries and burgers. Just 1 fry and just 1 bite next thing you know I ate it all. Glad you are getting some help with the students.

    LaurieK- Field trip sounded fun

    Charlotte- Good to see you got some use out of your Wii again.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Wednesday Wish: That my shoulder quits hurting. I was able to do my overhead lifts today, but I feel an ice pack in my near future. :grumble: It's such a minor issue compared to some of the injuries you all are dealing with. I wish speedy healing for all of you that have aches and pains.

    Exercise Goals:
    Monday – heavy lifting / Water Aerobics DONE
    Tuesday- rest (actually went shopping for 4 hours – that’s a lot of walking!!)
    Wednesday – heavy lifting DONE
    Thursday – cardio “something”
    Friday – heavy lifting
    Saturday – family activity out and about
    Sunday - rest

    Heavy Lifting
    Squat – 70
    Deadlift – 95
    Overhead press – 60 (barely!!)

    Tonight, I have a Children's Education committee meeting at church. This is my first one...looking forward to meeting some new people closer to my age. Then I have choir. After choir, I get to look forward to a nice dinner with my husband. He has tonight off and is going to make us his special babyback ribs, asparagus and potatos. Yummy!! Have a great day!