Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Going to throw out the black jelly beans and then will be back on later.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tammy--the elliptical doesn't hurt my knees, but if I use it too often, I get terrible hip pain.

    @karenleona, toots, and tina--good for you guys for jumping back into it!! Even if you gained back every pound you lost, you aren't really starting from scratch b/c you gained a lot of knowledge the 1st time around. You know what you need to do and how to do it--so proud of you!

    @holly--sorry about your basement--hope you find the leak and it's not too costly to repair.

    @kaye--great job! :flowerforyou:

    @jill--the thread can move pretty quickly--I sometimes will go for several days when I don't have time to post personals. Just keep up as best you can--there's no rule that you have to respond to everyone, or even post everyday. We have a few members who lurk for weeks or months and then pop in with a "hello" (are you lurking shygurl? :laugh: ). I find I personally NEED to read and post daily as it helps me feel accountable.

    @beth--so how is the new job going? You mentioned you're glad you left your previous job, but are you enjoying the new one?

    Sorry if I missed you on this round! :flowerforyou:

    Sunday Share:
    Since we have so many newlings I will do a quick intro today. I'm Karen, 43 y/o from Chicago. I'm a HS English teacher which is why you'll often see me posts lists of my grading goals in addition to exercise and challenge goals. I've been on MFP just over 2 years and been a part of robin's thread since July 2011. I've lost 60 lbs, but have stalled out a bit lately. Mostly b/c I'm not eating that well--lately I've been eating a lot of junk and then exercising to make up for it. This has allowed me to maintain, but I know I won't really drop more weight until I commit to eating a a bit cleaner.

    My current focus is to maintain while I work on quitting smoking, but once school ends in June, I will recommit to losing about 20 more lbs. which will put me within the healthy BMI range. I'm not really sure what my ultimate goal is--I think I'll know when I get there. A loose goal is to get into size 8 pants only b/c I've never worn single digits. I have a pretty large frame and would like to keep a fair amount of muscle mass, so 8 may not be realistic for the long term, but I would like to wear size 8 jeans at least once in my adult life, even if my body decides to settle in size 10 for the long haul. I realize that may sound silly or vain, but oh well. :blushing:

    The quitting smoking is going well. Since my bout of nicotine withdrawal on Wed. I've tried to limit my use of the e-cigs so that I don't build up a lot of nicotine in my system again. I don't want to have to go through that sick feeling again if I can help it. Now, I've been using the older e-cigs (which have had all of the nicotine used up) until I start to get cranky, then I take a hit or two off of a newer, nicotine-rich e-cig. I'm getting pretty good at recognizing when it's "time" for some nicotine, and if I don't notice the DH lets me know. :laugh: The good news is, I've really had no desire for a real cig, even last night when I went out with a smoker friend.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Going to throw out the black jelly beans and then will be back on later.

    Marsha, you crack me up! :laugh:
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Sunday Share:

    My name is Holly I just turned 40. I live in MN land of the snow and cold with my 16 1/2 yr old son. I am a first time home owner bought my house 8 months ago. I have been in this group for a little over a year and I have had many ups and downs with losing weight. I recently changed my ticker to show smaller amounts of weight to lose so I wouldn't get so discourged on bad days. I love to walk that is my main form of fitness. I have taken some zumba classes which I really loved too.
    I work for Target HQ in the property developement department for the last 12 yrs. I am a part time student also working on getting my degree that I put on hold when I got pregnant many years ago.
    I am 247lbs and to be considered healthy I need to be at 150lbs I would be okay with just fitting into a normal size 16 tired of shopping at plus stores.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen- Your Saturday puts me to shame. Everything you did yesterday was a huge accomplishment.

    So many people had very productive Saturdays- so Congratulations on accomplishing your goals for the day.

    Mel- I hope your grandson is doing better.

    Today- I went on a 10-12 mile bike ride. It was chilly and windy this morning but a beautiful day for a ride. Just could not resist being outdoors today. It was a great way to start my day.

    I am 42 years old and teach middle school science. Since starting this journey about 2 years ago, I am learning how to lose weight and to exercise the different muscle groups. My goals for the this year including participating in more social activities, meeting new people while working on losing more weight. I am not sure where I will stop but I do know that it an uphill battle.
  • verdouxkai
    verdouxkai Posts: 24 Member
    Hello all! I'm new to this thread, and trying to figure it all out! I'm not new to MFP, but I haven't really posted in many of the threads...I've hit a wall though and could definitely use the support to keep me motivated, etc. looks like Sundays are good for sharing info, so I guess I picked a good day for an intro!

    My nam is Amanda, I'm 32, and work as a web manager in Texas. I've been married to the best guy ever for 13 years, and we have a 13 month old little girl! In 2011 I finally was able to take control of my weight and exercise and lost 60 pounds in 6 months! And then...I got preggo. I don't regret the stall, we had been trying forever to have kids, but I regret gaining all 60 pounds back! After she was born, we moved, changed jobs, I didn't get my head straight until January of this year when I began my journey again. It has been much harder this time around - with a baby and so many stressors it's been much harder to resist temptations and stick to a regular exercise routine - I used to exercise at night (NOT a morning person!), but now my husband has to work late 2-3 nights a week which leaves me with our baby. I am re-trying morning workouts tomorrow.

    I started stalling in mid-February when my father passed away suddenly from a heart attack (he was only 68). I have recovered my motivation enough to try to be on track, but the slowness is so hard! I was doing c25k, but injured my hip a couple of weeks ago, so now I'm sticking to the elliptical until I'm better.

    This post sounds so negative, but I'm really a very positive person! :) It seems that the last couple of years have really just been crazy with so many life changes...I just hope I can keep my head above it!

    The very day I found out I was pregnant the scale read 199....that is my first goal, to see that number again!

    Sorry this was so long - I look forward to getting to know everyone!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @amanda--welcome to the thread! :flowerforyou: Sounds like you've had a lot of challenges--sorry to hear about the loss of your father; that's much too young. Also, a young baby is so much work! I have a 14 month old niece who I watched for one day a couple of weeks ago and was just exhausted! I don't know how people can do that every day, so my hat is off to all of you parents. :drinker:

    As far as your hip injury, be careful with the elliptical--it's been known to cause hip injuries when used regularly. One of the reasons I switched from the elliptical to running, was that the elliptical was making my hip click and hurt. I'm not saying you should stop and I realize running can cause all kinds of issues, but when I had a knee injury last year, my physical therapist recommended mixing things up to avoid injuries. Now, I still run pretty consistently, but I also use the elliptical, stationary bike, arc trainer, and stair master. I enjoy all of them and it keeps me from doing damage b/c of the changes in motion and stresses.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    reset my ticker, put a weight loss chart on the fridge and started over ....again.....went to the gym last night with my daughter, neice and her fiance.....did 40 min of cardio then went for a swim....wanted to do some weights but my heart was not cooperating and i was dizzy and heart rate irregular so i left it at that.....Need to stay on track for the next 50 pounds.....including the ones i gained ..:sad:

    i just started over too. and i gained most of it back that i'd lost. we can hold hands.
    Happy Sunday fellow MFPers. I hope you are all having a fabulous weekend. I fell into a book yesterday after getting back from shopping so nothing else got done for the rest of the day.

    ohhh what book?

    What type of book are you reading? I like the murder mysteries. Hope everyone has had a good weekend.

    mysteries are my favorite too. although i have many literary loves.
    @karenleona, toots, and tina--good for you guys for jumping back into it!! Even if you gained back every pound you lost, you aren't really starting from scratch b/c you gained a lot of knowledge the 1st time around. You know what you need to do and how to do it--so proud of you!

    My current focus is to maintain while I work on quitting smoking, but once school ends in June, I will recommit to losing about 20 more lbs. which will put me within the healthy BMI range.

    thanks. i haven't quite gained it all back. but i definitely have gained a lot. good on you for quitting smoking. i think just working on that and putting off a significant loss until later is a really good plan.

    My nam is Amanda, I'm 32, and work as a web manager in Texas. I've been married to the best guy ever for 13 years, and we have a 13 month old little girl! In 2011 I finally was able to take control of my weight and exercise and lost 60 pounds in 6 months! And then...I got preggo. I don't regret the stall, we had been trying forever to have kids, but I regret gaining all 60 pounds back!

    i feel you. i gained over a hundred pounds with my first pregnancy, 65 with the second and just 27 with the third. after awhile i just gave up on trying to lose in between.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    @Tammy~Can you tell if its the knee joint that is hurting or soft tissue? The reason I ask is that sometimes you can have knee pain on an elliptical if the muscles supporting the knee are not very strong, it will improve over time. Its also a good machine to ease into, so start out slowly at a low resistance and build your way up.
    @Karen~You got this smoking thing in the bag!!! :wink:
    @Holly~Sorry about the basement issues, I hope you are able to find the leak and that it isn't a costly repair.
    @Marsha~But the black jelly beans are the best!

    Sunday Share~I'm Kelley, 44, and an accountant in the medical field in Dallas. I'm not married and don't have children - just a 4-legged crazy 5-month old bengal/maine coon kitten I adopted in December after losing both of my senior cats last year. I've been on this weight loss journey for several years. I've been on MFP for awhile, but started using it more regularly last year and became active on Robin's thread shortly thereafter. Last year I also hired a personal trainer at my gym that I work out with twice a week - so you'll see me post my activity goals for the week regularly. He's become my biggest cheerleader, constantly keeps me challenged and motivated. If all goes according to my plan I hope to hit my goal weight by the end of the year.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Started my Leslie Sansone 3 mile walking DVD w/ toning bands! I enjoyed it. How I missed sweating from working out! Then I cleaned a bunch and then I walked and my daughter rode her bike up to the park, it was a lovely day. So I had to keep up with her on her bike the whole time :) I stayed under my calories and logged all day!

    It was a great day! Here is to getting back to what I was doing when i was losing!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    This one happened to be a murder mystery. It was the newest one by J.D. Robb. She is one of my favorite authors under this name and her other name Nora Roberts. My mom and I both read the J.D. Robb series so we take turns bying them when they come out and then share. We have everyone of them written at my moms house.

    Kah I am not sure what part of my knee it was. I will apy closer attention tomorrow and try to figure it out. I was just going to try to build up to it a min or so at a time.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Today has been a good day. Going into work tomorrow thought I was off but a coworker is having a family emergency sorry she is going through this time glad I can help out. It has been a relaxing day.

    @Karen you are doing great with this smoking thing.
    @Kaye that is great on the loss congrats.
    @Laurie that is really great going on that bike ride 10-12 mile ride.

    @Kelley I like black jelly beans too and good for you going that extra step hiring a personal trainer.

    Hi I am Liz 52 married with 1 daughter a 19 year old. Plus 1 fur baby Bella. I work as a Developmental therapist working with adults and a after school group of teens.

    I have been on this journey with mfp almost a year now.

    My goal is to keep working towards good health. To start developing poetics friendships, to learn to take risk and come out of my comfort zone. Way of helping me with this is taking part in a few 5ks.

    Wishing everyone a good Monday!

    Liz from Idaho
  • recreatingMe
    The boyfriend and I had a pretty lazy Sunday. My unemployment is settled (for the moment anyway) so I finally had some cash for the first time since NOVEMBER. Celebrated by treating my boyfriend and father to a sushi dinner. We shared a few rolls and I scarfed some edamame, so it wasn't too bad calorie-wise. Overall a pretty good weekend!
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Happy Sunday, everyone!
    Just a short stop before I give up for the night. Feeling the results from yesterday's walking - so tired and not motivated today at all..:ohwell:

    Love you all, but no personals today (due to above lack of energy). Gotta give a hi to the newlings, and a quick intro: I'm Vicki, 56 (I snuck a birthday past y'all :tongue: ) Nurse, mom, artist, etc. Been here a little over a year, and about 86 pounds down. This is the big group of awesome! :love:
  • meganmjo
    meganmjo Posts: 9
    So I am new to my fitness pal. I wasn't sure if I would keep coming back but it's day 6 or somewhere around there. So I decided to get involved in the community as encouragement to keep coming back. I am totally serious about losing weight this time. Now I have all my food logged down and if this doesn't work I can take this to my doctor if I need to. I stepped on my Wii fit board and the weight capacity was 330 lbs. It would not read me. If I want to use it I have to go to the bathroom first and make sure i don't eat anything before so I can weigh 328 and do the exercises. Talk about depressing, and now it's time to do something. I have plantar fasciitis in both of my feet because of my high arches and weight problem. It makes it hard to exercise because of the pain, but it's getting hotter and I can go swimming in the river, so now is the time to do it. For real and lose weight. It's time to get that family portrait and enjoy actually moving and playing with my 3 year old. I am getting married in 7 months and my fiance's family makes it known that they don't care for fat people. So I am going to blow them away on our wedding day!! I am so excited.

    How do I get one of those bars that says how many lbs I have left to lose?
  • lynda3y9
    lynda3y9 Posts: 62 Member
  • meganmjo
    meganmjo Posts: 9
  • suzee71
    suzee71 Posts: 46 Member
    Hey Megan, I'm Susie and new here also. I have problems with my feet because they are flat. I mean really flat. I am determined to lose weight after seeing my pic at my daughters wedding. Hope you blow the future inlaws away and hope they don't live to close.
  • meganmjo
    meganmjo Posts: 9
    Thank You so much. I hope your feet start doing well. Try walk fits, they are at Target, $20. So far they do well for me.
  • jillsjourney
    jillsjourney Posts: 167 Member
    Good Morning everyone!
    Yesterday was a long day and her I am up at 4:30 again! A neighbor is giving us a on of daffodil's so we have to go dig those up and replant them today. :-) Daffodils and tulips are my favorite flowers, so I am thrilled!

    (quote)For real and lose weight. It's time to get that family portrait and enjoy actually moving and playing with my 3 year old. I am getting married in 7 months and my fiance's family makes it known that they don't care for fat people. So I am going to blow them away on our wedding day!! I am so excited.(/quote)

    One thing I have learned is you need o do this for you, not for them. In-laws who don't like one thing about you, will find something else to dislike about you if that particular thing is changed. Believe me, almost 25 years of marriage later, I have found it out the hard ways.

    A Vicki - wow great job on the weight loss!

    The elliptical and the AMT machine make my knees and everything hurt so or now, I am just using the recumbent bike at the gym plus doing the strength training.