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Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    Ok. I need some suggestions on how to give up the diet dr pepper. I will never get enough water intake while I am drinking it. I really feel like it has some sort of addictive property and I know it's bad for me.. I'm open to anything.

    To all that are struggling know someone cares and I hope things get better soon.

    I love my Diet Pepsi. But I will not allow myself to have one until I have had at least 80 ounces of water. This has drastically reduced the amount of Diet Pepsi I drink and it has become a treat instead of my standard beverage.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Toots~Wow! You have certainly been through a whirlwind lately, between the move and hubby’s illness. Big hugs to you both while you and the doctor’s try to figure out his continued illness. I hope they find answers and can offer some resolutions so that he is feeling like himself again soon.
    @Suzee~I used to have a Diet Dr Pepper addiction too, I just had to quit drinking them cold turkey. Now, I rarely drink soda of any kind. You could try substituting with flavored water – try some of the MiO (comes in tons of flavors); crystallized lemon, lime, or orange (in baking aisle). They all are calorie-free, but just add enough to change the flavor of water. Also, you can make fruit-infused waters and keep in the fridge. Just something flavored to help you cut down on the amount of soda you drink. I drink at least 100 ounces of water a day (usually more) and have three cups of coffee in the morning, sometimes green tea after lunch (good for metabolism and digestion).
    @Susan~I’m keeping your friends in my thoughts and prayers.

    Tuesday Goals~I think my goal this week needs to be to cut down on my wine intake. I have an addiction to Cupcake Winery Red Velvet wine! I’ve been drinking too much of it lately and what’s worse not logging it. I think it could be the culprit to the scale not moving lately. Other than that, just keep to my usual workout schedule and try not to do anything to aggravate my injury (I return to the doc for that on the 16th).

    Exercise Goals:
    Sunday~Training DONE!
    Monday~Arc Trainer DONE!
    Tuesday~Rest Day
    Thursday~Rest Day

    Have a great day!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Toots - I concur with everyone about your hubby's illness - what a shock! I'll be thinking of him. Your new home sounds great - such a huge space. I know you'll fill it with those kids. Still thinking of adopting or are your plans thrown out of whack?

    Kah - Well, not logging the wine is a big mistake! Having wine, however, is not all that bad, you just have to account for it. But I struggle too, with my Baileys - I like it too often too.

    MowMow - loved the picture -

    Susan - I've had to struggle with the darn spelling checker here on MFP - if you purposely misspell their name you can get around their rules - try Dicckinson. isn't that silly? Or you can separate letters with a comma. Other words you can get entirely away with!

    Queen - sorry you're having trouble with basement leaks and a broken tooth. My tongue is finally healed so I share your pain from the tooth that is cutting your tongue. Hope you can get it fixed right away or you're in for a long time of hurt.

    To all: Lets get back to logging ALL OUR CALORIES!!
  • I use the WII for my workout and really enjoy "The Biggest Loser". It starts at your level and you can work your way up. There is boxing, cardio and core exercises. A good all around workout.
  • verdouxkai
    verdouxkai Posts: 24 Member
    Morning all! I've still been playing a bit of catch up, so nice to see such an active thread with so many nice people! :)

    So far I have been doing really well with my re-determination since Saturday. My arms are killing me from doing pushups (girly pushups...I use an app on my phone called 100 pushups, I really like it...even though I HATE pushups). My cal counts have been on track, and I am set to get up early (ugh!) again tomorrow. I feel good and in control, so that's a nice change!

    Drinking at least 118 oz of water each day (CW / 2, in ounces)
    Staying at or under my daily calorie allowance
    Counting every BLT (Bite, lick, or taste)
    Getting up early 3 times this week to work out

    There are so many gadgets that I want to buy all at once! That's my hardest temptation right now. I really want a new, proper food scale, mine is an old cheapy plastic thing that only weighs up to 16 oz...and even then it's hard to balance things on there. I want a fancy digital scale, lol! And my bathroom scale...I really dislike it! It fluctuates way to much for my taste. I really want a fancy one there too. Trying to be patient! ;)

    Oh! And I almost forgot, I just registered for another 5k! Yes, I still can't run yet, due to my hip...but I should be able to start again next week. This one is in August...plenty of time, right!? :) This 5k is a Run or Dye, a lot like the Color Run, and it's actually coming to my small(er) town! http://www.runordye.com/locations/Abilene-2013

    I'm already doing a Color Run in May in Austin, and a Splash Dash run in June in the Dallas area...it will be nice to have a fun run here. :)

    I hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I feel like a broken record when I state my goal. I need to drink more water. If I don't state that as a conscious goal, I forget to drink. Lame, I know, especially since I don't drink anything else. I'm lucky I'm not dehydrated half the time. I am still aiming for ONEderland by my May birthday, only 5# to go.
    I'm impressed by all of you goals. Recommitting to a healthier life-style is huge. We are all going to be feeling so good, and looking great as a bonus.
    Have a great day. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Kaye - restating your goals every day is a good thing. Water is a tough thing to get in - I HEAR ya! I'll bet I have gone to the bathroom 9 times already today - but then again I have had over 50 oz already.

    We have to be diligent with our habits and restatng them is a fine way of keeping them at the top of our list!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Kaye~That goal is totally attainable, I know you can do it! Its good to keep restating those goals, keep it fresh in your mind and helps to keep you motivated.
    Morning all! I've still been playing a bit of catch up, so nice to see such an active thread with so many nice people! :)

    So far I have been doing really well with my re-determination since Saturday. My arms are killing me from doing pushups (girly pushups...I use an app on my phone called 100 pushups, I really like it...even though I HATE pushups). My cal counts have been on track, and I am set to get up early (ugh!) again tomorrow. I feel good and in control, so that's a nice change!

    Drinking at least 118 oz of water each day (CW / 2, in ounces)
    Staying at or under my daily calorie allowance
    Counting every BLT (Bite, lick, or taste)
    Getting up early 3 times this week to work out

    There are so many gadgets that I want to buy all at once! That's my hardest temptation right now. I really want a new, proper food scale, mine is an old cheapy plastic thing that only weighs up to 16 oz...and even then it's hard to balance things on there. I want a fancy digital scale, lol! And my bathroom scale...I really dislike it! It fluctuates way to much for my taste. I really want a fancy one there too. Trying to be patient! ;)

    Oh! And I almost forgot, I just registered for another 5k! Yes, I still can't run yet, due to my hip...but I should be able to start again next week. This one is in August...plenty of time, right!? :) This 5k is a Run or Dye, a lot like the Color Run, and it's actually coming to my small(er) town! http://www.runordye.com/locations/Abilene-2013

    I'm already doing a Color Run in May in Austin, and a Splash Dash run in June in the Dallas area...it will be nice to have a fun run here. :)

    I hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday!

    A run? In Texas? In August? Wow, you are braver than me. :laugh: I do runs (when I'm allowed to run) in the Spring and early Fall but never in the dead of summer!
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Can I join in the fun here?!?! I am brand new to this site and am looking for friends and support. I am a wife and mother of 5 mostly grown kids, and I have 115 lbs. to ditch... some of it AGAIN!!! I will try to read through the posts soon and get to know everyone a bit. I am looking forward to sharing this journey with you all!!!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Well my Final test for my CNA test I got 95/100! And when I went up to see my final score for the class she had a note on the table for only me to see that said "Great work, you had the highest grade in class!" I was SO excited! I still have clinicals which start Monday! But no more grades that's my final grade :)

    3 days in a row now of getting up and working out with my Leslie Sansone DVD. I'm feeling great! So much better!

    Been logging my food and have been under!

    Why'd I ever stop? I don't know but I am feeling good :)

    Have a wonderful day everyone!!

  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Hey chaps!

    Still school holidays this week so our routine is all messed up. And the online courses don't have a gap so I'm having to fit studying in here and there. I compromised with my son on three trips out (he'd have spent the entire week playing Minecraft by choice), and tempered this morning's musem (the Wellcome collection) with a trip to a burgers-and-shakes diner which tidily consumed my *entire day's* calorie target. Oh well, tomorrow is another day. Tuesday goals -- break the plateau, no question. Hopefully in the next week or two or I am going to have to start mixing things up seriously. I'm not done yet!

    @Kelley -- we're fitbit pals now!
    @Sharell24 -- my two top tips are (1) log everything, even when you're eating loads of rubbish; it keeps you focused. And (2) commit to just a little exercise every single day, no matter how much you don't fancy it. 20 pounds in two months is absolutely doable, but not easy.
    @Toots -- really good to get an update from you; so sorry that your husband's lung problems are ongoing. 3700 sq foot is really quite a big house, gosh. I guess living in London you get used to tiny spaces.
    @Tammy -- I often split an avocado with my kids, or eat a really small one. Or if I brush lemon juice over the second half and put it straight in a box in the fridge it's normally ok till the next day.
    @Robin -- good to see you back and feeling a bit better.
    @MyssJones -- I'm sure one weekend a month at 500 over is no problem at all. I don't fret if I go up to 500 a day over, so long as it's not every day.
    @Lizzypoo13 -- Welcome! I really do recommend you weigh and measure everything when you're having trouble with weight gain. Partly (mostly) because it makes it much easier to spot where the danger areas are, but also so that if you really are sticking to a good level of food, you can take your food and exercise log to the doctor when you're getting the thyroid tests etc. The hard truth here is that exercise can make you feel better and look better, but only calorie restriction will make you lose weight. It's unlikely to be a thyroid problem if you're eating when you're not hungry and eating big meals, just a long-standing habit. Dropping to three normal sized meals will make a big difference (though look at websites to see what 'normal-sized' should be).
    @Suzee71 -- there are lots of people on MFP who have had great success without giving up their diet soda, or even their regular soda. So you could read some of their stories. Or you could just say 'well, I'll have half as many as I did before'. Or just say that you'll drink your DDP, but not till you've hit your water target for the day. Before I started this journey, there were lots of things I had a lot more of than I do now. Drinks like Dr Pepper are expensive so one thing you can do is take the money you save and store it against something cool -- a super new outfit when you drop a couple of sizes, or sportswear, or jewellery. Good luck!
    @verdouxkai -- I spent a lot of money when I started, mostly on sports gear. I just reckoned 'I'm worth it' and that it was a good investment. After the first few months it settled down, and I'm sure we're spending less on food. But food-weighing scales would be the very first purchase I'd recommend; I don't know how you could do this without them, especially once the food targets get tighter.

    Hope everyone's hitting their April targets and having fun!

    -- Alison
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Dropping in to say Hi will get to personals later being I am a few pages behind. I just want to say it is Spring time and we are still getting snow storms are you kidding me. We are suppose to get 7 inches tonight into tomorrow.

    Goal- Find something to replace my gym membership being I lose it in 15 days.
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Tuesday goals: I want to have a day at least as good as yesterday. Yesterday wasn't perfect, but it was the best day in a long time. No more black jelly bean withdrawal since son seized them all and tossed em out.

    Today is Food Fear Factor for my Activity Day girls(10 7 11-year-olds). Not too worried about leftovers because who wants to binge on sardines, jicama, or stinky cheese?

    Toots: Oy! I can only imagine how worried you are about hubby and his lung disorder. Hope your sis and nephew are some solace at least. Your Robins Thread pals are pullin' for him.

    Better get busy while the sun's shining. Big rains due in the p.m. and all day tomorrow.

    Drink up, water haters (and lovers).:drinker:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @Toots~Wow! You have certainly been through a whirlwind lately, between the move and hubby’s illness. Big hugs to you both while you and the doctor’s try to figure out his continued illness. I hope they find answers and can offer some resolutions so that he is feeling like himself again soon.

    thanks. i think mostly he's really frustrated about the lack of answers.
    Toots - I concur with everyone about your hubby's illness - what a shock! I'll be thinking of him. Your new home sounds great - such a huge space. I know you'll fill it with those kids. Still thinking of adopting or are your plans thrown out of whack?

    we're still just waiting. we haven't even brought it up with CYFD because we don't even know what it is. so i guess we'll see what happens later.
    @Toots -- really good to get an update from you; so sorry that your husband's lung problems are ongoing. 3700 sq foot is really quite a big house, gosh. I guess living in London you get used to tiny spaces.

    when my husband had orders to england we decided to live off base for the culture instead of living on base and we just could not believe how small the houses were. we couldn't find anything we thought two adults and two kids could comfortably fit in. americans are weird that way haha.
    Toots: Oy! I can only imagine how worried you are about hubby and his lung disorder. Hope your sis and nephew are some solace at least. Your Robins Thread pals are pullin' for him.

    well, thanks. i'm sure every little bit helps.
    at this point there's some talk between his primary care providers, the veteran's administration and the military doctors that this may actually be a case of 'gulf war syndrome'. for those that don't know 'gulf war syndrome' is the umbrella name they gave to mysterious sudden onset and chronic problems in men who served in the middle east that are likely caused by exposure to biological, chemical or nerve agent warfare.

    Wow. Big hugs doll. As much as he likely doesn't want to admit it, the physicians are probably on the right track. I've had several friends diagnosed with the same syndrome (in various different symptom clusters) - there is hope, but life will probably change.

    i think they are right too. he's still hoping to hear something else, but the onset was too quick and too extreme to be anything run of the mill, in my opinion. we'll figure it out, whatever it is.
    I had to chuckle that MFP must have "****" out my friends name because they think I'm saying a bad word. Give me a break. This is their last name that happens to be the nickname of Richard. Serious??!! I ask for thoughts and prayers for the family not calling someone the short name for Richard. Wow!!!

    Just had to make that little note and it has nothing to do with weight loss. LOL!!!!

    i saw that and got a laugh out of trying to figure out what the name might be.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    tina- great job on acing your course!! i am sure you will do just as well on the clinical

    marsha- i am interested in what you might learn abour boredom eating in your wellness class. You will have to share what you learn! Sure hope they are able to get the ablation done next time

    Tuesday truth- my daughter is being mean to me. I had to go for gorceries by myself, schlep then all into the house and put them away and she texted me to say i cannot go for a bike ride cause WE are going to the gym tonight.....lol...:laugh:
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Tuesday goal -Get back with it. I haven't been very active in the forum, but I do read the posts multiple times a day and follow every ones progress and struggles. My thoughts are with you guys.

    The last four or five months have just been a giant cluster. Things SHOULD be settling down now and so much stress has been lifted off me. Breakup is finally starting to feel behind me and I'm ready to write him off as an important experience in my life that is now over. 40th birthday is behind me and I don't feel any older than I did last week. Bankruptcy hearing was yesterday so that's all behind me. I was able to discharge EVERYTHING so I'm officially debt free and can start over. Got paid today and with no one grabbing money out of my bank account I was able to get ALL utilities caught up and paid. A friend paid back from the small amount I borrowed for gas to get to my hearing AND I bought myself a little belated birthday present. A pet stroller so I can take MowMow out walking with me in the evenings. Once he's been out once he will pester me to DEATH every single night to go out on walkies. I've taken him out in his dufflle carrier and had to stop because he drives me NUTS to go back out. I figure this purchase has kicked me completely into crazy cat lady territory so I might as well embrace it and have fun. Last night I cleared out everything questionable from my food stash and have just finished a grocery list for the rest of the week (and prelogged my meals/snacks).

    The only positive thing I can say about the past few weeks is yesterday at the courthouse I had the choice of the elevator or the 4 flights of stairs to get into the main entrance. I opted for the stairs and wasn't even winded at the top. I was pretty pleased with myself considering I've done little to no exercise in the past month. Then after my hearing I had another 3 flights back up to the main exit with no problem, my poor lawyer was puffing and had to pause at the top to catch his breath to say goodbye.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Happy Tuesday! My food scale is broken and boy do I miss it! I'd run to the store and get a new one, but I'm pretty sure that is what my mother got me for a birthday gift. However, she's been too sick to go over and visit (nasty cold that I don't want to catch). The plan is to see her on Sunday. If it's not what is wrapped for me, I will stop and pick one up post-haste!!! I'm back on track from my weekend and have it scheduled (half my battle).

    Monday: Water Aerobics (DONE)
    Tuesday: C25K
    Wednesday: C25K
    Thursday: Rest Day
    Friday: C25K & Weights
    Saturday: Zumba
    Sunday: Rest Day

    @whitecapwendy -- Sounds like a fun and interesting hobby

    @kah -- I don't like wine, but I certainly can feel your pain. But yes, that might have something to do with the scale not moving.

    @judyleigh -- Does the Biggest Loser use the Wii Fit board?

    @verdouxkai -- sounds like you are on the right track

    @grandmakaye -- you just motivated me to get my next fill up of water -- THX!!

    @Tina -- great job! Both on your test and working out

    Hope you all have a great remainder of the day!
  • verdouxkai
    verdouxkai Posts: 24 Member
    A run? In Texas? In August? Wow, you are braver than me. :laugh: I do runs (when I'm allowed to run) in the Spring and early Fall but never in the dead of summer!

    I know I know...but you never know in Texas, it could snowing here, lol!! I did a lot of outside running a few years back with the c25k, so though I can't say you ever get used to it...9am is probably doable...hopefully...maybe... hehe!
    @verdouxkai -- I spent a lot of money when I started, mostly on sports gear. I just reckoned 'I'm worth it' and that it was a good investment. After the first few months it settled down, and I'm sure we're spending less on food. But food-weighing scales would be the very first purchase I'd recommend; I don't know how you could do this without them, especially once the food targets get tighter.

    Yes that's quickly becoming the highest on my list as well - I usually just have to estimate my portions and such since my scale is so dinky (kinda like this one: http://img3.targetimg3.com/wcsstore/TargetSAS//img/p/13/56/13560443.jpg). I have one saved in my Amazon wish list that I will grab on Friday (pay day, lol!)
  • Helenavee42
    Helenavee42 Posts: 175
    What a weekend I had. Started off really well spending some great time with my puppy then on Sunday his eye started acting up and then was up and down with him all night Sunday night because he had severe tummy troubles ended up taking him to the vet and spending lots of time there but they took care of him. We got medicine for his eye and his tummy troubles. Everything seems to be coming out more solid than before thankfully. He is more upbeat now.

    Not a great weekend in terms of eating. I mean it wasn't horrible i stayed in my limits but i didn't make good choices.

    Goal for tomorrow is to go find some tennis shoes. I just need something other than crocs and flipflops. I think I saw a running shoe store on the strand but i honestly don't have money for that right now. Especially after the vet visit yesterday.

    I will catch up here later.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Tuesday goal -Get back with it. I haven't been very active in the forum, but I do read the posts multiple times a day and follow every ones progress and struggles. My thoughts are with you guys.

    The last four or five months have just been a giant cluster. Things SHOULD be settling down now and so much stress has been lifted off me.

    Girl, you know you have been my role model since I joined last August. The fact you've already lost 100 lbs is such a HUGE accomplishment. You didn't do it a crazy way, but lowered your calories and exercised. You did it the healthy way. It didn't come off overnight, but you stuck with it diligently. Now you have more to go, but guess what. . . you're HUMAN!! Life has thrown you some lemons and you're slowly learning how to squeeze the heck out of them and make lemonade. As you know the past few months for me I've struggled too. What I do know is I'm learning and so have you. If it was our old self, we would have gained a few pounds and threw in the towel. We've dug in deep as much as we could and held on. I'm so proud of you for taking the stairs, buying the pet stroller, getting rid of the food crap, and ready to jump on board again. You CAN DO IT!!!!