Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    MowMow - congrats on so many things - Happy Birthday belatedly and on discharging your debts. WOOT on your baby buggy idea - That I would LOVE to see a picture of!! I haven't seen one so its hard to get my mind wrapped around it. Hope you have a secure plan for your future spending and savings, I know from starting over how hard that is. AND Especially congrats on walking the stairs at the courthouse and oophing your lawyer!!! :laugh:

    Tina - I should have said so earlier - congrats on acing your exam!
  • suzee71
    suzee71 Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks everybody for the suggestions about the diet dr pepper. All great ideas. I'm really learning a lot by logging my food everyday. Big eye opener. Hope y'all have a good evening and success.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Thanks everybody for the suggestions about the diet dr pepper. All great ideas. I'm really learning a lot by logging my food everyday. Big eye opener. Hope y'all have a good evening and success.

    Suzee, I had to just go cold turkey and now that I don't drink Diet Pepsi any longer, I really DON"T like the taste. It used to be a basic food group for me, I *ALWAYS* had a glass of DP on ice in front of me at work and it's all i ever drank. My Dr suggested that I get off of it when I had to give up sweets because of diabetes. He said it would keep me addicted to the sweets and getting off would help. VERY occasionally I'll order it if I'm in a restaurant and now I always ask for a glass of ice water with it because it makes me MORE thirsty than before I drank it. I rarely finish a whole glass of soda nowadays. It has a strange fake sweet taste to it that I never detected before now.

    Ice water with a chunk of fresh fruit thrown in the bottom (pineapple is my absolute favorite, but an orange slice or a strawberry is great too) is my go to drink. I LOVE the mild taste. I leave that chunk of fruit in there all day and keep refilling the glass. At the end of the day, I toss my fruit in the compost bin at work and wash the glass.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Thanks for kind wishes for my little grandson. He's out of hospital and on the mend. yay! I feel more 'normal' now.

    Going to a 'Tops' meeting tonight. First one. I need to be accountable to someone. I'm ready for this.

    Also, reading through the posts, great ideas....I'm going to steal one idea, and try drinking sparkling flavoured water....never tried it. I have given up diet coke, but recently find myself drinking it the odd time and I really don't want to risk getting addicted to it again.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone good to see we all seem to be having a good day. I had to take my car into the shop. The seat adjustors decided to just quit working. Luckily it is under warranty so i read a book for a couple hours while they got it all fixed up for me. I had taken my gym clothes with me so went to the gym from there. My workout got cut short today though due to headache. I have had a mild ache nagging at me since I woke up. Probably pollen or the weather. I wasnt going to let that slow me down but as I started working out the ache was steadily getting worse. It seemed to be corresponding with my heart rate going up so I decided to stop for the day. Once my heart rate went down it receeded back to just a dull ache. Oh well fun times right, lol.Now I am sitting here trying to talk myself into giving the dogs a much needed bath. I could smell dog when I walked into that house and that is no bueno.

    Tina just wanted to say good job on your test score. You should be very proud of yourself.
    I also wanted to thank everyone for their tips on the avocados. Now I will feel better about buying another one.

    Have a great day guys.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Suzee: I weaned myself off diet pop with sparkling flavored water (60 cents for a quart bottle), herb tea and drinking 3 to 4 cups of water while at the gym. My city's water tastes especially nasty in warm weather and I needed to disguise the aftertaste. Kroger sells bottled, flavored (dark cherry, white grape, lime, lemon-lime, etc) sparkling water under their own label. In fact, so does Target, Safeway and Market Street.

    AND - I'm a fan of MIO! Safeway, Target & Walmart have their own brands & various flavors - plus now Dasani, Crystal light liquid, even kool-aid! The big thing for me is no nutradeath (Aspartame), as I'm allergic to it - can only have a very little bit. The only flavored/bottled water that doesn't have it is Fry's (Kroger), and I think Vitamin water Zero.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Goal- To get outside tomorrow and be active either playing frisbee golf or going to the gym. If I go to the gym then I need to manage my time to make my meeting on time. If I play frisbee golf then I can play, go eat and still make my meeting.

    Have a great night. I am off to bed.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Ok here are the personals from the pages I was behind.

    @Newbies- Welcome to the group.
    @Imackbeth- Hope your roommate works out and you get the much needed rest you need. Best wishes to your dad as he travels the trail and to you as you train.
    @Jtconst- Hope the knee gets better and you like the water classes
    @Karen- Just checking on you and how the quit smoking is going
    @Tina- Great job with walking videos and hope the walk with your little girl was wonderful. Glad your feeling better about yourself and congrats on your final
    @Liz- I admire the work you do those types of jobs are great for our heart strings.
    @Alison- Wow! A bunch of running for you that's great
    @Kelly- Hope the doctor's visit brings relief to your achilles
    @Toot- I can't imagine what your hubby must feel I hope you get a bettter understanding and all questions answered. Congrats on the new house and housemates
    @Susan- Prayers go out to your friends
    @Robin- Glad you took some time for yourself and that your depression is getting better
    @Kvandeest- Good luck with doctor visits
    @Lizzy- I struggled and still do with eating properly which I know makes it harder for me to lose. I noticed in myself the more tired I am my work out makes me even more tired when done
    @Whitecapwendy- What a great hobby to have
    @Marsha- enjoy cancun
    @Verdouxkai- Good luck training for the 5k
    @MyM0w- You listed so many things that had positive outcomes please remember that. Buggy for cat sounds funny and cute all in one. Way to go taking the stairs instead
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi Everyone!! :flowerforyou:

    Just caught up on all of the posts, and I'm not going to really do personals b/c everyone already gave the advice/pep talks that I was thinking. I do, however, want to say...

    @toots--I'm so sorry you and the hubs are going through all of that. Crossing my fingers that it's not what the docs think, and that if it is, they can offer some treatment course that will improve his condition.

    @tina--congrats on finishing at the top of your class! :drinker:

    @holly--still no real cigs--just e cig and trying to limit that.

    Tuesday Goals:
    As I mentioned yesterday, I changed my goals back to 1 lb loss/week so my calories are back down from over 1700 to 1540. I can already tell it's a change for the better. I went to the gym and burned lots of calories--with the 1700+ allowance I would just eat them all back. However, tonight I closed out the day with over 300 left b/c I know I might need them for tomorrow--it's a non-gym day and the weather doesn't look too promising for a walk outside; plus, I will be in meetings all day at school which always equals more calories (snacks during meeting + dining out for lunch).

    The lower allowance actually makes me value the calories more, and I'm less likely to waste them on junk food.

    I'm pretty tired so gonna try to get to sleep early (for me). Good night!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    Today has been a really busy day. Went to the Y it still takes me 28 minutes to walk a mile. I am hoping to increase that time in a week. It says on the wall of our Y that 12x is 1 mile. I walk 12x. And 28 minutes past . So goal yo increase that time.

    @toot cant imagine what your husband is feeling. Congrats on the new house.
    @Kelly I hope the visit to the doctor brings you relief.
    @jtconst. Hope hour knee feels better.
    @Karen way to go.on all of your running.
    @Laurie I hope you were able to get outside
    @mnwalkingquee nice profile picture.

    All of this about giving up diet soda. That is an area I need to work on giving up diet soda or drinking less. I sure love diet pepsi I drink way to much.

    Wishing everyone a good day.

  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    My first day on here has gone well!!! No exercise yet but I had such a full and stressful week last week that my body needed rest or functioning normally would be off the table.... I have constant vertigo and it gets worse (even to debilitating) with stress. Hoping for a better tomorrow in that area!!!
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Thanks for kind wishes for my little grandson. He's out of hospital and on the mend. yay! I feel more 'normal' now.

    Going to a 'Tops' meeting tonight. First one. I need to be accountable to someone. I'm ready for this.

    Also, reading through the posts, great ideas....I'm going to steal one idea, and try drinking sparkling flavoured water....never tried it. I have given up diet coke, but recently find myself drinking it the odd time and I really don't want to risk getting addicted to it again.
    TOPS is a great and inexpensive place of support!!! I attended Missouri's TOPS state recognition days this past weekend, and seeing how many people in TOPS have successfully lost weight and kept it off is truly inspiring! I have had to realize that it is not a magic bullet any more than anything else... it works as well for you as YOU do!!! Good luck and I hope TOPS is JUST what you need!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Tuesday Goal: Well, since Tuesday is almost over, I really didn't have any set goals. I did stay under my calories and made good food choices. Cyrus had a game tonight so I couldn't squeeze any exercise. I froze though because it was so chilly. The rest of the week is supposed to be gorgeous though so I'm going to try and get in a walk Wednesday thru Saturday. Food is good, but I really need to start moving more.
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    at this point there's some talk between his primary care providers, the veteran's administration and the military doctors that this may actually be a case of 'gulf war syndrome'. for those that don't know 'gulf war syndrome' is the umbrella name they gave to mysterious sudden onset and chronic problems in men who served in the middle east that are likely caused by exposure to biological, chemical or nerve agent warfare. they may find something else, who knows. he's still in rounds of like every specialist on the planet. but if that proves to be true, the va will consider him disabled and he'll be medically retired effective immediately. so we'll just see how that goes.
    I see you, too are a former military wife. Tell your husband how much I appreciate his service to our country...and his continuing to pay the price of that service. My husband retired from the National Guard with lots of years of active duty including 2 tours in Iraq. He too has several continuing issues but, thank God, they ave been identified and are being treated!!! Hoping the same for your hubby, and SOON!!!
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Just need to say it's 28 minutes to midnight and I'm UNDER goal--2 days in a row!!!!.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    tops marca....the meeting went fine. I weighed in heavier by 2 lbs. than I do at home so I changed my weight on mfp to match. Glad to hear that you like Tops. It's not that popular here (Ontario) and the group is small, but I like that you know everyone quickly.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Wednesday Wish:: That I don't screw up this weekend! Weekends are always the hardest for me. Especially because I have class Saturday.

    I will do it! I can do this!

    I think I want to check into some different Leslie Sansone DVD's. I like this one a lot but I think I want some that are a little harder. This one is a good workout and I sweat. But I want a little more. Maybe I just need to push myself harder, idk. I will keep up with this for awhile and maybe get a new one eventually. Or get back on the treadmill and do some running :)

    Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!!

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning. The day is off to a good start. Had 2 of my daughters and youngest daughter's 2 little ones here for breakfast. I tended the kids while they ran. Baby is getting so cute. I love it when she smiles at me and "visits" with me.
    I have to do the taxes today. Slow, I know, but they won't take long.
    Yesterday I spent some time doing a few clothing alterations. DD gave me some capris a couple of months ago that were too small. They fit now, size 16. I couldn't believe it. I had to shorten them so I could wear them, and took in a dress that was too big. I also added some elastic to the waist band of one of the pairs of capris that I bought in March. They were getting too big, too. I love this! I guess that my Wednesday wish is that I can just keep going down.
    I also wish that all of you that are struggling will be able to get your lives under control so that you feel better and are more successful.
    Toots, my thoughts are always with your family. I hope that your husband's health issues can be resolved. It is so hard not knowing what you are dealing with.
    Grammy, I love the idea of food fear factor for your achievement day girls. I used to work with them. They are a lot of fun.
    Have a good day, everyone. Kaye
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Tina~You are doing awesome in your classes and restarting exercise. Good luck with clinicals!
    @Kaye~How great about being able to take in all of those clothes so you can wear them longer. My mom sewed while I was growing up, actually made a lot of my clothes back then. My sister is a decent sewer but I never had a knack for it and ironically have my grandmothers sewing machine.
    @Marsha~Keep it up, make today day 3! :wink:

    Wednesday Wish~My wish just came true! I’m so tired today and wished for Starbucks – one of our marketing guys just brought me a skinny caramel macchiato. Yum-O!
  • stlhoney
    stlhoney Posts: 1
    Good Morning, Im new to this forum. I'm here for motivation and online friendsips with people (women) going through the same issues with weight as my self. I signed up with MFP months back and fell off only after a month or so. The few pounds I lost I quickly put back on. So now I'm back and determined more than ever to lose 100 lbs. My current weight is 253 and I'm 5'9.