I'm desperate, please I need help!

Hello guys,
I'm a 32 year female my Height is 5.6" and this is my case...in this point of my life I'm at my heaviest weight ever 78kg my goal is 63 kg... 5 months ago I started eating cleaner; no red meat, more fruits and veggies than usual, whole grains, but still wasn't losing any weight...so 1 month ago I decided since I'm not a kid anymore maybe the key was that I needed more than just clean eating to reach my goal, so I stared increasing my intake of water from 1.000 ml to 3.000 ml per day(I have to pee all day long), I bought a Fitbit device to measure my activity, started 45 minutes of walking at a very brisk pace 2 days per week 3 days of 50 minnutes zumba and this week i started lifting weights (5 pound dumbbells) for about20- 30 minutes, I had set my alarm to remind me I have to eat, I'm watching portions, EVERYTHING I'm supposed to do and still i haven't been able to lose one single pound. Actually my face looks rounder. I don't understand why?!what am I doing wrong? ? Please i need help, I know consistency is important but not being able to see any result I'm starting wondering what's the point of so much work :'( ...I will appreciate if someone can guide me in this journey. Thank you all


  • Have you been to a doctor? Generally if you're putting in this much effort to lose weight but there hasn't been any change at all for a long time, there could be a medical reason behind it. I would always suggest checking in with a doctor to make sure you are healthy. Some people can suffer thyroid problems. My dad did, he was dieting and trying to do as much exercise as possible for his size, but because he had an overactive thyroid he couldn't maintain or lower his weight. It's always worth checking
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    The key isn't to cut everything out of your diet. The key is to make sure you are taking in the right amount of calories to be healthy and lose weight. You can eat "cleaner" than anyone in the world, but if you are eating too many calories you will not lose a single ounce. Eat what you want, but you need to eat less of it. That is the key. Keep doing your walks and zumba, but you need to watch your calorie intake.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Make a very small investment (usually around $20 or less) in a food scale. Measure everything you put in your mouth so you can get an accurate calorie count. We often have very distorted views on what a "portion" should look like, and a food scale will correct that.
  • alexveksler
    alexveksler Posts: 409 Member
    Are you recording everything you eat? I'd like to see your food diary.
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Hi, Saw your thread and thought I'd throw my 2 cents worth in. You didn't mention in your blog how many calories you are eating per day. Eating clean and drinking water is great but if your calorie intake is greater than your calorie distribution, you are not going to lose weight. If MFP says that to lose 1 pound a week you need to eat x number of calories and you are eating x + a bit calories, you will not lose any weight.
    I agree with maddzukan, check with your doc first to make sure you are healthy and there is not a medical reason that you can't lose weight. If he gives you a clean bill of health, then just follow the simple rule of eating less that what you need for your daily activities. MFP is a great tool, use it.
  • anidesigner
    anidesigner Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks guys for the advices... about the doctor, last year i had a complete exam (blood and all the good stuff) before i started my new job and everything was ok...I don't have a food scale but i do have measuring cups, i also follow the rule (half of the plate vegetables, 1/4 lean protein, 1/4 good carb), (the plate is medium size) I dont always add the food in my diary because is very time consuming on my phone, but I discover few weeks ago that when using the pc for that purpose is faster and also I can see more details about what I eat, not just the calories and realized i was eating more sodium than I was supposed to. According to MFP my calories intake should be 1400 (including the extra ones given for the workout) I normally eat up to 1460 if I get too hungry...so it seems like my body is just to greedy and doesn't want its precious fat go, hahaha
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    Laws of physics do not allow our bodies to be greedy and hold onto energy like that. :smile: You are miscalculating your calorie intake somewhere.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Another helpful tip, especially if you are using plate size to estimate portions--buy smaller plates. In my house, when it's just the family, we only ever eat off of salad plates--unless it's a big, green salad and then we use dinner plates.
  • mrslcoop
    mrslcoop Posts: 317 Member
    Short answer: You're eating too much.

    Long answer: Your body burns X number of calories a day. If you eat at that amount or more than that amount you will not lose weight. It is very importanat that you log accurately eveyrhting you eat, which can only be done by using a kitchen scale (using grams as much as possible). Measuing cups won't cut it for dry goods. Eyeballing it won't cut it. You think you're eating 1400, but you're clearly eating a lot more than that.
  • KariOrtiz2014
    KariOrtiz2014 Posts: 343 Member
    Laws of physics do not allow our bodies to be greedy and hold onto energy like that. :smile: You are miscalculating your calorie intake somewhere.

    It's true!!
  • KariOrtiz2014
    KariOrtiz2014 Posts: 343 Member
    Short answer: You're eating too much.

    Long answer: Your body burns X number of calories a day. If you eat at that amount or more than that amount you will not lose weight. It is very importanat that you log accurately eveyrhting you eat, which can only be done by using a kitchen scale (using grams as much as possible). Measuing cups won't cut it for dry goods. Eyeballing it won't cut it. You think you're eating 1400, but you're clearly eating a lot more than that.

    This!! It's simple!! Counting calories is time consuming but the fact of the matter is that if you don't put in the "work" then what do you expect to "gain/earn"!? Count your calories as accurately as possible!! Sometimes we overestimate and underestimate our portions by eyeballing and using measuring cups!
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Buy a food scale - you cannot know how much you are eating using measuring cups and plates as a guide.

    IF you are not losing you are eating too many calories. You need to start weighing your food before assuming you have a medical issue.

    And you need to log your food - it's quick once you get use to it, not logging means you forget what you have eaten and underestimate your calories for the day.

    You also don't have to cut out anything to lose weight - eating clean has nothing to do with it, it is simply calories in < calories out.

    Also read this:

  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    If you are not losing, you are NOT in a deficit. Which means you are eating to much. Get a digital food scale and weigh everything!!! Stop using excuses why you are not keeping up with your food diary!! It only takes me a few minutes to do whole days worth.

    Good luck.
  • crissi725
    crissi725 Posts: 82
    Thanks guys for the advices... about the doctor, last year i had a complete exam (blood and all the good stuff) before i started my new job and everything was ok...I don't have a food scale but i do have measuring cups, i also follow the rule (half of the plate vegetables, 1/4 lean protein, 1/4 good carb), (the plate is medium size) I dont always add the food in my diary because is very time consuming on my phone, but I discover few weeks ago that when using the pc for that purpose is faster and also I can see more details about what I eat, not just the calories and realized i was eating more sodium than I was supposed to. According to MFP my calories intake should be 1400 (including the extra ones given for the workout) I normally eat up to 1460 if I get too hungry...so it seems like my body is just to greedy and doesn't want its precious fat go, hahaha

    Now remember, MFP gives you a NET CALORIE goal. 1400 seems very low for a total calories consumed goal. At 5'6, that sounds like that's just covering your BMI. I'm 5'2, currently 200 lbs and on a 1.5 lb a week loss plan and MFP has set me at a 1200 NET CALORIE goal with a deficit of -750 cals a day. But my calories consumed is generally about 1600 or so, (give or take 100 because I'm also using FItBIt and it syncs to record what calories my steps have burned) and I'm continually losing with 4-5 work outs a week. It was counterintuitive for me too, I promise! Eat more, lose more? Whaaaaaat? But yeah, I wasn't eating more than 1300 a day and not seeing results. Added in 300-400 extra calories---BOOM! Weight started to drop at a steady 1 to 1.5 pounds a week!

    So check your calories consumed goal against your net calorie goal. It could be that you are only taking in your BMI and putting your body into "starvation mode". It may be holding on to whatever your eating. But something isn't right if you are working out that much and not dropping any weight at all.

    And YES! Use a desktop or laptop for MFP. The app is "meh" and time consuming. Oh! And I highly recommend a FitBit One! It tells me when I'm "in the zone" for calories IN vs calories OUT. It's awesome to have an extra helping hand.
  • gwencakes
    gwencakes Posts: 15 Member
    Make a very small investment (usually around $20 or less) in a food scale. Measure everything you put in your mouth so you can get an accurate calorie count. We often have very distorted views on what a "portion" should look like, and a food scale will correct that.

    Yes I love my food scale! 3oz of chicken is not something I can eyeball. You need to know the exact amount you're taking in.
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    Hello guys,
    I'm a 32 year female my Height is 5.6" and this is my case...in this point of my life I'm at my heaviest weight ever 78kg my goal is 63 kg... 5 months ago I started eating cleaner; no red meat, more fruits and veggies than usual, whole grains, but still wasn't losing any weight...so 1 month ago I decided since I'm not a kid anymore maybe the key was that I needed more than just clean eating to reach my goal, so I stared increasing my intake of water from 1.000 ml to 3.000 ml per day(I have to pee all day long), I bought a Fitbit device to measure my activity, started 45 minutes of walking at a very brisk pace 2 days per week 3 days of 50 minnutes zumba and this week i started lifting weights (5 pound dumbbells) for about20- 30 minutes, I had set my alarm to remind me I have to eat, I'm watching portions, EVERYTHING I'm supposed to do and still i haven't been able to lose one single pound. Actually my face looks rounder. I don't understand why?!what am I doing wrong? ? Please i need help, I know consistency is important but not being able to see any result I'm starting wondering what's the point of so much work :'( ...I will appreciate if someone can guide me in this journey. Thank you all

    Try non conventional wisdom's plan to clean eating - no wheat, no dairy, little sugar (1-2 servings of fruit a day). Side effects: you'll be less bloated, your skin will clear up, and your joints will feel better. Eat High protein - High Fat - Low carb.

    Start lifting for real. Stronglifts is a beginner program that I did and highly recommend. If you're under 40% BF, I suggest at least 80% of your workouts be lifting.

    You do these two things. People will think you've take a magical pill to transform your body.