Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I so wish the nursing home keep my dad another few days. He is still weak in the legs. He walked the length of the hallway tonight and we barely managed to get something under him before he almost feel. Luckily I managed to get down the hall in time before he fell to the floor. My mom was doing her best to hold him up and move something under him. I told her this is another reason that we need to get someone else in here to help get him to bed. This is not a new problem but one we have had before. It never gets any easier but scarier every time. I pray that PT will help him out but I don't know if it will work and that my mom will agree to have someone come in and help her out at night.

    I am totally frustrated right now and I just needed to vent to someone.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Hello my darlings

    Sunday share for the new folks: I'm Vicki, 50-something mom of 2 adults (one who's living at home with new husband), with my husband & disabled friend/roommate - that makes 5 adults (4 cats & a dog) with essentially one income ...:noway: :noway: :noway:

    stress definitely happens around here.

    Right now I'm a bit stuck numbers-wise, and I've been a bit lax on posting.... but you are all my inspiration (and I read as often as I can, even if I don't share as much as I'd like).
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Hi All, since this is my first Sunday share since restarting my journey, I'll go with the basics. I'm Charlotte. I am 59 (sill be 60 in August and long time divorced. i live in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada which is just east of Toronto. I have 2 wonderful grown children and soon to be 6 grandchildren. My daughter had 3 (2 girls and a boy) and my son has 2 girls and sometime this week will have baby #3 (we don't know the sex yet but hoping for a boy). My family is the most important thing in the world to me and I travel as much as possible to visit them. My daughter is about 2 1/2 hours away from me and my son lives in Alberta, Canada.
    I am a registered nurse, celebrating 40 years of service this year. I work in a large community hospital on a surgical floor. I still love nursing even after so many years. I hope to continue working for a few more years if my body holds out for me.
    I have been overweight since my mid-20's, always struggling to lose but never really understanding how to do it. I tried many "diets" but never really understood the idea of life style changes until I started on MFP 3 years ago. This is my 3rd try on MFP. The 1st time around, I was very successful, losing almost 60 lbs, but got hit with some health issues and stopped the program and subsequently gained all of my weight back. I tried again this past fall to restart but just didn't have my head in the right place.
    This year is my year to get it right. I have several great trips planned for the year and want to be able to enjoy the travel as well as the trip. When I went out west for Christmas this year I did not have a great experience. I really struggled with not fitting in the seat properly and having to use a seat belt extender. The fellow in the seat in front, reclined his seat fully which really left me with very little room . It was a 4 hour flight and I was so uncomfortable the whole time. I don't want the repeat that experience. I'm going back out west in February to meet my new grandbaby and then in May I'm going to Florida with my daughter and her 2 youngest kids. In September I am planning to take my older sister (who will be turning 65 this year) to Vegas for a 4 day w/e to celebrate our birthday milestones and will also go back out west next Christmas for the new baby's 1st Christmas.
    All this traveling has me very motivated to improve my health and my stamina. I am going to get this right and enjoy my 60th birthday in style,. I'm only on Day 3 of my journey back but I'm so happy to be back here on MFP and am looking forward to sharing my journey with all of you.
    Welcome to all the newbies, please share your stories with us and get as much out of this experience as you can. It is life altering. For those like me who are dealing with a tough start to winter, stay warm and safe. Spring will be here before we know it and we'll all be healthier and hopefully slimmer when it arrives. Have a great week. Charlotte
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    We had a blast last night. Garth Brooks was AMAZING!! He surprised us and Tricia Underwood who happens to be his wife and a great country singer herself (for those non-country folks out there) joined him on stage. The concert was at the Wynn Las Vegas in their Encore Theater. I had no idea how small it was and he was right there. The crowd sang to every single song and we just jammed away. Concert was at 10:30 so once it was done we headed over to the Hard Rock and played some slots. About 2 a.m. we decided we were hungry and I knew right where to go - Capriotti's!! LOL!! Our one shop across from Hard Rock is open 24 hours so my friend I and split a sandwich - Cran Slam Club - soooo good!!! I got home about 3 a.m. Needless to say, today was just hanging around the house. I did a bunch of cooking to get ready for the week (Meatloaf, Beef Veggie Scramble, Spaghetti Squash w/Kale and Garlic Pesto, and Egg Sausage Muffins for breakfast).

    I'm really trying to focus on the week ahead. It's going to be my first full week of work after so many short weeks with the holidays. Plus, I volunteer 3 mornings at the middle school so it's back in the swing of things. Tomorrow morning I plan on hitting the gym plus meeting with the trainer tomorrow night. Lets make good food choices and move a little more. We can do this!!!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I so wish the nursing home keep my dad another few days. He is still weak in the legs. He walked the length of the hallway tonight and we barely managed to get something under him before he almost feel. Luckily I managed to get down the hall in time before he fell to the floor. My mom was doing her best to hold him up and move something under him. I told her this is another reason that we need to get someone else in here to help get him to bed. This is not a new problem but one we have had before. It never gets any easier but scarier every time. I pray that PT will help him out but I don't know if it will work and that my mom will agree to have someone come in and help her out at night.

    I am totally frustrated right now and I just needed to vent to someone.

    Laurie - I have had to deal with this same problem so I understand your frustration. Until he is stronger, can you resort to having him sit in a computer or desk chair on wheels and rolling him down the hallway to the bedroom?
    I thought about a walker with a seat in it but the hallway is probably to narrow for him to get turned around and use the seat. If your interested in that kind of walker there are all sorts of them on Amazon - search " walker for senior with seat" and it'll come up - there are folding and non-folding kinds. If you want to take it with you in the car, you'll need a folding kind.

    I agree with you, though, and you're mom will need to get with the program or she will hurt her back and you'll be the caretaker to BOTH of them!!!!! You need The Visiting Nurses Association to come to the home and make an evaluation. I'd just call them - without your mom's consent. Just have them come and make and evaluation of things - they can explain much better to your mom what the risks are to her and your dad than you can. Then maybe, just maybe, your mom will consent to them making recommendationis for an aide a few days a week. They can explain how Medicare can pay for things too.

    God bless you for being such a good daughter.! Hugs.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @susan--glad you had fun last night--I'm not a country music fan, but I'm sure it was a great concert.

    @charlotte--all of those trips are a great motivation! I am also trying to keep my summer trip in mind as a goal--let's help each other with reminders! :flowerforyou:

    @vicki--sorry you have so much stress right now--that's tough to handle. :flowerforyou:

    @laurie--I'm so sorry you are having difficulties with your dad being back home. I hope your mom comes around and agrees to the outside help.

    @anna--I also had an hour long shoveling session and that was just the driveway! Didn't even get to the sidewalk today. It's great exercise, but I'm missing a nice easy run--going to brave the cold tomorrow to go run at the gym.

    @kaye--I'm in the same boat as far as not being sure 20 lbs will cut it. I'm just going to focus on getting there and see how I feel/look.

    @nicole--thanks for the quinoa recipe! It's one of my favorite staples--I almost never use pasta or rice anymore. Good luck cutting out the dairy--I don't drink milk or even keep it in the house, but I would have a tough time cutting out cheese and yogurt. Are you cutting all dairy or just cow's milk? Curious if you can still eat goat cheese--cutting that would just about kill me.

    @carol--I feel the same way about the shoveling--it is still a tough chore, but I'm not nearly as sore as I used to get before I started lifting weights. Enjoy your day off tomorrow!

    @robin--I'm glad you liked the Cracked article--my whole being was rebelling against it as I started reading it. I'm an idealist at heart (even if I sometimes come off as cynical), so I wanted to scream "no, it's what's inside that counts!" at my computer screen. However, as I continued reading, I had to agree with the general gist of the article--people care more about what you DO than who you ARE. Who you ARE inside needs to drive what you actually DO for the world, but ultimately, what you DO is what others see. I wish I could share it (and so many other Cracked articles) with my students, but too many profanities. I can get away with just about anything in the literature, but it's hard to justify it in articles, music, etc.

    @skinnyangel--I'm also trying to cut out most processed carbs. In general, I've replaced pasta and rice with quinoa, and if I want a sandwich I use flaxseed tortillas or sandwich thins instead of bread. One of my staples for lunch is quinoa with chickpeas, asparagus, and crumbled goat cheese. It's my absolute favorite way to eat quinoa, though I also make a mean quinoa "mac" and cheese.

    @lauren--sounds like we have similar weather forecasts for tomorrow--are you also in the Midwest? Enjoy kickboxing tomorrow!

    AFM--I only got 2 more essays done b/c I had to spend some time re-planning these next 2 weeks to accommodate for the lost day tomorrow. We will make up the day at the end of the year, but we don't move semester exams, so I have to adjust to fit 10 days of work into 9 days.

    Tomorrow, I will grade those last 11 essays for sure. I would also like to go to the gym and just do some cardio--a nice long run would be great! Finally, I really, really need to clean my fish tank. It's a yucky job, but somebody's got to do it. :ohwell:

    Grading goals:
    1. 1/72 AP essays
    2. 15/26 Scarlet Letter essays
    3. x/52 Scarlet Letter annotations

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--gym (cardio)
    Tues--gym (lift and HIIT)
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (cardio)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 85
    Dead lift = 90
    Squat = 90
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 60

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    Brr, baby its cold outside! I know we aren’t near as cold as some areas around the country but driving to work in 16 degrees is on my list of least favorite things to do. :wink: I’m too acclimated to mild Texas winters and can’t handle the NY temps I dealt with growing up. I sure hope this cold spell is short-lived!

    @Nicole~I’m so sorry for your stomach pains and the endoscopy, I hope you are feeling better. Food elimination diets are definitely a good way to find out what you are sensitive to – I hope you find out easily and that you’re feeling better soon.

    @Laurie~I’m sorry your dad is still weak and needs assistance, I know it’s hard on you and your mom – it sounds like he may not be ready to come home from rehab, I’m surprised they would release him. I hope PT goes well and he continues to get stronger; in the meantime it sounds like your mom could really use some help with him, I hope she opens up to the idea.

    @Susan~Sounds like you had a blast at the concert, I’m not a country music fan but I watch Tricia Yearwood’s cooking show on Food Network all the time though! LOL I hear Garth puts on a great show.

    @Charlotte~All of those trips are great motivators, I’m using my upcoming cruise as a motivator right now.

    For the newlings – I’m Kelley, 45, and an accountant in the healthcare industry living in a suburb of Dallas. I love to travel (cruising mostly) and make improvements to my house, which right now is in the planning stages for some major painting projects this year.

    AFM~The conversation with my trainer was that he has applied to be transferred to a new location in another state for its grand opening in April, he will be closer to his parents if he makes the move – something I can understand. I will miss him :cry: and not sure what steps I’ll take if he leaves – if I’ll find another trainer at my gym or join a gym that is closer to my house (in walking distance and cheaper) and find an independent trainer. Nothing is definitive yet, so time will tell. In the meantime, we’re just trucking along.

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Gym, arc trainer
    Tuesday~Gym, training session
    Wednesday~Gym, elliptical
    Thursday~Gym, training session
    Friday~Rest Day
    Saturday~Gym, running drills
    Sunday~Gym, training session

    Have a great day & stay warm!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Monday Check in:
    Back to work today for me. The temps are warm but it is pouring. All the rain is washing away the snow from the blizzard. Tonight temps are suppose to drop drastically and they are predicting black ice. I hope my commute home tonight isn't too bad. I am going to try to leave work on time today so I am not stuck in rush hour traffic especially if it may be icy. I have a 40 minute commute tonight.

    I like many of you I have been fluctuating since Christmas. My fluctuation has been between a few ounces to a few pounds. This morning when I stepped on the scale I noticed that I was back down to my lowest weight. My sodium has been ridiculous high since Christmas so I am going to guess that played a part in the fluctuation. I am hoping next week the scale will reflect a loss. Even if it doesn't I will just keep at it. My January 1st measurements are proof enough for me that I am doing something right! :happy:

    Claudia - Congrats on exceeding your goal by 34 lbs. That is F A N T A S T I C!!! I love the advice you gave. I strongly encourage everyone to read it over several times and let it sink in.

    Sadly, I have already noticed some of the newer MFP users drop off before completing their first week. When I first rejoined here I went crazy adding new friends and building my support team. Several of those people abruptly stopped. I feel sad that they didn't have the will to stick with it and gave up on themselves. Maybe the timing wasn't right? Maybe this wasn't the method for them? Maybe they will be back, maybe they won't. Who knows. I am glad I came back and decided not to give up on myself. I hope these people eventually do the same.

    Edit: I accidentally hit post before I was done writing.
  • jamesc9282014
    Hey all! Lost 97 pounds but gained back 67 :( trying to once again lose it. Goal is to lose 105 pounds. Feel free to add me :)
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    Monday check in- Well, Saturday I tried doing calf raises. Holy moly. My calves have never hurt quite so bad. This is day 2 and I feel like I look like an infant learning to walk. Yesterday was a cheating day...had chicken with broccoli and this DELICIOUSLY dangerous chocolate cherry cheesecake dessert. So tasty. The weather is TERRIBLE here. We are supposed to dip into the negative digits today. :( When did Alaska start being warmer than here? lol

    So...I'm wanting to tone my legs more. So do I do more reps with average weights, or less reps with max weight? I've been told to do both, so I'm a bit confused now.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Welcome Stacey, SkinnyAngel2Be, JamesC and any other newlings I may have missed. Just jump right in and join us.

    Laurie - I completely understand your frustration. I am sorry to hear your dad is still weak in the legs. One thing we learned from the therapists in the nursing home with my father is when he walks to have someone follow behind him with a wheel chair. This way if he gets that sudden need to sit instantly because his legs sit out you have the chair ready for him. My dad's therapists recommended getting him a transfer board and rails for the bed to help him get in and out of the bed. I am sure when the therapy starts at home they will give some recommendations of adaptive equipment you can use to make things a bit easier for your dad. My advice is don't be afraid to ask them about these kinds of things. If you are not there for the therapy sessions let your mom know so she can ask. I recommend making a list of concerns that you, your mom and dad have. We found writing it down helped us remember all the things we had wanted to ask. There was so much we wanted to learn, this helped us not forget to ask things.

    Charlotte - Thanks for sharing your story. I am glad you are back and recommitting to yourself! I wish you a great year of success!
    UGH. Airplane seats. I hate them. When I restarted my journey I was at the point that with the seatbelt adjusted to the largest possible position it just fit snugly...very snugly. I have spent a few trips extremely uncomfortable because I was too embarrassed to ask for the seat belt extender. The other things that drives me mad is movie theater seats and those darn aisles. I am always afraid I am going to step on someone and hurt them or my jiggly butt will smack someone as I pass. I look forward to the day when I no longer have to worry about these things.

    Susan - I am glad you had a great time at the concert!

    Kah - I am so sorry to hear your trainer may be moving out of state. :cry: I hope things workout for you.

    Alupinsk - At first when I read your post about a cheating day I was thinking what is terribly wrong about chicken and broccoli? Then I read about the cake. YUM!!! I love a good cheesecake. Funny because when I was little I refused to eat cheese cake. I just thought it sounded weird...cheese in cake? Gross. As I became older I tried it. Boy was I missing out! I have no advice on the legs. I simply just don't know. Sorry. I hope you find your answer.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @alupinsk--what do you mean by "tone" your legs? My perception of that term might be different from what you actually mean b/c it's not a "real" fitness term. I think this post, from one of my MFP friends who is ACE certified, clarifies what I mean:

    "No such thing as 'toning'. It's a term used to 'soften' the definition of lifting weights. The terminology was used to get women to lift weights because the fitness industry KNEW that women will spend more money on self improvement than men would. So coming up with the word opened up several different programs that made the fitness industry tons of more money. But lots of females are getting smarter now about it and are realizing that "toning" has many subjective definitions. There are no exercises that one can do to legitimately or significantly that targets fat loss on any part of the body."

    That being said, do you mean you want to strengthen or build muscle? Do you simply mean you would like the muscles in your legs to show more? It's very difficult to build muscle in a calorie deficit (though not impossible), but I suspect you really just want your muscles to look more defined and perhaps build strength in the existing muscles you have. Reducing body fat % is the main way you will be able to see the definition in your muscles.

    As far as whether to lift heavy or increase reps, I read through a lot of information on this site as well as other internet sources over the summer before I started lifting heavy. Everything I've read suggests lifting heavy is the better course. More reps of lighter weights becomes more of a cardio exercise which isn't bad, but won't have the same results as lifting heavy. My personal results have been that my arms have a lot more definition. My legs are definitely stronger, but I don't think they look any different yet--probably b/c I still have a lot of excess body fat on my thighs and butt. If you're interested in lifting heavy, I recommend a program like StrongLift 5x5 or PowerLift--you can google either to get info. :flowerforyou:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @nettie--it also makes me sad to see my MFP friends stop using the site. :cry: I have a general "rule" that if someone doesn't post for a month, I delete him/her, but I've broken that rule for some of my longtime friends--especially friends from this thread. Be careful driving home tonight--that black ice is so dangerous!

    @kelley--that stinks that you might lose your trainer--fingers crossed that it all works out for the best.

    Welcome to the newlings! :flowerforyou:

    Monday Check-in:
    I mentioned yesterday that my scale was still creeping up even after I adjusted my ticker, and I suspected it was sodium. Well, today the scale was back at my ticker weight, so that's a relief. Now to get it moving down again. I'm going to adopt my old method of weighing every morning and only recording when the scale drops below my ticker weight. For the newlings--I use this method b/c I fluctuate up and down so much from day to day, but this way I can see the overall trend is downward. Well, at least that used to be the result, but over the past year I haven't had much success.

    In general, I'm trying to get back into the mindset I had when I was consistently losing weight. Weighing every day, really paying attention to my water intake, letting my food diary dictate what I can and can't eat (rather than cravings or boredom). The only difference this time around is I'm paying attention to my macros as well.

    Today I really need to grade. :grumble: I'm going to brave the cold to go to starbuck's b/c DH is at home so I'll never get anything done here. I'm going to pack my gym clothes since my gym is right across the street. That way once I finish grading I can go for a run on the treadmill there.

    Forecast for tomorrow isn't much different than today. However, there's been no word about closing tomorrow as well. I guess that we will just have to wait and see.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. I hope you are all keeping safe and warm. I am fortunate that I live on the west coast and while we are very cold for here I am from Illinois so this is a picnic in comparison:wink: I was pretty happy overall with last week. My food was more good then bad though still not where I want it to be but I exercised every day except Sunday. That was a vast improvement. I am still hoping to get an outside walk in today but if not I will get together with Leslie Sansone this afternoon:smile: I am trying to wait for it to warm up a little so it will be nicer for the puppies paws. I have been putzing around the house this morning and then it is off to the vets this afternoon for shots. Fun times listening to Zeus howl all the way there since he really doesnt like the car. Well I am pretty brain dead at the moment so I am going to sign off. Have a great day everyone and keep safe. :heart: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    Hello everyone. I am doing well today. Had a hard time fighting temptation over the weekend, had a cupcake and went like 10 calories over yesterday. Last night I made a ton, a ton of shredded flavored chicken breast. For salads, tacos, burritos, sandwiches. Having that ready and on hand has made today a breeze for me. When I am full on protein I don't crave sweets. I usually grab sweets because it is quicker than making myself a proper meal. So i eat enough calories for a meal in one snack and it makes me crave more. So today I made a salad with a little jack cheese, shredded chicken, snap peas carrots, lettuce and a bit of salsa. It was delicious and about what I would consume in one cupcake! Very proud of myself. would like to prepare more small snacks and meals to have on hand so I dont fall into the munchie temptation.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Alrighty I got the walk in with the doggies. I am going to start posting what I get done on a daily basis so here goes:

    Per my hrm the walk was 52 min, we went 2.51 miles. 6679 steps and burned 1311 calories. So when I log my exercise I am logging 800 and will plan to eat about half of that back just to be on the safe side.

    Well thanks for listening. I got to go shower now since I am all sweaty so we can go to the vets. Yay :laugh:
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Oh Kelley! Let's hope that your trainer changes his mind... or that this somehow becomes a blessing in disguise. Crossing my fingers for you!

    Skinnyjeanz- I haven't done full research on different types of cheese and their lactose content. I don't mind missing out on milk, but sour cream, yogurt, and cheese are staples in our house. I tried some cultured coconut milk (instead of yogurt) today.... um yuck. :sick: Maybe I won't feel any different after a few weeks and can cut out something else... like brussel sprouts. I would be okay with cutting out brussel sprouts :tongue:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Nicole~Thanks! His parents are getting older, so I can understand him wanting to be closer by if they need him. I’m selfish in that I really don’t want to lose him as a trainer, he has changed my life, but I also want the best for him. I did an elimination diet and know how hard it can be to give up the things you love. One thing I learned in eliminating dairy is I can tolerate aged cheeses such as parmesan and asiago – I'm stupid and eat other cheeses, but in moderation. I seem to do okay. I also found that I tolerate Greek yogurt better than regular yogurt. But you need to eliminate these things and then introduce them back one at a time to see how you respond. Dairy is inflammatory, so it’s one of the most common food sensitivities. Also, try almond milk instead of regular milk – I love Silk unsweetened vanilla and the chocolate of course. :wink:
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    I finally had to go back to work today. I was getting used to having time off. I think I will enjoy retiring in ~10 years.

    Healthy wishes for all who read this thread!

    Holidays have made me up my weight on the tracker. I did not really eat that bad but was very lazy.

    Macbeth- I was 273 today.:embarassed:

    “The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” ~Alan Kay

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Alrighty I got the walk in with the doggies. I am going to start posting what I get done on a daily basis so here goes:

    Per my hrm the walk was 52 min, we went 2.51 miles. 6679 steps and burned 1311 calories. So when I log my exercise I am logging 800 and will plan to eat about half of that back just to be on the safe side.

    Well thanks for listening. I got to go shower now since I am all sweaty so we can go to the vets. Yay :laugh:

    Hooray, great job!