Caralarma Member


  • I go according to what my fitbit app tells me.. based on my output for the day. So it's not that I eat back every exercise calorie per say... but I look at what my output is and use that to make a deficit which often means being allowed to eat a bit more on active days. I wouldn't go by what MFP tells me regarding how many…
  • I'm not sure if you already do this but I find what works best is to link fitbit to MFP and set up a food plan. What it does, is it will tell you how much to eat each day in order to be in a calorie deficit, depending on your activity (output) for each day. For example, on a day where I am sedentary my output is usually…
  • Horrible idea. Please don't
  • If you have the fitbit app you can go to the meal plan section (I think that's what it's called) and you can sync MFP to it so that it gives you a realistic number of how much more you can eat with regards to your exercise that day. You can also set how much you want your deficit to be.i find it quite helpful and now I…
  • I'm 5'3 and I find that I won't lose on anything above 1200. I can eat around 1400 to maintain though. TIP: Get yourself a fitness tracking watch and sync it up with MFP. It will give you a more personalized calorie budget based on your activity thoughout the day, even if you dont do a proper workout! Instead of focusing…
  • You're lucky... I have to eat 1200 to lose so on 1800 I'd be gaining.
  • Dr Fung is a quack. Obviously you are going to lose weight when you don't eat for 24 hours or more at a time. It's because like with any diet you are creating a calorie deficit and there are easier and more sustainable ways to achieve that. Dr Fung makes it seem like fasting has some magical effect but it doesn't. It's…
  • Ive learned to stay FAR away from the scale for the next day or 2 (at least) after over eating. The number you see will not be a true reflection and it's just demotivating
  • Personally I don't eat exercise calories back. It's too hard to really get a true reflection of how many cals you burned so I would rather go a little bit over sometimes on days I exercise... but don't take the exercise cals too seriously.
  • Here is some uncomplicated info: calorie deficit.
    in Keto Comment by Caralarma September 2021
  • Of course not, because she has probably regained all the weight and more back, restarted and lost more, and then gained again. The cycle of an unsustainable fad diet
  • I don't really understand why anyone would put themselves through this when there are so many other easier and healthier ways to lose weight.
  • I don't believe intermittent fasting has any other benefits besides helping to create a deficit. I know there are certain youtube 'experts' who say it does but there is no solid proof of it. It's just a simple calorie saving tool that has been made complicated in order to make money.
  • Absolute load of *beep*. Obviously you would lose weight if you starved yourself by replacing proper nutritious food with shakes. And even if you wanted to go the shake route... you can find much cheaper options which taste better and do the same thing. Total pyramid scheme as far as I'm concerned.
  • I've never understood why not eating in the morning has become this newfound 'diet' with a fancy name. I've been doing it for years because I'm not hungry in the morning and it allows me to save calories. Simple.
  • Dr Fung is a quack. You lose weight when you fast for 2 days... well no sh1t sherlock! Obviously eating less is going to cause weight loss. I once saw a video where he literally said calories dont matter. And he has so many brainwashed followers. I feel so sorry for them.
  • Veganism should ONLY be done for ethical reasons. There is literally no other reason to eat that way. Weight loss is about calories and even from a health perspective, veganism actually makes it harder to get protein into your diet. Many vegans are actually not healthy and my vegan friend has gained weight over the years…
  • Oh my word... that last point in particular is such a myth 😡 I literally lost weight when I stopped forcing myself to eat breakfast
  • Yikes this just all sounds so restrictive. I've never understood why people combine IF with keto. The whole point of IF is that it allows you to save calories and eat bigger meals when you break your fast. So then why not just eat foods you enjoy instead of throwing the keto fad into the mix? You could get the same results…
  • How long have you been trying to lose weight? About 6 weeks ago I jumped back on the calorie counting and exercise bandwagon and for a good 3 weeks I saw no movement in the scale but then suddenly now the weight is flying off. I think sometimes there are other factors like sodium intake, muscle gain or being on period that…
  • I eat none of them back unless I feel particularly hungry after a workout... then I may eat slightly more. But most of the time I stick to my usual daily goal
  • If you understand how and why cico works then you wouldnt feel the need for a 'cheat meal'. Overall it is your weekly calorie intake that matter so if you go over your calories by eating a large calorie dense meal, you can technically make up for it the next day by eating a bit less. The concept of 'cheating' is used for…
  • Yes it really is that simple, there is just so much misinformation out there, that people get confused and think they need to cut carbs and live on gluten free cardboard etc
  • Yes, you will definitely lose belly fat through diet alone. Exercise will help with definition
  • If I eat over 1200 I maintain but I will not lose. Its because I'm short and so close to my goal weight now. Add me :)
  • Sometimes I eat a 450 calorie mc chicken for dinner and I'm still in a calorie deficit so there is no guilt! If you eat fast food, I suggest just skipping out on the fries as they are usually even more calorie dense than the main meal!
  • I wish I could lose on 1700. I feel like these days if I go over 1200 I stop losing! 😂 (I'm short)
  • I totally agree. Your body really does stop wanting food when you wake up. We have been conditioned to think that we are supposed to eat in the morning and that's the only reason why it's become hard for some to stop that mindset. But the truth is that 'breakfast' simply means breaking your fast and this can be done at any…
  • If you feel like you can live the rest of your life without carbs then do it. But if you enjoy a variety of foods, who not just count calories on MFP?
  • It actually does apply to food as well. It becomes a problem when it cant be controlled, which is why people go to extremes like cutting out carbs etc.. but its not necessary.