

  • Hey Leaner ..what "program" are you doing now...and are you doing any cardio?
  • You can do this...I appears that you are very active however, you may need to readjust your eating...what do your meals look like right now?
  • YES, it is...I did it a couple of months back and I love it...I am starting the asylum...have you been working out or is the going to be new for you?
  • Your journey and success are amazing....what a huge accomplishment!!!! you look great...keep it up
  • You won't get bulky unless you take supplements and lift extremely need to switch up the routine..if you've been doing the same routine for more than 6 weeks then your muscles are used to the movements and weights...switch everything up and add weight, you'll start seeing some changes again. Add more cardio or…
  • Hello Amy and welcome..feel free to add me as well as anyone else. First tip is never use the word diet...its a lifestyle change..make a change everyday and exercise at least 3 days a week for 30 min...on the days that you don't feel like it (and we ALL have those days), do something quick like a fast walk for 20 min, or a…
  • Just fail at 100% of the things you don't try....
  • Your more than welcome to add me as well...
  • Everyone will burn differently depending on their weight and height...I haven't done Chalene Extreme but I have done Turbo Fire and Insanity...and I'll burn around 350 -400 in 45 min or should invest in a HRM or body bugg...the body bugg is about 97% accurate
  • There are 2 that I've done and absolutely loved..the first one is Turbo Fire by Chalene Johnson and Insanity by Shaun T.....both are HIIT but totally different....I've seen success with both of them as a matter of fact I'm considering doing turbo fire again soon
  • I just bought a polar last week and I really like came with the watch and chest strap so I can wear either or..and I have a bodybugg. So far the bodybugg is the most accurate but its expensive...its 200 but you have to pay a subscription every month...for the year its 100..
    in HRM? Comment by blittle40 March 2011
  • I agree with you here...I've learned through my nutrition classes and from my husband being a nurse in the hospital, that dr.'s only receive about 2 maybe 3 hours of nutrition classes during their entire medical college career...just be careful
  • I'll help as well...Im always looking for workout buddies
  • I have a shakeology with PB, banana, almond milk and ice...keeps me full most of the am.... its the best shake in the helped my husbands blood pressure and cholesterol go down...
  • what a great place to put the say whatever it takes!!!
  • try
  • where did u find that...I eat bananas everyday...and Im still having success...
  • your body only needs about 30-35 grams of protein a day...any more than that will only get wasted and flushed away...
  • thats awesome, great results...Im almost done with Insanity and then Im considering the P90X..
  • what kind of group instructor?
  • Hey guys, don't lose hope...just take it day by day and small steps..each day you add on...its not a change that can be made in a week or small amounts throughout the day so your levels stay consistent. If you need anything just let me know and I will do what I can...I am a fitness professional and I love…
  • or even look into a bodybugg...they are a little pricey but well worth it...I have one and use it all day tells me how many calories I burn all day, how many steps, how much total activity, and when I connect it to my computer I can log all my food intake for the day and it gives me totals for far…
  • I am not in the UK but I can tell u what I've done and its worked really well. I (actually my whole family) drinks this shake called "Shakeology", it has all the nutrients your body needs to kick start your day. And we use almond milk or water with a banana (or any fruit of ur choice...or none at all), with powdered peanut…
  • hey yoga runner...Im with ya on that one...
  • seems like a lot but I have a goal and because I am so close I feel I really need to push myself...I don't plan to continue this way for an extended amt. of
  • Hey Erin...I've been working out for a while now and so I am used to the motions..I would NEVER recommend that workout to anyone who is just starting out...
  • I can say I don't have any of those but I do have quite a current one is insanity and so far it rocks...I've also done Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire and I LOVE, LOVE , LOVE them..of course I am biased because I know one of the girls on the video..
  • Hey there...its awesome that your doing so well on your journey. As far as the time issue...I find that if I schedule my workouts then I am more likely to do them...I make to do lists everyday and so far its been really great. What time of day do you feel your best?