New! looking to add people & for support!

Tribbey143 Posts: 388 Member
I'm 24 years old, female and I can't lose weight:embarassed: ..I ran a marathon last October thinking that would help but I didn't lose anything. I also tried playing on 4 indoor soccer teams...and didn't lose a pound....I love working out and exercising makes me feel great!!!! I go at least 4-5 times a week. So, there is the other side of this FOOD. I love food...I don't eat awful or a ton..but I am good on the working out part and need to focus all my energy on my eating in hopes I can lose some weight that way.

It would be nice to see other peoples progress and check in with them and cheer them on...Thanks for you're time in reading this. btw, I'm 5'1'' and 146 pounds, I want to be 125 or less. :flowerforyou: Now off to the gym!


  • blittle40
    blittle40 Posts: 31
    You can do this...I appears that you are very active however, you may need to readjust your eating...what do your meals look like right now?
  • Kytana
    Kytana Posts: 63
    Hello and Welcome!! Feel free to add me - we can cheer each other on!

    You'll find lots of support and great tips, recipes, etc. out here.
  • denise980
    denise980 Posts: 296
    I added you :-) Hope I can help with some support!!!!!
  • Marcus_E
    Marcus_E Posts: 124
    Welcome to MFP... I've sent a FR..

    Response to your post: Very very impressive with the amount of activity and especially the marathon, that certainly is no easy task. With that much activity, I'd suggest to look at the foods your eating - are you eating enough or too much or the wrong type of foods. Remember also you need to counter balance what you exert etc, ie ensuring you consume most of the exercised calories (although I'm certainly not an expert in this..)

    Best of luck with it all.. I'm sure it'll all work out very soon :)
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    I've got a long way to go myself, but I've sent a friend request and would be honored to be of any help I could be...
  • Nettie512
    Nettie512 Posts: 11 Member
    I'll add you....I could use some support myself!! ;-p