Elliptical and Caloric Burning Questions...

When I do the Elliptical machine at the gym, it tells me I burn usually about 480 calories in 45 minutes, however on MFP it gives me a much higher number of calories that I have burned.

Which is more accurate? What number should I go with?


  • JBennis1013
    JBennis1013 Posts: 377 Member
    Neither is really all that accurate as you don't usually keep your hands on the sensors 100% of the time while exercising and MFP tends to over estimate. You should invest in a HRM with chest strap to get the most accurate reading.
  • Jess21684
    Jess21684 Posts: 202 Member
    I would probably go w the machine. If your putting in your weight and all that when you get on the elliptical its probably more accurate than mfp. I would go with the lower calorie count just to b on the safe side. its better to underestimate than to overestimate hey, it wont hurt anything if you actually burned a little more than you logged. The best thing is to wear a HRM. that will be your most accurate way to measure calories burned. I wear mine and i never burn as many on the elliptical than what mfp says i do :/ but when im jogging on the treadmill, my HRM says i burn MORE. HRM are supposed to be the most accurate cause its going off of your heartrate. mfp is just a average estimate, it doesnt know what your HR is at during your workout or how intense your really working out either. Go with the lower number for now so it doesnt backfire on you but def think about getting a HRM
  • TonysMiss
    TonysMiss Posts: 128 Member
    Depends on age, gender, weight and so on......definitely agree with the HRM comment. Mine is the opposite. I usually burn more than it shows here or on the equipment at the gym according to mine. I think its worth the $. You don't have to spend a lot.
  • melon_e
    I was having the same issues. My machine gave me one number, and MFP gave me another. I finally got a HRM with a chest strap, and it gives me lower numbers than the machine and MFP. It normally gives me between 100-150 calories less than my machine! If you can, I suggest getting a heart rate monitor.
  • AdrianCountsToo
    awesome, that helps out big time :) I will have to get a HRM and I need to make some adjustments...
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    My HRM and MFP are very close for the elliptical... about 20 calories difference in 30 min. (my HRM says I burn 20 calories more). Anyway as others already said. A HRM is the way to go. I recommend the Timex Zone Trainer - good price and free shipping (and good reviews) on Amazon.com
  • alex063287
    alex063287 Posts: 61 Member
    I just recently bought a HRM and my readings were higher than the machines. I asked the trainer that works at my place what is more accurate, my watch or the machine and she said the watch. She told me that the machines are set a very conservative setting which means probably the least amount of calories you could burn. Go with the calorie lost amount on the MFP website, but my best advice is get a HRM watch and chest strap.
  • blittle40
    or even look into a bodybugg...they are a little pricey but well worth it...I have one and use it all day long...it tells me how many calories I burn all day, how many steps, how much total activity, and when I connect it to my computer I can log all my food intake for the day and it gives me totals for everything...so far its been the most accurate device I've tried....and I've tried A LOT of them..