Sadi_Kalen Member


  • Hi ladies, I'm almost back in weight-loss mode again, having reached my goal weight the xmas before this last one just gone. This one seems to be undoing my maintenance, despite working out like a madwoman with cardio/kettlebells 5 days a week consistently. I have purposely upped my cals to help build the muscle as my goal…
  • count me in too! got to my goal weight last year and have spent six months trying to maintain it. currently working with kettlebells to build up some lean mass.
  • chiming in on this one because i've also struggled to reach a healthy BMI as part of my weight loss. currently in maintenance mode - although i'd be stoked if i could lose another 5 lbs or so. my BMI is still at the higher end of 24 and i'm only 2 lbs away from the overweight category. i also used to believe a healthy BMI…
  • congratulations! reaching our goals is one of the things i love about MFP. i thought it would bother me having to continue logging everything i eat and calorie counting to maintain, but i've enjoyed the flexibility of my diet since i reached maintenance. i hope you maintain successfully or lose more if that's your goal! :D…
  • i try to. most days i track everything i eat and my exercise cals to be sure i'm keeping even. have been in maintenance mode for 4 months now and trying to be careful with it despite having the odd indulgence. life is meant for living, not monitoring yourself 100% every day. i find that so long as i eat whole foods (not…
  • hi all. i'll add mine to this thread because i've been in maintenance now since christmas/2014. it's been a difficult journey over the last couple of months with this as i also needed to find my true maintenance. i notice that most short women like me (those barely over 5') have to eat closer to 1500 calories per day and…
  • thank you all for the great advice! :D i have started to do this as i reached a few pounds above my goal weight and my weight seems to have stabilized to a normal BMI. i don't feel the need to strive for those last 5 lbs if my body really wants to keep them and i am terrified of gaining it all back! i've continued to count…
  • i'm meant to be in maintenance now myself. original goal weight was 57 kg but i have settled at 59 as it seems to want to stay at 59 - 60 kg. annoys the hell out of me, i am trying everything i can to get back down to 57 kg at least (60 kg is in the overweight range for my BMI). have been over training so i'm taking a…
  • i'm still experimenting at this stage as i only just reached my goal weight around 3 weeks ago. very disappointed to find out due to my PCOS, i need to continue doing more than an hour per day of cardio just to maintain. i'm looking into weight-lifting as well, though i'm not a lover of exercise, despite getting into a…
  • i am an introvert who wants people to like me, despite my social failings.
  • Have you tried Leslie Sansone's Walk Away The Pounds cardio workouts? They are low-moderate intensity and I just LOVE them! I'm less than 5 lbs away from my goal weight and my only exercise routine has been walking and Leslie's videos. Here is a YouTube link to show you a bunch of her videos:…
  • great question, OP! I'm about 2-3 kg (4-6 lbs) away from my goal weight and looking into maintenance plans now. I had in mind to keep doing what I'm doing with exercise and continuing to log but like the others, I'm also starting to re-introduce favourite comfort foods again (not every day and I'm still watching portion…
  • i used to suffer extreme gas and i noticed it went away the more i cut sugars out of my eating plan. if i start getting too gassy, i eliminate sugar. it could be gassy foods in particular for you or perhaps hidden sugars in drinks/foods if you suffer similarly to me. since cutting out a LOT of sugar and junk food i get so…
  • i've been at this woe almost exactly the same time as you, Carbmonster and i have to say i've fallen for it wholeheartedly as well for all the reasons you mention here. i have lost 5 kg since i switched from plain ol' calorie restriction in early September, which is awesome because my numbers were not moving despite being…
  • i too have PCOS. after many blood tests and next to no periods over the last few years, the dreaded weight gain and anxiety, my doc finally gave me a dx for PCOS. my first attempt at weight loss failed dismally and i actually put my body into starvation mode because eating 1200 calories per day plus exercise waz WRONG for…
  • just chiming in here as a newbie to 5:2. i have been losing weight since July 1st with caloric restriction alone but after a month-long stall and facing the possibility of lowering calories even further than i could cope with, i decided to try 5:2. it took almost 3 weeks on this woe for me to start shifting the scale again…
  • if you like slow cooker curries and/or vegan dishes that are absolutely delicious, this one is my absolute favourite!
  • i'm keen to start eating this way as lowering calories is driving me nuts! i've had to slow my exercise right down due to a knee injury and i'm sure it's going to heal but my daily walks have to stop for awhile and when i do get back into it i need to ease into it without moving up to daily walks again too quickly. in the…
  • absolutely not. one of the things i promised myself when i started this lifestyle change waz that i would not do this to myself. this is a forever deal for me. if i can't have the occasional treat meal or a blow-out day every now and again where i don't log obsessively then that's what this will become for me. an…
  • i usually have half a cup of oatmeal and milk sprinkled with brown sugar or yogurt or a curried egg wrap with lettuce. have even had hot chocolate milk and mixed fruit too. varies for me, i tend to repeat my lunches and dinners more.
  • welcome! congratulations on your exercise successes! i just wanted to say hi and welcome you and to also give you a friendly warning about exercise based on my own painful experience. from your post i would be worried about the pain you are feeling in your joints after pushing yourself. please be careful. i ended up with…
  • welcome to MFP! lots of wonderful and supportive people here. you will reach your goal. ^_^
  • sound advice! i've just started to increase the amount of times i walk each week and have found a route that burns 200 calories already! very easy to do and next week i will increase the walk by another mile and see how that goes. i have walked my entire life and my heaviest weight waz 80kg (180lb) so there's some truth to…
  • no foods will be off-limits for life as i think that's unrealistic but i have sworn off all white breads, pasta, rice and adding sugar to anything while i am in weight-loss mode. i make the occasional exception for rice or some brown sugar with my oatmeal but otherwise, i eat clean 90% of the time. i have stopped drinking…
  • have you visited any websites to calculate your actual daily requirements, based on all your factors? sorry if you have already done so but i highly recommend this will give you the actual number of calories you need to consume to continue losing weight. you will have…
  • honestly, a few reasons. firstly, have been a slim girl most of my life and getting older, stress and overeating have put me at 20kg (30+lb) overweight. have never battled with the health issues and pain carrying around all that extra weight before in my life, so i can't ignore it now. high cholesterol and bp waz…