scubasuenc Member


  • Everyone has a different view on treats. For those with binge eating disorders some treats are trigger foods and need to be avoided. That isn't the case for me. If I have enough calories for something I'm craving, then I'll have it. And if don't have the calories today, then I'll plan it into my calories for tomorrow if…
  • Since you are trying to lose 20 lbs a 1 lb per week loss is the generally recommended rate. A 50 g protein drink is probably 200+ calories. Not sure you will have the calories in your meal plan to do much more with it than mix it in water. There is nothing special about protein shake. Log the calories and macro and include…
  • Been there and done that. I once lost 80 lbs and gained almost all of it back before I started this journey. I think the biggest thing is looking at it as a diet. Once I finished my diet I returned to the old eating habits that put the weight on in the first place. This time is different for me in a number of ways (1) I'm…
  • My TDEE calculation was my total calories burned before I factored in a cut. I took (weight lost * 3500) + calories in = TDEE. I regularly calculate 14, 21 and 28 day average TDEE. At the time I calculated 2800 for my TDEE I was eating between 1300 and 1400 calories. That's less than half what my body needed. I was tired…
  • The rice and pasta packages I have all specify that it is uncooked weight.
  • I have used her DVDs and still do so occasionally. I like them because they are low impact and can be done anywhere. I have never done her program exclusively it has always been a part of other regular exercise, so I can't comment about how effective they are. However I do know that if I strap my HRM on during one of her…
  • I really question the premise that our bodies do not need the predicted number of calories. That is what I told myself when I joined MFP in October 2013. I believed the years of yo-yo dieting and my Type 2 diabetes had 'ruined' my metabolism. I started with the MFP recommended calorie goal and per my doctor's instructions…
  • So they must expect the disease to progress no matter what people do. I have gone from insulin to no medication and I still test more than 200 times per year. If you want to test more than they allowed amount and your doctor won't overrule see if Walmart sells their meters in Canada. Here in the US they sell an inexpensive…
  • News to me. I have protein shakes every day to meet my protein goals. No beard, hair on back, or bulk. Just a lot less of me than there used to be. :) Who knows what she was thinking but her information was wrong.
  • My sane side looks in the mirror and sees that I look like a different woman. It sees the smaller clothes, the fact I can climb several flights of stairs without dying, and all of the other positive changes I've made. My crazy size looks in the mirror and still sees a fat woman. It ignores all of the improvements and…
  • My work-out attire is the same at home and at the gym. Capri or bicycle length shorts and a t-thirt with a good supportive sports bra beneath it. It is all about comfort and minimizing the jiggle. I spend as little on work-out attire as possible and fashion doesn't enter into the picture. Wear what you are comfortable with.
  • There isn't really a correlation between how many pounds you have to lose to go down a size. We all carry our weight in different places and it does not come off everywhere at once. Also sizes are not the same from designer to designer, so one size 16 will not be the same as another. Personally as I've lost weight I've…
  • I have a HRM and FitBit and find that both FitBit and MFP typically under estimate my TDEE. The most accurate tool to use is your scale. If you keep accurate numbers of calories in then you can figure out calories out. I calculate my TDEE using 14, 21 and 28 day averages. average TDEE for period = (total calories in during…
  • I have gotten my diabetes under control to the point where I no longer need any medication. My doctor told me to reduce my testing frequency. However I still do a fasting test in the morning. I recently stopped the metforminm so I am testing occasionally after a meal just to make sure that I'm still in the normal range. I…
  • The MFP method is NEAT - Non-exercise-activity-thermogensis (I think that is what it means). When you set it to lightly active it estimates your daily calorie burn excluding exercise. This is more than your BMR, which is the calorie requirement to sustain you in a coma. When you say you want to lose 1lb per week, MFP…
  • I had bariatric surgery 17 years ago. I lost 80 lbs and then slowly gained it all back. I am now about 50lbs less than my lowest after surgery. I was fortunate in that I did not have a lot of side affects. Even today there are times I get nauseous and throw up for no good reason. It isn't necessarily a particular food or…
  • Also remember things other than what you eat can affect your numbers. BG control is not a perfect science where you can point to food in -> BG response. For example, I can walk to get my lunch and my BG will go up. It isn't really a workout or exercise, it is a five minute walk down and up a few flights of stairs. When I…
  • I don't know specifically about running, but I do know that there are days I do double workouts and both include a significant cardio component. One thing is both of my cardio activities are low impact (stationary bike and elliptical). I'm not sure I'd do doubles on a day where I was doing something that had impact like…
  • My BF is a pretty good clothes picker. He has yet to suggest something I didn't like. I doubt he'd know size, but I can't blame him for that. Size has been changing so frequently that I don't know the size myself until I try something on. :) I usually go in with two sizes to try on.
  • I'm a T2D too. My breakfast most mornings is 227g plain non-fat greek yogurt mixed with a scoop of flavored protein powder and da vinci sugar free syrup flavor to complement the protein powder. That's about 48g of protein for about 240 calories depending on your yogurt and protein powder. Since I aim for a few more carbs…
  • I have bad knees, so I've stayed with low impact cardio from the beginning. Cycling, swimming, walking, elliptical, and rowing are all great cardio that can be done with bad knees.
  • 11 out of 12.
  • Simply put yes. If you average your goal for the week you should lose weight. I am usually close to a little under my goal during the week and might go a little over during the weekend. I average out to my weekly target and lose weight pretty consistently.
  • Most people under estimate how much they are eating by a great deal. Start off by being accurate about what your mom is eating and drinking. Measure everything and log everything. If you can get her exercising, she should be able to lose weight on 1600 calories or so per week. I'm only 7 years younger than her and I weigh…
  • 100 to 125 most days. I'm on 1700 calories and set at 30% from carbs.
  • Mini goals are awesome, but for me I have had to focus on developing habits that help make me healthy. I wake up each morning with two goals (1) eat under my calorie limit (2) exercise at least 30 minutes. I know if I do those two things, the weight will come off. Sometimes the scale moves faster and sometimes it moves…
  • I was over 300 lbs when I started this weight loss journey. Just like it doesn't come off overnight it doesn't go on overnight either. I hit 180 by 15 and then went up slowly, reaching 330 by 31, then lost 80 lbs in a year and spent the next 15 years working my way back to 300 again. The gradual change allowed me to ignore…
  • I've been drinking Diet Coke throughout my weight loss, and it hasn't hindered anything. I drink the equivalent of about 3 cans per day most days. Generally I stop around noon and switch to water mixed with some crystal light. I just don't like plain water. I am definitely addicted to the caffeine and get withdrawal…
  • There is some evidence that taking it via IV can help diabetic neuropathy. It is used in Germany for that. The jury is out on whether or not oral supplements have any affect. There are no good studies saying it helps lower blood sugar levels in either IV or oral forms.
  • If you set your daily goal based on TDEE calculations minus a deficit then you do not eat back any of your daily exercise calories. Many people log the exercise and time and then enter 1 calorie so their macros aren't affected. I go ahead and log the exercise calories based on my HRM or other method of measuring and then…