SteamClutch Member


  • I have not been wearing a belt for months now, I will by next week for sure. Yesterday I had some winter squash with my eggs for breakfast, I had lots of fat too, I will never do that again. I felt like I was starving all day. They say keep your heavy carbs for dinner and I know it is true now, I generally do not eat like…
  • I have a bottle of L-glutamine coming in today, I didn't know it would do that, yippy!
  • I talked to my Barista who says she cannot have caffeine anymore (sounds crazy) and so I have a half pound of Decaf Mocha Java which she says is what she drinks as well. She tells me it has chocolate notes too, which is good because I dropped chocolate too this month tomorrow morning I will hopefully be my old self again.
  • Oh yeah and Sprints when the weather permits.
  • The longest Journey begins with not looking at the map
  • Deep knee bends, one legged deep knee bends, push ups, planks, eccentric weights for upper body, resistive rubber bands for upper body too. I have a jinked up left shoulder currently so I have to take it easy but it seems to be getting stronger now that I stopped treating it too easily.
  • I have been Decaf Green Tea now for two weeks and it is killing me, so today I am grabbing some Decaf coffee at the store (anyone have any suggestions) I do not miss the caffeine I miss the flavor of coffee. Not sure I can face another cup of this and I have been drinking it for months now. BTW caffeine is not a problem…
  • I eat eggs every morning and vary the style and then add on some veggies, and I do different cook ups every Sunday for my lunches for the week along with a salad or veggies everyday too, then dinners vary every night. So you can say I eat similar things everyday but the cycle doesn't repeat with the exception of breakfast…
  • I do not have a sweet tooth... unless I am doing a Reset. It seems this restriction really pulls at all of us and we can become hyper-focused about the things we are avoiding. Best thing we can do is not kick ourselves and keep moving.
  • ACV is good for you and your digestion, it has been around a long time too. If you do follow this make sure you get Bragg's or some other ACV that has the "mother" in it. I was not aware it helped curb your sweet cravings but that would be a bonus.
  • Yes it is acceptable, it works well for making Mayo and dressing too
  • I agree, even if we are not all getting the same results physically, our bodies are getting better.
  • Kiss that week goodbye; as I said before I am not trying to loose anymore weight necessarily but it seems my waist is pulling in and my pants are having a hard time staying up, and now my wedding ring keeps slipping off when I wash my hands. I am still not weighing myself until this is over but there are already obvious…
  • No flu here (yet) I was pretty solidly paleo anyway, I am just tightening up a bit and using this to kick my own behind into gear. During Christmas and New Years I ate pretty boring the only thing I allowed myself to indulge in was dairy and a bit more chocolate than usual but it totally got me the first time I did this.
  • Here is the link for any wanting to join in.
  • Leena, you do not need to track with everyone, many people start this any time of the month, but it is easier for many of us to compartmentalize the process withing the confines of the month. I would encourage you to start as soon as you're ready and not pass up on this, it really brings an awareness of our relationship…
  • For all of us in the throws of this please read this article and enjoy.
  • This is probably the right time to post this article it tends to go up in the first week to add a bit of humor to the plight many of us are working through. Enjoy!
  • Leena, That is the direct path or you can go to community then groups and if you joined it should show up in the groups. I made bone broth yesterday as well, 24 hours in the crock pot, all the same veggies listed above and added Rosemary to mine, beef, pork and lamb bones all in mine and I will make another batch tomorrow.…
  • Week 1: ? lbs (I have not weighed myself in 5 months, all my clothes feel and fit the same) Goal: I am not looking to loose weight but I may doing this, I am content with the way I feel but my main goal is to work on gut health and to drop caffeine for at least the month.
  • I'm Roland, I live in Oregon USA and I am also avoiding the Diabetic saturation that is showing up in my family as well as all the other "age" related maladies. Been doing this Primal/Paleo thing for a year now and have one Whole30 under my belt where I lost the last 11 pounds. I do not weigh anymore but I may at the end…
  • Whatever works best, I have no issues with someone firing one up, keep things in a sidebar if that works. I am going to join up to msnucerity's we can move things there if everyone is okay with that.
  • Nice, and referencing me in the same sentence as cheese is awesome and of course humanity must be saved. So we are coming closer to the start line, just to reiterate; we all trip and fall so there will be no judgments to anyone who trips. That said, tripping is no reason to drop out of the race, so please do not be too…
  • Buck is great and he is tied into the Paleo community so he works these deals or is at least informed when they happen. I have too many books to read because of him :)
  • Welcome All, lew0017, you will be amazed at how you are feeling in a week or two after you start this. I do recommend reading up a bit before you start and there are some really good and free resources at the website and many others. A google search will fill up your days and nights with testimonials and ideas.…
  • Welcome to all the new comers
  • That was great, too bad the video wasn't working for me. Welcome to all who just committed to this, I do not do New Years Resolutions but this is a good way to start any year.
  • cindytw, I was never a big chocolate fan until I started Paleo but I am now. I discovered dark chocolate and now will not touch anything below 85%, the sugar is minimal in the stuff I eat but I am dropping it because I did it before and I can do it again, I tend to be very disciplined with myself and look at it as a…